Dec 29, 2023 02:33
@JoeW, they don't keep shrinking the width of the seats. If you want to blame anyone in the width of seats it's the airplane manufacturers. Again, we are talking about width here, they don't have a lot of options to play with it. To be able to play with number of seats in a row it must be a wide body plane, which in this case, southwest doesn't operate any of them.

Regarding your definition of cheap, yes, this is exactly what it means. It means breaking down the price of the plane ticket to its components allowing passengers to pick and chose what they are and aren't willing to pay for. An
Dec 28, 2023 22:23
@JoeW that's where you and everyone else disagree, people prefer a flying cheap bus than an expensive flying limousine. The same goes for the people who have trouble fitting into a small seat. They could pay for two seats, which is exactly what you propose, pay more for more comfort. But they don't want to. Under your system, the price will be higher for everyone, but the improvement will be small, take the plane mostly used by low cost companies, it has 6 seats in a row, which fit most people as planes are full with people seating in a single seat. If you remove a single seat per row, you
Dec 27, 2023 20:58
@JoeW, you are talking about two different issues, the width of the seat and the distance between seats. I personally would never fault someone for reclining their seat. The upside of the reduced leg space in flights is that flight tickets are dirt cheap and allow for more people to travel than ever before. There was a time when flying was a real experience with lounges and piano on board, only the very rich could travel by air at that time.

