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Q: What are magical creatures optimized for delivering messages?

PraxitelesAdventurers League allows for Convention Creation Content (CCC) Adventures to be written but creatures must be “skinned” from existing creatures (as described in this question). We are looking for small creatures that can serve as frequent messengers between PCs and their factions or sponsors du...

There's a spell that achieves the exact result you're looking for. Is there a reason this spell is insufficient for the task?
@PurpleMonkey We are thinking of what Harry Potter would have lost without owls and how much was added by their presence. Message spells feel a bit like cell phones. We would prefer messaging to occur by a creature to give local fauna richness and uniqueness to the area.
Again, there's a spell that does exactly that.
@PurpleMonkey A spell that can create a creature that can travel hundreds of miles almost instantaneously and deliver messages to any chosen individual (i.e. so every PC could have one)? Please post an answer if it sounds like it fits.
This is probably too broad since there are many creatures that fit one or more of the criteria that could be re-skinned effectively. Seems to fit a discussion format more than a Q-A format.
Could you include a minimum and ideal speed for this creature? You use the word "fast" a lot, but it'd be easier to answer if we had some idea of what you meant specifically.
@DuckTapeAl Ideally, faster than flying so it doesn’t take days for messages to cross hundreds of miles of desert. Ideally it would only take a day to reach the PCs.
@Praxiteles Travel times in 5e don't account for traits and the like because you are not expected to be giving it your all the entire day. While a PC can Dash to gain a boost of speed multiple times over the course of a minute, it is not able to Dash constantly while travelling. The same can be said for most teleportation abilities (such as that of the blink dog).
Another bit of confusion: How does the adventure need "hundreds of miles of desert" when CCC adventures take place in a smallish area around the Moonsea?
@DuckTapeAl Yes, the adventure is in Anauroch which isn’t yet allowed - but we are writing the rest of it to fit the CCC guidelines as closely as possible
I'm voting to hold this as unclear--all the questions in these comments sway me. When you've edited into the post all the answers you've given here go ahead and flag it for reopening.
@nitsua60 All the answers to the questions have been edited into the post.
I don't know if I'm being overly picky, but the "hundreds of miles" you mention in one comment seems to me important to be in the post. I mean, a flying snake'll do 100 miles in a (hard) day, is "tagged" with desert climate in DnDB, and is specifically described as domesticable as a messenger. But from your comments I gather that wouldn't be an acceptable answer, while nothing in the post really indicates that. But it's possible I'm missing something?
@nitsua60 Flying snake sounds like a great answer. That’s exactly the type of answers for which we are looking. I am just disappointed the question is closed
@Praxiteles They can't go "hundreds of miles" in a day. Which is it!? They're also not magical creatures!?
I also think you should include the bit about putting it in the Aunaroch in the hopes that'll be a future allowable location to stave off a perpetual string of "there's no desert that big near the Moonsea" coming your way. If you're going to mention CCC, that is.
In any case, I've got to head out. Take a look at all the questions being asked of you and either (a) incorporate the answer (seamlessly) into the original question, or (b) clarify the part of the question that caused the confusion in the first place. Then go ahead and flag it for reopening. Good luck!
(Hi @daze413)
@nitsua60 Thanks for the clarification. As it may be impossible to match every desired criteria. the most criteria matchable is great. We have added that to the question to clarify. We also added that we have placed the adventure in a non-sanctioned CCC area.
What distances are we talking about? A skeleton, per *Animate Dead* has a move of 30', but is immune to exhaustion, which means that while traveling, it can Dash with every action, and run 24 hours a day. This allows a skeleton to deliver a message up to 144 miles away in one day. These could be maybe reskinned as the skeletons of small animals.

The magic item *Sending Stones* allows for one Message sent per day; perhaps those could be reskinned as messenger animals.

Ethereal travel is fast; maybe use cute little baby Phase Spiders.
@PhilBoncer The greater the distance - the better the creature. Great answers btw - exactly the kind of clever thinking for which we were looking. Really like non-exhaustion undead - homonculus birds that tap out messages - and Construct magic items. Clever
@Praxiteles these aren't answers- yet. Well, I suppose it's better than not getting anything after the question gets put on-hold and eventually closed.
@PhilBoncer How do we know Ethereal Travel is fast. There are no rules in 5e that increase your speed in the Ethereal plane and the spell Etherealness seems to indicate you move at your standard speed
17 hours later…
@PhilBoncer and @nitsua60 The question has been reopened. Please feel free to add your answers. I thought they were great

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