Would serverfault be the right place to ask about this? I want to know if gracefully reloading my Apache configuration (via /etc/init.d/httpd reload of apachectrl -k graceful) will require me to re-enter the ssl certificate password.
Usually a subscript theta in his notation means "Conditional on theta" but that doesn't make sense in the context where I'm seeing it, and I've never seen him use it on an \equiv
I've found the PHP LDAP libraries, and we've been using the OCI8 functions for a while now, but so far we've only been connecting as an unprivileged generic user.
The user accounts in LDAP are mirrored in the oracle database, and different users already have access privileges to different database tables, and we'd like to use the same login that authenticates them against LDAP to open the database connection handle for that users session
The issue is this: We want users to be able to log in to our website securely. Right now we've just got the apache server set to authenticate users against our LDAP database, but we'd like to move to a PHP authentication in the page itself. In part of this page, the users can edit some information (like a calendar) that gets stored in an oracle database.
So, I'm not a web developer at all, but I work in a strange place, and I'm supervising an intern who is supposed to be working on a web page for us. I'm hoping you guys can point me in the right direction, or possibly help me construct a question for webmasters.se
I've got to run for the moment, but when I get back I'll bug the sciComp people to see if they'd like the question. If so, I'll edit it and flag it for migration. If not I'll clarify some of the statistical points and leave it here, since it seems there are some aspects that interest the stats community
I suppose this would be more statistical in nature if I didn't have reason to believe my errors were gaussian. Since I know that (and correct me if I'm wrong) the MSSE and the MLE are identical, so this becomes more about optimization than statistics
Anyway, do you think it would be best for me to edit my question and have it migrated to sciComp? Or would this be one of the rare cases where it would be best to make a more statistically flavored version for stats and a more computational flavored version for sciComp?
In fact it was quite dificult to convince myself that in the SSE case the covariance matrix is sigma^2 inv(H), because most people that talk about inverting the hessian are working with a MLE estimate, which is equivalent to having that factor of sigma^2 in the error function
@whuber Indeed, this is what I've done in practice. I use the J'J method because I get the last jacobian out of my fitting routine for free, while the Hessian is not easily obtained, so I'd have to compute it myself after the optimization
mainly because I can't find any resources that cover this particular case. There are lots of people saying to use J'J in the context of SSE minimization, and a lot of people saying to use inv(H) in the context of MLE, and people saying to avoid a FD Hessian when you don't have any analytical derivatives
@whuber How would I go about using that in presenting the result to others, for example? If they use the pulse area to infer other information, but the baseline is physically meaningless, should they be interested in much other than the error bars on the area?
If I see significant cross covariance, is there anything I should do with that knowledge? My understanding is that it's not necessarily a bad thing as long as the fit converges