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Anyone use AutoHotkey?
How to add a feedback link to your plugin’s bug tracker in the plugin list.
6 hours later…
back :)
@Sisir long dinner ???
@bainternet: i was back in 20min.. u seem offline after i came back..
any I'll hit you up with an email
960.gs should be added on wordpress includes..
another crapy sunday.. i have to work full day.. good thing is i love my work and i have no girlfriend!!
@Sisir not sure if "no girlfriend!" is a good thing :)
i guess i am more into work then into a girl..
Hello \o
Somebody with a sonic gravatar?
Sonic rocks
I agree
Ugh I hate learning git. It's already proven itself to help me be more organized than what I was doing but learning it sucks.
git is awesome
git is awesome :)
Yeah it is it's just a bit confusing at first
i only know couple of commands, enough for newbies.. and working on command line kinda make me feel smart (while i am not) LoL! ;)
Very bad audio but helps a little
Hah well same here pretty much. I mean I understand the basics and I get awesome ideas in my head, then I start typing commands and it's like "You can't do that!" more times than I had hoped for.
also there is a book on tutsplus "Getting good with git" which is quite handy..
note to myself: don't test a plugins uninstall.php with the (only) source of your plugin...*surprise it gets deleted*
One of those priceless moments in life. You click delete and in the next moment you are like: oh..wait..no, $!@%( !!1!!1
@ungestaltbar read 10 messages above yours and you will see how to use Git as version control as for why you need it? you just posted a fine example of what could go wrong and how easy it would be to fix it with version control
:) yeah, had a commit before this uninstall experiment..so everything is fine.
But if @Jared had not started to talk about git here, I would'nt have been inspired to get git - github - netbeans working again (always had problems with win7)..and in that case: BOOM.
@Jared I've read somewhere that people that are taught version control by someone have much better opinion of it than those that learn themselves :) that stuff is obscure...
Yeah I can imagine
I don't know any other programmers personally which is kinda lame.
I just became barely comfortable with Mercurial and now it seems I will have to deal more with Git thanks to GitHub and "all cool stuff happening there"
offline? who cares... I don't mingle much offline on this
I don't actually know a single WP developer from my country :)
I just get sick of the "So do you like just type stuff and it like shows stuff on a website?" questions from people I know personally lol.
Having a conversation about programming with someone who knows nothing about it is just... facepalm
so apparently last night I wrote this... and it works....
$prefix = ( ceil( $number / $images_per_domain ) - 1 ) % $domain_count;
I feel toscho...
I can't figure out how to use wp_redirect without getting "headers already sent" error on my plugin option pages. The only workaround I've found and which doesn't feel too ugly is to add noheader=true to the query string..
@ungestaltbar doing it too late? forgetting to die?
Where are you putting it? ie which hook?
wait i try to simplify it
so I'm using WP_List_Table and a item has a delete action with this link:
this page has basically only a switch statement
case 'delete':
and in the callback is my wp_redirect:
update_option('kb_registered_areas', $areas);
$location = add_query_arg(array('message'=>'2', 'action' => false));
You need to make sure wp_redirect is ran before anything is sent to the browser. Like at the very top of a template file (or maybe in the wp hook?).
I guess i can not send my redirect to this submenu page, because it's added via "add_submenu_page' on the 'admin_menu' hook, which is obviously too late..but my brain refuses to understand it
2 hours later…
Hello everybody :)
Is it ok to (repeatedly) push the user to edit the (wrong) code in his answer??

Should I do the edit myself if he would not respond to my arguments?

@Maugly I would only edit code if there is small issue like typo or formatting is a mess... I don't edit when that would considerably change idea (even wrong one) of the code. comment and downvote if you feel like it are enough
@Rarst thanks. I'll wait for the response and downvote if I won't like it.
I know I could downvote now and remove it after improvement but I don't like downvoting new members :/
he is just going by wrong information... that field exists sometimes, not always. I commented there.
@Maugly Vote down and explain why. You can take away the downvote once the user has fixed the error.
@toscho thanks for you input. When I think about it now ... the down-vote can serve well as an "early-warning" sign for a user who could just blindly copy-paste the error without reading the comments or learning the context.
@Maugly Down votes are as useful as up votes. We need more of both.
That’s a real funny question:
Q: Local wordpress setup with SPAM in the incoming links dashboard section?