As to the width of chairs, I would just say that the people who find it hard to fit into the airplane seat also find it hard to fit into many other se
Dec 27, 2023 05:23
@Oddthinking, I just want to get the full story of this case, as it's presented currently doesn't make sense to me either way.
Dec 27, 2023 05:23
@Oddthinking, wouldn't it be the same for a tall person who doesn't volunteer (or can't) pay more for a seat with extra leg room because the seats are too small for them too?
Dec 27, 2023 05:23
@WeatherVane, they were traveling together, so if there are only 2 free places on the plane it figures that they all would not board, especially when dealing with minors accompanied by an adult.
Dec 27, 2023 05:23
@Oddthinking, according to the woman the free seat to accommodate the person of size took precedent over her payed ticket. The best would be an official Southwest response that clarifies what happens, but I didn't see one. Maybe a news article. Because it sounds strange to me, as well as the response of Southwest in the video that puts the blame on the person of size for not taking advantage of their policy, but still it's another person who missed their flight. This simply doesn't add up to me.
Nov 3, 2023 08:15
@Kazami, Getting concrete from as aid that is meant for new civilian infrastructure and instead building military tunnels with it is diverting humanitarian aid.
Nov 3, 2023 08:15
@RayButterworth, Book of Joel has two parts, one where Israel suffers (especially agriculturally) and the second part is how God f!@#s up Israel's enemies. It's a very long way to say f!@# around find out. I don't think that Hamas got the meaning of it. All the Kibbutzes attacked are mainly agricultural. The plows that turn into swords are Israeli plows and Israeli swords, with hundreds of thousands reservists called up, it matches. And now we are at the find out stage.
Nov 3, 2023 08:15
@RayButterworth you don't build 500 km of tunnels infrastructure in a week.
Nov 3, 2023 08:15
@Kazami, from the article: "Now, these same pipes - which could have been used for Gazan farmers - are being used by Hamas to manufacture rockets." All of the infrastructure that was left after the 2005 withdrawal was left so that the Gazan people will be able to reuse it and continue the economic functions that were active in the Settlements. Including fully functioning agricultural infrastructure. They decided to take what was meant for economical development into tools of violence. They heard Isaiah 2:4 and said "yes, but the opposite".
Nov 3, 2023 08:15
@Yay295, it puts this source of aid at risk. If it's found out that they are used for bunkers then there will be pressure on the source of this aid (in this case, japan) to stop the aid. If I was giving someone aid and then found out that they are using part of it (even a negligible part) for violence I would rethink my aid giving.
Nov 3, 2023 08:15
@Kazami Concrete can be used for rebuilding old infrastructure and for building new infrastructure.
Nov 3, 2023 08:15
@CGCampbell, yes, thank you. Fixed now.
Nov 3, 2023 08:15
@mirh, the medium article you linked to does not falsify the Telegraph allegation nor the authenticity of the Hamas produced video that shows exactly this. It also claims that that Russia doesn't repurposes civilian microchips for military use when there are clear evidence from Russian rockets that they do exactly this. And is dismissive of Hamas capabilities. They have built rockets and tools of war from everything from traffic signs to condoms. The only thing that it does is state that the video is from 2021.
Oct 18, 2023 12:01
@Fizz, yes he did. But he is not an official spokesperson, he is just a private citizen. citizens make mistakes due to a lack of knowledge. We now have more than just the raw footage of the misfire, we have recording of Hamas operative discussing this and admitting (among themselves) that it was a PIJ rocket, just as we have with Malaysia air and Russian operatives in Donbas.
I wasn't an interception, as it would be (to the best of my knowledge) that a rocket is intercepted over Gaza. Also, you can see other footage of interceptions, barrages are intercepted together, not just one rocket.
Oct 18, 2023 03:37
That wouldn't be the first time that a Hamas or a PIJ rocket misfires and kills Gaza residents, or overshoots and kills west bank Palestinians. It also doesn't match current IDF ROE, that has used multiple ways of communication to warn before attacks. While it doesn't directly answer the question, but if the IDF doesn't take responsibility on the attack, it wouldn't post a tweet that takes responsibility on any of its channels.
Oct 18, 2023 03:37
The attack on the Baptist hospital was likely a misfired Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket and not an Israeli strike.…
Mar 16, 2021 20:05
@JohnStrachan Entering and reentering Israeli-controlled west bank territories is seamless, there are no borders or checkpoints, you will not even notice that you passed the Green Line.
Mar 16, 2021 20:05
@JohnStrachan, from my experience cruise ships dock in the morning and leave in the afternoon, which means that you dock in Ashdod in the morning and need to be in Haifa the next day at around 4 PM, which leaves you 36 hours at best, taking into account the time needed to take and return the car, driving times, sleeping and eating and also time to actually see and enjoy visiting the places, I think that a possible 4 hours wait at a "border" crossing (according to some news articles) is too high a price just to "touch the soil".
Mar 16, 2021 20:05
@JohnStrachan (continuing last comment). A more "sure" way for you to visit Palestinian territories would be to take a half-day tour leaving from Tel Aviv if your timetable allows this. Otherwise, if you just want to step on non-Israeli soil your quickest option would probably be to drive to an Israeli-controlled west bank territory (no in Jerusalem, as Jerusalem is an Israeli territory), to where there are no restrictions on travel and no border crossing.
Mar 16, 2021 20:05
@JohnStrachan, I can't answer your question regarding how to properly enter PLO territories. But, first, a correction: Bethlehem is under PLO control and is considered "Palestine" no less than Ramallah or Janin. Moreover, crossing back to Israel from Palestine can take a lot of time, even before we take into account any possible Covid related restrictions. This is not something that I personally would do with the "threat" of missing the departure time of my cruise ship. Just the drive from Ashdod to Nazareth is ~2 hours long, without traffic. I would recommend you rethink your plan.
Mar 19, 2020 16:38
My comments were deleted from the question, so I'll post it here. I have a UK3 sim with 24GB of data for 2 years that I use when traveling abroad. On it costs less than 70$. You can get a virtual US phone number, from a very quick search it can be free for less than 100 minutes or less than 10$ a month for 200-300 minutes. The total cost of this would be around 310$ for two years.
Also, the phone number is only needed for the time of the job search, once they find and start their job, they can cancel the phone number and stop paying.
Apr 10, 2019 07:17
This really should be (if at all) at English.SE asking if "invention" is an appropriate word in this case, not try to claim that the articles claim that she invented something patentable.
Apr 10, 2019 07:17
@fredsbend, I don't see here any fake news, she did build it and her family is actually using it, she did get those rewards and she is in a special program of the Mexican gov. for gifted children. The only "fake" here is a choice of a single word by the writer or editor which could be just explained as an embellishment to a "feel good" news story. This is just a non-issue, and I simply don't see what the fuss is all about.
Apr 10, 2019 07:00
@Oddthinking, I also agree that this is opinion based, at first the OP didn't post English links using the word "invention" so I voted to close it as not a claim, but now, I agree with you that this is opinion based.
Apr 9, 2019 06:31
This seems to me like a question about editing and the semantics of certain words, there is no disagreement on the facts just on whether or not the journalists used the proper word to describe it, I really don't understand why this question is here.
Apr 8, 2019 15:46
Sometimes an "invention" doesn't have to be some revolutionary scientific breakthrough. sometimes you can have a great impact on other people's lives with just a soda bottle filled with water. Especially in poor and undeveloped areas.
Sep 26, 2017 07:04
Sep 24, 2017 12:03
@gideonmarx, I don't see the connection between the existence of King David as an actual historical figure and criticism of modern day Israel. If you would bother to go and look at my previous questions and, more importantly, answers, you would see that I'm an Israeli (atheist) Jew, I can assure you that there are no anti-Israeli or antisemitic motivations in this question.

