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Fresh from a pro.
@toscho that's funny just las week i dug around to get about the same thing
@Bainternet I wonder why this Q got no upvotes. I'd love if everyone asks like that. +1
Hmm pretty sure I set up git or github wrong, this is confusing.
When I commit, nothing happens at github
@Jared You commit to your local repo only.
You have to push afterwards.
Oh I see lol
Those SVN guys …
Ugh I don't think I am cut out for this lol
And just then I got it :)
@kaiser cool, thanks; followed!
2 hours later…
@toscho Have you ever seen this using your plugin? I have only that plugin active on wphax.com/sandbox (it works fine on localhost)
@Jared Your PHP version very, very old. :)
Oh yeah I suppose that could be an issue lol
1 hour later…
Evening gents.
How's it going tonight?
Not bad, learned how to use git and github a bit so I'm messing around with that.
github ftw!
@Jared if you need any help, let me know
whoops... @BrianFegter - thanks for the deprecation check plugin, very handy
@SickHippie :) NP
Glad you're enjoying it
I'm going to extend it when I get some more time to check for other deprecated items such as deprecated params, etc...
@BrianFegter Important are the deprecated constants TEMPLATEPATH and STYLESHEETPATH.
@toscho Good input
I'll update those tonight
I just did a pingdom test and got this: Your website is faster than 96% of all tested websites
Nice, I like the new array syntax
Night all
@Rarst Did you ever figure out the missing 50 rep thing? It randomly happened to me today, too ... hmm ...
Nevermind. I found the Meta post about it. Still odd to suddenly see things disappearing :-(
What do I need to do in order to get a branch I made of my master branch to appear on github?
git push origin branch, where branch is the branch name
Ok, thanks!
Morning Peeps!
morning! :)
@Jared Pretty indeed! ;) Haven't seen this one before. Thanks for the link!
Q: Git for beginners: The definitive practical guide

Adam DavisOk, after seeing this post by PJ Hyett, I have decided to skip to the end and go with Git. So what I need is a beginner's practical guide to Git. "Beginner" being defined as someone who knows how to handle their compiler, understands to some level what a Makefile is, and has touched source cont...

great... PHP 5.4 is out but if I upgrade stack I face Apache 2.4.1 with stupid crashes again... :(
this is what i read when i started using git progit.org/ebook/progit.pdf
I wish between Git and Mercurial one would just win... I like Mercurial more, but Git is more popular... some days I almost want to say that competing mainstream mess to be gone and use Fossil :)
The leading version control system works like this: file.doc, file2.doc, filefinal.doc, filefinal2.doc …
I meant popular out of two worth using :)
I don't know if I look forward to possible task of converting 4k lines CSS to LESS or dread it...
@Rarst One does not simply walk into LESS …
@BrianFegter That's a really useful plug-in, thanks! I've also just used it as a base for searching my plug-in files for any 'TODO' and other such like statements. Very handy!
@toscho meaning?
@toscho It is folly
@StephenHarris TODO should really be on editor/IDE level, as for me at least...
@Rarst Checking if everything went as expected takes some time.
@toscho as if 4k lines stylesheet doesn't.... :)
@Rarst Yeah, I was talking about the convert.
@Rarst My editor highlights it but doesn't create a list. To be honest I've never looked into using anything other than trusty old gedit. Any recommendations?
well, basic convert is feed stylesheet into LESS and fix bugs (btw I like how LESS points out bugs, not silently eats them like CSS)... which I already did... next (if this moves forward) would be basic deduplication
@StephenHarris we are much into PhpStorm at work
@Rarst @StephenHarris +1 here for PHPStorm
I also found this very handy earlier when I was researching about git
@StephenHarris Eclipse creates a nice list for all open projects.
@Jared my Git bookmarks
@Brady @toscho I use Eclipse for projects and sublimetext for quick editing thinking of switching all to sublime, its just faster then any other thing i've used before
Thanks all. I'll check them out. I might even be eligible for PHPStorm's open source licence. Eclipse looks good too though. Thanks
@Bainternet I live in Eclipse. Couldn’t switch even if I had to. :)
Anyone used any cloud based editors like codeanywhere.net
I quite like the idea of being able to code out and about on a tab incase of emergancies
@Brady So wp-admin/plugin-editor.php isn't good enough for you, huh?
@toscho Hell no! I disable that on all instalations
@Brady That’s not very open-sourcy.
@toscho 100% of our clients dont want that functionality. I remove it as it poses an extra way for a hacker to load in code
I like it how my humor fails each day again.
@toscho needs moar smilies
For those not in the know anyway: define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true ); in your config file ;)
@Brady when i really have to use an online IDE i use either c9.io or a custom wordpress installation with my plugin wordpress.org/extend/plugins/advanced-code-editor
@toscho bah thats just cos of the ongoing patent trolling with Samsung vs Apple.
Has anyone ever build or worked with meta boxes with tabs? Some code examples I can study?
@toscho As in jQuery tabs or the tabs WordPress' uses for it's metaboxes?
@toscho I have, but it was a long time ago. My code from back then is embarrassing now. :P
@StephenHarris Not sure. The tabs have to wrap if they don’t fit on one line. Yes, crap, I know.
Just found this WordPress function human_time_diff()
Seems useful
Cool, definitely useful.
@toscho Well the default WordPress ones do... but it isn't a pretty sight. See this answer. It uses WP' html mark-up and so WP handles all the javascript side. Just give the appropriate IDs to the tabs and content divs.
A: How To Change Custom Taxonomy To Radio Buttons

