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I did a monstre answer on infinite scrolling (which I asked myself) - thought about showing just one or two of the examples, but then I said, okay, if I give hints, I might as well also do it properly, as I was a bit pissed off by the brain-dead answers... ux.stackexchange.com/a/25131/16685
@Aadaam nice.
@Jin: Thx, but not nice deed-wise so I'm pretty angry at myself that I couldn't motivate the others :S
@Jin: BTW, we had this issue on Meta: meta.ux.stackexchange.com/questions/1065/… - do you have the color palette you used saved somewhere?
@Aadaam UX wasn't designed by me. the inspiration wasn't to look like SE.
but i agree that's a really really bad readability issue.
Yeah... I see now that you handed it to some russian guy... I just tried to guess what was the design intent
the problem is that we link to favicon, apple touch icon from other places. so it doesn't always have the right bgcolor
UX.se was designed before StackExchange had a formal branding.
is there an apple touch icon generator you use?
(like, I upload a png file, and get back the apple touch icon so that I could see what gets made out of it)
if you view the html source, you will see apple touch icon being called.
I see
but that actually looks exactly like what I've made quickly
what is this lighter color version we have on All Sites and User profile then?
why is it different and when is it better to use than this one?
@Aadaam the right answer is, i messed up.
i'm fixing it now.
thanks for bringing it to my attention
I hoped there was an answer which is more... technical
sorry, I didn't know it was your fault
@Aadaam i just pushed a fix. should be in our next production build
thank you, Jin! :)
and sorry for bugging you with such minor things, it's only I remembered it from yesterday.
@Aadaam oh please do bug me!
i try to fix all the css/styling bugs on our sites... but we have so many sites now. sometimes i lose track
yeah, especially if you fix them on betas as well
well, Beta sites are a bit easier, since they all use the same CSS theme.
we use LESS for our css, so it makes my job a bit easier.
yeah, I don't know who thought at W3C that you don't want to define a color palette, and have to tell hexas each time you use them
and it seems the class system is an inadequate classification even for graphics designers
I really really love LESS. I have a hard time writing just vanilla css.
I use LESS and similar stuff only after a given project size
that's because if the project is small and not visited so often, the additional burden of compiling doesn't worth it.
I recently re-designed my blog, had to write in plain css. it felt so weird.
albeit LESS is able to compile itself in the browser as far as I remember, but that causes flickering
hmm, I thought wordpress has a LESS module..
@Aadaam yeah i'd avoid client side less/sass compile
(albeit if you use some kind of hosted solution, of course you can't use plugins)
I love WordPress
I try to stay away from visual design and site building :)
everything I know about beauty is hard-earned knowledge rather than instinct
I can't even draw well
wordpress has really quick limits
as long as you blog, it's the most wonderful platform on the world
then when you actually try to organize content...
everything becomes a hack basically
it doesn't have a built-in notion of content types, just as a start
well yes. WP, like many other CMS, is just that, a CMS.
WP is even a bit less than other CMSes
Typo3 has a really sophisticated notion of content (albeit it's painful to style)
Drupal has a stand on content as well
I've used Drupal a lot.
but when it comes to a CMS, the one that provides the least friction for less tech savvy users is the better one IMO.
WP is really optimized for blogging, albeit I've heard from rumors that graphics designers like to use it for all kind of tasks, which did surprise me honestly.
Drupal is really-really geeky, agreed
sometimes I'd go in, and just redesign its interactions from scratch
(for the administration part)
but building, for example, a Q&A site out of wordpress is insane
we used drupal when i worked at the FCC
it was so painful to use
everything is a blogpost
you can create blogposts which are shown in a menu, and then it calls them pages
but no notion of "question", "anwer", "vote" ...
drupal can be teached to have notion of these
that there exists a type of content which is called.. "answer" and it has certain properties.
yeah, well... it's always a question of balance
it runs off drupal
yeah, now imagine doing this site's Information Architecture in Wordpress...
yeah. i think wp is great for blogging.
then, just imagine a change request, like, "add a new field for all the event descriptions", or "make locations appear on a map on the right side"
WP is the definitive tool for blogging, agreed
