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May 30, 2018 22:13
@PolyGeo bummer - thanks anyway!
May 21, 2018 16:38
when working with GeoServer it's common to have very long URLs in the address bar. Using Chrome or Firefox, is there a way to wrap the long URL so that the whole thing is visible at once?
Aug 2, 2017 02:20
It would be interesting to see a GIS version of this analysis:…
Mar 23, 2017 21:54
@PolyGeo I'm looking for a full installation of GeoServer. I also reached out on Twitter and someone pointed me to so I'm good for now, thanks
Mar 23, 2017 06:04
I'm trying to find a publicly-accessible GeoServer to help debug a problem I'm encountering. is currently down - are there any other publicly-accessible GeoServer sites I can use to test this?
Sep 25, 2016 22:49
@HasanMustafa thanks for the tip, I'll check it out
Sep 22, 2016 22:29
@PolyGeo great idea. I don't have time for this now but I'll add it to my list of things to do
Sep 22, 2016 02:44
Are there any resources to help find GIS volunteer roles, like working with a charity in a developing country? Is this a valid question to ask on GIS.SE? It would make sense as a community wiki if so.
Aug 31, 2016 00:53
Esri killed off many years' worth of user-generated content when they added a redirect to the ArcScripts site, without porting across the old content. If you agree this is a really bad idea, please chime in at
Jun 14, 2016 23:14
@mattwilkie You could ask your host - they may be on an unlimited plan and not care about 20Gb?
May 16, 2016 10:52
Never mind, Nominatim is back up again for me now
May 16, 2016 04:35
Is it just me, or is the Nominatim geocoder down? eg… returns an error message. But says that it's up. Any ideas?
Apr 22, 2016 04:18
@mattwilkie this is great advice Matt. I'm one of the exhausted and brow-beaten AML and Avenue developers BTW ;)
Feb 21, 2016 21:56
@whuber thanks - it's a good technique to know. The answer on SO worked perfectly using a similar method:
Feb 14, 2016 08:13
I posted a question on Stack Overflow which might be of interest to GIS people too:…
Feb 1, 2016 22:20
I'm positive I saw an answer on GIS-SE showing how to increase the 1000-feature limit when querying features via ArcGIS Online's REST API, but I can't find it now. Any ideas?
Oct 12, 2015 00:29
Here's an interesting article on how Pixar used GIS techniques in their upcoming movie, including making landscapes from real USGS datasets.…
Sep 8, 2015 22:57
@PolyGeo I submitted it to Esri Oz support - now it's their problem ;)
Sep 8, 2015 11:59
It could just be a bad virus definition on the part of AVG antivirus:
Sep 8, 2015 11:56
Sep 8, 2015 11:56
I'm not sure if this is off-topic or not? My virus scanner just flagged an ArcGIS Desktop file as a potential threat - IDP Alexa. Worth posting as a question, sending to Esri, ignoring or deleting? Thanks
Mar 27, 2015 03:34
@NicolasRaoul it won't directly help, but this relevant XKCD cartoon might give a laugh:
Mar 19, 2015 22:20
@DevdattaTengshe I started reading that and quickly got out of my depth. I did note someone saying that the article's author had an undisclosed interest in a company which coincidentally solves some of those problems....
Mar 6, 2015 02:44
@PolyGeo do your worst, grumpy Meta SE people…
Mar 6, 2015 00:36
@PolyGeo Thanks. I wonder if that's something we could enable on GIS SE too. It's nice that when you visit there are jobs listed on the homepage. You'd get more target responses to GIS positions if GIS-specific jobs were listed here
Mar 5, 2015 23:23
Is there a place for people to advertise GIS jobs on GIS SE? Stack Overflow has a
"jobs near you" section but I can't see one on the GIS site
Jan 27, 2015 05:14
There's an interesting article in the NY Times about the visualisation they did for the Yosemite climb - touches on 3D, lidar and photography.……
Dec 23, 2014 22:09
Turf is GIS for web maps. It’s a fast, compact, and open-source JavaScript library that implements the most common geospatial operations: buffering, contouring, triangular irregular networks (TINs), and more. Turf speaks GeoJSON natively, easily connects to Leaflet, and is now available as a Mapbox.js plugin on our cloud platform. We’re also working to integrate Turf into our offline products and next-generation map rendering tools.
Dec 23, 2014 22:09
Interesting browser-based GIS analysis on the client and server:
Dec 1, 2014 21:49
@mattwilkie how did you get on the beta program - is it open for others to apply?
Nov 23, 2014 08:39
"Satellite imaging has revolutionized our knowledge of the Earth, with detailed images of nearly every street corner readily available online. But Planet Labs' Will Marshall says we can do better and go faster — by getting smaller. He introduces his tiny satellites — no bigger than 10 by 10 by 30 centimeters — that, when launched in a cluster, provide high-res images of the entire planet, updated daily."
Nov 23, 2014 08:38
Here's an inspiring TED talk about an exciting new global imagery dataset which I'm sure we'll all be keen to play with:…
Oct 22, 2014 03:58
@MatteoMandrile If you post your question, chances are that someone will be able to help
Sep 24, 2014 06:45
Funny GIS reference on XKCD today
Sep 24, 2014 06:44
Sep 4, 2014 00:14
We're seeing intermittent problems with Feature Services hosted on ArcGIS Online. Esri support said it may be due to a Windows Azure problem at their end. Is anyone else seeing this?
Aug 23, 2014 00:53
@whuber I love that in 2014 there are mechanisms to capture when that happens - and good designers who can present it nicely
Aug 22, 2014 06:05
This is a pretty cool map: "Every second, a few people hit "play" on the same track at the same time."
Aug 7, 2014 09:58
Aug 7, 2014 09:58
"Giant hornets kill 42 people in China!"
Aug 6, 2014 05:15
@DevdattaTengshe funnily enough I prefer the look of the old hillshades - it's nice to see more details, but the aesthetics are lost IMO. Art vs Science....
Jun 24, 2014 00:29
In general usage, people tend to say "lat-long", but the ArcGIS and OpenLayers APIs use lon, lat ( Google Maps uses lat, lon as in google.maps.LatLng (…)
Apr 30, 2014 23:42
I just posted on the Esri discussion forum for the first time in about a year. Wow - it's so slow, bloated and difficult to use. The forum, I mean... :)
Feb 6, 2014 01:01
Check out this stunning map of global weather:
Dec 5, 2012 02:43
Not strictly mapping-related, but here are some beautiful, minimalist infographics:
Sep 20, 2012 21:06
Sep 20, 2012 21:06
@mattwilkie after you've done that, do one in the chicken projection
Sep 20, 2012 03:57
poop deck
Sep 20, 2012 03:56
@om_henners that's awesome
Aug 19, 2014 07:27
@PolyGeo surely this means you're overqualified for the role....