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A: What does “covfefe” exactly mean?

JoshThere is already a UD entry, and a pending one for Collins Dictionary: Covfefe: (n.) When you want to say "coverage" but your hands are too small to hit all the letters on your keyboard. Originated from Donald Trump's tweet: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe" Also from ...

Is it Urban Dictionary? Expeditious covefefe!
@YoichiOishi - yes, as you can see from the link. It was posted yesterday and it already has more that one thousand upticks.
"#covfefe becoming the #1 trending hashtag in the world" -- because his gaffes are the bigliest in the world!
@Josh. Wow! I wasn't only one humour-less.
Proposed edit: "and prompting covfefe from multiple news outlets"
My only quibble concerns hands too small to hit all the letters on the keyboard. I get it -- BELIEVE ME -- but in reality it would make more sense to say fingers too YUGE to hit all the keys.
I honestly find it kind of bizarre how many people at the Washington Post profess to have no idea what "covfefe" was supposed to mean.
@RichardKayser In case you (or other readers) are unaware, the "small hands" thing is a reference to remarks made by Marco Rubio about Trump during the presidential race. Like "covfefe" it became a bit of a meme at the time.
Perfectly cromulent IMO
@R.M. I know. But it doesn't make sense re keyboard reference in Urban Dictionary. That was my point. Small hands would have no trouble hitting individual keys. Large fingers -- much larger that the keys -- would. It's all about relative size.
I think they mean it prompted covfefe from multiple news outlets.
To new 4 close-voters. It seems you are living in the lawless country where the universal rule of "ne bis in idem" doesn't exist. This post was once closed and reopened in a few hours. You are restarting the same circle again. I don't mind at all if it's closed again, now that I earned 41 up-votes, got 7 favorites, Famous, Notable, Nice budges and marked 215k views in two days, which I deem justifies the validity of my post. I wish some of you outplay my record, regardless your like /dislike and pros and cons of this question. I hope you guys be a bit more flexible than being fundamental.
@YoichiOishi - I understand your sense of frustration and I do think the question should remain open. Could it be that people don't like it just because of who wrote the typo?
Who cares about your record? This is not a competition of some sort, what we care about is the topic of questions.
@Andrea Lazzarotto. EL&U cherishes record and number. Otherwise why does EL&U update reputation every day. It's a source of motivation. Protest me after building your own record. It's just like a beginning golfer with a handicap 160 criticizing a pro-golfer, though I know well it's a rude and bad simile, and I would never have uttered it to others than you, I think it properly matches the tone of your beginnig phrase. Why don't you learn the sophisticated way the above top ranking user commented. By the way, the topic of question is the hottest one today. Go to google to make sure of it.
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