As the electronic configuration of gold is [Kr] $4d^{10} 4f^{14} 5s^2 5p^6 5d^{10} 6s^1$, the valence shell is not completely full. Why gold is not corroded?
I am going to use a modified version, written by @DelPate: Welcome to Chemistry.SE. Take the [tour] to get familiar with this site. This appears to be a [homework question](, please share your thoughts and attempts towards the solution. It'll make us certain that we aren't doing your homework for you. — santiago7 mins ago
@NicolauSakerNeto Do you ever welcome new users? Its quite an experience. If you get users like the one @santiago got, you can't be any more happier that day :)
Welcome to Chemistry.SE. Take the [tour] to get familiar with this site. This appears to be a [homework question](, please share your thoughts and attempts towards the solution. It'll make us certain that we aren't doing your homework for you :)
I would suggest a modification to the template that you currently use. Start with Welcome to Chem.SE Take the tour to get familiar with this site. .... @santiago
@NicolauSakerNeto *Best* comment I read so far on the network
@Freddy I give you an extremely complicated and calculative physical chemistry question. It has a lot of decimals and numbers. You finally reach at an answer. And now I simply say that, Just jokin, its not H2O over there in the question, its H2O2 . Hahaha How is that??
@Martin-マーチン Either ron's meta post goes into a feature-request to filter edited posts or everyone has to accept that SE model will have edits and one has to get used to it.
@Martin-マーチン Thats exactly an issue. In my last 4 edits, you rejected all. Ringo, LordStryker and Loong approved them. As more people cross 2k, more individuals will follow editing patterns. Unless we reach a consensus on whether some (in this case, DavePhd's Al2O3 edit was not required for sure) edits are unnecessary, bumping of posts won't stop.
"Please note that this is not an invitation to untag every everyday-chemistry question but just to refine the set we already have for the time being." What does this mean? If its been misused, should I remove it and add appropriate tags? — Del Pate16 mins ago
4 edits in a row rejected. 2 didn't need to be bumped, while the other 2 were used to retag everyday-chem questions which belonged to the tag concentration. I also improved the title. @Martin-マーチン