Stephen HarrisThe most straightforward way would be to to de-register the taxonomy's metabox and replace it with your own custom metabox. Below is my attempt. There are some drawbacks though, without adding in some javascript, I was unable to replicate WordPress 'add new term' feature, consequently you can onl...

@StephenHarris So, if I use $id-tabs and $id-all they’re linked automagically?
so I need to evaluate this theme... I open archive.php and what do I see? query_posts(). to change pagination. evaluation done! :)
@toscho - yup, just match the href attribute of the tab with ID of the content
@StephenHarris Okay, thanks. Now off to work, I have to create a tab orgy.
@Brady Does handle translations?
function human_time_diff( $from, $to = '' ) {
	if ( empty($to) )
		$to = time();
	$diff = (int) abs($to - $from);
	if ($diff <= 3600) {
		$mins = round($diff / 60);
		if ($mins <= 1) {
			$mins = 1;
		/* translators: min=minute */
		$since = sprintf(_n('%s min', '%s mins', $mins), $mins);
	} else if (($diff <= 86400) && ($diff > 3600)) {
		$hours = round($diff / 3600);
		if ($hours <= 1) {
			$hours = 1;
		$since = sprintf(_n('%s hour', '%s hours', $hours), $hours);
	} elseif ($diff >= 86400) {
@StephenHarris yup
you would be responsible for translating anything you put after it like the word ago
I think there is room for optimization there plus include months/years to it
@Brady Yeah its very basic. Handles dates after 2038 though
@StephenHarris I look forward to that year :)
Whoever has written _WP_Editors::editor() deserves a spanking.
hopefully I'm not dead before then
like this?
when did StopPress become a repo for random off-topic images?
@Brady php DateTime is the future. Largely because php date doesn't think there is a future beyond January 2038. Was that due to limitations in computer memory or just short-sightedness?
@Brady Yes, just more blood.
@anu Seems to be on-topic to me :D
@anu when has StopPress ever been on-topic?
@anu Since my first cola.
@brady it's generally been a lot more on topic than that pic - but hey, it's fine, the community decides what's suitable
@anu But it was on-topic... Toscho mentioned some one needed smacking for writing _WP_Editors::editor() and I was just clarifying what he meant by illustration...
@toscho thats not your room!
@Brady Correct, my room has a cat somewhere.
@toscho if that was your room I wouldn't be surprised if your cat went for a swim in there like jumping into a kids ball pit :)
Q: How to set a custom post type to have viewable future posts

BradyI've setup a CPT to act the same ways as posts but used to post event details. Thing is that some of the posts are in the future and such have a future date set on them. Problem is that normal users cannot see these posts. So: How do I alter archive-events.php to list future posts too? Showin...

