Charles Boyung

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Aug 30, 2012 17:15
@JonW Are you really asking that? Https was created in the early 90's.
Aug 29, 2012 20:17
Aug 29, 2012 20:14
Of course, the one you posted is actually asking several different questions.
Aug 29, 2012 20:13
Looks to be about the same thing
Aug 29, 2012 20:13
Q: Should I allow users to select a valid but disqualifying option?

user4427I'm working on an application form where a user must be 18 years or older to apply. Should users be able to select years that would equate to them being younger than 18 or should I remove them from the select list (I know a free form input would be easier, but for this question assume it's a fix...

Aug 29, 2012 20:09
@BenBrocka Thanks. I was just curious about your opinion on it. I was trying to find a UX question in there and I just couldn't find one. And the answers all seemed to answer completely different questions, so I don't think it was overly clear either.
Aug 29, 2012 20:05
@BenBrocka - since you're a moderator that clearly looked at this question, care to tell me how you think this is a valid question for this site?…
Feb 23, 2012 16:05
@BenBrocka That's not why they changed it so only mods can make questions community wiki. They changed it because people were abusing CW to allow them to post questions that didn't actually belong on SE. "List" questions kept getting asked and kept open by mods because they felt it was okay to keep the inappropriate questions out there as long as no one was getting rep for them. Led to a lot of garbage on SO.
Nov 11, 2011 14:09
Everything about this one just screams off-topic. The subject alone is almost word for word a match to the examples we've given in the past for what is an inappropriate question here.
Nov 11, 2011 14:09
Q: How to improve my layout

Mr. MagooI have a couple of questions here: 1) What if I have two news stories posted for a day should I bullet the titles or how should I format them so that it stands out more that they are separate news topics? What if a single news title extends to a second line? Should I indent the second line? 2) ...

Oct 27, 2011 18:13
I wouldn't be opposed to the synonym, but I would go the reverse - have icon be a synonym for iconography, since it is the more broad term.
Oct 27, 2011 18:12
@BenBrocka By the definitions of the terms, I would say no. Icon is a specific term with a specific meaning in user interfaces (especially screen-based user interfaces). Iconography encompasses icons, but is really much more broad. A logo would be considered part of iconography, but would not really be covered under "Icon". I think the questions we have tagged as iconography are mostly mis-tagged, and the better tag would be icon, but it isn't technically incorrect.
Oct 8, 2011 01:01
@BenBrocka You'd think that. So would I. Unfortunately, even the basics end up over people's heads.
Oct 7, 2011 19:24
@BenBrocka The sun being white really isn't that important to UX (if it's important at all)
Oct 7, 2011 19:23
The mindset on a UX forum isn't hard science. And a lot of UX people do not have a scientific background. Trying to discuss physics with someone that doesn't really understand physics is not going to get it even if you provide them with well-written, scientific evidence (as you did)
Oct 7, 2011 18:59
@BenBrocka You're trying to discuss physics with UX people? Can't see that as a winning battle...
Oct 7, 2011 13:56
This isn't really an appropriate Q&A question.
Oct 7, 2011 13:56
Q: What are some of the best e-tailer / catalogue iPhone apps or webapps you have seen, and what makes them great?

JonathanHaywardI've seen a few webapps or iPhone apps that have an enormous and heterogenous amount of items for sale, while managing information architecture / user experience so that is simple and easy to browse or find what you want. What apps would you nominate as the best you've seen?

