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@Mike Kind of. In addition to unorthodox views in matters scientific and philosophical, he has - or at least used to state - the view that requiring basic civility on SE sites (or elsewhere) was a mechanism to suppress truth. And hence made a sport of being as offensive as he fancied, which earned him a lot of suspensions on various sites.
"This is a case where the mathematicians are stupid and brainwashed, not the critics."
@Mike great one
@Mike love it haha
that's... a quote
I am not saying that unironically
just to clarify
@meer2kat The room was frozen.
@Shisui and taken over by moderators. well this blows.
there's actually quite a bit of poetry in there
@meer2kat because of the noise polluted by sawarnik most probably
@robjohn where is the main chat room?
@meer2kat I know >_>
Is there another poetry room guys?
@meer2kat @AwalGarg
thy shall revolt
Can you please answer my question?
Q: Franck and Hertz graph function

Ionică BizăuI need a function whom graph is the following (the Franck and Hertz experiment graph): Currently I wrote the following function: function comptuteValue (value) { var period = 4.9 , low = 6 ; function addOrSubstract (x) { if (x < low) { if (x <= p...

hahaha @meer2kat I went to get water and wtf happened
@Shisui i'll ask kit about it
@MickLH dunno. kit deleted the room
@meer2kat i think it is the Comms Room
haha I've seen moderators cracking down on childish egos lately

 The Comms Room

ServerFault's lobby
although I think deleting an entire room over one persons (off-topic) comments is quite ridiculous overkill
@MickLH that too, a 14 year kiddo kid
@MickLH Indeed. I was in the middle of writing a nice Haiku too.
if you don't cut out the off-topic comments here, this room will be next
@meer2kat Let me know what happens :)
@Mike What's your favourite mathematical constant?
@Mike it can't be. it seems an official room for a very popular site
@Mike 7? What about $\frac{\pi}{2}$
@MickLH i'm rather upset. apparently someone was flagging him. otherwise we wouldn't have had an issue.
well of course
who cares, @Shisui
@Shisui What about PI? Did you know that pipi means pee in Romanian? Hahaha!
@meer2kat Any time you see a room fill up with mods, it's probably because of a flag, I don't think they like to roam channels in packs without cause :P
@MickLH that was crazy. tons of them. felt like a police force :)
@meer2kat exactly
alright boys, we've been directed to go chill here for actual writing purposes: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/168/the-overlook-hotel
@meer2kat Alright, lass.
Hey has anybody ever seen the notation $\equiv_\theta$ ? That is, a triple-bar equals sign (the "is defined as" symbol), with a subscript?
@Mike I care.
@IonicăBizău That's why I chose $ \frac{\pi}{2} $ :P
So to sum up, I felt that the room needed more moderation than we could give it. I have encouraged @meer2kat to use the Writer's chat for the same purpose. It's patrolled and collaborative poetry is something that would be encouraged there.
@Shisui Uchiha ... :P lol Naruto fan ?? :D
@KitFox Thank you again for the recommendation :)
@ColinK $\equiv$ is also "is congruent to", and I have seen $a \equiv_m b$ used as an alternative for $a \equiv b \pmod{m}$.
@meer2kat You're welcome. I hope you enjoy the community there. I do, but we're hard to find sometimes.
oops, hit enter early :)
@KitFox Looking forward to it. If not, I can go back to my poetry community on Stronghold Kingdoms hahaha. Crazy the people you'll find in a war game's chat room.
I know, right?
@DanielFischer: I don't think it's that in this case. That I've seen before. This is in the context of statistics, \theta is a model parameter
@KitFox :D
This professor uses an irritating mixture of modern and ancient notation, and I don't know what the heck he means in this case :)
@ColinK Aha. Then it's indeed unlikely to be that.
@r9m Who isn't a Naruto fan? Have you seen the latest chapter?
Also, @KitFox is there an anime chat (preferably Naruto)?
Usually a subscript theta in his notation means "Conditional on theta" but that doesn't make sense in the context where I'm seeing it, and I've never seen him use it on an \equiv
@Shisui yes, there is
Meh, can probably ignore it for now. Thanks anyway :)
@Shisui ya (manga) .. anime downloading now :)
@Mike Could you link me to it?
@HenningMakholm Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Sounds like Mücki.
@r9m We can go to the anime (or manga) chat and discuss it there, so as to not derail the maths chat :P
@Shisui agreed :D
@meer2kat @Sawarnik @MickLH @Shisui It really felt like we were back in World War 1 and suddenly the Nazi's attacked us and took over our goods when the mods came in the Poetry room.
