Sep 1, 2017 21:36
No. I don't want to continue unfruitful discussions like on-or-off-topic issue of a post any further. It's an endless, circular argument until we bring it to the U.S. Supreme Court to beg for its decision. You guys keep yap if you wish. I won't.
Sep 1, 2017 21:36
Continued: You are my good, longtime friend. I appreciate your usual attention on my post.
Sep 1, 2017 21:36
@Mari-Lou A. As it happened several time (confeve and so on, I forgot) in the past. Every time my question is closed, it's reopened immediately. So many men, so many minds. I wish we could decide whether it's on or off topic by a simple math formula, like 1+1 =2. I'm really sick & tired of arguing what is on-topic and off-topic. How many times have we argued it? I've wasted enough time and words on this issue. Now my post is reopened AS USUAL. The game is set. It's over. I don't want to argue on this matter anymore. However, Mari-Lou. please don't take me bad.
Sep 1, 2017 21:36
@Hot Licks. I'm not saying "Off ttopic" is popularity contest. I'm saying people basically wouldn't interested in off-topic subject and give 10 or more up-votes, no less a favorite vote. They are not dumb as you might think. Users have good appreciation.
Sep 1, 2017 21:36
Continued. I suggest those close-voters to learn the FACT that the questions once branded as off-topic by only a handful users were on-topic to a thousand to 458,000, 4.5 times as many as EL&U user base.
Sep 1, 2017 21:36
I’m not convinced reason why the question which earned 8 up-votes less a handful down-votes and attracted 1k-plus view and solicited the valuable answer winning 28 up-votes is branded off--topic. In the answerers and comments, some said they haven't seen the phrase "presidential president" very often. Much less non native English speakers like me. Closing a question for reason of off-topic happened with my previous question on Mr. Trump’s “covefefe” which garnered 458k views.
Sep 1, 2017 21:36
@Doc. I put the last question knowingly, for fun. They look of course weird.
Sep 1, 2017 21:36
@Clare. True. Though Concise Oxford Dictionary (10th Ed.) and Oxford American Dictionary (1900 Ed.) at hand simply show 'presidential' as an adjective or derivative of 'president' without giving any explanation, online Oxford Dictionary provides the second definition of 'presidential as: Having a behavior or demeanor befitting a president. dignified and confident. By the way, I use to consult OAELD when I'm posting a question only because it happens to be on my electronic dictionary at hand, and I find it carries basically same or similar definitions with COD.
Sep 1, 2017 21:36
@Mari Lou A. I'm glad you are still looking at my post. If we call Mr Trump Presidential President, how about calling Mike Pence a "vice- presidential vice president?"
Sep 1, 2017 21:36
@Clare. Of course I checked. When I don't get the idea of the text, I've never failed to consult dictionaries before posting the question. Oxford Advanced English Learners Dictionary at hand defines simply adj. (without giving any of its meanings and showing only. example: a presidential campaign, presidential system of government. Readers English Japanese Dictionary defines it as adj. (1) of president. (2) governing, directing, commanding, both of which don't seem to fit to the above text.
Jun 3, 2017 14:31
@Josh. Check the number on the site. 64k vews were recorded in 14 hours after I posted this question. Is this question still offtopic, and not a small number of 64,574 users at this moment are all dumbs and screwed-ups who can't even dicern whether it's a typo or not?
Jun 3, 2017 14:31
@Mari-Lou A. As I wrote I googled before posting my question, which I never fail to do everytime I post a question. There was no links nor relevant headings about Covefefe when I checked at 7 O'clock Tokyo Time this morning, and I found that there was UD entry with 1000 upticks when I received an answer from Josh. I was also almost believing what an expert-looking guest told in TV show I saw in Washington Post link where he said Covefefe means "Let's go to bed" in Yidish. He was a native English speaker, and I'm not. Which can be more confident in interpreting a word that looks like English?
