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4 edits in a row rejected. 2 didn't need to be bumped, while the other 2 were used to retag everyday-chem questions which belonged to the tag concentration. I also improved the title. @Martin-マーチン
Yes, sorry about that
I saw that when I already hit the button
I agree, that tag edits, like clearing the everyday stuff should be done
sorry, I'll pay more attention next time
"Please note that this is not an invitation to untag every everyday-chemistry question but just to refine the set we already have for the time being." What does this mean? If its been misused, should I remove it and add appropriate tags? — Del Pate 16 mins ago
descriptive title ; formatting ; removed tag
is not a good description
better write that you are editing out the ev'day tag and do the other stuff on the fly, link to the meta post
@Martin-マーチン Maybe the last part should be "misuse of everyday-chem tag" then?
Yes, that would have sufficed too
state why you do the edit, not what as the what is obvious
@Martin-マーチン There is no need for "sorry". I was wrong in 2 edits too. If you see those edits, ringo approved and edited all of them.
Ohhh... yeah, well
@DelPate I was wrong about two of them too, at least I can be sorry for that ;)
Thanks for keeping an eye on the site, that is very much appreciated
@Martin-マーチン No
You'll be over 2k soon, then you can edit and leave the summary blank, it'll get autofilled
until then more words is usually better
I thank you for pointing this out though, I should be more careful, too.
@Martin-マーチン Thats exactly an issue. In my last 4 edits, you rejected all. Ringo, LordStryker and Loong approved them. As more people cross 2k, more individuals will follow editing patterns. Unless we reach a consensus on whether some (in this case, DavePhd's Al2O3 edit was not required for sure) edits are unnecessary, bumping of posts won't stop.
Well also true, but meta only reaches so far...
and with increasing traffic and questions, it will hopefully not matter anymore
@Martin-マーチン Either ron's meta post goes into a feature-request to filter edited posts or everyone has to accept that SE model will have edits and one has to get used to it.
I believe the latter is the case and will be the norm
@Martin-マーチン Thats it then. Thanks for having this chat :)
Thank you.
If you ever want to chat, I am often in the main room. As are others, we love to chat :D @DelPate
@Martin-マーチン I will surely squeeze in time for that :) I just started this new room as this was a bit specific.
Understood and appreciated :D

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