Jul 19, 2015 02:07
É que o meu único contato com portugês e do Brasil e por isso eu totalmente não sei quais expressões são entendidas em Portugal -
Jul 19, 2015 01:37
@E_net4 Então ... "CARACA (déc. 1980) B. infrm. expressa admiração, entusiasmo, surpresa ou indignação"
Jul 19, 2015 01:36
@E_net4 Opa, parece que "caraca" não se usa na europa :)
Jul 18, 2015 23:14
Caraca, esta site é a pior coisa que poderia acontecer à minha produtividade!! :D
Jul 18, 2015 17:18
@math Vlw! Então eu contei a sua "segunda pele" como a terceira calça ;D
Jul 18, 2015 16:52
@Math "de baixo" se chama essa calça tipo "underwear"?
Jul 18, 2015 16:50
Olá @BlasSoriano! A gente colocou a resposta à questão sobre a palavra raro ao mesmo tempo - bom timing kkk! :)
Jul 18, 2015 16:44
@Math nunca esquecerei como vc ficou aqui com três calças rsrsrsrs
Jul 18, 2015 16:26
@Math bom para você!! (a diligência não o inverno kkk)
Jul 18, 2015 16:24
@Math programando sim mas não muito nestes dias kkk. To aproveitando um verão lindo e bem quentinho ;) E vc??
Jul 18, 2015 16:19
@Math Oi amigo!! Beleza? :)

 The Loop

Where humor doesn’t work.
Mar 4, 2012 14:55
@Rarst @toscho I have stumbled across these three questions about migration from Tumblr to WordPress. One is closed as dupe but another has a nice walkthrough answer by EAMann. Seems like all three could be merged in one. What do you think?
*Just a suggestion .. not sure how much work/benefit it is..*
Mar 4, 2012 13:21
@Rarst Hmm .. then it varies as much as all the websites and their topics do :)
But at least one thing that must be *very* common is time axis.
If bloggers would be the target group then the things @toscho mentioned above fits in well.
I can also imagine a nice pie or bars showing #of visits/posts/comments per category/tag/post type - showing "trends" in various topics or sections of the website or particular business.
Mar 4, 2012 13:11
@Rarst are you talking about a plugin that people can use to put some fancy Google charts on their websites?
Mar 4, 2012 13:03
@toscho I should learn to down-vote much more then.
ALLTIME: 1108 up / 13 down

I will probably need to install that animated voting unicorns extension to make it more fun :P
Mar 4, 2012 12:57
@toscho thanks for you input. When I think about it now ... the down-vote can serve well as an "early-warning" sign for a user who could just blindly copy-paste the error without reading the comments or learning the context.
Mar 4, 2012 12:47
I know I could downvote now and remove it after improvement but I don't like downvoting new members :/
Mar 4, 2012 12:45
@Rarst thanks. I'll wait for the response and downvote if I won't like it.
Mar 4, 2012 12:30
Is it ok to (repeatedly) push the user to edit the (wrong) code in his answer??

Should I do the edit myself if he would not respond to my arguments?

Mar 4, 2012 12:26
Hello everybody :)
Mar 2, 2012 13:18
@StephenHarris Your Event Organizer looks great! Seems like a half of my TODOs are in your Features :)
Mar 2, 2012 12:54
@Rarst heh "-1 for approach" Spanking has started? ;)
Mar 2, 2012 12:52
@Stephen I remember I couldn't find a suitable plugin back then when I needed it so I enjoyed writing me own. It's been a while though, I guess many new solutions have probably emerged...including yours - thanks for the link! I will take a look at it for inspiration :)
Mar 2, 2012 12:42
OK :)
Mar 2, 2012 12:40
@Brady I made the same decision some time ago and then truly regretted it :)

I ended up with a plugin that registers Events CPT, adds a metabox /w datepicker, changes the request filter to order events by their date and hide the past events. There is also an ajax driven front-end calendar of events. It's far from perfect but let me know if you will decide to go this way and I will put it on github or somewhere.
Mar 2, 2012 09:26
@Jared Pretty indeed! ;) Haven't seen this one before. Thanks for the link!
Mar 2, 2012 08:38
morning! :)
Feb 29, 2012 23:33
@toscho you're fast :)
Feb 29, 2012 23:32
@Rarst "black squares talking" sounds good. Have you thought about inverse version of yours?
Feb 29, 2012 23:31
@anu more often I register a post type with its related taxonomy in one init hook function.
Feb 29, 2012 23:29
@anu Exactly. I've read about it sometime ago. There was a difference in performance but it was tiny. And splitting it up is often more logical and readable.
Feb 29, 2012 20:25
Congrats to our new mods and happy mod-ing ! :)

Only 74 voted? I thought it will be a few hundreds!
Feb 29, 2012 17:35
@anu thanks!
Feb 29, 2012 16:53
@anu Nice! That's exactly my plan for the weekend ;) Recommended reading?
Feb 25, 2012 00:25
Let's do it then :)
Feb 25, 2012 00:22
@toscho Nice one. If my last comment would be an question then your comment would be the best answer.
Feb 25, 2012 00:19
phhhf.. seeing your github makes feel baaad :( ... I wrote like 20+ plugins in last work-intense year but I haven't managed to put a single one on github or wp.org
Feb 25, 2012 00:16
until misused :P
Feb 25, 2012 00:15
@toscho Yup. It's nice when a few lines of code do a lot of magic :)
Feb 25, 2012 00:02
@toscho yeah, it's always like this ... It starts with a nice simple idea and ends up in its own vast universe of complexities :D
Feb 24, 2012 23:57
@toscho different and maybe a better approach would be to make it work like a voting system, and to collect votes for each term (store them in post meta), then the term itself would get auto-selected based on the total votes casted.
Feb 24, 2012 23:55
@toscho I'm not sure about that - I think it's one of the things that heavily depends on the OP's use-case.

I was also unsure whether to allow users unchecking it at all, but I will wait for some feedback from OP.
Feb 24, 2012 23:51
@toscho Good idea anyway. I will edit the answer later and add your suggestions.
Feb 24, 2012 23:49
@toscho thanks :) I've found it a sec before you wrote it...
Feb 24, 2012 23:49
@toscho get_hidden_field() from the plugin you linked looklike one
Feb 24, 2012 23:47
@toscho By this hidden field you mean something like a honey-pot trap?
Feb 24, 2012 23:42
@toscho Thanks! Good point with that $_REQUEST. Nonces should definitely be there but I was lazy (and needed to get back to work) so I just put TODO:nonces in there. Terrible habit when the effort is almost the same :P
Feb 24, 2012 23:21
A: How do I create a way for users to assign categories to a post from the frontend?

MauglyI wanted to provide you with a few ideas but once I started I couldn't stop myself and wrote this little plugin with an obscure name to get you started. <?php /* Plugin Name: WPSE Crowded Cats Plugin URI: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/43419/how-do-i-create-a-way-for-users-to-a...

Feb 24, 2012 23:21
Hello everybody. I just wrote a quick and dirty plugin as an answer. A second pair of eyes would be appreciated :) Feel free to edit the code! Thanks.
Feb 24, 2012 13:23
Mine has arrived today as well, but I need to wait until the evening to get to open it .)