Anyone dealt with this before?
@Brady Is it essential to use the publish dates. Normally for 'event' dates, it should be stored as post-meta
@StephenHarris I'm using the publish date for the event date
@Brady I know, I'm suggesting it would normally be better to use post-meta
@StephenHarris yeah but its not the issue I'm having. The reason why I'm using publish date is to keep things very simple and stock functionality within WordPress
so I dont have to be using meta_query
@Brady don't. just add event date in meta. trying to bend internals is a mess.
@Rarst bah I'm not budging
@Brady Look at the pre_get_posts filter then. You can alter the order direction and probably include 'pending' post-status
function show_future_where($where) {
	global $wpdb;

	if( !is_single() && !is_page() )
		$where .= " OR $wpdb->posts.post_status = 'future' ";

	return $where;

add_filter('posts_where', 'show_future_where');
^^ will take care of archive-events.php
or that :D
will need to chop it up a bit to only work on my CPT
@Brady but you want is_singular('event')
if("events" == get_post_type()) {
@Brady Use post meta. There is just too much code bound to the internals.
@StephenHarris is_singular wont work on archive page
Also this only works for the wp_query. The where filter passes a second argument, a Query object. Use that to determine if the query is for your post type.
@StephenHarris cheers for that will save some a call to some conditionals
I've got the rest:
function setup_future_hook() {
 // Replace native future_post function with replacement
 remove_action('future_post', '_future_post_hook');
 add_action('future_post', 'publish_future_post_now');

function publish_future_post_now($id) {
 // Set new post's post_status to "publish" rather than "future."

add_action('init', 'setup_future_hook');
again I need to alter just for my CPT
@Rarst, @toscho O ye, of little faith
@Brady faith? it's freakign nasty experience...
^^ seems fairly straight forward to me
it always does at start
I now dont have to worry about date pickers, creating a meta box, educating users on a new interface and home brewing a WP_Query to show my archive correctly
Whats even better is: add_action( 'future_' . $post_type, '_future_post_hook', 5, 2 );
that way I dont have to unhook default post types
I just unhook my CPT and I dont need to do any checks...
1 hour later…
@Brady I made the same decision some time ago and then truly regretted it :)

I ended up with a plugin that registers Events CPT, adds a metabox /w datepicker, changes the request filter to order events by their date and hide the past events. There is also an ajax driven front-end calendar of events. It's far from perfect but let me know if you will decide to go this way and I will put it on github or somewhere.
@Maugly nah its ok I've done similar things in the past that I could use
but for this website I'm doing atm it needs to be very simple
Im just writing answer to my question now
OK :)
A: How to set a custom post type to have viewable future posts

BradyI've been able to solve this myself. My entire code for registering the CPT: <?php add_action( 'init', 'events_post_type_register' ); function events_post_type_register() { $post_type = "events"; $labels = array( 'name' => _x('Events', 'post type general name'), '...

@Maugly Thats essentially what I've down in wordpress.org/extend/plugins/event-organiser. Dates are kept in a custom table to make sorting easier and handle reoccurring events
Any one know of anything, preferably jQuery based, that process markdown from a text-area input and formats it? I'm not after a full WYSIWYG editor, just the formating bit...
Just back from two days quick trip :D
@StephenHarris SE has probably best Markdown implementation out there and they use pagedown code.google.com/p/pagedown
how u doing guys?
@Stephen I remember I couldn't find a suitable plugin back then when I needed it so I enjoyed writing me own. It's been a while though, I guess many new solutions have probably emerged...including yours - thanks for the link! I will take a look at it for inspiration :)
@Sisir fridayish...
@Sisir stress city over here :-)
@Rarst heh "-1 for approach" Spanking has started? ;)
@Rarst: A typical Rarst answer :)
@Brady: Congrats! I see you make through the mod election :)
@Sisir yup :) thanks if you voted for me. If you didn't, then go to hell ;)
i did :)
Also Congrats to @bainternet
@Sisir dont forget @toscho
so there were three empty positions right?
@Rarst Thats perfect! Unfortunately it doesn't appear I could use it in a plug-in. MIT rather than GPL2.
@Rarst Thanks for the link!
@Sisir yup
@StephenHarris What’s wrong with MIT?
@StephenHarris MIT is perfectly fine to use in GPL project, it's compatible
@Rarst It is? That's good to know!
its good to see my bright 22 inch LED again :) and dive into wordpress again..
gnu site is retarded lately... gives me ancient outdated russian translation of the articles and gives no way to reach current english originals :(
@Rarst Yeah, I get a German version I didn’t ask for.
@Rarst - you down vote my answer because you don't like the implementation... I asked for something very specific and my answer answers what I asked for.
@Brady which is fine for yourself, but in my opinion is not fine in larger context. what if core edit answered your issue perfectly? :)
Really @Rarst, that wasn't clever. I’ll go and give @Brady an anonymous down vote.
I wouldn't edit core. Im using the hooks and filters that WP have put in place...
and you are changing SQL to show posts that by WP mechanics are not supposed to be shown
@Rarst no
WP mechanics do support them to be shown
I'm just enabling them to be shown
to all users rather than just admins
Your "alternative" way of doing things as I've already stated is over complicating something so simple.
I am not interested to discuss this. what, four people told you here that from each one's experience that is bad idea? it's fine by me that you decided to do it that way and it fits your needs, but that doesn't make it good generic solution and I voted accordingly
@Rarst very well
I upvoted the question so anyway you are in the black from me :)
@Brady Please fix the gettext calls in your code. We don’t need more of this.
@Rarst I noticed :)
@toscho already on it
@StephenHarris Your Event Organizer looks great! Seems like a half of my TODOs are in your Features :)
Got another one for you experts :)
Q: Custom post types - Use post_id in permalink structure when using has_archive => true

