Thanks leslie. This language has always confused me. That makes sense. I think i was thinking of camparing place value. Earlier place values of the number are at the beginning of that number so they are first. I'm going to try to shake that thinking or that connection and try to use your thinking instead.
Hey. I'm going to ask a very weird and may seem like I'm joking question but I'm really not. I don't know what is meant by last digit of a number. That would mean there is a first digit. Is it right to assume that the last digit in 123567 is 1 and the first digit is 7?
Dumb question. After expanding (x+y)^3 in pretend world, is it universal to consider y^3 or x^3 the first term? Is there a universal definition for first term?
Thanks Ted. The calculator was super super close. I understand to expect that sometimes. It is interesting though what the algorithm is when something like this does happen.
Hi. Is it appropriate to ask what algorithm the ti-84 uses on mathstackexchange to calculate, say the row reduced echelon form of the matrix [1 , 1 , 1 , 2; 4 , 2 , 1 , 5 ; 9 , 3 , 1 , 10]. I was curious because the second row, last column is something super ridiculously close to 0 that should actually be 0. I'm just curious why it is super close and why the calculator doesn't show 0 there instead. I know it is a calculator and can mostly be trusted about alot of calculations.
Hi. I don't know if this is off topic for this room and if it's a stupid question like maybe you are already a moderator. But amWhy why don't you run for moderator? I'm serious. I know I'm not super active but I have seen you respond in several spots of the site. And you almost always convince me with your choice of words. They are always well thought out and very clear.
Thanks catija for answering my questions. Though I'm still totally lost and there is probably nothing you can say that will help me understand my comment being seen as useless and trashed. Sorry for not understanding.
For example I said "because $\int_0^\int x dx$ diverges' and someone else says @leonbloy Spending more words for a more useful comment wouldn't have hurt her.