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Hi chat!
I saw this question
Q: Lyapunov Exponent

user5267Does anyone know a (simple) Mathematica code for computing the Lyuponov Exponent for the Rossler System? Thank you Rossler System: rossler = { x'[t] == -(y[t] + z[t]), y'[t] == x[t] + 0.1 y[t], z'[t] == 0.2 + x[t] z[t] - 5.7 z[t], x[0] == 1, y[0] == 1, z[0] == 1 }

but what could we do to derive the maximum Lyapunov exponent from the variational equation?
like in this question
Q: Computation of largest Lyapunov exponent from the Variational equation.

BAYMAXIs there any computational method or analytical method to compute the largest Lyapunov exponent of the variational equation $\dot{\eta_{i}} = A\eta_{i} - \sigma\lambda_{i} H \eta_{i}$. Actually, the above equation results from the network connected Dynamical systems, where $\eta_{i}$ is the pe...

3 hours later…
I am not able to run the Mathematica download manager to install version 11.3 on windows 7 home edition. It hangs. If someone has any ideas, I posted this question at community web site community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/1299166 any help will be great. I can install any Wolfram products, anything that uses its download manager hangs.
I got the download manager (on OSX). I must say they have achieved something interesting with download speed. Usually it has been 50+ Mbps on mobile, or 100+ Mbps at fixed home connection. Now it jumps around between 2 Mbps and 40 Mbps with no sense, mostly on the lower end.
so I have 11.3 download manager. But I can't install Mathematica since the download manager does not work. isn't this great? There is no way to download mathematica itself without using the download manager which do not work for me. I could not install the player also for same reason. I should ask for my money back from WRI. Since I can't install any product now. Why do they force people to use the their download manager is beyond me. Give us a choice !
2 hours later…
Why does not PlotMarkers work in ErrorListPlot in Mathematica 11.2? Whenever I use PlotMarkers, the errorbar disappears.
@Nasser Tip: If you get the trial version, there's no download manager.
(and then use the normal license key with it.)
@Szabolcs thanks. But this did not work. I did as you suggested. Went all the way to the trial page, selected windows version, and the same thing shows up. The download is 1.5 MB only, which is the download manager. I click download, and it showed me the same download manager I have. Back to square one. Not able to install Mathematica, since download never starts on my PC and I do not know why.
2 hours later…
@kirma Are you sure it was in Mbps? As far as I can see the download manager reports in MB/s (that's 8 times faster).
I get about 9.5 MB/s, or 90 Mbps
1 hour later…
@SjoerdC.deVries Yes, I somewhat unintuitively converted the numbers to megabits per second. Speed I experienced on this upgrade was way lower than earlier, nowhere near 90 Mbps.
@kirma This was the max of my WiFi in my living-room (my internet connection is at 150 Mbps). So, it was capped by WiFi. My guess is that too many people were downloading yesterday.
@Nasser I have windows 7 - 64 bits and I'm installing Mma 11.3 trial version. I have seen something that looks like your problem: When I double-clicked on "Mathematica_11.3.0_WIN_DM.exe" a system-windows appeared that asked me if I want to execute the file "Mathematica_11.3.0_WIN_DM.exe". Then I clicked "execute" and nothing happened (hanging). After that I didn't do anything during 1h15mn. Then I clicked another time on "execute" and it worked.
4 hours later…
@kirma I have the same experience with the Download Manager.
My university connection is literally infinite compared to what I have at home. It is usually only limited by the opposite server. With the download manager I needed more than 40 min for the download.
@andre but if I try to run the download manager again, while one instance is running, I get an error saying that only one instance is allowed to run at a time. How did it work for you?
I have no idea what it is waiting for,. I will leave it running now and see what happens again. I tried this many times before. I can wait 30 minutes and nothing happens., I remember eventually getting a time out message....
I need to move to Linux, so I can install Mathematica. This is really ridiculous what WRI have done.
I didn't had the error saying "only a single instance ...".
and I didn't kill any process after the first click on "Execute"
I didn't monitor the processes with the task manager, so I can't say if the first process was still alive when I clicked the second time.
No time-out message neither.
@andre if I do not terminate the first instance, I can not run it again. Since only one instance is allowed on my computer. I am running windows 7, home edition premier. 64 bit. I tried many things. Even in safe mode. Removed my virus protection. Nothing works. I will go today to school and try to download it to my USB drive and see if it works there.
@andre here it is. It just timed out!
it took about 40 minutes or so.
@Nasser Write support. That's the only sensible way.
@Nasser I have reproduced what I have seen and have noticed more details.
