Aug 15, 2018 04:38
Well we ran our first “final” session for ToA and it seemed to go pretty smoothly. Are there guides anywhere for trap experience for an AL game? One clever thing they did - they used an Immovable Rod to prevent the stone from descending in the Wine Trap room. Then they pulled the Rod and used the Sentinel skill to stop the creatures from getting down the hall until the stone sealed the room.
Aug 14, 2018 20:47
Great - thanks for unfreezing the room.

 The Back Room: Live Tabletop Games

A space for online tabletop gaming.
Aug 14, 2018 05:10
@nitsua60 We have been looking for someone to play my character to finish the last session or two - but getting no treasure and just playing an NPC is a hard well - even if it is the final level of ToA. Thanks again for the offer to DM - maybe we'll catch each other in another game! Best.
Aug 14, 2018 05:10
@nitsua60 Thanks so much for the offer. IMHO, that's very cool of you. Our DM did quit and I, as one of the 8 month players, offered to exit and DM so the story stays consistent. My character will stay as an NPC who gets no treasure. I have now finished reading the module and set up everything on Roll20. We play tomorrow night (Tuesday) 8PM Eastern.
Jul 29, 2018 13:31
So would this mean that Shield Guardians could not cast spells from scrolls? (Even though they can cast spells.) (If I am reading this correctly.)
Jun 24, 2018 23:56
@KorvinStarmast The question states that.
Jun 24, 2018 23:56
@KorvinStarmast That's an interesting interpretation but that's not the question. We are just asking if official rules exist whether for player or for DM. Not homebrew.
Jun 24, 2018 23:55
@KorvinStarmast - the text says "you drop to 0 hp the next round". Our column heading was time to 0 hp.
Jun 24, 2018 23:52
@KorvinStarmast Drowning = 30 seconds. Choking = 0 seconds. 0HP = 6 seconds later. Total = 36 seconds.
Jun 24, 2018 23:50
@KorvinStarmast I am not following the math error. 30 seconds minimum (for any negative modifier) + 6 seconds (1 round) until you drown = 36 seconds. See HellSaint's comment as well. Is there something I am missing?
Jun 24, 2018 23:50
@KorvinStarmast Per your reference to (…) this question falls into the #2 answer category of the accepted answer.
Jun 24, 2018 23:50
@HellSaint Thanks for the catch. I applied the "+1 round to the other rows now." Hopefully now right.
Jun 24, 2018 23:50
@Sparksbet No not mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. That's after someone is already collapsed. This is swimming to someone underwater and delivering a breath to them. (We don't use all the oxygen in our breath.) The air you breath in is 20% oxygen. The air you breath out is 15% oxygen.
Jun 21, 2018 12:43
@Luke If inanimate objects aren't considered hostile, doesn't that mean the Rage will fail because it only counts against hostile enemies?
Mar 19, 2018 23:13
@PhilBoncer and @nitsua60 The question has been reopened. Please feel free to add your answers. I thought they were great
Mar 19, 2018 05:40
@PhilBoncer The greater the distance - the better the creature. Great answers btw - exactly the kind of clever thinking for which we were looking. Really like non-exhaustion undead - homonculus birds that tap out messages - and Construct magic items. Clever
Mar 19, 2018 05:12
@nitsua60 Thanks for the clarification. As it may be impossible to match every desired criteria. the most criteria matchable is great. We have added that to the question to clarify. We also added that we have placed the adventure in a non-sanctioned CCC area.
Mar 19, 2018 04:51
@nitsua60 Flying snake sounds like a great answer. That’s exactly the type of answers for which we are looking. I am just disappointed the question is closed
Mar 19, 2018 04:51
@nitsua60 All the answers to the questions have been edited into the post.
Mar 19, 2018 04:51
@DuckTapeAl Yes, the adventure is in Anauroch which isn’t yet allowed - but we are writing the rest of it to fit the CCC guidelines as closely as possible
Mar 19, 2018 04:51
@DuckTapeAl Ideally, faster than flying so it doesn’t take days for messages to cross hundreds of miles of desert. Ideally it would only take a day to reach the PCs.
Mar 19, 2018 04:51
@PurpleMonkey A spell that can create a creature that can travel hundreds of miles almost instantaneously and deliver messages to any chosen individual (i.e. so every PC could have one)? Please post an answer if it sounds like it fits.
Mar 19, 2018 04:51
@PurpleMonkey We are thinking of what Harry Potter would have lost without owls and how much was added by their presence. Message spells feel a bit like cell phones. We would prefer messaging to occur by a creature to give local fauna richness and uniqueness to the area.