The Litter Box

General discussion for Pet pictures an...
Jan 2, 2021 17:58
@Stephie In general answers in comments are strongly discouraged, and I think we should be fairly strict about it, but it does depend on the context and the value of the comment. If the answer is "go to the vet immediately", and that is posted as a comment, then that comment will not be deleted as it is useful and possibly very important advice. But it's not black and white, if in doubt feel free to flag, the worst that can happen is the flag is declined.
Oct 13, 2020 01:06
@LILYKURCZEWSKI Hi Lily, I just saw your question that you posted on the main site. I'm very sorry for your loss. This chatroom is a good place to talk about these things, better than the Q&A in many ways. Let us know how we can help, there's often someone in this room, if you need someone to talk to.
Aug 19, 2020 05:25
Aug 19, 2020 05:25
@AllisonC I'm not sure why the poster deleted the question. Will ping them here to see if they would be ok with undeleting
Feb 26, 2020 14:28
@trondhansen Looks good
Feb 26, 2020 14:15
@trondhansen I've corrected it back to 'months', I think this was just an error by the person who edited the question
Aug 21, 2019 21:14
@JAD Thanks all for the support. Looking forward to the opportunity to help more with the site. Will also try to spend more time in chat - never really been the chatty type but do often check in here
Nov 25, 2017 05:05
Q: Is there a genealogy test for pets?

Hunter GrahamIs there a test out there like "23 and me" except for pets? Is there even anything out there like this? I would pay top-dollar to have this done. I'd like to see if my cat has any Cheeta in her...

Nov 25, 2017 05:05
Would the following question be appropriate/well-received on Pets? If so I can migrate it over. It certainly isn't a good fit for G&FH.SE.
Aug 9, 2017 04:05
@JamesJenkins Thanks for the thought. You have two excellent candidates volunteering so for now I'll pass. I do currently moderate on another site in beta, and while my current moderation duties are not overly taxing, some nights like last night after a late horrendous cat abscess surgery I get home and there's a few flags to be dealt with, etc. So I'd rather not spread myself too thin at the moment. Cheers


General discussion for
Dec 13, 2020 01:13
@PearsonArtPhoto It's "in the [?1st] year of her age". I hesitate to guess on the age, it's just not clear enough. I want to say 41st but I could well just be imagining that
Jan 1, 2020 00:17
Happy New Year everyone!
Nov 8, 2019 15:40
In other news, England & Wales GRO recently (yesterday?) added death indexes to their site from 1984 to 2019. This gives access to a decade of death records that previously could only be accessed in select libraries in the UK, so if looking for recent events is very helpful
Nov 8, 2019 15:24
@JanMurphy Interesting, will have to look into this for the future. Let us know how it is!
Nov 8, 2019 05:28
@JanMurphy Interested to know more about the ONS course, who's offering it?
Jul 24, 2019 20:02
Usually from the you get the original will with signatures etc., so that is a more primary source. But if you just want a copy of text then FamilySearch is a good alternative.
Jul 24, 2019 19:54
@ColeValleyGirl It is a registered copy of the will. Like for the PCC will registers. But typically no additional supporting documents that sometimes are found with the original will.
Jul 24, 2019 17:26
Wills proved at London (Principal registry), 1858-1925:

