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Q: My manager warned me about absences on short notice

Duzii2In the morning about two hours before a meeting I messaged by manager to tell them I was going to a doctors appointment and I would miss the morning meeting, and asked to reschedule it (it's a small company). I ended up also missing a 2nd meeting in the afternoon. My manager was upset and said th...

Was the doctors appointment really on such short notice, or did you just forget to notify your employer? As long as you don't provide a sick note from a doctor, leaving work on such short notice IS a unauthorized absence, and they have every right to fire you for it. Secondly: If you recently joined, you may also be on probation. In this case, they don't really need a reason to fire you. Being sick quite often can cause them to reconsider if hiring you was a good decision.
@jswc I don't know about Germany, but France has similar labour laws, and firing someone (even on probation) because of their health problems is VERY illegal
@jwsc, damn you're harsh. I found out about the doctor's appointment on Friday. And it was on Monday.
Is the doctor willing to provide a note, and are you willing to provide your employer with a copy? It sounds like this would reduce any problems and potential problems.
@aserre: Having a health condition does not protect you from being laid off in Germany.
@Duzii2 When you really had no possibility to notify your manager beforehand, well, that be it. But your question read a little odd to me. "Manager threatended me" and "Is this legal" are very harsh words for a situation which really sucked a lot for your employer. Even if everything is legal with your doctors appointment, I think you should try harder to improve the situation for your employer. Not just tell him "that's the situation, take it or leave it".
@ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere I was able to get a sicknote from my GP because he was the one who sent me for an outpatient appointment.
@GenericUserName thanks, I'll keep your advice in mind. I quite like my manager and they're a good manager. Life just happened and I didn't tell them about my doctor's appointment in time. I hold nothing against my boss since I understand why they were not happy with me missing meetings. They usually have no problem with me going for doctor's appointment. I just have to make sure to stay on track of my appointments from now on.
@Aserre, they wouldn't be fired for a health condition, they would be fired for not communicating about missed time. OP found out about the appointment on Friday but didn't inform management until during the day Monday. They missed a client meeting without ample notice, that is a problem especially if repeated
"company-wide rule that if any employee doesn't fill in their timesheet by 5 pm each day, they would apply unpaid leave for that day" - FTS, move on.
why didn't you tell your manager about the doctor's appointment on Friday when you found out about it, and instead waited until Monday before telling them?
Notification could have been through email so it was sitting in their inbox on Monday. Sounds like you just didn’t feel it was that important to notify your manager of your appointment
You joined the company recently and this have happened 3 times? You got info about an appointment on Friday and waited until Monday to tell your boss? The doctors appointment was in the morning, and you got sent on, resulting in you missing work in the afternoon as well? You need to get on top of things and start communicating. Life happens and you of course need to go to doctors appointments sometimes. But you also need to make sure your employer knows when you will not be working, to allow them to plan things. They could have rescheduled meetings if they knew about your absence.
@Duzii2 I'm not impressed with you attitude. Reading your post and comments from this and other questions it seems you blame everyone and everything instead of trying to figure out what you can do to improve. Normally it's not important who is right and who is wrong, the important thing is that everyone improves. Your way of blaming everyone and everything else will rub people the wrong way, and you are the one that will suffer from it. Here people are using their free time to try to help you, and you clearly don't want the help. Why are you asking for help if you don't want it?
1 hour later…
While there is a lot to remark about your post, the following stands out to me:
> My manager then went on to say that while I was away they set a company-wide rule that if any employee doesn't fill in their timesheet by 5 pm each day, they would apply unpaid leave for that day and not only would the employee not get paid for that day or those days, it would cause problems for that employee's health insurance.
A company willing to do that, is a company willing to do a lot of things which are definitely not in the best interest of their employees.
Yes, you should've notified your company earlier. Yes, missing a meeting with a customer is a big deal. But that part, that policy, is a major red flag.
The rest is simply details.

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