but it'd be just hard to fit large government sites into it, or anything with a diverse set of content types
btw, at SE, did the guys create some proper tooling for the creative team, or they just provide you with HTML templates which you enrich?
(at Nokia Maps, we did all kind of internal tools for the map designer team so that they don't have to dwell into codes but do what they're great at - visual thinking)
@Aadaam i created most things.
you mean, you created tooling as well?
our dev converted some older sites' css to LESS.
@Aadaam what do you mean by tooling?
like, when we did heatmaps, we had a heatmap color editor
@Aadaam oh that. our devs did it.
all of our sites use the same html output. so if we change the html base, it affects all sites.
I create the css/images for each site's skin
we have a streamlined build process.
I see
but I guess it's still sourcefiles then
so you edit, let's say, programmers.se.less, push it into the version control, and see as it goes through the pipes
@Aadaam yep. we use mercurial
when i push it, it builds the dev server automatically. then when the core team dev make a production build, it gets pushed to live.
I don't remember what was fogcreek a maniac of, but perhaps it was mercurial
yeah, that's usual continous delivery methods
yeah, or CEO Joel wrote the tutorial on mercurial
yeah, I remember - I still don't believe him :)
Joel can be a fan of a lot of things
and I just like the control SVN provides with its centralized thinking
but recently, everyone is using all kinds of mercurial-like stuffs around
so I guess in my next company - if I don't die striving first - I'll have to use one of them :)
@Aadaam well, before Mercurial, the last VS I used was visual sourcesafe...
back in the early 2000s when I used to a lot of programming.
in the early 2000s, MS VSS was really bad...
it was....
if you checked out a file, noone else could edit it...
CVS was a bit better, but it was waay too buggy
once we did a mistake, and for 3-4 hours, every single localizable string was "XXX" in one of Expedia's main sites :)
I sure don't miss DLL+MTS...
the funny part: we didn't even touch those files with that release
I do miss the design thinking in development
nowadays as Agile is in full swing, it doesn't have enough respect
fun fact: I quit programming all together the day after I got my asp.net certification...
I don't have one, but I sweared to myself the last job I had was the last programming job I had :)
and for years I keep on getting MCP email spams.
it gets chaotic and I don't want to be part of it anymore
well, you could make nice ASP.NET webapps for good money :)
did you get the cert when postback was THE way to go?
what a usability nightmare that was...
@Aadaam this was in 2004
I hated .net.
in 2004, I guess so
.net itself is fine, it's just you need 5 years at university to learn to appreciate it
the way ASP.NET worked at that time was not fine.
viewstate.... nuff said
I actually enjoyed classic ASP a lot more.
yeah, view state == postback
yeah also i didn't like the server controls
refreshing the page after every single mouseclick, or sometimes even keyboard events,
very limited on the frontend, as far as rendering.
and posting the whole world to the serverside
it was slow even if you were in the same room with the server, and there were only 10 users.
yeah, wasn't too web-y
but even in 2010, people felt at EPAM that web is just another fad coming and going
(EPAM does expedia,coca cola, mtv networks, reuters, ubs... such small companies)
albeit classic ASP was also crazy, it didn't scale well
you could easily got lost after about 10 pages
and you could simply forget security basically.
5 hours later…
Hoi hoi peeps! Back from my film festival. What have I missed?
5 hours later…
Not much, except for the mole people
Ooh, I like moles
wtf, jin was in here
damn you jin!
@Rahul I think he popped in to say he's fixed the UX logo around the SE place.
@JonW: I told him about the problem here on chat, that's when he fixed it - I don't know why he was here :)
@Aadaam Just hanging out I guess. It's the cool place to be!
Arg someone is editing mostly just to add "smart" quotes
I hate smart quotes. They never &#;play nice&#; with the web
Or rather I hate the 500 editing programs that use proprietary symbols for smart quotes which fail when copied and pasted into any other program
I did a monstre answer with 7 different patterns of how infinite scroll should be handled based on context, it got 2 ups only, and people are still telling me that infinite scrolling is good as it is... yay.
it's one of those questions like the "zoom without pinch/tap". Everyone thinks the question is interesting but no one wants to admit the real answers are actually as good as it gets
actually, Nokia does zoom with pinch only to silence down the crowd
I haven't read your answer yet either
A: With infinite scrolling, do scrollbars still make sense?

