Oct 15, 2024 14:26
One question per post is a rule for a reason, you're asking two VERY different things here.

 Story Tellers Corner

Place where people can bring closed story-based and/or idea ge...
Oct 12, 2024 10:35
@JiminyCricket. I'd always thought of it being a single business mogul building himself a small army, in order to steal something absurdly destructive.
Oct 12, 2024 06:23
@JiminyCricket. I hadn't thought about that but of course an alliance is going to be far more efficient than a lone operator.
Oct 10, 2024 03:51
Not that this is any longer relevant to a current project but it might make a good stepping off point for the room: Any Thoughts?
Oct 10, 2024 03:38
Yeah I had wondered about it on and off for years and always kind of assumed that it had been tried and failed or that there was some reason we couldn't do it this way. I'm just hoping it sees some use, time will tell.
Oct 9, 2024 05:05
Thanks @VLAZ, now I'll go find some recent questions that might benefit from this space and we'll see what happens.
Sep 28, 2024 11:34
Might I suggest you look at it includes a number of resources for consolidating/storing a worldbuilding project. To answer your concerns of order, style, etc... that is totally purpose dependent.
Sep 23, 2024 19:42
@ConanHighwoods See JBH's two comments, I concur with both of them.
Sep 23, 2024 19:42
You've already answered your own question within the question, and even if you hadn't this isn't about worldbuilding it is a question about a real world industrial process.
Sep 13, 2024 10:37
And now I can't stop thinking about the soap from Fight Club.
Sep 6, 2024 16:48
@Antares It is very clear how gravity works "while this environment was created by magic its ongoing behaviour is governed by physics." That's from the question in case you were in any doubt. Heat drives convection, it is literally the thing that drives convection, temperature differentials. Hot material moves to colder/more open regions, gives up heat to it's environment and/or expands until it is cooled by decompression then migrates back into higher density/temperature zones.
Sep 6, 2024 16:48
@Antares Gravity is gravity, it does what gravity does. At this point I'm really only interested in the potential for thermal convection.
Aug 31, 2024 13:14
What is the question? I can't see a question mark anywhere.
Jun 9, 2024 02:26
@JBH Not when you've said it's a planet, planets as "rigid, gravity-bonded, objects" can't behave in the manner you are suggesting without VAST energy inputs, inputs that exceed of the binding energy of an Earthlike world within a single precession cycle, in this case within about 19 hours. Here ends the troll feeding.
Jun 9, 2024 02:26
@JBH I'm objecting to the physical impossible being asked for when you're not allowing for "a wizard did it" by using the magic tag, and to you suggesting in the body text that a planet can act like a tumbling cylinder, which should shred itself if I understand the force dynamics you're describing.
Jun 9, 2024 02:26
@JBH You raised exactly the same objection I have to the question I've noted, which is also not tagged science-based.
Jun 9, 2024 02:26
@JBH The questions make the same (wrong) assumptions about how a solid object can behave, the answer is the same, you will vaporise the world within a local year.
Jun 9, 2024 02:26
Planet either isn't solid to begin with, otherwise the "two axes of rotation" resolve as a single rotation, or if you fake it by dumping enough energy into the planet to push along a daily total precession cycle the planet evaporates due to waste heat.
Nov 17, 2021 07:47
@AdrianColomitchi By definition a reactionless drive has no fuel and there is no cost to travel, that's why they're on the "friends don't let friends have" list for writing sci-fi.
Oct 30, 2021 04:30
@GrumpyYoungMan You're not wrong about our current usage rates but they're irrelevant. You're touting the current usage rate of a couple of billion first class consumers, with extremely limited access to the elements in question, and saying that it equates to the usage rate of hundreds of billions of consumers who take easy availability for granted, that doesn't map.
Oct 30, 2021 03:38
@GrumpyYoungMan More importantly given where Indium is used when did our usage include supplying consumer electronics to several hundred billion people?
Oct 30, 2021 03:29
@GrumpyYoungMan And when did we start building hundreds of starships that are tens of miles long?
Oct 30, 2021 03:29
@PcMan Unless the pirates are spreading news of their own crimes they're going to be ahead of the news.
Oct 30, 2021 03:29
@Mary Which is why crews don't have those attachments.
