Doesn't matter too much though. We'll find them an answer, and they'll be happy; and they will only be upset in their own question and not outside so the general tone will not be this and we'll also be happy. Everyone is happy, all is good :)
While Kum was unfriendly, I get the feeling that you just further provoked them. After their first comment with the tone "come on people, don't discuss tangential and unrelated things" we think that we should have just not commented more outside of the pt-PT scope.
Eu vejo uma certa transição progressiva para o Galego, ao vir para norte. No Porto já temos v como b, de que falam no vídeo do galego também. Velho -> belho, banana = banana. Então na zona fronteiriça de Viana do Castelo já começa a -naturalmente- ficar bastante parecido, dada a proximidade. E na zona de Trás-os-Montes, na fronteira norte mas interior, até põem aquele "t" no "ch" - ler bicho como "bitcho". Igualzinho ao galego. :)
Dedicado ao @Schilive, segunda pessoa do plural usada numa música moderna do norte de Portugal: > Dia 24 de Maio, Nossa Senhora das Dores > Dai o toque colegas avisai quando fordes
@LŠ°ngLŠ°ngŠ” Yes, IMO the more important work and responsibilities of a Skeptics.SE is not what one would expect, the "debunking" or "confirmation" themselves, but the tone and processes of the actions. And those will set the tone and processes for thought processes and belief systems and frameworks and whatever, in a "teach a person how to fish" sort of way.
@LŠ°ngLŠ°ngŠ” see 0:34, she is talking about "correlation / embryology / organs and systems", and "Metabolical changes in 1 organ - systemic symptom in another organ!!!".
Part of the problem is that the video is not 15s long. It's 3:53 of bullshit, if you will "pardon my french", that adds a lot of context. Asking "is this sentence true" is... not great. But you're from Skeptics, you know this problem much much better than me.
É assim que eu entendo aquelas tags: se for uma pergunta específica para o Brasil ("que é uma combi?"), português-brasileiro; se for uma pergunta específica para Portugal ("que é um matarruano?"), português-europeu; se for uma pergunta específica para português de Angola ("que é um kikuto?"), português-angolano; etc.