Wills proved in district courts, 1858-1925:
Jul 24, 2019 17:26
Also just for reference, copies of wills between 1858 and 1925 can be viewed for free at a Family History Centre or FamilySearch Affiliate library. Although it is a bit of a pain to find an individual will as they are not indexed. And at £1.50 from the website it's almost not worth the hassle now unless you have a large number to lookup
Jul 24, 2019 17:20
@ColeValleyGirl At last I can order those wills that I'm not quite sure will help, but are maybe not worth a £10 gamble. Ordered 5 this morning...
Jul 3, 2018 14:48
@ColeValleyGirl I think it makes perfect sense. I just created the synonym.
Jun 3, 2018 20:35
@JanMurphy I don't really like to use NPE term at all, but thought it best to use the standard terminology. Think I'll change it to 'misattributed paternity', which is maybe a bit more self explanatory.
Mar 29, 2018 23:54
Mar 29, 2018 23:54
Mar 29, 2018 23:39
Mar 29, 2018 23:39
Mar 29, 2018 23:39
Mar 29, 2018 23:39
Mar 29, 2018 23:39
Mar 29, 2018 23:38
Mar 29, 2018 23:38
In completing the burnination process of the , as per this meta post (again, apologies for cluttering up the questions page with tag edits), I came across a number of other tags which are of questionable usefulness or clarity of use. Have a ponder of these, and feel free to make a Meta post if you have specific thoughts on any of them:
Mar 25, 2018 01:34
Apologies to all for the flurries of re-tagging today...
Mar 11, 2018 19:04
@ColeValleyGirl No rush, been hectic here too so not been on as much as usual
Mar 11, 2018 17:42
Mar 11, 2018 17:42
Q: Tag usage and Wiki suggestions for the relationship-mapping tag

Jan MurphyThe tag relationship-mapping already existed by the time I joined the site, with the very brief tag info of: Determining the relationship between two people. The user who created the tag is no longer active in the community. Some prior discussion exists here: On- and off-topic question...

Mar 11, 2018 17:41
@JanMurphy @ColeValleyGirl @PolyGeo Any further thoughts on:
Nov 5, 2017 16:25
@ColeValleyGirl I think if we are doing away with the generic software tag we should not replace it with another generic other-software-product tag. I see no reason minority software products cannot have their own tag, but we should make sure that the tags have a wiki, so it's obvious what the tag is to be used for.
Nov 4, 2017 14:29
@ColeValleyGirl I had not realised the plan was to get rid of the software tag entirely. My apologies. There were a couple of questions that were about software but had no tags reflecting that after the edits, which is why I left a couple. In these cases we should consider using or if is not
Oct 4, 2017 03:43
@AndyW I found a will once which described in excruciating detail, page after page, exactly how and when the testator wanted his estate distributed, and if this and if that...then a codicil not long later that basically said nevermind give everything to my brother-in-law...
May 11, 2017 15:51
@ColeValleyGirl Sorry to see you go, but I hope you don't go too far. If you manage to solve the mystery of Stanley Wright or any of the other fascinating brick walls you've posted about, I hope you might at some point let us know – although I suspect we'd hear that cathartic crash of bricks wherever you're at
Apr 15, 2017 01:17
Apr 15, 2017 01:17
@PolyGeo I was going to upvote something of yours then saw how perfect your reputation is at the moment, and couldn't bring myself to spoil it.
Apr 8, 2017 01:17
I'm usually not back from work in time but will try if I can
Apr 8, 2017 01:13
@JanMurphy Occasionally go on twitter never really gotten into it...but will keep an eye on that thanks

 Genealogy Conference

Focused chat about a unique genealogy topic announced at meta....
Feb 28, 2018 03:57
Q: What records of smallpox vaccination exist?

Harry VervetOver on the History of Science & Mathematics site I asked a question about what vaccinations infants recieved in late nineteenth century England. I learned that smallpox vaccination became compulsory in 1853 under the Vaccination Act. Apparently this was regulated at the level of the local regist...

Feb 28, 2018 03:57
@AndyW I did previously ask a question about smallpox vaccination records in England, got some good answers. I haven't had chance to explore the records in the local records office yet. Unfortunately the survival of these records does seem to be a bit spotty, but I also suspect that there are more out there that are just not easily accessed.
Feb 4, 2018 07:02
@AndyW I have a similar case of an Elizabeth, turning into a Phoebe, turning into a Frances, then turning back into Elizabeth for the rest of her life. I'm 99% sure they are all the same girl, but it's very challenging to prove it.
Aug 10, 2017 19:09
@m93a Focused questions about using Gramps are certainly on topic here. We have 35 questions currently with the tag. Gramps can be difficult to get the hang of even for experienced genealogists, so you're not alone.