alexI am developing a website on my localhost and i just notice a bunch of incoming links in the dashboard's incoming links section, which doesn't look valid. When i visit the urls i don't see a reffer to my localhost/domain.com. the only plugin i had active was "Regenerate Thumbnails". I disabled...

what chart types do you typically need/want? thinking which should I include in examples
@Rarst Number of requests to a page, comment count, new backlinks per month.
@toscho I should learn to down-vote much more then.
ALLTIME: 1108 up / 13 down

I will probably need to install that animated voting unicorns extension to make it more fun :P
@toscho I mean like in bar chart, pie chart, vienn... etc
@Rarst I rarely need those. Some people love browser pie charts.
Look ma, 25% of my visitors mangled my fine, handcrafted code through Google Chrome!
it's not about displaying something with pie charts, I am updating my library for Google Charts API...
I have written some very strange code yesterday. Not used to drink alcohol anymore, I guess.
@Rarst are you talking about a plugin that people can use to put some fancy Google charts on their websites?
@Rarst Hmm .. then it varies as much as all the websites and their topics do :)
But at least one thing that must be *very* common is time axis.
If bloggers would be the target group then the things @toscho mentioned above fits in well.
I can also imagine a nice pie or bars showing #of visits/posts/comments per category/tag/post type - showing "trends" in various topics or sections of the website or particular business.
abstract from WP... it's general-purpose. we are drawing GA stuff with it for work
it's a library, not a widget
@rarst bar, stacked bar, line, area, scatter, pie, radar (and then show how column is basically the same as bar, and stacked column and stacked area is same as stacked bar)
1 hour later…
				'<!Doctype html><title>%1$s</title>%2$s%3$s%4$s',
				get_bloginfo( 'name' ),
That’s readable code!
git tip - use the git flow model (and the extensions) - makes you have to think so much less about your branching model
@Rarst @toscho I have stumbled across these three questions about migration from Tumblr to WordPress. One is closed as dupe but another has a nice walkthrough answer by EAMann. Seems like all three could be merged in one. What do you think?
*Just a suggestion .. not sure how much work/benefit it is..*
merging is rarely worth it, just vote to be closed as duplicate on less useful one(s)
"nice numbers" algorithm feels fantastic and magical every time... which probably means I need to refresh math in my head some time
The hardest part of plugin writing is to find a proper name.
I have written a small plugin that shows the latest posts and comment in Opera’s Speed Dial window. Working Title: T5 Opera Speed Dial Content. Has anyone a better idea?
I tried to write such, but speed dial had pretty horrible scaling issues (everything looking tiny)... had they fixed that?
@Rarst Depends … if automatic zoom is enabled, it doesn’t look very nice.
@Rarst Yeah, you have to use <style>@media screen and (view-mode: minimized) {}</style>.
does anyone know if the latest version of the WordPress-GitHub-Plugin-Updater still works?
renames close vote to Chip vote. :)
3 hours later…
@ungestaltbar yep i just used it.
@Bainternet thanks. I's me then :)
1 hour later…
if i have a CPT registered via my plugin. Is it possible to make a template page like single-{CPT}.php without touching the theme?
more simply: Can i assign the single template for a CPT via plugin?
@Sisir Yes, via 'template_redirect'.
any codex page?
@Sisir Not sure. A better hook is probably "{$type}_template", where $type is the internal name of your post type. It would be better to ask this on the main site.
found a good article mihaivalentin.com/…
thanks for the direction :)
Hey all
morning. :)
@toscho any idea if that GIt Plugin Updater would work for a private repo?
@Jared No, it doesn’t. That's the meaning of private.
Aw no fun
@Jared There are service hooks for each repository. You can set up an email notification, enable Post per email in your WordPress and build an update file on your domain based on that information.
That would probably work
off to learn about service hooks :)
AutoHotkey & Git users: I made a little script to make life easier lol.
Actually it could work for anything really
I start Git just with the OS. :)
I am a keyboard junkie, I make hotkeys for pretty much everything lol
when was __get() introduced? PHP 5 with newer OOP stuff?

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