@quid What is this thing about elimination that you are talking of? Since there is no primary this year, we are directly in election and the election portal does not mention any elimination in the election phase.
@JyrkiLahtonen Well I am very much alive... As much as the site requires.. ;) And I try keeping things clean ... only thing is that I dont visit any chats.. giving the impression that I am dead whereas I am very much alive doing some cleaning...
@amWhy Still Its highly suspicious that 90% of the active users of such a huge community have only 10 questions for all candidates... at least 20 of the users should have proper separate questions... like amWhy, Jens, John Ma
@amWhy One question.. dont know if this is off-topic here.. if a nominated candidate's questionnaire and bio on the election page receive only a few comments, does it mean that no one is paying attention to him/her? Simply ignoring that person?
@SimplyBeautifulArt You can try that here too. If you wish... Obviously this is a good idea , since a SE site runs on this formula. And no doubt it will work like wonders for this site.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I being a member of PhySE know this thing that happens on that site for the treatment of HW questions. If any user DIRECTLY answers a HW question, the mod directly deletes the answer, stating that you violated the HW policy. In that way, PhySE has curbed the repmongering on that site.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I am not asking you to close questions so swiftly. We should try something else to curb it from this side. And you can follow Phy SE to take care of this.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Any question , be it homework or non-homework, without any context, it is bound to be closed. And the reason for closing will be of importance to OP iff he has not received his answer or if he is a long time user of MSE. Given that most of such questions come from new users, I believe the first course of action is to ensure that no one posts a complete solution .. just for rep. If someone does that, the new user would hardly pay any attention to why his question was closed.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Well, we can obviously use Taylor expansion and plug that value... We get an awkward inf series.. you want something better as an answer...