When I double-click on "Mathematica_11.3.0_WIN_DM.exe" then the following window appears :
"Voulez-vous exécuter ce fichier ?" means : "Do you want to execute this file : ..."
"Toujours demander avant d'ouvrir ce fichier" means : "always ask before opening this fiile"
The first time I click on "Exécuter" nothing happens. In particular there nothing new in the task manager".
The second (or the third time) I click on "Exécuter", then it launches the dowload manager properly (The windows appears, and the process is visible in the task manager). NO need to wait a long time for the second and the third click (say 5 seconds)
So my idea is : Maybe you have desactivated the checkbox "always ask before opening this file" and windows try to execute the file, but only once ???
I'm not sure, because in your case you see the download manager in the task manager even when it hangs.
@halirutan Frankly I must say complaining of sub-100 Mbps transfer speeds is a little too much on the "first world problems" category, but I did genuinely notice it this time. I just wonder what's the root cause...
@kirma Nevertheless, I always notice when e.g. I'm downloading the intel compiler with >5 GB and it finishes in no-time. It gives me goosebumps.
@andre No, I did not deactivate the checkbox. I did not change anything. Just double click on the DM.Exe, and then click RUN when the pop-up windows comes up. That is all. But I just went to school library and download it. it works there. The DM.exe comes up right away. So there is some incompatibility with the version of windows I am using, or there is may be a graphics card issue, or something else, which prevent DM window to show up on my PC. But I got the files now. So I am ok now. Thanks
Anyone any clue why the following fails? It doesn't work either with ExternalEvaluate and the new 11.3 ">" Python cell:
ExternalEvaluate["Python", "import numpy as np;a=np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]);np.transpose(a)"]
However, it works in IPython.
@SjoerdC.deVries what version of python is it binding to? It works for me but complains about the import since a numpy.array isn't a known return type for Mathematica.
Can someone run CurrentValue[EvaluationNotebook[], {StyleDefinitions, "ExternalLanguage"} for me? I don't want to install 11.3 right away but want to answer a question based on that.
@BAYMAX Aside from the variational equation, I think you need the solution of the original nonlinear system.
@SjoerdC.deVries also ExternalEvaluate only works if "import json; list(bytearray(json.dumps(numpy.array([1, 2, 3])).encode('utf-8')))" returns a TypeError.
@b3m2a1 That can't be it. It returns a just fine (which is also a numpy array)
It dumps to JSON for you? I get TypeError: array([1, 2, 3]) is not JSON serializable
@SjoerdC.deVries ExternalEvaluate`ImportExport`Symbols`importPythonString needs to work
ExternalEvaluate["Python", "import numpy as \
just returns:
{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}
The return of your CurrentCalue line is:
{CellFrame -> 1, CellMargins -> {{66, 10}, {8, 8}},
StyleKeyMapping -> {"Backspace" -> "Input"}, Evaluatable -> True,
CellGroupingRules -> "InputGrouping", StripStyleOnPaste -> True,
CellEvaluationFunction ->
CellEvaluationLanguage -> "Python",
CellFrameMargins -> {{4, 8}, {8, 8}},
CellFrameColor -> RGBColor[0.8549, 0.83137, 0.72549],
CellFrameLabels -> {{Cell[BoxData[PopupMenuBox[\!\(\*
EvaluationCell[]], CellEvaluationLanguage], StandardForm],
@SjoerdC.deVries hmm maybe 11.3 has an update to extend it basic numpy arrays. I'd have to install and dig.
Thanks for running that
@b3m2a1 This is how it looks like at my side:
@SjoerdC.deVries What does this give you:
 HoldPattern[e : ExternalEvaluate[__]] :> HoldComplete[e],
Ah yeah they've just changed the framework on the backend. Give me a moment and I'll dig in the cloud :)
@b3m2a1 Perhaps the following is of some use:
Yeah it's moved to using ast.literal_eval instead of just json.dumps
Nah, this was an error of my own (one parenthesis missing)
Ah that'd do it. But the underlying framework does seem to have changed.
@b3m2a1 This shows the real problem:
both a and its transpose are of the same type, but only a can be returned
try b=np.transpose(a); b
I'm guessing it's a parse error
I'm currently installing 11.3 so once that's done debugging will be simpler.
nope, doesn't work. Same error
I'm using a reasonable recent Anaconda installation BTW
Interestingly, np.transpose(np.transpose(a)) works just fine. So, it is not the transpose function itself
Anyway, have to go now. See you
Okay. Good luck. I'm sure looking at ExternalEvaluate`Plugins`Python`ImportExport`importPythonString will tell you how to fix it
@SjoerdC.deVries Just finished installing. You can read the Traceback and it'll tell you where the problem lies:
"/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/base64.py", line 53, in b64encode
    encoded = binascii.b2a_base64(s)[:-1]
ValueError: ndarray is not C-contiguous
ndarray is a mutable type so np.transpose doesn't need to copy the original data at all. If you force it to build a new copy of the data in the appropriate layout it works: numpy.transpose(a).copy() is valid.

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