Oct 6, 2011 20:05
@BenBrocka Yeah, but we don't have very many people that actually pay attention to this sort of thing like many of the other SE sites do.
Oct 6, 2011 18:16
@PatrickMcElhaney That's the reason that I've flagged things that should be closed - to help you guys see the off-topic questions so you don't need to watch everything.
Oct 6, 2011 18:14
@MattRockwell I knew we could agree on something :)
Oct 6, 2011 18:14
@PatrickMcElhaney Are you guys (the moderators) actively watching for close votes then? Because our community is not nearly large enough to regularly get the number of votes needed to close off-topic items. Most of the time, closed items only happen because a moderator comes in after at least one vote/flag in order to close it. I can probably count on one hand the number of questions here that have gotten the full five close votes.
Oct 6, 2011 16:28
There's no reason anyone competent would work at those companies if that were true.
Oct 6, 2011 16:27
I highly doubt that any developer that can make $70 an hour via online means would be limited to $10 an hour doing software development, even if they WERE working at one of those offshoring companies. The good ones do get paid fairly well, even at those companies.
Oct 6, 2011 16:26
@MattRockwell If he meant it was the same type of work, then why would he make that last comment instead of just saying that they would be doing the same work for far less via other means?
Oct 6, 2011 16:25
@JohnGB Exactly how are they "ignorant and bigoted"? It is all based on facts. Someone is getting $70/hour for software development vs. $10/hour for office work is like me saying that it's valid to say that I would only get $8/hour to work at McDonalds is a valid comparison to my rates for software development. Completely ridiculous and idiotic.
Oct 6, 2011 16:20
@JohnGB Then not the same job they are doing via oDesk? Sorry, but that's not a valid comparison.
Oct 6, 2011 16:19
And I highly doubt that someone that can make $70 an hour on oDesk can only make $10 an hour via any other means.
Oct 6, 2011 16:19
It's not a lack of intelligence by any means, though. It's the lack of a good infrastructure to become better.
Oct 6, 2011 16:18
@JohnGB In most cases, yes, that is what I am saying because it's true.
Oct 6, 2011 16:17
India for software development is a very limited sample? Sorry, try again.
Oct 6, 2011 16:16
@JohnGB Nope, but I've worked with plenty that do. For example, India. Invariably, the highest quality developers from India that I've worked with are the ones that now live in Europe or the US - They all leave India because they can make much more money that way.
Oct 6, 2011 16:14
@JohnGB No, no I'm not. But there is most definitely a difference in quality in the less-developed parts of the world.
Oct 6, 2011 16:12
@JohnGB Just ask those people that you know what their hourly rate comes out to for projects they get on those sites and compare it to the rates they get to projects via other means. I would bet you that it's going to be significantly lower for each one of them.
Oct 6, 2011 16:08
I use those sites, but I won't devalue myself. I use the same rates I use for any other client. Very few clients on those sites will ever be willing to pay those rates. If the people you know are really that good, then they would have the same problem.
Oct 6, 2011 16:04
And if they really are that good and getting jobs on those sites then they are most definitely undervaluing themselves.
Oct 6, 2011 16:04
Vast majority on those sites definitely are.
Oct 6, 2011 16:03
@JohnGB They are definitely the vast minority then.
Oct 6, 2011 16:02
@MattRockwell They aren't as bad as Sitepoint or logo farming sites, but they are pretty much the same thing, yes.
Oct 6, 2011 16:02
Need to remember, the time spent trying to find the job is an opportunity cost as well.
Oct 6, 2011 16:01
@JohnGB Exactly. And those people that are doing well for themselves on there probably spend twice as much time trying to find and get jobs there as they would with many other means.
Oct 6, 2011 15:59
@JohnGB Not if you see their average rates. Almost no one makes "good money" from those sites. They may make a lot of money, but those are almost all Indian development farms disguising themselves as individuals.
Oct 6, 2011 15:58
@MattRockwell You are reading WAY more into that than what is there. Nowhere does it say anything like that at all.
Oct 6, 2011 15:57
@RogerAttrill As I just said above, if you are looking to actually get anywhere near your normal rate from either oDesk or eLance, good luck. I've gotten a couple of jobs there, but hardly worth the effort.
Oct 6, 2011 15:55
@JohnGB That is the problem with both of those sites. They completely undervalue the providers because of people doing this sort of thing. I've been on both of them for several years, and almost every person that posts jobs out there is looking for high-quality work at prices that offshore development farms would lose money on.
Oct 6, 2011 15:53
@MattRockwell That's not at all how I see it. She's asking if it's okay to use Facebook in the way she wants to do it. That's a question for a Facebook forum. That's not a UX question.
Sep 30, 2011 21:16
@PatrickMcElhaney Sure, but poor answers should get pushed to the bottom. That's all I'm trying to accomplish
Sep 30, 2011 21:15
I've downvoted things that were borderline to me just because someone upvoted just to offset a downvote (if that makes any sense)
Sep 30, 2011 21:14
@PatrickMcElhaney And we've got quite a bit of that.
Sep 30, 2011 21:14
If it can be salvaged, sure help them figure out how to edit it, but it can stay downvoted until then. Once an answer is decent via edits, the downvote can be removed.