AadaamSo, a few alternatives. Emulating a "real" scrollbar while maintaining infinite scrolling Emulation-oriented approach restore the usual scrollbars while still providing infinite scrolling. They're useful if the content actually has a reasonable end. An image gallery like in the above example ...

it's so long that it has actual chapters
what do you mean pinch only?
pinch, only to
they have + and - buttons, 90%+ percent of users use only that
it's much more convenient on 4 inches than pinching, especially since you have to hold the phone as well somehow.
but of course there was a big outcry, that "Nokia UX is so stupid, they don't understand thouchscreens"
so, they added this feature just to have the geeky crowd who haven't seen real users shut up
90%+ of users don't use pinch-to-zoom?
@dhmholley Double-tap works on iOS for zoom, i think?
Or does that just zoom in fully rather than partially
@dhmholley: I don't remember the exact number, but I was doing UX at Nokia...
I mean, I don't know who you consider a "real user" but I use pinch-to-zoom and prefer it to trying to tap fiddly buttons.
if you want to do pinching, you have to use two hands
I often use two hands on my phone to tap links and buttons that are small or at the top of the screen. Two hands doesn't bother me too much.
it's really hard to hold a thin phone (a lumnia or n9 is thinner than an iphone) while trying to pinch
well, nokia phone navigation is used mainly while driving.
I see, ok
I've used a lot of different phones, thin ones like the Arc and the SII, thinner than a Lumia. I don't remember them being difficult to handle.
and I guess it's actually a UI rule there to be able to use all built-in software single-handeldly
I didn't say it's difficult. I said, keeping them in one hand while trying to do a two-fingure gesture is difficult.
if you have a thick and/or heavy device, it's easier, it'll stay in your hand
but a thin one will slip out.
I mean, sure, if you did studies with your users then I will go with your point, but I've never seen pinch-to-zoom as being "geeky", "niche" or not representative of real use.
personally I didn't, but the user research team did
@JonW Isn't that only in the browser? At least I've only ever used it in browser
*grabs his iphone
Double tap does a page zoom on safari IIRC, and zooms with a text reflow on the stock Android browser
Yeah probably. I do it all instinctively now so I've no idea what really happens anymore.
nope, doubletap works in maps as well
I only use tap to zoom because of the reflow in android. Pinch feels much better for any time I want any sort of control over the zoom level
tap zooms on Google Maps too
@BenBrocka: fun fact: you don't have real control over the zoomlevel with pinching
Interestingly pinch to zoom works on Android homescreens too, allows you to zoom out to see them all.
as in case of maps, zooming also changes level of detail
(disclaimer, this may just be part of the Sense UI)
doubletap changes exactly one level of detail and doubles the scale
@Aadaam Not sure what you mean. It's direct manipulation and far, far more granular than tap to zoom
let me show it, a moment
@dhmholley Go homescreen does that too. Not sure about stock android
@Aadaam Isn't that very prescriptive and digital, meaning that you don't actually have any control beyond the preset zoom levels? Pinch to zoom is analog for most applications.
so, this is zoom level 0, or no zoom
and this is the topleft quarter of zoom level one
do you notice any change on top of scaling?
ugh does IE9 seriously not have an option to remember last open tabs?
I remember switching to Firefox, that feature alone made it worth it
Google maps loads in map elements dynamically when you pinch to zoom. Changing map features as you zoom in is not really a big wow.
yes, but it does so if your pinching reaches the level of double scale
The important thing in Maps is that I can pick my bounding box
if I'm zoomed at the country level and want to zoom in on a state that's one single smooth action, instead of X predetermined tap actions plus some fussing with panning
actually, on the iphone is not continous
since you have to do pinch, release, pinch, release
while with a zoom button, you could just press and hold.
Quite possibly, but with the button the centre of the bounding box stays the same. Multiple pinch gestures means refocusing the centre as you go, making it easier to gauge the appropriate zoom level
Ideally yes, but with zoom buttons you have to fuss with panning again; with pinch you're doing both at the same time
and it is continuous depending on how far you need to zoom, though the iPhone has some seriously limited screen width
Zoom, pan, zoom, pan isn't obviously better than pinch, pinch, pinch.
yeah, well, I can't tell the solution for that as it's still under development
(at Nokia, it takes years to make something into production)
here's hoping you get it released before the company collapses and is bought by Microsoft :P
I always liked Nokia, great phones.
I don't work for Nokia anymore, it went crazy years ago
Windows Phone 7+? Not my cup of tea.
I remember I nearly throwed the n9 prototype out of the window :)
and that isn't windows phone
A: Are circular menu / button interfaces intuitive?

