Boolean functions are functions that map from {0,1}^k to {0, 1}. This is a well known term, and they have been studied extensively. Is there well known name for functions that map from {0,1}^k to {0,1}^k ?
I am pretty familiar with the gray code literature, but not nearly as much with the literature regarding 'graph decompositions' (though i am not sure that's the correct term)
Researcher - I suspect (hope) that a solution to this problem will give me some insight into the generation of certain Gray code - and yes, labeling the vertices by their corresponding binary strings gives the interpretation you mention.
What are some good practices to receive more views/attention towards a question you've posted. I feel like there are some questions that receive 100+ views in the matter of a few hours, but mine received 7 views in 12. Is my question perhaps better suited for another stackexchange site perhaps (was thinking maybe math)?
Suppose that I have a binary operator $\oplus$. Normally, one uses the notation $x \oplus y$ to denote the result of apply $\oplus$ to $x$ and $y$. Suppose that I had a set of elements $S$ and a fixed element $y$, is there standard notation to denote the set $\{ x \oplus y : x \in S\}$ (i.e the set obtained by applying the operator to each element in $S$ with $y$)?