Mar 27, 2012 15:06
thanks a lot for all the help
Mar 27, 2012 15:06
no problem. The most relevant bit was to get the oneiric version of b43-fwcutter, and to ignore step4 (i.e for some reason the driver may not be listed)
Mar 27, 2012 15:05
could you please post an answer, so I could award the bounty and correct answer...
Mar 27, 2012 15:05
visited askubuntu
Mar 27, 2012 15:05
Mar 27, 2012 15:04
YES!! :)
Mar 27, 2012 15:04
it was recognizing networks and it connected
Mar 27, 2012 15:04
but when I clicked the wifi icon
Mar 27, 2012 15:04
that's why I was confused
Mar 27, 2012 15:04
(although it does not show anything on the list of additional drivers)
Mar 27, 2012 15:03
it worked
Mar 27, 2012 15:03
Could you please post any answer...
Mar 27, 2012 15:03
Mar 27, 2012 15:02
just *-network and then description, id, version, etc...
Mar 27, 2012 15:02
Mar 27, 2012 15:01
I dont understand the output. Looks like a bunch of configurations. ( ...|grep disabled) doesnt say anything either
Mar 27, 2012 14:57
Mar 27, 2012 14:57
Mar 27, 2012 14:56

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Mar 27, 2012 14:55
so no wifi (after restart)
Mar 27, 2012 14:54
@fossfreedom everything seemed to work fine. but there are no drivers listed (step 4) under additional drivers
Mar 27, 2012 14:44
k. trying again.
Mar 27, 2012 14:39
Mar 27, 2012 14:38
Q: Getting wireless to work on Ubuntu 11.10 (on a mac machine)

yayuI have a 2008 white 13.3 inch macbook that now solely runs ubuntu. However, I cannot get wifi or cable to work on it. Regarding the cable, it atleast tries to connect but eventually disconnects from the wired network. Here is the output for lspci (pastebin) I tried installing b43-fwcutter ...

Mar 27, 2012 14:38
k.. btw, edited the firmware installation error into my question
Mar 27, 2012 14:33
k... (btw, lib64 has no firmware folder)
Mar 27, 2012 14:32
error says dependence problem with b43-fwcutter
Mar 27, 2012 14:31
as a simple "sudo dpkg -i firmware-b43-installer... " doesnt execute
Mar 27, 2012 14:30
(on a sidenote) since the b43-fwcutter did not install firmware-b43* automatically, should I manually dpkg firmware-b43?
Mar 27, 2012 14:29
Mar 27, 2012 14:28
none visible after restart.
Mar 27, 2012 14:26
sorry. checking after restart.
Mar 27, 2012 14:25
@fossfreedom I followed the steps. I dont see any drivers listed in "Additional Drivers"
Mar 27, 2012 14:20
Mar 27, 2012 14:19
i was not sure what to make of the error
Mar 27, 2012 14:19
doing it
Mar 27, 2012 14:18
Mar 27, 2012 14:17
@fossfreedom hi
Mar 2, 2012 00:47
so I can single out someone in much less than 33 bits of input for most people of the world. or is this idea nonsensical and it is not possible to design a survey with less than 33 questions.
Mar 2, 2012 00:46
Is your race Caucasion?
If not, I'll ask if it is Mandarin, Hispanic, etc.. until I get a yes
If for example, race is hispanic, choose most populated hispanic country, ask a series of questions about nationality, choosing next most populated country . When nationality is confirmed by a yes answer, ask if person resides in region X, where X is most populated region in said country ... and so on
Mar 2, 2012 00:43
for example..
Mar 2, 2012 00:42
but with prior information, i can design an adaptive questionnaire
Mar 2, 2012 00:42
i want to know if the figure of 33 is an absolute lower bound. I mean, I can surely ask a question like "is your n'th bit 0?"
Mar 2, 2012 00:41
in a way, i can design a yes no questiionaire with 33 questions and each person will give a unique answer
Mar 2, 2012 00:39
I need 33 bits of information to uniquely identify a person on earth
Mar 2, 2012 00:39
I have a silly question, so I am posting it here in case someone finds it worthy to clear my doubts


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Mar 2, 2012 00:32
I can imagine that with enough information, I can succesively narrow down a person's neighborhood much before 33 questions
Mar 2, 2012 00:31
1. Are you caucasion - No.
2. Are you hispanic - Yes.
3. (Start with most populated Hispanic country X, if no move to next most populated) Are you a citizen of X? -Yes
4. (Start with most populated city in aforementioned country, say Y. If not, move to next most populated) - Are you a resident of Y?
and so on...
Mar 2, 2012 00:29
or I could make an adaptive questionnaire..