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Apparently, the motion of other bots confuses CloseCoin's algroithms
But even without hunting capabilities, it ate Hunter, GUT, Third Gen Learning Algorithm, and Wild Goose Chase
By the way TBTPTGCBCBA eats Potentially Victorious quite often
Which version?
You're probably pitting the new TBTfqwjkenwhatever against the old Potentially Victorious?
Oh, I'm running a pretty outdated everything
If you want, grab the botdata.js from the gist with my controller.
That should be pretty up-to-date.
Nah, I'm just testing my bots at the moment. Hunter and Seeker are getting a new Indev defense system and teaming mechanism
Hunter had a bug where enemies on his eastern side were hidden
3 hours later…
CloseCoin is becoming a deadly opponent
Aaand 1st place goes to CloseCoin by 300 coins
)Well, 104..same difference)
[1919] Bot CloseCoin ate Potentially Victorius and gained 272 coins
That's what I call BOOYAH
I got my comeuppance
[819] Bot Potentially Victorius ate CloseCoin and gained 127 coins
Any strategies to beat TBTPTGCBCBA?
2 hours later…
About running games, right now with 26 bots (updated last night) I can run 10K in about 1 to 1.5 second inside Google Chrome (no graphics). But the funny thing is, if I set a loop to do 50K, it will get stuck for a long time. I'm not sure what causes that, but doing 5 separate 10K runs is faster than a single 50K run!
And my PC isn't powerful at all, I have a "Intel® Core™ i7-4700HQ" CPU which still is good, but since only 1 core is used while running controller loops, at best an old 3.40 GHz core is running all those operations!
But anyways I think we should stop with non-serious bots, they all die fast and just leave the game open with a very large arena and a few bots in it at the end. Usually when I run 1K rounds, I see that just usual top bots and some survival bots (with very few coins) are around in a very large arena which reduces the chance of confrontation between top bots.
@Ramillies your controller looks quite good now
5 hours later…
Converted to JS:
A: Gold Collector KoTH

Beta DecayX Marks The Spot | JavaScript function(me, others, coins){ if (me.locationY != 0) { // If not on X axis if (others.every(other => other[1]==me.locationY-1)) { // If any in my way if (!others.every(other => other[0]==me.locationX-1)) { ...