@AwalGarg That's not a nice comparison. They were just doing their job.
@AwalGarg Haha man if you got a kick out of that you should have seen the drama the unfolded over the last few days in the game development chat
@meer2kat yes, but I said, it felt so because of the sudden rise of temprature
@MickLH eager to know about that
@meer2kat The nazis were just doing their jobs?
@AwalGarg I got a little freaked out when the room filled up :) It was entertaining
I think this is a Naruto chat!
@MickLH Oh goodness, no. The moderators.
@meer2kat this is the main chat room for math
@meer2kat Me too! Usually it's only 3 people in there.
@meer2kat yes. exactly
@robjohn yes i know?
@Chris'ssis That looks as if it might be handled using odd powers of $(-1)^{1/4}$
@AwalGarg Long story short a few people got suspended, the rules are changed, and half the discussion is in a separate room now
@MickLH regarding what?
@MickLH wow. some serious reason?
is this room the appropriate place to talk about drama in the game development chatroom?
@Chris'ssis the real parts of which go $+,-,-,+,+,-,-,\dots$
@Chris'ssis and the imaginary parts go $+,+,-,-,+,+,\dots$
@robjohn Yeah.
I have to go now for an hour or so. Back a bit later.
@Chris'ssis see you later.
@badp: did a flag bring you here?
@robjohn I think he came with kit
@robjohn A few minutes ago, yes
@meer2kat then there must be ManishEarth as well
@meer2kat They come in a pair :)
@badp You don't want to learn about math?
Get it! Maths joke :3
I wasn't actively looking right now though
@badp ah, I will have to look in the history
@Mike As the users who are interested are together here, the information flow is transient, and there is not good reason to create a new room for it, I believe that yes, it was an appropriate comment to make here
I think it's been handled sufficiently
@Shisui Goodness you all are harsh
@meer2kat Sorry?
@Shisui lol
@meer2kat i hope i am not included in all
@AwalGarg I dunno. I meant you all were harsh on the mods.
@meer2kat i did get that correctly. I am just saying, i should not be in the all list
I wonder if anyone has ever survived a fight with a mod, or a group of mods
Yes, we typically reach our decisions in a LAST MAN STANDING fashion.
Only the fiercest of mathematicians can survive the mods.
@badp sir, was that aimed at me?
@AwalGarg I have in SHK....I actually got the mods on my side and we were all fighting against a french mod with bad english who misunderstood what i said
@meer2kat picking on the linguistically challenged... tsk, tsk.
@AwalGarg awkward to explain the difference between a vulgar reference and an alternative word for beauty
@robjohn he thought i was being promiscuous hahaha. oh goodness, that was a fun day
@meer2kat i meant, you alone against several, or better, a single mod
@AwalGarg I've done that too. Back when I was obnoxious. I basically explained to him that he had the game rules wrong. He didn't like it, but I got my way. It was exciting. The mods here seem much more strong-willed than those guys though
@meer2kat hmm. I should be very carefull with a modfighter, miss.
@AwalGarg Eh it's not often. I generally believe that the mods are mods for a reason and that I'm thrilled I don't have their jobs. I've grown even more sympathetic since joining the diplomacy team in that game I play. Feels like being a mod
@meer2kat now you see badp's comment - Yes, we typically reach our decisions in a LAST MAN STANDING fashion I mean, those guys know that they are overdoing things
@meer2kat Atleast they can be polite or just reply.
@AwalGarg I think they're doing great. No need to complain.
@meer2kat you sure?
@AwalGarg yerp
I wish I could get my poems back, but that's okay. They needed SK to stop the nonsense as he was causing issue. Closing the room was the right thing to do.
I'm holding off replies because I don't wish to get tangled in a discussion about overreaching when I did absolutely nothing.
@badp Right, nothing wrong was done
@meer2kat hey, you are making me feel guilty
Anyways can we move back to math? I deal with people fighting after work all day until bed already lol
thats not fair
If you have a problem with how Kit handled the situation, please take it straight to her and don't talk behind people's back.
yup, sure
@badp she? really?
I dunno
Sometimes in English it's polite to use the female gender when you aren't sure. The English are weird like that.
i didn't know kit was (is) female
@AwalGarg I assumed she is female as well
But yes,.... math
@badp ok. Anyways, I don't want to distract you from doing your important work. You don't want to be entangled into a discussion, you said. I understand that, sir
It's okay, just stop calling me sir.
@badp Sorry sir.
@badp sure (sir)
ok ok, sorry
man ya'll are obnoxious. i'm going to chill in other rooms. bye guys haha
@meer2kat that was fun (the sir thing) don't you think
@AwalGarg not particularly.