Jun 3, 2017 14:31
Cont* Can you judge if it is on topic or off topic if I asked the same question about the meaning of coverage or covefefe, whichever in Japanese or Chinese language or in Greek? Please don't press your standard of knowledge and command of English to all EL&U users including me.
Jun 3, 2017 14:31
Mari-Lou A. My experience on this site. C'mon. I'm not a naive English speaker, and my command of English, I presume, is 2nd or 3rd grade at the most, if Mr. Trump's "English level " is that of 11-year old as some journals put it. How could I guess the meaning of "covfefe" when the word come up as a hot topic in major American journals and hundred thousands of English enthusiasts are eager to know. If I knew the meaning I wouldn't take a bother of consulting dictionaries and google, and posting the question.
Jun 3, 2017 14:31
@Edwin Ahworth- How can you be sure this is typo, thus my quetion be closed, when another user says "it's too soon to tell for sure, " and other users provide different intrerpretations? Why the question that attracted 63k views in a half day, earned 22 up-votes, and 3 favorites, plus Famous, Notable, Popular, and Nice Budges altogether should be closed? Don't a lot of users who are interested in the question deserve to know the answers. Do you wannna muzzle one's mouth simply under the pretext of off topic, which applies only a select few who believe "I Know What"? Is it Democracy you call?
Jun 3, 2017 14:31
@Andrea Lazzarotto. EL&U cherishes record and number. Otherwise why does EL&U update reputation every day. It's a source of motivation. Protest me after building your own record. It's just like a beginning golfer with a handicap 160 criticizing a pro-golfer, though I know well it's a rude and bad simile, and I would never have uttered it to others than you, I think it properly matches the tone of your beginnig phrase. Why don't you learn the sophisticated way the above top ranking user commented. By the way, the topic of question is the hottest one today. Go to google to make sure of it.
Jun 3, 2017 14:31
To new 4 close-voters. It seems you are living in the lawless country where the universal rule of "ne bis in idem" doesn't exist. This post was once closed and reopened in a few hours. You are restarting the same circle again. I don't mind at all if it's closed again, now that I earned 41 up-votes, got 7 favorites, Famous, Notable, Nice budges and marked 215k views in two days, which I deem justifies the validity of my post. I wish some of you outplay my record, regardless your like /dislike and pros and cons of this question. I hope you guys be a bit more flexible than being fundamental.
Jun 3, 2017 14:31
@Josh. Wow! I wasn't only one humour-less.
Jun 3, 2017 14:31
Is it Urban Dictionary? Expeditious covefefe!
Jun 3, 2017 14:30
Cont: Don't cling to a scholastic mantra of "OFF-TOPIC." Of course, there are different views as you have. As you may know, my question was once closed on the pretext of off-topic, but it was reopened immediately after being put on hold. It means there are people who judge it on topic. Reverently, your view and your interpretation arn't necessarily a universal one. There are liberals and conservatives in the world on on /off topic matter, particularly in this site. YMMV. I'm sick'n tired repeating the same argument for a these couple of days. Take it easy, boys. I'll keep my mouth shut here.
Jun 3, 2017 14:30
@Andrea Lazzarotto. Neither I want to waste time in wasteful discussion. Yes, it was a typo. Nobody would care my typo. But when it's a typo made by a prominent person like the President of the United Sates of America, it matters. "Covefefe" was uttered / writen in no other than English language context by English speaking dignity, not in French, German, Russian, Greek, Japanese Chinese, or Jawanese. It's clearly "English," no other than any other languages, and no matter whether it's intended or typo. What else the language could be? It spreads worldwide and starts to get a new meaning.
Jun 3, 2017 14:30
@Andrea Lazzotto.. I'm greatly surprised to the fact 34 users up-voted, 7 users found this question favorite to the question what you call off-topic. The word is the focus of topic around the world. Most of mass media in U.S. kept wasting time and space on this word. Why are they interested in the word, which is off-topic. Why did EL&U users looked into this question 200,000 times, which is 29% more than the total of registered EL&U users? Are all of them persons of leisure and "nutsboy," or the ignorant who cannot tell off-topic from on-topic?