Oct 30, 2021 03:29
@Trioxidane I'm a member of a society that, because of a number of historical oddments uses both the metric and imperial systems with equal ease, especially my particular generation, I try to stick to one or the other but not always a thing I'm good at, the facility in question is actually rated for 75km.
Oct 30, 2021 03:29
@GrumpyYoungMan When the only serious manufacturing facilities are all in one place (and they are) then you have to ship in materials that remain scarce even with asteroid mining, like Neodymium, Niobium, Beryllium, Rhenium, and Indium, from elsewhere.
Oct 30, 2021 03:29
@SomethingSImple That needs to be an answer, and not in the comments even if you don't write it up properly.
Oct 30, 2021 03:29
@Mary Near zero voyage time for the ship and crew, they only experience the time needed to get to the jump limit they have no direct experience of the transit. I'm not sure if that makes a difference because I'm not 100% clear on your objection.
Sep 15, 2021 14:09
@Willk Why do people always seem to take photos of Brutalist buildings when the sun is out, I really don't think it shows them at their best.
Sep 15, 2021 14:09
@Yay295 Probably but the building code making you install windows anyway is totally a thing I would expect to see.
Sep 15, 2021 14:09
@PostlimFort Maybe but then again what you may gain in deflection you could be giving up in total height it could be a balancing act.
Sep 15, 2021 14:09
@GrumpyYoungMan Oops, well spotted, that should be sorted.
Sep 15, 2021 14:09
@GrumpyYoungMan Good to know about the ventilation. The water will get contaminated, and by draining the tanks to clean down the building you are removing shielding.
Sep 15, 2021 14:09
@GrumpyYoungMan Your points have been stolen and added to my own, you have been given credit.
Sep 15, 2021 14:09
@Cadence It occurs to me that the main reason I put windows was an assumption about building code still requiring them. Either because it's outdated or because it was stupid.
Sep 15, 2021 14:09
@Mary Yeah you could do that.
Sep 15, 2021 14:09
@Mary It occurs to me that the main reason I put windows was an assumption about building code still requiring them. Either because it's outdated or because it was stupid.
Sep 15, 2021 14:09
@Cadence Depends how old their building is and I was thinking of people on the street rather than the neighbours.
Sep 15, 2021 14:09
@Cadence Partly aesthetics, people like windows on buildings, they don't like to have to look at huge blank panels of concrete, plus you don't have to pay to light the internal storage/maintenance space.
Sep 15, 2021 14:08
The problem with this kind of question is that it relies too heavily on the actions of people you have author control so we can't easily give an accurate answer. I know where I'd go first and what technologies I'd want to introduce and how I'd do it to give myself maximum leverage but that's one person not a group of experts who may or may not communicate and co-operate well or have the same goals.
Sep 5, 2021 05:24
@LiJun Fair enough.
Sep 5, 2021 05:24
@LiJun No I only need to read to OPs response to my answer to know they are reasonably satisfied with my take on their question.
Sep 5, 2021 05:24
@LiJun You moved it not me, the OP was quite happy with an answer as to what clothes not what clothes the raptor could put on themselves.
Sep 5, 2021 05:24
@LiJun No getting a tee shirt on a raptor would be pretty impractical, and I don't even want to think about putting one in a turtle neck. A raptor could shrug himself into a loose vest though.
Sep 5, 2021 05:24
@LiJun You suggested that a Veloceraptor could get someone to help them on with ANY article of clothing this is not so, a tee shirt would be awkward even with help and a turtleneck would be a nightmare that you'd be lucky to have end in tears and not bloodshed. A raptor might need help with pants but a vest or short sleeved jacket they could manage without a body servant.
Sep 5, 2021 05:24
@LiJun Plenty of well to do gentlemen have servants, and dressing assistance wasn't uncommon historically.
Sep 5, 2021 05:24
@IchthysKing That is a simple matter of changing the size/positioning of the arm-eyes in the jacket, and not by that much actually, you have to customise that slightly switching genders in people as well so it's a very common alteration.
Sep 5, 2021 05:24
@IchthysKing Yes, in that a bird could use human style suspenders while dromaeosaurs are tipped far further forward making this impractical so they need a different design.
Sep 5, 2021 05:24
@FelisMiscellaneous These are not quite the ones I am thinking of but they should you an idea. Bird Jacket, bird in jacket.