@Shisui good
Peace out people. Stay sexy.
@AwalGarg i'm 20, i'm not old.
Guys, I have to agree with meer2kat here that this discussion needs to get back to math and away from offending people.
@Meer2kat star ignoring peolple
I have most of the kids and trolls on ignore
Wait wait wait
Why does differentiable imply continuous?
Domt.troll us anthony
I'm sorry
You know why
I thought differentiable was a limit
The limit exists
But it doesn't mean the function has the value at the point, does it?
@meer2kat are you watching Vikings tonight?
it implies it
it's not in the definition of differentiable, @Anthony, but knowing that a function is differentiable at a point is enough to prove that it's continuous there
But like I would think that $\frac{x-1}{x-1}$ is differentiable
You need an f(a) term in the limit pal
@Anthony that function isn't defined at $1$
so it's certainly not differentiable at $1$
Oh wait, hold on.
Oh yeah you need to evaluate it at the point, don't you :P
Removable discontinuities are stupid anyway.
I have 5+ people on ignore.
For some reason, I attract stupid thoughts :P
@GabrielR. i need to catch up. wish i could. i've been too focused on SHK
@PedroTamaroff just out of curiosity, am I on your block list?
@Mike Removable singularities are to be considered removed, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Good rule of thumb.
@PedroTamaroff Hey bro, sup?
@DanielFischer That's the rule of thumb I take, and that's why I find them so frustrating when people talk about them in precalculus classes.
Yes, $\frac{x-1}{x-1}$ is not defined at $1$. But... who cares?
@DanielFischer What about it?
What's precalculus, @Mike?
@MattN. Kind of hilarious, claiming physicists know set theory better than set theorists.
@DanielFischer I don't rightly know, but I do rightly know that sometimes people ask for help on it, and it's terrifying.
Those comments are long gone for us sub-10k laymen
Ah, for me too. I had opened the page on time to still have them visible. Must not refresh.
I don't see where it mentions physics.
I'm just getting into drinking coffee.
It's foul.
Oh, moderation. I see.
@Anthony Get darker coffee. That's less foul.
@Mike Is it now?
My mommy told me start with the house blend
And it tastes like water and bitter.
@Anthony I'm like a car running on coffee. I die if my tank is empty. I just spent some serious coin on a bag of Java. Coffee is an art, like cooking!
@Anthony The more bitter the better.
A good cup of coffee should practically taste like charcoal.
Come to think of moderation: I agree with the crank in that this site has a tendency to suppress truth in favour of false civility.
@Mike I will never forget.
I don't get it though, I've gotten things like caramel lattes and they seem to give me more energy than what I'm drinking right now.
@Mike I never tried charcoal lol
Those taste terrible and'll kill you, bro.
Just go buy a bag of carmels from Rite-Aid or something if you want carmel.
@DanielFischer Thank you! I don't have an opinion on this though.
@Mike I'm not saying they're the right thing to drink, I just don't know why they liven me up more.
Well, you're still young.
You'll grow to like good coffee one day.
Tea is also good
Just like you'll learn to cope with Riemann rearrangement.
@DanielFischer But isn't it true that Andres' comment does answer the question?
But again, what I'm saying is I feel like they have more caffeine.
The Riemann rearrangement theorem proof is actually very intuitive
@WillHunting Riemann rearrangement itself, to me, is not.
@Anthony Yeah, it's an amazing result, unbelievable at first
I think the proof is the best way of understanding it. It shows you what's going on.
@MattN. I'm not sure what the question is, actually, so I can't tell if it answers the question.
Guys, I am now downloading Ubuntu 14.04 LTS!
Alright I'mma go study, analysis quiz today. Hasta luego.
@DanielFischer : D
@WillHunting I thought you were a Micro-Softie.
@DanielFischer Damn, that's a nice description of strongly- and weakly-continuous functionals.
@MattN. I have been using Linux these few years. I will get Windows when I become rich
@Mike What is?
When I used to write code I would judge programmers' skill by what OS they were using. If Windows they probably don't know much about computers and write shit code.
@WillHunting Is there any reason why you would want to punish yourself if you get rich?
@DanielFischer The weakly and strongly continuous functionals on $\mathcal B(\mathcal H)$ coincide, and all are of the form $$f(T) = \sum_{i=1}^n \langle Tx_i,y_i\rangle$$
@MattN. Well, I think Windows is better than Linux, it's just not free
Like Java programmers. Or more accurately, Java "programmers".
$x_i, y_i \in \mathcal H$, natch
@Mike Ah. I can't get used to people calling the topology of pointwise convergence "strong".