Jun 3, 2017 14:30
@Hot Licks. I clearly confirmed that on/off topic issue has nothing to do with popularrity in my comment to Carpet smoker. I'm pointing out the number of up-votes and favorite votes which should reflect users' evaluation of quality and relevance of the post to EL&U users. The fact that the post was reopend only after a few hours it was put to hold proves worthiness of posting this question, which are the focus of American public and non-Americans like me on the other side of the earth right now.
Jun 3, 2017 14:30
Cont. Even President Trump is off-topic to Americans who disregard him. But note that there are many people, users who are interested in his word, which is absolutely on-topic to them. I think the abuse of the word, "off topic" always withers interest and motivation of users.
Jun 3, 2017 14:30
@Carpetsmoker. O.K. 132k view is irrelevant to on/off topic issue. But 28 upvoters valued this question valid. They didn't think this question off-topic and worthless, while five users judged it off-topic and to be discarded. Why all major journals and TVs pick up this particular word, when it's off topic. There should be a certain reason for media and you arguing this word, provided it's a misspelling. It's easy to blow out or kill a post by caliing it's off-topic. When you start saying "off topic," every word can be off topic to those who are not interested in.
Jun 3, 2017 14:30
Cont. and am angry for your betraying majority (85%) of the users simply by brandishing a narrow-minded OFF TOPIC flag. With that said, I'm convinced this question will be reopened shortly based on my past experience and record. The view is still building up every minute, as if laughing at anachronistic Close votes, though I'm not saying Close voters..
Jun 3, 2017 14:30
To close voters. I protest your judgement.The question which attracted 114k views and earned 28 up-votes in a single day was closed under the "stale" pretext of OFFTOPIC by five votes. Is it The Democracy Anglophones pride? Have you ever posted a question / answer scoring 114k views in a single day (now 132k a day after)? Are 28 up-voters and 125,100 users (80 %, four fifth! of all EL&U users, now 85% a day after) ) - which Josh said unbelievable, - who were interested in this question all nuts? I'm sorry for many, many, many users who have visited and favored my question,

 English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by Englis...
Aug 30, 2015 03:25
There are many Japanese decents in Brazil and many immigrant workers from Brazil in Japan now. I've been to Sao paolo on media (time and space) purchase business, and ate Fejoada (?) and enjoyed local liquour called Pisco(?) which is transparent, but changes into milky white when mixed with water.
Aug 30, 2015 03:11
Please send yor new input to me. By the way reyour engegement in Prttogueese site, I think it' a fun. I know Tsuyoshi Ito, Japanese of Canadian college fuculty and EL&U user has joined Japanese Language & usage site of SE. and taking its leadership. I studied Chinese 20 yeas ago in Beijin, and almost forgot, but still keep a ray of interest in Chinese language.
Aug 30, 2015 02:56
Hi. tchrist. What's up?
Aug 29, 2015 21:47
@tchrist. There was a lot of good learning from this time question, language-wise and procedure-wise. I know you on question and answer, but this was the first time of communicating personally. It was good and encouraging. I've seldom joined the chat. Because it takes more time in constructing English sentences and texing then than you native speakers. But I feel like joining moore often by taking advantage of this opportunity.
Aug 29, 2015 21:29
@Mitch. Is there specific writen statement about vote right of reopen in Mod's Rule? Is it a 'legal' view or moralistic view?
Aug 29, 2015 21:21
Corection: for a mod to vote at the 5th turn. → for a mod to vote Re-open on his or her own question at the 5th turn in order of Reopen votes .
Aug 29, 2015 21:16
@Mitch. Ididn't unlock my question in question. But I had an incidence of unlocking my 'closed' question without knowing the rule that Mod's single vote is equivalent to 5 votes. I was sternly blaimed for abusing mod's power (if it worth the name of power) at that time. But I was told that it's O.K. for a mod to vote at the 5th turn. I wonder whether my memory is correct or not.