BradyI recently asked this question Custom post types - Use post_id in permalink structure and solved it but as I have enabled 'has_archive' => true the solution given no longer works. Let me explain: I'm after this structure: archive-events.php => /news/events/ single-events.php => /news/events...

@Brady great.. i am waiting for what you come up with :) send us a demo when you done with the event thing..
@Sisir yeah defo. this "add post_id to permalink for CPT" seems like a common issue with very hard to find answers
yes. i was using a plugin for that. but i think i will update my theme when i have time so i can minus another one plugin requirements :) also the archive structure will be quite handy
@toscho what if page is undeleted or slug is reused?
from quick google 410 will kill it in search engines more reliably than 404... so if something comes back it would have relatively more trouble getting indexed
@Rarst Undelete is easy. Reuse … possible, didn’t think of that. Thanks.
@Rarst If a once deleted URL comes up in a sitemap it will be indexed again.
@toscho yeah, but relatively to 404 it will have more trouble getting indexed by search engines again... so there is little benefit, but potential downsides
@Rarst Many 404s hurt too. The Google bot spiders just a limited amount of all pages and it shouldn’t waste time on dead URLs.
1 hour later…
So can someone help explain why syncing comments between two sites is impossible? wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/36019/…
@AlxVallejo Are the posts synced as well?
I was thinking I could add an action after submitting a comment that would connect to the subsequent DB, find the corresponding post, and insert the comment
Like @kaiser said, with default WP functionality, it's not possible.
This sounds like a tast for rsync
on the serverside
Why is it not possible
I don't think I've ever heard a "not possible" answer. There's usually a workaround, whether it's using a third-party commenting system like Intense Debate or even displaying a feed of comments from the other DB below the native post comments. Less than ideal, but possible.
@AlxVallejo This should be taken care of on the forum
@AlxVallejo No need for frustration....someone will answer appropriately if they've had experience.
The question is from Dec. 9
I have deadlines
@AlxVallejo I would recommend paying a developer then
Time, Price, Quality, you can choose only two out of the three.
ya thanks for the business tip
@AlxVallejo I'm just letting you know, people give of themselves freely here out of the goodness of their hearts
there's more to it than that
@AlxVallejo No, there's not. Your question will be answered I'm sure of it. But, you cannot demand time-frame.
so the only reason you're on here is for charity
@AlxVallejo Not charity, community.
@AlxVallejo My suggestion is to contribute to the community by posting other answers, getting a higher reputation level, and then posting a bounty for your question.
@BrianFegter Aww I'm touched :)
@Brady :) Me 2
I used to love sonic on the saga megadrive
2 hours later…
I have deadlines is … refreshingly honest.
Demis Bellot on March 02, 2012

A few months ago I joined as a developer on the Careers 2.0 team – this is my story of bringing Careers 2.0′s new Apply button to fruition. Or, what happens when an Enterprise boy meets a Consumer Product Development company and gets exposed to how things are done on the other side.

One of my first projects after joining Stack Exchange was giving the job application process an improved, stream-lined experience. This experience gave me a different perspective on Enterprise and Consumer product development, which I’d like to share. …

Oh no, the # of unanswered questions has been slowly rising over the past couple days
2 hours later…
What’s new in PHP 5.4: PDF. Very nice.

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