Aug 7 '12 at 21:33, by robjohn
@t.b.: https://i.sstatic.net/qdrJH.png
Well, Davidson calls an even weaker topology weak in this case, @DanielFischer
@WillHunting I guess if you are rich and want to buy a new computer every time they publish a software upgrade then it might be.
Why is everyone bringing up tb?
@Mike I know, WOT and SOT. I just can't get used to it.
I don't want to be reminded.
@MattN. did someone else bring him up? I was just bringing up the link
@DanielFischer As an outsider, I never got used to weak-* enough to get upset by this change.
@robjohn Yes, Will Hunting, yesterday.
Imagine your worst break up. That's how the loss hit me.
I never broke up, because I never had a girlfriend
Aw. : (
He's gotten 50 badges since retiring, @MattN.
Hi @will
@Mike Yes. I don't know what to reply to that.
@user127001 Hello Bart. Just change your username to Bart!
The exhilaration of doing maths with him was addictive.
@robjohn Castle got me hooked completely. I managed to spend my free time, 6 hours yesterday, streaming 5 episodes all in one go. I just couldn't stop watching. Really stupid, should've been doing maths instead : /
@DanielFischer I think this Ron guy is good entertainment for a change.
@DanielFischer What a bizarrely different chapter. 5 pages about these operator topologies that have such a different flavor from the rest of the book...
I'm going to pay more attention to the theorems than the proofs, I think.
@will no
@MattN. Entertaining he is.
@will My name is pathetic unless I establish a name for myself in the math community
@user127001 OK. Don't worry about that
Guys, is there a way of evaluating this integral with high school (perhaps even freshman level) calculus? $$ \int \dfrac{\log(x+1)}{x^2 +1} \text{ d}x $$ Where $\log$ represents the natural logarithm.
@WillHunting @DanielFischer @Mike @MattN. @user127001
@Shisui I'm sorry I'm really bad at math
@Shisui Oh you should not ping multiple people in chat to solve your problem, you should just wait
@WillHunting Oops! I missed the time limit to edit as well :(
What happens with the substitution $y = x+1$?
I'll keep that in mind for next time.
Doesn't seem to help.
I tried a substitution of $\tan \theta = x$ followed by $y = \tan\theta + 1$ but I can't seem to reduce it @MattN.
This is annoying. It would be much easier if it was $log(x+1)/(x+1)$.
That would be too easy;)
What about $y=x+1$ first and then $y= e^x$ next?
@MattN. Exactly. It was a problem that @AmericanLuke posted a few days ago in this very chat.
No, $y=x+1$ is a whole lot of rubbish. Not helpful. At all.
$x^2 + 1 = (x+1)^2 - 2x$. Then
Are you thinking of partial fractions thereafter?
$$ \frac{\log(x+1)}{x^2 + 1} = \frac{\log(x+1)}{(x + 1)^2 - 2x}$$
I thought of integration by parts, but it didn't lead me anywhere.
And $y=x+1$ yields
$$ \frac{\log y}{y^2 - 2y +2}$$
: (
It's the same as before with the $ y = x+1 $ substitution straight off the bat.
@Shisui Do you think Wolfram Alpha can solve it?
I've not checked yet. Wolfram was really my last resort.
@Shisui, I think @AmericanLuke was trolling you
I was thinking along the lines of: $$ \begin{aligned} \int \dfrac{\log(x+1)}{x^2 + 1} \text{ d}x & \overset{x=\tan \theta}= \int \log \left( \tan \theta + 1 \right) \text{ d}\theta \\ & \overset{f=1+\tan \theta}= \int \dfrac{ \log(f)}{f^2 - 2f + 2} \end{aligned} $$ So again, we'd be going around in spirals @MattN.
@Shisui it's not solvable by hand
@user127001 How do you know?
My professor just told me
@Shisui I give up. I never liked solving integrals.
He said someone probably gave it as a joke
Ron maimon is an official douche
@user127001 : D Ok.
@PedroTamaroff Noooo! I like him. He is entertaining.
@user127001 Fair enough. Thank your professor from me :)
@MattN. The fun is in the challenge!
Isn't solving something that is not solvable over-challenge?
Wolfram has an answer (that I don't understand) so it must be solvable.
@Shisui I said not by hand
I am going to watch more Castle. See you all later.
@Shisui Exercise: Prove it's not solvable by hand
(This might be a proof for a real analysis course)
@user127001 A real analysis course which I've yet to look at.
@Shisui Try plugging in a power series
@user127001 I'll give it a shot. Maclaurin?

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