Ben BrockaThese are generally calledRadial menus or Pie menus. Radial menus appear around a touch/click target and you move to the section of the circle to make your selection. Radial menus are a design often used for tablets and touch. There's lots of research out there on radial menus: Modeling Hierar...

in fact, I was using my old non-touchy sony ericsson while there :)
radial menus never get the love the deserve :(
@dhmholley better than meego :P
or symbian for that matter
except that meego could run android apps
@BenBrocka Not had a chance to try it
It's about damn time phone OSes stopped being second class citizens
so nokia would have been able to retain their own OS and tap into the android marketplace.
@BenBrocka The trouble I have with them is that you don't know what options are in teh menu until you've brougfht it up (right click, usually). Then you're kind of committed to selecting something from it. They're a pain to click away from to close. I don't find them instinctive and they haven't tested too well when we've implemented them.
@Aadaam and be even more of a third wheel than Windows Phone :P
@BenBrocka: have you ever tried to use a wp as your daily phone for more than a week?
Well, by 'tested' I mean 'some people using them in our software got so confused we implemented a full main menu in addition to the radial one.
@JonW usually a tap/etc in the middle dismisses them. And lots of menus aren't exposed until you open them; they often replace dropdowns
And they're awesome for pens, you can just move the pen away from the screen
Metro is a nice demo, but it's as far from real life as a painting is from a photograph.
I'm waiting for the day that Windows Phone 8 allows me to run regular Windows programs on my phone. Oh, for the day I can play DEFCON or Artemis on a phone without using a streaming app...
@Aadaam No actually, but I've used phone OSes developed by smaller companies, and each and every one of them was a freaking nightmare
like, webos?;)
I've heard webos wasn't terrible. I mean more like standard feature phone OSes
I spent my entire several months using WP7 going "why is the browser so shit? why are there no apps? the speed optimisation for calling and texting and other traditional "phone" things is useless to me." But then, I'm nowhere near the target market for WP.
yeah, you could turn it off with about 4 clicks, if you had the patience to wait 10 seconds between each of them
Seriously, Internet Explorer as a mobile browser. Worst. Idea. Ever.
@dhmholley: I'll tell you a secret: it's not even IE9, it's called IE 6.5 for mobile.
I hear they've upgraded the browser in the recent version, though.
I hope so
I wish MS would stop coupling their browser to the damn OS already
Give it some sort of OS API to let it keep it's (insecure) low level features and let people update the damn thing
I guess they'd switch to webkit only if: it wasn't controlled by Apple and Google and it wouldn't break a lot of things.
Well actually it would fix a lot of things. People have just designed things to be broken for IE
a lot of applications have IE as a display engine
esp. now as the market is full of html-aware frontend devs and uxes
like, AIM is written such a way
True, shudder. I think steam still does that
I was horrified when I saw the default IE error page there once
It's like finding out Santa is just your dad in a suit
except you usually don't hate your own dad.
it's a technical balance I guess:
by using the IE engine, it's easier to gain access to different OS APIs
while it's a nightmare with firefox / xulrunner
and yet the methodology for designing to IE is well known, even if it's a P.I.T.A.
Yeah, I was just surprised to find it's lots of web stuff. But before then I hadn't realized steam had a website and all that too
Steam's website was built by the same person who built the Domino's website, and Amazon. I swear.
All three make it almost too easy to buy things.
I was surprised when I realized that the iTunes Store isn't HTML-based
Perhaps I just need better self-control
it's a kind of proprietary quicktime xml
@dhmholley: shall I teach you how to redirect these sites to your own machine so that you can't buy anything?;)
That's like cutting your hand off because you keep scratching an itch D:
@dhmholley Steam's (and Amazon's) design is not in the website/GUI design
It's the convenience and cost
I can never spell convenience right and Chrome can never provide the right suggestion for how I misspell it
well, that's also user experience design
shall we call it a bunch of dark patterns
It's more than the website though, it's the service
the service is a system
the website is only a component of that system
Awesome as web stuff is, you can't HTML and CSS your way into cloud-available, cross platform gaming with cloud saves plus extreme sales
Goddamnit now I'm wishing that I were at home gaming rather than working.
solution: play at work! :)
I wish.
@BenBrocka Steam used to use IE as renderer. They have switched to webkit some time ago.
Oh, that's good at least
I could swear it sucked less but I wasn't quite sure why
I guess it was along with the major redesign
crap, approving that edit ressurected this question ux.stackexchange.com/questions/11401/better-term-for-user what have I done
Meh, closed it. Should have done that a while ago
looking through tag synonyms as I recently unlocked the ability. Do you think can be mapped onto ?
IMDB: Transformers: Dark Transformers of Transformers
5 rep on the tag required :-/
I'll add it. Which should be the "master" i.e. what actually shows up on the question?
I think in practice the master should be color-scheme, though color-combination is more frequently tagged.
that's because Visual Design guys search for color combinations I guess (at least the VD books I've read used this terminology)
the color combo's tag more aptly describes color-scheme, I'll make scheme the master
but amateurs call it "color scheme"
Ah, that would make sense
my problem with these tag removals is that we make the site less usable for one of those groups when removing one of them, but I know I'm a minority about this
Oh, here's one I can suggest. Hyperlinks -> link or the other way around
@Aadaam if you tag a question "color combo" or search for it, you'll get color-scheme instead, quietly
That's the point of synonyms
yeah, well, let's hope
once I had a terminology dance with landscape architects
we were designing a portfolio site for them
and it had a dual audience of customers (usually, town councils) and partners (construction firms who need to do landscape architecture as part of the work)
On the whole there aren't many tags with obvious synonyms, so I suppose that's generally a good sign.
one of them looked for the "proper" definition, while the others tried to use the "inproper" one...
I derped up the tag synonym process, can you vote of this one: ux.stackexchange.com/tags/color-scheme/synonyms
Again, the 5 rep requirement is a pain.
I guess it's needed so no outsider of a topic can re-tag it
I mean, if you're not interested, or, not really into, let's say,javascript programming, you shouldn't be able to retag it to 'java'
Yeah, which I guess makes a lot more sense on SO
(as many HR firms come, and say, "we see you worked with a lot of java", "no, that's javascript", "yeah, well, it's java, right?" "I don't think you should be in the IT hiring business.")
approved link-> hyperlink as it was clearly the intended meaning
and nvm, I approved the other synonym too
Q: Force tag synonym if a mod tries to make one, even if it's already suggested

