May 3, 2018 15:36
@Lambie I don't have the time right now, but when I have the time I'll rewrite my question so as to avoid this kind of misunderstanding. Thx for your contribution
May 3, 2018 15:36
@Lambie You are wrong, that's not just "slangy speech" or "doubling". The diphthong is the pronunciation given in every dictionary I know. I challenge you to quote one English dictionary that does not do that
May 3, 2018 15:36
@snailboat Absolutely, that's what I'm asking for

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Mar 23, 2018 13:34
@snailplane Thanks
Mar 23, 2018 11:09
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Yes, the recording is especially bad at this particular moment in the video
Mar 23, 2018 07:45
Hello people, can anyone help me out with a verb that I don't get in a formal speech in a Youtube video ? The passage starts around 3:16, and the URL is

Here is my transcript of the passage :

What theology books are you reading John that tell you that ? I (verb) one, and I (verb) it pretty thoroughly
Feb 24, 2018 08:54
@CowperKettle Thank you so much ! I know about the noun, but not the verb. So jockeys make harder efforts than other people ?? Hum ...
Feb 24, 2018 08:42
Hello people, can anyone help me out with a verb that I don't get in a formal speech on a Youtube video (Australian speaker). It sounds to me like "jocket". The passage starts around 8:10 and the video link is

Here goes my transcript of the passage :
"There was open warfare going on in Rome during the whole of Vatican II, as the two sides [verb here]"
Feb 10, 2018 19:25
Certitude it is then. Thx to you both @ColleenV and @snailplane
Feb 10, 2018 09:38
Hello people, can anyone help me out with one word that I don't get in a youtube video
(Australian speaker) ? The word sounds like "chew" to me .

"and the religious ones among them going and joining Protestant sects because they want some sort of [WORD HERE] in the world."

This starts around 4:41 on the video and the link is
Feb 9, 2018 12:47
@V.V. Thanks
Feb 9, 2018 10:01
Hello people, can anyone help me out with one word that I don't get in a youtube video
(Australian speaker) ? The words sounds to me like "Wild". Might be "Allied" but I'm not sure. Here goes my transcript of the passage :

I imagine the causes of the Russian revolution ... What exactly happened to the Romanovs ? I think of why the [WORD HERE] Armies, which looked so poised for success, in so many ways, failed so miserably ?

This starts around 2:10 on the video and the link is
Feb 1, 2018 12:44
ok, if you say so
Feb 1, 2018 12:42
The vowel I hear is as in "pearl", not "cares"
Feb 1, 2018 12:37
I never heard "prayer" pronounced like this before
Feb 1, 2018 12:37
Feb 1, 2018 12:36
@snailplane "prayers" ? I thought of that too, it fits with the context, but I find it hard to believe given the sound I hear
Feb 1, 2018 08:47
Hello people, can a native English speaker help me out with one word (just one, I promise) that I don’t get in a formal speech :

The word sounds like “pearls” without the “l” (although the “p” might be a “h” or a “k”, can’t tell for sure).
Here is my transcript of the passage around it :
“Such monumental things as this : the epiclesis was omitted, the <word here> of the faithful was omitted”
This is at around 7:54 in a Youtube video, the link is