Mar 22, 2023 13:08
If you square the convolution it will be convolution in the Fourier domain. In that case the DC component will be a convolution and not just a multiplication of DC components. Maybe you can rewrite the squaring of the convolution as a convolution.
Nov 6, 2020 13:12
@IgorG Yep. Everyone starts watching out for their score and anything useful which doesn't show in score will be neglected. Maybe one or two employees start focusing on those things but they will start getting horrible performance reviews and probably drop out rather fast. Suddenly when those things are needed no one around knows about it because they left the team already.
Jul 27, 2020 03:14
@ArthurHavlicek this is not always true. Hiring the most qualified candidate can result in him doing lots of important work and then after a while he will probably leave because he needs more stimulating tasks and then maybe there is no one left in company who can maintain his work.
Jun 17, 2020 18:09
It is important that projection to remove the first dimension is done correctly so you subtract just the right amount of the first vector. But I am not skilled enough in JS to tell if that is done right in the code.
Jun 17, 2020 17:57
@Anvaka Ahaa.. then i suppose red should be same direction as green? Well anyways this is turning into a bug hunt which this site is not really for. Hope you got some help with the mathematics anyway.
Jun 17, 2020 17:57
@Anvaka the white and green seem reasonable. But I don't know if you calculate those. What is the red arrow? I don't know JS so I can't say what the code does.
Jun 17, 2020 17:57
@Anvaka it is not the normalization that flips the vector, it is the negative eigenvalue that flips the vector. The normalization just stretches it out to same length again.
Jun 17, 2020 17:57
Yep you are correct about that, @LutzLehmann. Real numbers are closed under addition and multiplication.
Nov 26, 2019 11:46
@barbecue this is uscentric site, so anything non founding fatherlike with republic and power division is dictatorship ;)
Aug 5, 2019 14:08
Don't do this. Even if not caught formally and punished, some smart PhD students could figure out what is going on and quit because of it.
Jul 10, 2019 11:54
Probably unreasonable. Maybe submit to conference reachable by train next time :) there are plenty of interesting european cities.
Jul 10, 2019 11:53
This is the totally normal way of things. The higher you get on the academic ladder the more and more stuff you have to do which is unrelated to research. A better question would be "what happens to professors who fail to do their non-research related duties"?
Jul 8, 2019 17:39
In Sweden just ask for "en stor stark". A big strong one. It will likely be between 400 and 500 ml. Unless it is some special bar or festivity you won't get bigger than that.
Jul 5, 2019 04:03
@seventyeightist the risk is you could scare him away from the company. He could run elsewhere where neither your real employer or the company can get him back. You are just an employee so you may not see the harm in that. But people higher up may.
Jul 5, 2019 04:03
@seventyeightist do we really know this or are we guessing? Maybe he is a special snowflake and putting him in a bad situation would harm the company and make someone higher up with much more information than we have very displeased? I would not act if I were OP.. Seems way too risky. There is a chance he will realize who our real employers are also, and then we would be doubly screwed.
Jul 5, 2019 04:03
@seventyeightist maybe there was a reason he was not told that. For example if he had not signed the same contract in the first place. Maybe it simply did not apply to him, fair or not.
Jul 5, 2019 04:03
@Nelson if he was not informed about the rules, then it clearly isn't any of that. It is more like someone in the company trying to make it look like someone else tried to do grand theft (by means of withholding this information). (And yes I know he was hired by the british all along).
Jun 20, 2019 18:13
This is a good approach. Sometimes administration can be slow and if only listing date of getting the degree you would have to explain some time gap which wasnt your fault anyway.
May 28, 2019 07:34
Chère? Really!? Wow that explains a certain Swedish word :)
May 27, 2019 13:20
It is not weirder than English speaking people calling each other my dear or an Italian saying cara mia. It does not express a cost but a value. You are valuable (to me).
May 16, 2019 12:08
Lots of things usually aren't as they seem. Lots of things are called what people want to hear, not what they really are. "Promotion" for example often means "get this clumsy mofo with ego size of a planet to stop doing such costly mistakes". But no one wants to hear that. Especially not people with big ego. So we stroke their ego a bit by saying what they want to hear "promotion, wow!" and at the same time company gains that person no longer introduces more bugs than he solves.
Mar 27, 2019 06:30
May be a bit risky writing all this online with your real name..?
