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Anyone have any insights as to when Mathematica 12 will be released? Based on previous release schedules, I would assume around August, but I haven't seen any formal projections.
@BenKickert You won't get an answer to this if there is nothing official from WRI.
@halirutan Thanks. I didn't know how Wolfram did their beta testing
@BenKickert As you can imagine, even the beta-testers are not allowed to say anything.
re: this question mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/176930/… I haven't done electrochemistry for ~13 years but would be happy to put files on an open source platform (GitHub?) if any MSE members who have an interest in this stuff want to update and maintain the materials. About to head on 6 weeks holiday but if anyone interested wants to email me we can discuss when I get back
I have noticed a "bug" with scheduled tasks on Mac & Windows with both 11.2 & 11.3 in which AutoRemove->True for a single task causes the kernel to quit and all scheduled tasks lost. Anyone else seen this?
@MikeHoneychurch If you are away for the next 2 months, there is not much to do now I guess. If you like to share the material, I would say a good start is to make a meta-question saying that you would like to make it public if anyone is interested and helps to put it on GitHub. If someone steps up, we could arrange things and probably use an SE GitHub account.
No worries @halirutan I will do this when I get back
@halirutan I have been impressed with how much "behind the scenes" insights Stephen Wolfram provides. I thought maybe something would come out in the Twitch live streams or somewhere similar. Guess I will just have to wait for a more formal announcement.
@BenKickert If you are a heavy user and/or have some nice projects to show, there might be the possibility to join the beta-team. But I don't know if they still recruit new testers or how this works nowadays.
@halirutan Definitely note a heavy user; just interested in new developments.
For those interested here's a preliminary round of stuff on package development in Mathematica: wolframcloud.com/objects/b3m2a1/tutorial/…
I need to do some cleaning/extension and definitely some reformatting...
But it's a start so that people can see where I'm headed with this
I am an on-the-ground data guy who has worked mostly in the non-profit world, but am absolutely fascinated by what Wolfram can do.
Most people in my industry are either cobbled together excel/access people, or come from the statistics world where R is the weapon of choice.
@b3m2a1 Love the Churchill quote from 1984
@kickert thanks :) I had a really remember my history, if that quote doesn't make that abundantly clear.
@b3m2a1 Forgive my ignorance, but how did you create such a formatted objected on wolframcloud.com? It it a notebook as CloudObject?
@kickert It's just a basic website
It can serve content just like any other webserver
It just also does funky things with notebooks and stuff
I must admit, I am thoroughly confused on the differences between CloudObjects, ResourceObjects, CloudDeploy, CloudExport, etc.
@kickert for ResourceObjects are special things aimed at interfacing with Wolfram's new repository infrastructure (e.g. their data repo: resources.wolframcloud.com/DataRepository or neural net repo: resources.wolframcloud.com/NeuralNetRepository)
CloudDeploy deploys Mathematica structures to the cloud and tries to guess what format you want them to display as, basically
CloudExport is a lower-level beast that basically just chains ExportString and deployment to the cloud
CloudObjects are the wrappers for any resource stored in the cloud. They're by far the most useful, as you can directly copy something to the cloud with CopyFile.
Most of my resources are static things I want in the cloud, so I just copy them up there
So if I have a Dataset created from a local CSV file with appropriate associations that I want my peers to be able to access without having to send the file... my best bet would be CloudObject?
@kickert Yeah. If you want the Dataset directly accessible, use CloudDeploy[dataset, "name", Permissions->"Public"]
(or you can be a bit more restrictive with the Permissions if you need to be)
If you want the file directly accessible, use
CopyFile[file.csv, CloudObject["name.csv", Permissions->"Public"]]
Thanks so much! You probably have no idea how helpful these quick inputs are to a person just getting into Mathematica!
3 hours later…
@kickert I think August or so seems likely, it's been mentioned on one or two of the livestream that the time left is in terms of weeks.
2 hours later…
I'm curious whether there will be a new frontend for OSX, since the current one is 32-bit...

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