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I had a question about a comment of my being deleted
I'm dumbfounded as to why my comment was considered useless to the topic
Thanks in advance for a response.
1 hour later…
@randomgirl just so you know, by flagging your chat message, you're alerting the entire network of moderators about your question... not only the math mods... If you're not getting the answers you seek here, it may be better to go to meta.
The feedback place?
I put a question there in feedback and it was downvoted and I was advise to do something else.
I followed the advice/suggestion.
Was the question deleted? I don't see it in your list of questions there.
I deleted it because I was advise to.
I should undelete..
So then be patient. If this is where they asked you to come, please wait for help. There's no need to flag your chat message to get more attention.
That was one of the suggestions :p
Comments are very transient. There's really no reason to be concerned about them being removed.
I don't understand why something meaningful to the conversation should be deleted
I don't know what your comment said or where it was posted... I'm not really a user of Math.SE. But moderators don't generally delete valuable comments... please see the comment helper text, though... it clearly explains that comments are to be used for asking for more information or making suggestions for improvements. Did your comment do either of those things?
I guess it was more of an answer than a comment .
Still don't believe it should have been deleted due to not posting it as a answer
Ah, and those are the worst. A site can not function if our users write answers as comments. You must post an answer - a complete one - or not say anything at all.
That's a little sad... How can my comment be less helpful though than comments that are not actually useful at all? How is that weighed?
For example I said "because $\int_0^\int x dx$ diverges' and someone else says
@leonbloy Spending more words for a more useful comment wouldn't have hurt her.
but there comment stays as if it was more useful or something
Moderators generally respond when comments are flagged... we have a view that only shows the comment and the title of the question. If it's obviously a comment that should be removed, the mod may never see the full collection of comments on the page to remove them all. You can flag any comment you feel is unuseful and the moderators will decide whether they should be removed or not.
Comments can only be voted up, which means that their value isn't something that can be judged equally by all. A comment may earn many upvotes but, because there are no downvotes on comments, the community can't say that it's a bad comment.
Thanks catija for answering my questions. Though I'm still totally lost and there is probably nothing you can say that will help me understand my comment being seen as useless and trashed. Sorry for not understanding.
I do really mean the thanks and going out of your way to explain.
:) I'm glad to help. I don't have a link for Math.SE but I have one for one of the sites I moderate that explains it in more depth. Maybe it will help, maybe not... but I hope that it does: interpersonal.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1644/…
It probably isn't a comprehension thing but more of I disagree thing. :p
HAHA fair enough.
@randomgirl It is great to see mods from the other site to come and see, so flagging a chat post really is not working @@
Yeah I'm still learning how this site works.
Just get some patient, lots of our mod are in europe and it's ~5am there.
It has massive functions unknown to me
So if I flag something on the mathematics page not the chat do you see that to @Catija ?
just a chat thing I think
@randomgirl Nope :D Flags on Math.SE proper only alert the Math mods. Chat flags are network-wide.
1 hour later…
It seems that the above is about this question: Trying to figure out why my comment was deleted.

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