Mar 11, 2019 12:59
I am no lawyer... but as far as I know. You will have the right to put your name on the patent, but it will be owned by the company. So unless any special deal exists regarding bonuses for patents et.c. it could be a good idea to try and propose something like if this is granted, I want this and this.
Mar 7, 2019 18:58
@ArturoMagidin Yep. This is probably what I meant, but did not manage to write.
Mar 7, 2019 18:58
@angryavian Yep. Way too early for me today.
Feb 28, 2019 14:50
Terminal is not necessarily incurable. You can have a cure that works in 75% of cases. About 25% will still die from it. Or if medicine is simply for some reason unavailable, but exists. For example Africa.
Feb 8, 2019 17:31
Ah okay, then I see. Diablo supplement :O sounds a bit infernal, actually.
Feb 8, 2019 17:31
@Alexander but how much does a railpass cost?
Feb 8, 2019 17:31
6 pounds Prague - Brno in Czech Rep. ;)
Nov 29, 2018 10:08
It is an example where opponent cherry picks the alternative that is less bad for them and presents it as the only viable one.
Nov 28, 2018 06:04
It is not always "expected". Sometimes it's the opposite. You are expected to not work on anything except what you are employed for.
Nov 27, 2018 13:26
My point is you should see directly that the diagonal matrix with negative entry can't be a gramian matrix in any basis, because we will get negative distances along the dimension of the negative eigenvalue.
Nov 27, 2018 13:18
It also needs be positive definite:
Nov 27, 2018 12:17
Yes, but special rules apply for the matrices to be able to be a Gramian matrix.
Nov 27, 2018 12:17
Nov 27, 2018 10:50
$<a,a> = \|a\|^2$ can be interpreted as square of a distance in some sense. What property must we demand to hold true for distances?
Nov 27, 2018 10:50
What can we say about $<a,a>$ for any $a$? Any restrictions?
Nov 27, 2018 10:50
What is an inner product space? What rules does it need to follow? How is a gramian matrix related to an inner product space?
Nov 15, 2018 21:18
@LaconicDroid not necessarily, many young unexperienced people don't realize those warning signs.
Nov 15, 2018 14:51
All kinds of flavours of curry were in India, weren't they. America was discovered by accident to get those curries, lol.
Nov 11, 2018 13:23
@Ash we are talking about a person, so what is the difference in this case? You want some buttons to push, that's basically what you are saying yourself.
Nov 11, 2018 13:23
@Ash Now this is interesting... "Deficits in personality." you say... How do you define that except for "doesn't make available to me the tools I would need to steer his behaviour".
Nov 11, 2018 13:23
@Ash It depends if you view the imposed restrictions as "basic functionality". It can be practical for someone wanting to be able to "push those buttons", but in general that is just an inconvenience limiting the freedom for the guy having bought the device.
Nov 11, 2018 13:23
@Ash This discussion reminds a bit of jailbreaking electronic devices. Some view the actual break as doing damage (supposedly the company creating the restriction), some view the restrictions on the device as the imposed damage we are trying to cure.
Nov 11, 2018 13:23
@Ash But it damages something that is holding you back or hindering your progress, that is not a damage but rather an improvement.
Nov 11, 2018 13:23
Unlimited willpower can compensate for those other design flaws of the brain : therefore it is much more like a fix or workaround than a damage. The discussion has bearing on the question when it comes to what to call the difference in the brain which allows for this, I would prefer to call it a change or variation in the brain rather than a "damage".
Nov 11, 2018 13:23
@Ash "...interconnected reasons"? You are being far too optimistic. There's plenty of bugs and design flaws in the brain which keep most of us from ever reaching our potential. Just see how easily fooled most of us are by magicians and pickpockets. That's bugs and not features in how the brain works.
Nov 11, 2018 13:23
@Ash : Why would you say it is "damaged" if it makes him able to work harder than his peers in the face of negative reinforcement? Sounds much more like a feature to me.
Nov 11, 2018 13:23
Interesting case of "It's not a feature, it's a bug" ;) Why would you call it brain damage if it is more of a feature than a bug?
Oct 30, 2018 19:52
@asgallant Just publishing it can't be an infringement. There is no infringement in describing the contents of any patent. If it was copyrighted instead of patented, however, then publishing the same thing under your name could be a copyright infringement.