Ben BrockaSo as a mod there are two different ways I can make a tag synonym; I can suggest it and it goes through voting like normal, or I can just make the dang thing myself immediately without voting. I accidentally suggested a synonym instead of making one outright (because the UI for doing this is spr...

Please vote to help get this awkward UI flow fixed
That was extremely annoying for a simple process
2 hours later…
I have discovered that Safari 6 is a buggy mess
great discovery
it has to be extended with another one: chrome is a trojan horse.
firefox cares more about open source religion than actual users
and IE is sh.t, but everyone knows that.
no, actually I just meant to trash Safari and leave the others alone :)
it's the american choice: you have a lot of options, and all of them are bad.
I guess most of the people give up all of their remaining privacy to google easily
I mean, "they said they don't do evil, they surely won't do it, right?"
We need to get more hot questions...this one on Workplace asploded today: workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/3492
despite all the cleanup that's associated with that
@BenBrocka - since you're a moderator that clearly looked at this question, care to tell me how you think this is a valid question for this site? ux.stackexchange.com/questions/25076/…
@CharlesBoyung Was hoping it would get more off-topic votes, but 2 + me is enough. Wasn't sure since it had 3 answers when I hit it
@BenBrocka Thanks. I was just curious about your opinion on it. I was trying to find a UX question in there and I just couldn't find one. And the answers all seemed to answer completely different questions, so I don't think it was overly clear either.
Q: Facebook sign up birthday form field

AndersIf you have an age restriction to use your web service should the users be able to input birthday information that is outside the restriction? What are the benefits of including birthday information that is outside the age restriction and is it better user experience to include this? Will it not ...

Is this a dupe? I swear I've heard this one before with the selecting dates out of a valid range
Q: Should I allow users to select a valid but disqualifying option?

user4427I'm working on an application form where a user must be 18 years or older to apply. Should users be able to select years that would equate to them being younger than 18 or should I remove them from the select list (I know a free form input would be easier, but for this question assume it's a fix...

Looks to be about the same thing
Of course, the one you posted is actually asking several different questions.
@CharlesBoyung that's the one
That seems to be the heart of the new question, the extra questions are mostly just begging for extra explanation (which IMO should be expected of all answers)
Q: What should the default selected action be for destructive actions in a dialog?

Adriaan FenwickWhen a user is about to perform a destructive action that cannot be undone, what should the default selected option be on the confirmation/warning dialog box? In this example, the user is about to perform an action that merges all his/her libraries into one: Example 1: Default selected action ...

I thought this one was a dupe, couldn't find one and wound up answering it. I do have two very related answers though
It's legit.
lol. I love the meme image, even with Impact font
When I could get onto the AMA the top rated question was a post from shitty watercolor.
Holy jesus Obama is so awesome
1 hour later…

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