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@nitsua60 Thanks so much for the offer. IMHO, that's very cool of you. Our DM did quit and I, as one of the 8 month players, offered to exit and DM so the story stays consistent. My character will stay as an NPC who gets no treasure. I have now finished reading the module and set up everything on Roll20. We play tomorrow night (Tuesday) 8PM Eastern.
@nitsua60 We have been looking for someone to play my character to finish the last session or two - but getting no treasure and just playing an NPC is a hard well - even if it is the final level of ToA. Thanks again for the offer to DM - maybe we'll catch each other in another game! Best.
7 hours later…
@Praxiteles Cool--I'm glad it's going to work out. I don't know if you've seen, but there's also a dedicated chat room a couple of us were using to discuss things about GMing ToA specifically: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/66684/…
Feel free to ping me in there if you have any questions or a cool story to share =)
8 hours later…
Something came up and I won't be free this Thursday. My game for tonight has to be moved to then because of internet connectivity issues today.
3 hours later…
@SoraTamashii ah, can we still talk at least, or are things hard broken for you over there?
We can chat, but my connection may crap out for long periods of time, so if i take a while, that's why.
@SoraTamashii ah.
@SoraTamashii so, perhaps you could send me Caelynn's charsheet for starters? also, the reason I wasn't going "heroes guild" was kind of the last-second nature of everything going on and this being all short-form to short-ish form stuff instead of a long-form campaign
also, don't worry about re-rolling her
1) Yeah, I'll send it in a bit. I'll send an as-is thing then send an updated form with backstory later.
2) She rolled obscenely high. 15, 16, 12, 13. 11, and 7. Are you SURE I shouldn't reroll for this seeing those numbers? I'd rather not walk in with a "2Stronk4U" Character if you're not able to handle her or if she feels "fishy".
Hence why I would never play a Triton.
@SoraTamashii I doubt it'd be a problem at all -- I've actually rolled better myself in 5e and not had any problems with the char being terribly OP
(the most OP I've felt lately has been in PF with a hastily ported 3.5e druid with rather mediocre ability scores, but insane skills due to the hasty porting job, and typical druid cheatery atop that)
I have a preference for Half-Elves it seems
So, I love the fact she has two Daggers and all, but is there any chance you could let me exchange the two daggers for a +1 Dagger? XD (I already know the answer is no, don't allow that. lol)
@SoraTamashii yeah...that'd be a hard sell even for me
Well you see, she has two daggers and using mobile Gacha game mechanics, she turned them into 1 AWESOME dagger. :P
Hey Nitsua!
so...one thing with the change of chars was that my original story ideas were sort-of-built-towards Juniper (do you want me to spoil them here for you @SoraTamashii?)
@SoraTamashii so -- the idea behind the weird guy in the hunting lodge was indeed that he was a druid-hunter among other things
(atop being a sort of faker at being the dragonslaying knight figure if you will -- sure, he can slay a dragon, but he's far more of a knave than a knight about it ;)
and when the party got back to town, they were slated to find out that there was an evil noblewoman and her daughter stopping in town, and lo and behold, it turns out they're headed for the hunting lodge
the daughter is slated to be sent off to the castle, while the evil noblewoman was going to go dragonhunting with the guy in the hunting lodge as her guide
dragonhunting...or worse, even
so the idea would be that Juniper would have to put a stop to this...take out the noblewoman first off (and possibly her daughter as well), and then hunt down the huntsman whilst he's dragonhunting, leading to a climax where he's about to get the drop on a dragon, but Juniper is in position to foil his efforts XD
I see what you're going for, but Juniper was the problematic factor.
She'd have fled sooner than risk her life needlessly. She'd be more inclined to help if you gave her a reason why she couldn't flee.
@SoraTamashii yeah, definitely -- I'm not used to chars who are used to being prey, so to speak, instead of predators
Caelynn won't be that hard. Her biggest issue might be... what I refer to as the "Dco Effect" She might be a little too brash and headstrong.
@SoraTamashii I don't think that will be nearly as large a problem. I'll have to ruminate on plot ideas for her unless you have things in mind?
I'll follow your lead.
also, should I expect to hear from you soon about your upcoming availability @SoraTamashii?
I'll have next week's schedule soon if all goes well. Probably tomorrow or Thursday.
@SoraTamashii -- I do have one curiosity question about Juniper and our RP involving her though (if you'd rather not answer it, though, just say so): what would she have picked out for a costume at the costume shop back in the first run-thru?

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