@Night2: Thanks, glad you like it.
3 hours later…
@Night2 Intel Celeron N2830 Dual Core 2.16 GHz Processor. 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM. 16 GB Internal Storage. 11.6-Inch Screen 1366x768 Active Matrix TFT Color LCD, Intel HD Graphics.
Acer Chromebook 11
@RedwolfPrograms OK, that one is weak
Can you link to your botData?
What do you mean?
Mine isn't updated
Just your botData variable where the bots go
Oh, I'm using the one from @Ramillies controller
Okay. By the way, I'm about to update Hunter
I'm also working on my bot
Seems other bots are way better than it now
All of my bots have a few bugs with their survival systems
Yeah, they still die very early with few coins
Hunter is lasting about 1k rounds now, rather than 10
With about 100 coins
@Night2, TBT...CGA regularly wins with my setup.
Hunter couldn't see enemies on his Eastern side
TBTPTGCBCBA wins if you play on a few rounds or if it gains a good lucky lead
But in 100K runs, other bots have better end game strategy and they eventually gain more coins
I think too much of the game is luck, honestly
But the extra rounds will take away the luck element
They won't.
No, luck is affecting it, but it is obvious to me that bots like "Polite Near-Sighted Drunk Bot" and "Big King Little Hill" are playing the end game better
How well does safety coin do now?
Even Safety coin sometimes performs very well
Luck has a good part here, but obviously some of the bots regularly winning can't be luck.
And the new Potentially Victorious which was on @Ramillies data behaves very good as well
@Ramillies btw I tried to use your post script and it didn't work, seems to have some errors, but the one with your controller is working well
@Night2, that's weird since what's in the post should be a direct copy. I'll have a look.
@fəˈnɛtɪk I found it many times dead, apart from that, when it makes to end game, it performs well and I have seen it win some times
Ouch, I already see the mistake.
is not defined
Yes, the part that loads it from the botNotes is missing.
The bots which have a chance to not move while hunting enemies have a chance to kill safety coin. If I remove the ability for that to happen it makes it easier for it to get cornered
Hm, I'm stupid, I just copied the function for potential I think...
Yes I did.
I'm running a test with the fully updated Hunter.Armageddon and CloseCoin
Should be now fixed, thank you.
Hunter.Armageddon has a new feature that should make it stop getting in endless chases
As number of bots is growing and the more complicated the bots are getting, running 10Ks is getting slower and slower :D
In my tests, CloseCoin does remarkably well
I used to be 20K in less than a second, now 10K take up to 1.5/2 seconds
I'm running only 2ks and they are slow enough.
@Ramillies your controller deosn't have the no graphics run feature
I do that manually in console with default controller
Yeah. I'm seriously contemplating adding it.
for(var xyzusnasd = 0; xyzusnasd < 10000; xyzusnasd++) runBots();
I just do this
And then
I see.
If I update the graphics in each loop cycle, it will take forever :P
@RedwolfPrograms I can't find a bot named "CloseCoin", where is it?
I update them each fps/50th cycle if fps is large enough.
In development
But I'll ditch that and add a separate textbox.
@Ramillies I tried with very high FPSes like 2000, but it doesn't go faster than a specific speed on my PC
Mine goes up to about 150
But that's with graphics and leaderboard every turn
CloseCoin is designed to chase for up to 4 turns, then stop to prevent long, boring wastes of time
@Night2, probably the setInterval function won't fire up the callback until the previous had finished.
(I guess. Otherwise there would be very rough concurrency troubles and I would've probably noticed.)
It probably is a hardware limit on my side
Yeah. It makes sense: otherwise you would be able to make the computation as fast as you would want.
There has to be a cap somewhere.
Anyway, I added the textbox to render the canvas and leaderboard only each n-th round: gist.github.com/ramillies/c2ca193f0d98039a5b2800fb39f5d62b .
Seeker needs to be reprogrammed to avoid enemies
Before, she just considered avoiding them, but a coin on the other side would cause her to run right into the enemy
Gold makes her blind :D
Well, that went great. Seeker died instantly
CloseCoin tied for 2nd with Potentially Victorious
After 1e3
YEAH! You finally spelled my bot's name correctly!
(Although I have probably no right to say such things.)
Yeah, I kept thinking "Something's wrong with my spelling, but I can't put my finger on it"
I seriously annoy people with my Grammar-Correcting
No! CloseCoin got eaten!
@Ramillies 🤨
Firebird is getting upgraded EXTREMELY
Now, it moves in Clockwise or Counterclockwise circles?
After 4e3, the winner looks pretty obvious
By the way, Firebird was a joke. The new Firebird is like Wild Goose Chase, but with a few extra abilities
let firebird = new WildGooseChase("Okay").makeAwesome("cool features") * 1000000;
Potentially Victorious got an Extra Aggressiveness update.
Yaaaay, just what we all needed
Now it even beats TBT...
(by ~ 1% of games...)
(Results of 100 games, 2k rounds each.)
I doubt if in +50K round games any of us can win like that.
@RedwolfPrograms is your decision on 100K rounds per game final?
No, maybe less
Even 10k may work, but I was thinking 20k
@Night2, who does the best in those long runs?
Can you make a final decision on that? I want to program my bot behavior depending on how close we are to the end
