Aug 15, 2020 22:54
I think one of the problems with this question is that the probability part is using two different definitions of equality in a single equation. The probability that the value is exactly equal is 1/inf, which is so close to 0 that the probability is effectively equal to zero.
Jul 22, 2019 23:18
For the whitespace is it always space or can there be tab characters?

 The Nineteenth Byte

The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for codegolf.stackexc...
Dec 8, 2018 22:12
This can be reduced by only dividing into unique arrangements of the subarray lengths
Dec 8, 2018 22:10
Sort the flattened array then try dividing into each arrangement of the subarray lengths
Dec 8, 2018 22:07
Personally I am finding that the time complexity is k!+nlogn where n is the number of elements and k is the number of subarrays
Dec 8, 2018 21:53
@DJMcMayhem I meant if it is a single subarray with all n elements
Dec 8, 2018 21:48
If there is a single array with n elements you still need to sort the array though
Dec 8, 2018 21:43
The minimized jaggedness will occur with each of the arrays being a subset from the overall flattened and sorted array
Dec 8, 2018 21:42
The complexity is probably based on the total number of elements
Aug 29, 2018 18:17
although I am thinking more of molecular biology than biology in general
Aug 29, 2018 18:16
Biology and Org chem
Aug 29, 2018 18:14
Dynamics is the study of moving things and statics is for stationary things. They are clearly completely separate
Aug 29, 2018 18:13
Dynamics and statics
Aug 27, 2018 17:59
Did the new sandbox questions bot get removed?
Aug 23, 2018 22:19
It was over several answers to that contest though
Aug 23, 2018 22:09
+ a bounty
Aug 23, 2018 22:08
I ended up with about 500 rep total from answers to the programming language of unknown completion popularity-contest
Aug 28, 2018 17:45
This seems like an interesting question but would probably benefit from being in the sandbox to get some feedback

 Art Attack Discussion

Discussion of the "Art Attack" King of the Hill competition
Aug 24, 2018 11:25
Dragon has a somewhat slow first turn but goes much faster afterwards because it uses recursive regex replace to generate the dragon curve but only needs to generate it once.
Aug 23, 2018 23:24
Maybe it is jim who idolizes john and therefore props him up?
Aug 23, 2018 23:21
by about 100 squares at 2000 rounds too
Aug 23, 2018 23:21
I had john beat jim when i ran it with all the bots
Aug 23, 2018 22:46
It would be like trying to do it on the reddit 2017 april fools thing with something like 50 people
Aug 23, 2018 22:45
The problem is that it is far to easy to break a picture
Aug 23, 2018 22:44
DragonBot is the most easily recognizable bot due to it not working with a strategy and just trying to draw a pattern
Aug 23, 2018 22:42
I think it is an interesting interaction
Aug 23, 2018 22:41
Based on the way it is phrased, you can clear squares which you shouldn't be able to clear if you land on them at the same time as another bot
Aug 23, 2018 15:34
Dragon bot performs surprisingly well considering it doesnt really use any sort of strategy and even goes back over its own tracks
Aug 23, 2018 15:13
@dzaima I made a javascript program which ended up trying to create a n dimensional array of side length n for a fastest code problem
Aug 22, 2018 19:54
It draws a lot of squares
Aug 22, 2018 19:52
I have it working with betadecay's controller.
Aug 22, 2018 19:42
It also doesn't seem to care because I then change things back to int by -0 and ""-0 = 0
Aug 22, 2018 19:39
It looks to be fixed now when I run it. I edited my post
Aug 22, 2018 19:37
Intended to compare. Fixing some errors right now
Aug 22, 2018 19:30
I think that might be an issue with gameInfo[0]
Aug 22, 2018 19:14
The dragon really needs to be a string though as there is a problem with 8000 digit integers in javascript
Aug 22, 2018 19:14
I set it up to actually use window.localStorage, which force stringified it because I tried to put a string and 2 integers into an array
Aug 22, 2018 19:07
I accidentally turn all my information into a single string :P
Aug 22, 2018 18:09
Had to modify it just now so that it would leave spaces instead of just filling the space

 Gold Collectors KoTH(s)

For the Gold Collector KoTH, and upcoming Gold Collectors KoTH...
Aug 15, 2018 23:53
How the heck did proton end up in the top 20...
Aug 13, 2018 18:14
You can probably safely remove protonbot without changing the results
Aug 12, 2018 17:33
With the bot data included in ramillies botdata, safety coin pretty much either dies early or ends up 2nd :P
Aug 12, 2018 16:58
This challenge and this challenge were the ones which I tested the code in Chrome and other browsers
Aug 12, 2018 16:43
I learned that Chrome runs JS faster when writing JS code for a fastest code challenge :P
Aug 12, 2018 16:20
I have no clue how that happened
Aug 12, 2018 16:20
I had a round where safety coin somehow had 9 kills.
Aug 12, 2018 14:23
The bots which have a chance to not move while hunting enemies have a chance to kill safety coin. If I remove the ability for that to happen it makes it easier for it to get cornered
Aug 12, 2018 14:21
How well does safety coin do now?
Aug 11, 2018 18:23
I am trying to design a true learning algorithm for this now.
Aug 11, 2018 14:06
it is just a shorter way of writing Math.floor()