Aug 29, 2015 21:01
It didn't occur to me that computor changes your personality. That's true. I understand.
Aug 29, 2015 20:43
I want to be as much lenient and goodwilled as possible because English language enthusiasts - regardless native or non-native - are all human, and I spent 82 years on this belief.
Aug 29, 2015 20:43
A lot of thanks. I think your 'Reopen' suggestion in the Chat assisted the reopening. Beside, your explanation on this usage of the phrase was really helpful and enlightning. Such working input is never obtainable through dictionary. I still wonder why close voters thought I saved the efforts to get specific information and judged it off-topic. I've never voted close, but for mod job. I gave down-votes only twice or thrice since joining this communiity.
Aug 29, 2015 20:21
@tchrist. Good morning. It's 5:15 AM Tokyo time. I found that my question about Trump's 'Deal with it" was unlocked without resorting to my 5th usr vote.
Aug 29, 2015 02:48
tchrist. Well. thanks a lot for your help and input.
Aug 29, 2015 02:46
No. never. I so cannot measure how it is rude or harsh. Your "Trum is notrious for ... Ms Dowd was mimicking ...." line is the exact implication and answer that I was looking for in my question which I could not get from definitions in dictionaries, that close-voters demanded me to do.
Aug 29, 2015 02:36
I found often in ELU site that a matter (of course in English) which interests non-native English speakers is uninteresting or self-explanatory thus off-topic matter to native english speakers. That's a problem of non-native English speakers to be in the community where native speakers voices are dominant and loud. But I accept it as 'reality of life' for those who wish to peek into western world with an oldman's sigh of 'satori' -realization.
Aug 29, 2015 02:21
Thank your coment, and I'm flattered with your last line. Actually I've gotten badges on 73% of more than 900 posts. So I think I know what's good questions and wrong (off-topic) questions. That's why I'm sticking to close votes, which I could esily neglect as just one of 900 questions.
Aug 29, 2015 02:08
Via e-mail, or by phone? I think now that I got 4 reopens, it'll be retrieved soon or later. But I personaly think there's tendency for top echeron users to wield off-topc vote, which is highly intuisive, subjective and can not be measured by objective scales, say numbers.
Aug 29, 2015 01:57
I found 4th reopening votes this morning. pls. see mod chat.
Aug 29, 2015 01:53
Hi,`@tchrist. Thank you for your "Please reopen" message. Regarding this question, I posted the following question in Mod chat section this morning.
Jul 23, 2014 12:29
Although current political relationship between Japan and China is against wind, we could enjoy c‌​onversation and deepen friendship. Young genarations are much more frexible and friendlier than our generation, and I realized how important for us to be mutually communicable in each other's language.
Jul 23, 2014 12:29
@Robusto,@RegDwight. I'm amused to find you are talking about Japanese all the way. I sense both of you are much more familar with Japanese language than I am with your language. 凄い!Terrific. By the way I happened to conversate in Chinese with a group of Chines young girls in 豚カツ店‐Pork fry restaurant in neighborhood of Asakusa temple downtown in Tokyo.
Jul 23, 2014 12:10
@Robusto. I simply translated amygdarin from Katakana. But I think so because the exhibit you showed refers to vitamine B1 and effectiveness of amygdarin on cancer.
Jul 23, 2014 11:21
@Medica. It’s unfortunite that you were unsuccesful in growing Japanese quince. Maybe the climate or soil over there didn’t match their growing conditions. When you peel off thin skin of the fruit, you get yellow-color thick fresh covering pretty big seeds. The fresh is sweet. We have Japanese old saying – When you have one tree of Japanese quince in your yard, you don’t need doctor. According to, the leaves of quince have been described as the panacea for all kinds of deseases in Indian Ayurveda since 3000 years ago. In Japan the leaves o