Mike Honeychurch

 Wolfram Mathematica

Welcome! This is the main Mathematica chat room for mathematic...
May 25, 2023 23:32
@kirma apparently a popup window is supposed to appear. You enter your openapi key. That didn't occur for me though. Absent that working there should be a manual work around I would have thought. The presence of an authentication option suggests this (?)
May 24, 2023 23:48
Does anyone know how to handle authentication for the new LLMFunction? I could see a default Authentication->Automatic but no indication of the syntax for providing the api key. Just using the key from OpenAI didn't work for me
Mar 23, 2020 23:28
@b3m2a1 thanks! I hadn't been able to find it in the chat!
Mar 23, 2020 23:16
@Szabolcs I have always found Dataset problematic for anything but small data. I am using lists and finding that more efficient. And for stuff too big for lists using python
Mar 23, 2020 23:12
Thanks, I'll have a look back through the chat. ...not a big Mma user lately and rarely come here unfortunately
Mar 23, 2020 23:10
Does anyone with 12.1 know if HatchFilling works with BarCart?
Mar 31, 2019 20:25
Has anyone on here had any experience using the mail functions in 11.3 to access their email inbox and e.g. download and/or search messages? I am finding it bug ridden ...bug = I can connect to the mail server but after that when following coded examples in the docs can only get errors
Jan 22, 2019 23:30
@kuba no a notebook. dynamic interface. i added slider labels as subscripts but they convert to that other form (what is it called, I've forgotten) when opening in Windows
Jan 22, 2019 01:45
@kuba thanks for 1). Yes for 2) I make something on Mac and they see that when opened on windows
Jan 21, 2019 07:23
2. Sometimes subscripted strings render as "(\!)*SubscriptBox..." when shared with a Windows user. I thought I remembered an option from a long time ago to prevent this occurring (???). It is so rare for me I have even forgotten what that form is called. But it happened today and I could not figure out the solution and because I could not remember the name of this Form didn;t know what to search for in MSE
Jan 21, 2019 07:20
1. Sometimes when you evaluate code to generate a plot the output below the input is not overwritten. Instead a new output cell is generated. What is the option to prevent this???
Jan 21, 2019 07:19
Two things I have forgotten about Mathematica but I used to know:
Jan 11, 2019 03:04
@halirutan SystemInformation["Links", "JavaVersion"] is what I need. Thanks!!
Jan 11, 2019 02:05
Evaluating $Version tells me things about the Mathematica version and the OS. Is there a way to find out the Java version from within Mathematica?
Nov 14, 2018 22:46
V11.3 on OS 10.11.6
Nov 14, 2018 22:45
@Szabolcs it seemed to work okay. Output: IGraph/M 0.3.103 (November 13, 2018)
igraph 0.8.0-pre+78773c79 (Nov 13 2018)
Mac OS X x86 (64-bit)
Nov 13, 2018 22:25
@Vitaliy it seems inexplicable that PlotLayout -> "Vertical", PlotLayout -> "CommonXAxis", PlotLayout -> "CommonYAxis" etc are in WaveletListPlot but not part of ListPlot, ListLinePlot, DateListPlot etc
Nov 13, 2018 22:19
@Szabolcs I am still on OS 10.11 if you want me to test something
Nov 13, 2018 22:17
"This year’s Nobel Prize in economics was awarded to a Python convert" -> qz.com/1417145/…
Nov 13, 2018 01:44
@Vitaliy it was recently put to me that python users like/prefer the matplotlib style and even some Mma users prefer the matplotlib appearance for publishing. Maybe "matplotlib" and "ggplot" themes, matching the defaults in these libraries, could be made PlotThemes?
Jul 14, 2018 02:44
No worries @halirutan I will do this when I get back
Jul 14, 2018 02:33
I have noticed a "bug" with scheduled tasks on Mac & Windows with both 11.2 & 11.3 in which AutoRemove->True for a single task causes the kernel to quit and all scheduled tasks lost. Anyone else seen this?
Jul 14, 2018 02:30
re: this question mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/176930/… I haven't done electrochemistry for ~13 years but would be happy to put files on an open source platform (GitHub?) if any MSE members who have an interest in this stuff want to update and maintain the materials. About to head on 6 weeks holiday but if anyone interested wants to email me we can discuss when I get back
Jun 28, 2018 05:58
Has anyone noticed an issues with EventHandler(s) in 11.3 on Win7? I have an application which users report is unusable with 11.3 but works fine in 11.2. No problems on OS X
Mar 5, 2018 05:08
After using pymongo with MongoDB in jobs for a couple of years it will be good to try out MongoLink in 11.3 reference.wolfram.com/language/MongoLink/guide/…
Feb 19, 2018 01:44
nevertheless my experience has also been that people only want to talk about R and python. Rare to find someone who has even heard of Mathematica
Feb 19, 2018 01:43
yeah I think so. Advocate of Ocaml, F#, not a big fan of wolfram??
Feb 19, 2018 01:12
How many others routinely find that people are only interested in methods using R or python? visibledata.co.uk/blog/2018/02/18/…
Jan 5, 2018 08:11
Other info: Length[tmp]=517228; Length[First[tmp]]=21. i.e. table with close to 11 million entries.
Jan 5, 2018 08:09
the assoc has been made correctly in so far as queries of the data set I make from it are as expected for known data.
Jan 5, 2018 08:07
It is reasonable to be expecting that the byte count of the association would be that large?
Jan 5, 2018 08:06
Jan 5, 2018 08:06
Jan 5, 2018 08:06
assoc = AssociationThread[First[tmp], #] & /@ Rest[tmp];
Jan 5, 2018 08:06
Then I make an association:
Jan 5, 2018 08:05
Jan 5, 2018 08:05
Jan 5, 2018 08:05
tmp = Import["large/50MB/file", "CSV"]
Jan 5, 2018 08:05
I import a ~50MB csv file:
Oct 18, 2017 21:05
@b3m2a1 I got the impression he was talking about something completely different
Oct 18, 2017 00:10
Just been watching presentation by SW on periscope but could not see the screen. There was mention of better database connection (?) and he gave an example of accessing their bug database. He then mentioned connection to sparkle and mongo. It was all a bit vague without seeing the screen. Can anyone point me in the direction of where I may find this functionality in 11.2?
May 25, 2017 01:51
Can anyone tell me what option controls the appearance of the above conversion prompts? I feel like I have come across this before but now cannot find the option
May 25, 2017 01:50
Feb 16, 2017 02:25
@SjoerdC.deVries they've probably been trawling this site
Feb 15, 2017 02:21
anyway my lunch break is over ....
Feb 15, 2017 02:20
I self published my book back in 2004. I had a book contract with OUP but after a change of editor (several in fact) they decided against including a CD, which i felt was necessary, so we parted ways.
Feb 15, 2017 02:19
Not something I want to spend time on. I'd consider a chapter in a cookbook type book but writing a manuscript in 6 weeks is ridiculous
Feb 15, 2017 02:17
@halirutan Pakt publishing?
Feb 15, 2017 02:14
I had someone contact me about writing a Mathematica Data Visualisation book. They wanted drafts by April and renumeration was $1400 plus 16% of royalties. I said I was not interested but can pass on details if anyone on here would like to make contact with them. The deadline seems crazy IMO. I told them I thought a better option would be a multi-author book similar to the Mathematica cookbook
Nov 22, 2018 19:59
Why not save the values as rules. That way it won't matter if not all are saved