Jul 7, 2023 19:02
@Duzii2 I'm not impressed with you attitude. Reading your post and comments from this and other questions it seems you blame everyone and everything instead of trying to figure out what you can do to improve. Normally it's not important who is right and who is wrong, the important thing is that everyone improves. Your way of blaming everyone and everything else will rub people the wrong way, and you are the one that will suffer from it. Here people are using their free time to try to help you, and you clearly don't want the help. Why are you asking for help if you don't want it?
Jul 7, 2023 19:02
You joined the company recently and this have happened 3 times? You got info about an appointment on Friday and waited until Monday to tell your boss? The doctors appointment was in the morning, and you got sent on, resulting in you missing work in the afternoon as well? You need to get on top of things and start communicating. Life happens and you of course need to go to doctors appointments sometimes. But you also need to make sure your employer knows when you will not be working, to allow them to plan things. They could have rescheduled meetings if they knew about your absence.
Jun 14, 2023 06:09
Did he take notes during the interview? Or recorded the interview? Or made notes right after the interview? I bet he did at least one of those. Did he ask for your permission to do this?
Apr 27, 2023 08:50
@mentallurg if it's not proven impossible the answer shouldn't say it's impossible. Mathematically impossible doesn't mean what it means in everyday life, the meaning is that it's proven to be impossible. And posted as information security it should be based on security, which is to be as exact as possible. The other edits are clear and covers it, but only if it's read. Which people that need the info won't read since "It is impossible".
Apr 27, 2023 08:50
@Wyck that was what I was trying to say, but you did it way better.
Apr 27, 2023 08:50
@Puck I have no idea if quantum computing can break it or not, all I know is that it can do stuff that we can't or don't know how to do with pure mathematics. As such I wanted to mention it. By the way, being "optimistic about sha-256 being quantum computer safe" is far from saying it's impossible to break it, which is the statement I reacted on.
Apr 27, 2023 08:50
@mentallurg is it mathematically proven it's impossible to do it? If I remember correctly this is a P = NP problem, and it haven't been proven it's impossible. We haven't found any way to prove P = NP either to be true or false, and as long as we don't I wouldn't call this impossible. And what about quantum computing, could that solve it? Impossible is a BIG statement.
Apr 24, 2023 17:22
@Max fair point :-D
Apr 24, 2023 17:03
Why did you allow the student to submit a new essay? It seems the rules are clear, and you somehow let the student get away with breaking them. The only thing this teaches the student is that people are pushovers, and that complaining works. How will that prepare the student for a real job?
Feb 16, 2023 11:35
@TheDemonLord there seems to be a big difference between your answer and your comments. The comments says "they would have to prove that an absence of 2 days was malicious", but the answer doesn't mentioning anything about absence.
Jul 18, 2021 07:45
@mcalex English is hard :-D I mean psychological or mental illness.
Jul 17, 2021 19:11
@Aadhavan how would that government work? I guess you have thought about it and have an idea about it.
Mar 29, 2021 21:24
I don't think the problem is what you think it is. The real problem is that they first had you sign the offer letter, and only after that you got information about these rules. And they require you to sign off on them as well. To me that seems fishy to say the least. But the real problem is, what will they enforce next? Personally I would continue to look for a job, without working with this company if possible.
Mar 19, 2021 12:20
I agree on what @ThoriumBR says. But there are a few things that should be done before the rest: - Make a database backup, and store it offline. This way you have the data if the attackers find a way to change or delete the content. - Consider taking the application offline until the most important points from Thorium have been done. At a minimum all of the database passwords should be changed before the application goes online again.
Mar 18, 2021 01:43
If the question was "is it possible" I would agree with this answer. But the question was "Is there a non-zero probability" which doesn't mean the same. As a matter of fact, the word "possible" doesn't exist anywhere in the question or any of the edits. Making this an answer to a question never asked, and thus irrelevant.
Feb 10, 2021 12:59
If I understand it correctly you don't have a signed contract with company B. Don't withdraw your application with company A until you have a signed contract with company B. When B knows that you don't have any other choice they might change the contract details. Or they might find another person for the job. Of course you shouldn't sign a contract for A either, since you don't want to join them.
Dec 11, 2020 18:09
Why isn't numbers < 12 regarded as valid results?
Sep 23, 2020 03:03
I would like to add a few things to this animal. First, fertilized eggs doesn't need to be brood, meaning the cow can work after laying eggs. Second, the gender of the offspring depends on the temperature of the egg, meaning the farmer can choose what gender to get. This is reality for some reptiles. Third, the calf doesn't need milk, it's basically ready to take on life as soon as it's hatched. And lastly, the calf grows extremely fast, basically fully grown in a matter of weeks. That means that loads of meat are available.
Sep 23, 2020 03:03
This creature is a beast. There are however a few things I don't think would work biologically. First, I don't think it would be possible with big differences depending on gender (silk vs kevlar and wool vs cotton). Secondly the ear wax, it's already been discussed in the comments.
Sep 17, 2020 19:28
Related to the headline: Ask questions that are correct, complete & concise
Feb 24, 2020 15:27
I think you are asking for a solution to the wrong problem. The main problem I see is that a junior developer is working alone on a project, or part of a project. Pair junior developers with experienced developers, and do reviews as often as necessary. And make sure the reviews goes both ways, the junior should review code from the more experienced developer as well to learn from seeing how to code.