Religious Jews might claim that they "know" that the bible is historical truth, but on many issues, scholars disagree with them and also "know", based on research and evidence, that the events depicted in the scriptures
Sep 20, 2017 19:51
If you still don't understand why this question, and its assamptions about the bible, are appropreate here, I encourage you to ask a question on Meta, where you will be able to get replies from other users and the mods.
Sep 20, 2017 19:49
But if all you have is "The bible says it's true and I believe it", while I (and the other users) respect your believes, such an answer is not a good fit for this site.
Sep 20, 2017 19:48
To conclude, this question does belong on Skeptics.SE (don't know about Hermeneutics), and an answer to it probably should be based on non relegious sources. If you have sources that support your claim (in this case I guess you claim that King David was an actual histrical figure) I encourage you to post it as an answer, if you have relegious sources (other than the bible) that corraborate the claim, you can try and post an answer using them and see what the comunity will think about it.
Sep 20, 2017 19:43
@gideonmarx, don't assume people's religeous affiliation, you will be wrong. To the best of my knowladge, most christians accept the old testement as the truth as well, so I don't understand where you came up with this "christian" point of view.
Religious arguments may be accepted on hermeneutics.SE and for sure are accepted on Judaism.SE and Christianity.SE, but they are not accepted here. Because of the nature and purpouse of Skeptics.SE, it touches on many topics that are touched by other SE sites, physics, chemistry, history, biology, languages, relegion and more. I can assure that this
Sep 20, 2017 11:13
@matt_black, it's not unprecedented that the writers of the Bible would change history and even make it up to advance and promote their political and theological view.
Sep 20, 2017 11:13
@matt_black, when I say that the bible is a religious text, I mean that its primary purpose is to confer and support a certain religious and theological view and idea, not to chronical history as close to the truth as possible. The Bible contains things like the Cyrus declaration, for which we have the actual historical artifact, but it also contains things which go against the very laws of nature as we understand them today. That is why we can't count on the Bible as a historical source, but at most as a starting point to an investigation into the past through scientific means.
Sep 20, 2017 11:13
@gideonmarx, This is not how skepticism or this site work. Any claim is doubted unless proofs supporting it can be provided, even if that claim is made by God himself. If you have scholarly sources that support the existence of King David, provide them with an answer.
Sep 20, 2017 11:13
@gideonmarx, I presuppose that the bible is a religious text before a historical document and that the historical facts that appear in it need outside confirmation from secular sources or other scientific disciplines (archeology etc.) before it can be as the historical truth. From what I know this is the procedure for every religious text that is examined by scholars.
Sep 16, 2017 21:58
Are they enforced in any way?
Apr 21, 2017 09:10
@ShimonbM, there is no problem with it, only that the source is different, the source for the claim in the question is a 2007 book, while the source for the answer is the prime source, a 1923 magazine article. Even if the book cites this as its source, Morgoth went and found the original article and cites it.

 Hub of Reason

General discussion about
Jan 20, 2017 22:55
I didn't see that video, and frankly I don't believe I will, 1:45 is just too long.

About the matzah brei, yes, it's a Jewish Eastern European food (for the sake of this, I'll regard all Eastern Europe (EE) the same and include Russia inside, although the communist regime and the USSR had a large influence on the culture of Russian Jews). while matzah brei wasn't eaten in other parts of the world, it's still based on the Matza, which is a Jewish food. Also, this is a (Hebrew) recepy for something that they call Morrocan Matza with sug
Jan 19, 2017 22:52
Jan 19, 2017 22:52
And then there are the fasts. Jewdaism has 6 fast days during the year, 4 related to the destruction of the temple, one related to Purim and Yom-kippur. The four fasts of the destruction of the temple are: 10 of Tevet - The start of the Babilonian siege on Jerusalem, 26 of Kislev - The breach of the walls of Jerusalem and 9 of Av - the destruction of the Temple (Both the 1st and the 2nd temple were destroyed on the same date, according to tradition). Then there is 3 of Tishrey - which comemorates the murder of Gedaliah ben Ahikam, who was the Jewish governor of Judah after the Babilonian co
Jan 19, 2017 22:52
There is another thing that he gets wrong, Judaism is not a personal relegion, it's a national religeon, it is linked not just to a prophet or a relegeous figure, it's linked to a nation, to a shared history and to a land. He claims that the only thing that kept Jews together was the Torah, and from reading this one may get the impression that all that a Jew from China and a Jew from the US have in common is that they say the same prayer, but it's more than that. The Jewish religeon is a national religion, the holidays are not comemorate event in the history of the prophets or religeous fig
Jan 19, 2017 22:52
More over, even today with his "I'm not a Jewish" identity he still celebrates "Thanksgivukkah" not just Tanksgiving. And he eats Jewish food, he may claim that it's not Jewish, but this is where he is wrong, that food is Jewish, even if it's based in similar Eastern European foods, it's a Jewish version of them. It'll never contain pork or milk and meat. Matzo balls are made of Maza, which is a Jewish replacement for bread which can't be eaten during passover. There are other foods which exists because they are engineered specificly for the Shabat, when you can't use fire, cook, or even wa
Jan 19, 2017 22:51
this was an issue in his family when he was growing up. Atheists without Jewish background didn't talk about having/not having a Bar Mitzva in childhood.
Jan 19, 2017 22:51
@Oddthinking, I've read the artical (not the comments) and I think that Silverman is the best example. He doesn't want to describe himself as Jewish because he doesn't like that word, fine whatever, but he still describes himself as "child of Jews", during his childhood he didn't go to sunday school at a church, and he didn't fest during the rammadan, he had a Bar Mitzva, and his sister didn't have a Bat Mitzva,
Jan 17, 2017 23:17
@Oddthinking, I'm still waiting for you to open a meta question on the defenition of Jews.
Dec 7, 2016 16:39
In the case of Buchris? Yes, she was 19 and he was 20 years older than her, but she was under his command, so she was under his authority.
Dec 7, 2016 16:30
There are also some exceptions for teenagers, teenagers can have sex if the women is between 14 to 16 years old as long as her partner is no more than 3 years older than her.

Sex with a person less then 14 years of age is statutory rape.