Anyone experiencing issues with Wolfram's online data recently? It's off and on for me (mostly off). Entity["Country", "Netherlands"]["Population"], for instance, doesn't work for me at the moment on two computers at different locations.
Anyone else lost access to their files in the Wolfram Cloud? I had seen a message about this but completely forgot about it and didn't copy them locally. So, now, unless I upgrade they are lost to me. Bummer.
@ChrisK I have the same experience. The integral example in Wolfram blog leads to an uninterpretable expression that cannot be edited and upon trying to do so crashes the frontend. On other occasions, such things lead to ctrl-$ not taking any new input.
@Szabolcs Doesn't the v12 update to GraphicsGrid/GraphicsColumn, or the ListPlot[...,PlotLayout->{"Column",2}] do that kind of plot aligning, or is this more sophisticated? (see also this)
FunctionCompileExportLibrary Built-in Symbol FunctionCompileExportLibrary[file, func] exports a compiled version of func as a shared library suitable for external use
@J.M.issomewhatokay. I've had that many moons ago with an old laptop of mine. Appeared it was a failing inverter that could be replaced easily and cheaply with one I bought on eBay. See also:
inv() must necessarily make a copy as it changes the input, whereas transpose() still refers to the input, but has a different 'view' on it. This is a bit nasty as Python is still able to output both values, but Mathematica can't. I'm still tempted to say that's a bug.