OHHAI - for activity, you could poke some guys on #emacs IRC chat who regularly use the room for their "weekly" catchup to the amusement of onlookers. ha ha
@hariseldon78 OHHAI, I use plainmacs and I add plugins only when absolutely necessary. Currently, playing around with LSP for Java and Scala. lsp-java is okay, but lsp-scala with metals is a bit janky, although not too painful
@AaronHall scratch room is now unfrozen! Would you like to take co-ownership of that room? I believe you had privs to unfreeze a room if it goes that way again?
> Rooms worth retaining which are inactive for 14 days will be frozen. Frozen rooms do not allow any new messages to be sent, and are not shown in the default room list to prevent cluttering the rooms interface.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Eh, you're probably better off than the rest of the crowd. At least, you know what you know. Many don't even know what they do know and are equally surprised when they get shown up. lol
@ColleenV "Shape up" -- I think there was something the Army/Navy guys used to say: "Shape up or ship out". As in, you better catch up and get up to scratch or see yourself out the door