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Aug 23, 2023 00:24
I'm completely perplexed on what's happening with this set up.....I'm going to have to go and regroup. I'm not going to bother you any more tonight. I'll look at this and come back tomorrow. Hopefully I put things together by then.....😭
Aug 23, 2023 00:14
couple of do we know that $y$ and $z$ are vectors on a unit circle?
Aug 23, 2023 00:10
$u = y + z, v = y-z$
Aug 23, 2023 00:07
ok that I can figure out quickly. I'm just responding to not leave you lingering.
Aug 23, 2023 00:03
grrrr...this is frustrating..... I can't figure out how to set things up.....I understand the general idea of the question: I am trying to characterize the set of points that satisfy the two equations above by parameterizing them....but I cna't figure out how to write the $x_i$ as a function of $u,v$...damn it. I know the manipulation is probably easy.
Aug 22, 2023 22:32
Ok Ted. I have to turn off the tag sound always scares me when I am in a bout of concentration.
Aug 22, 2023 22:27
I'm stuck.
Aug 22, 2023 21:46
working out $\|u + v\|^2 = x_1^2 + x_2^2+x_3^2+x_4^2 + 2x_1x_3+2x_2x_4$ which almost brings together the two equations from the level set form.
Aug 22, 2023 21:33
I will play with this for a sec....but the dot product is $u \cdot u - v \cdot v$
Aug 22, 2023 21:28
so you challenged us to get the parameterization form which was: $g(u,v) = (\cos u + \cos v, \sin u - \sin v, \cos u - \cos v, \sin u + \sin v)$...I'm embarking on said challenge
Aug 22, 2023 21:26
How would I conceptualize this? Doing other examples and going from parameterization to level set or level set to graph I could get, but this one has me miffed....maybe if it wasn't trig functions I could get it possibly
Aug 22, 2023 21:23
Aug 22, 2023 21:21
which was the torus
Aug 22, 2023 21:20
I am trying to convert your example from the video lecture of $F(\bf{x}) = [ \|x\|^2 - 4, x_1x_3 + x_2 x_4] = [0,0]$ into the parametric form you wrote out
Aug 22, 2023 21:18
Mr Shifrin sir....I have a question of 2 dimensional manifold importance
Aug 18, 2023 04:03
you were right copper, the proper subset notation $\subsetneq$ is used though.
Aug 18, 2023 04:02
i should just check
Aug 18, 2023 04:01
if that is the case then all is well
Aug 18, 2023 04:01
@copper.hat Munkres's Topology
Aug 18, 2023 03:20
that's what the site MSE itself is for, not the chat
Aug 18, 2023 03:18
@ThomasFinley People are getting irritated because you're asking them to do the work for you. There is a difference between a focused question and going over a few pages of notes to interpret them.
Aug 18, 2023 03:17
Question. I'm working on proving the Schroder Bernstein THeorem in steps. The first step has me showing that $A_1 \supset C_1 \supset A_2 \supset C_2 \supset \dots$ where $C \subset A$ and there is an injection $f: A \to C$. We also defined $A_1 = A$, $C_1 = C$, and for $n >1$ recursively defined $A_n = f(A_{n-1})$ and $C_n = f(C_{n-1})$.

So with ALL of that in place my simple question came from me doing the proof. I'm doing it via induction, but the only thing that is bothering me is why is $f(A_1) = A_2 \subset C$ explicitly and not $f(A_1) = A_2 \subseteq C$?
Aug 17, 2023 05:58
I'm not getting notification of being tagged in the chat unless I explicitly already have the chat open. Before I would be able to close the chat, come back and see where I was tagged. I only noticed I got tagged because I happened to be reading something on another StackExchange site.
Aug 16, 2023 19:44
Well I do understand the proof more after going over it again, it is highly techincal and I couldn't reproduce it, but I have a better idea of how you are using the previous ideas. Notably I see the way the inverse function theorem was applied. ....but we go on and future passes of it will elucidate more (big word of the day)
Aug 16, 2023 19:32
Ok. I'll come back and pester in a few hrs when I 'm working through the P-Set
Aug 16, 2023 19:31
Yea, I'm working up to that. I'm thinking understanding the proof a lil bit more will help with the example.
Aug 16, 2023 19:28
So I'll just go over some details of the proof again at this moment and won't lose my head becuase I don't understand it all, but make note of what I'm having trouble with
Aug 16, 2023 19:27
I "get" the gist of it and all, but it is the technical stuff that and the logical steps that are leaving me a bit perplexed. No in the book you go "Implicit" --> "explicit" --> "parametric" --> "implicit"
Aug 16, 2023 19:25
because that's what's happening...
Aug 16, 2023 19:24 I shouldn't be losing my mind over understanding the proof then?
Aug 16, 2023 19:14
@TedShifrin you didin't go over the proof of the equivalence of the three definitions of a manifold in your lectures? (specifically parameterized form to level set).........I'm hurt ...and a little confused. 😢
Aug 10, 2023 03:41
triggers cold sweats having to think about the Lebegue number
Aug 10, 2023 03:37
Nah....I was always made to struggle.....the trauma is forever present
Aug 10, 2023 03:36
You never give me answers so quickly.............😢
Aug 10, 2023 03:35
That's a perfect question to practice writing a proof
Aug 10, 2023 03:26
ugh...I meant additive identity...........
Aug 10, 2023 03:18
I agree leslie. I was just trying to emphasize the need for the additive inverse (fancy way of saying $0$), but you know what I mean
Aug 10, 2023 03:18
you don't need to list out the 12-14 requirements I'm asking as a sumamry
Aug 10, 2023 03:17
so what is "required" to be a vector space then?
Aug 10, 2023 03:16
is a subspace a vector space?
Aug 5, 2023 21:47
@TedShifrin More or less than these new words you expose us to, to enlarge our vernacular?...................😊
Aug 4, 2023 02:03
I could only imagine....that's the stage where you are spending a few days on one proof isn't it? even more maybe...
Aug 4, 2023 01:52
Very involved though.
Aug 4, 2023 01:40
I feel sorry for all individuals that had to learn the proof of the Inverse Function Theorem without the luxury of having a video to rewind and watch when heart aches.......😥😥
Aug 3, 2023 23:49 have some living to do..........
Aug 3, 2023 23:45
@TedShifrin a broad perspective on things he lacks........
Aug 3, 2023 23:42
this would be called shots fired
Aug 3, 2023 23:41
funny some of the people I know at U of T who did some grad work ran into that same problem when they were tutoring undergrads. Computing higher dimensional stuff explicitly gave them a bit of difficulty to actually do.
Aug 3, 2023 23:37
difference I suppose is the folks that prefer the abstract vs the concrete.
Aug 3, 2023 23:11
@Jakobian probably time to switch to yerba mate.