I would go at most 10k, maybe only 5k. After that long the winner is usually crystal clear.
If anybody has a problem with 20k, tell me in the next 0.85ms
Okay, we've reached a unanimous vote
Nobody contacted me in the last 0.85ms
@Ramillies Big King Little Hill and Polite Near-Sighted Drunk Bot and sometimes Safety coin if stays alive
I see.
My endgame logic is definitely a bit lacking (maybe a sizable bit, I'll have a look for myself).
@RedwolfPrograms so is 20K final?
I am thinking to try a risky approach if we are close to end of the game and I'm not in lead to try and corner a weaker bot somehow. Not sure if I can do it or not, must think on it, but for that I need to know finalized amount of rounds per game
I've been trying to do something like that with Potentially Victorious.
With the old version of TBT..., it was successful because I was often able to eat him and get a gazillion of coins.
But as soon as you updated him, it ceased to be worth the hassle.
@Ramillies Your controller was buggy, TBTPTGCBCBA is not eatable unless 3 stronger bots corner him :D
Is or was?
I mean the first version (probably).
Hm, OK, then the strategy was useless right from the start :—D
Even the first version had similar running technique
Only on the real corner of board 2 bots can kill 1 weaker bot
in middle, you will need 3 bots
I know.
I've been trying to make PV ram the weaker bot into a bunch of more powerful bots.
But I'm thinking to pick on the weakest bot on end game with hope of another random chase helping me suddenly change the winner
It would be cool to use the Stack Exchange API to automatically update the bot data
But anyways I need to know how long each game is going to be to be able to select the right time for strategy change
In hope that I will be able to eat it. // It won't help you with anything if you don't eat it.
@Ramillies But when it is close to the end of the game and I'm not in lead, my only hope will be eating a weaker bot
Of course.
Can I put a copyright on this idea? :D
I just want to say that I had exactly the same thoughts before and I now think that you should rather hope for the gold coin spawning right next to you 100 times in a row.
If you want, do so :—D.
Just kidding
I might add another bot with task of helping to corner a weak bot at the end
The Bot That Plays The Game Sensibly But Suddenly Goes Crazy At The End
@Ramillies TBTPTGCBCBA also seems to be the most aggressive bot with most kills. I like that one :D
If I don't win the real competition, I will win the award for most kills :P
20k is final
I had a round where safety coin somehow had 9 kills.
I have no clue how that happened
3 days to final competitions! Would anyone like to volunteer for running a small percentage of the rounds?
The more people that volunteer, the faster it goes
@RedwolfPrograms I might be able to do that, but since I'm part of competition, I'm not sure if that is fair to do that
I would give you a version of the controller that is designed by me
And ensure that the results are valid
Well, someone can always change the controller or change the results
Although I doubt any of y'all would cheat
Maybe I could have it encrypt the results (:
Of course we won't, but it also doesn't feel fair
I think you should ask from more people about this and see what they think
Well, obviously, if Goldilocks gets 80 first-place wins I'll know something's up
And I'll compare results and see if anything's odd about them
@RedwolfPrograms Well as long as the code/result are on same PC, anything can be cheated, your encryption can be decrypted as well
I'll think about it, and ask around
Maybe there's something on Meta
@RedwolfPrograms how many rounds per seconds can you run now? And how many games do you plan to run?
I don't know how many rounds per second (I'm going to check in a few minutes)
I plan on 8k games
Maybe I could ask a question on Meta about having competitors run some of the games?
That is a good idea
Fact: each time I benchmark a 20K run, I get a very different number, from 3-4 seconds to 15 seconds
It seems based on how each game goes and what bots stay alive longer, the times do varry
Fact 2: Google Chrome's JS engine is a lot faster than Mozilla Firefox's one
I learned that Chrome runs JS faster when writing JS code for a fastest code challenge :P
That's stupid
This challenge and this challenge were the ones which I tested the code in Chrome and other browsers
@Night2: TBT... has most kills, but Potentially Victorious has usually a bit more coins in them.
TBT... just died, same as BKLH
Seeker jumped!
With the bot data included in ramillies botdata, safety coin pretty much either dies early or ends up 2nd :P
Nobody is at all running any of the same code as anyone else
Has BaitBot been fixed yet?
Q: Should competitors be able to run games for KoTHs?

Redwolf ProgramsIn this question, every "game" takes about 5 seconds. Ten thousand runs, maybe eight thousand, are planned. Running these on a single computer would take forever, so I suggested letting competitors and volunteers run some of the games. However, this result in cheating. My question is: should this...

Don't you hate it when your two flagship bots eat each other?
1 hour later…
@RedwolfPrograms Should be fine as long as everyone uses the same controller
Exactly. I don't really suspect any cheating in here.
Potentially Victorious just got a kingly meal:
[16642] Potentially Victorious has eaten Feudal Noble for 1606 coins.

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