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Jun 27, 2024 14:43
@ClaraDíazSanchez I don't think there's anything wrong with your answer on "rent" - not sure why you deleted it?
Apr 5, 2024 08:10
@verbose edited, thank you
Jan 27, 2024 14:44
Either way, I fully agree this is a topic for meta and worthy of wider discussion and, since it's a @Randal'Thor question, I'm entirely happy for him to decide whether or not this constitutes an answer to his question and undelete it if so.
Jan 27, 2024 14:43
Second - and I could be about to make myself look foolish here - are we certain that poster is the author as claimed, or is it possible it's an imposter? I felt the dismissal of it as "mundane or existential" sounded odd: it's very self-effacing and existential things tend not to be mundane
Jan 27, 2024 14:42
@Randal'Thor OK, so I took that decision on two points. Firstly, the question opens with "This question seeks an analysis" and closes with "What can we tell about his attitudes towards the different places from the way that he personifies them". The answer as posted doesn't seek to address either point and therefore, in my opinion, does not constitute an answer.
Sep 13, 2023 08:36
@Randal'Thor Been a bit preoccupied as I've been put up for redundancy from my day job, although I've been sure to be here to mod stuff. Besides, I've got no hope of keeping up with @verbose long term :)
Aug 9, 2023 08:05
@Randal'Thor I'm on a hiding to nothing trying to keep up with them :)
Jun 29, 2023 09:20
@Randal'Thor thanks, it was you accepting an answer that tilted me over the threshold :)
Jun 13, 2023 19:40
Apparently my favourite author, Cormac McCarthy, has passed away :(
May 16, 2023 15:06
A lot of other scholars have labelled Fish as a postmodernist so I'm hardly alone in that interpretation, although I believe he himself rejects the label.
May 16, 2023 15:05
You can also see elements of post-structuralism in the ideas around the subjective meaning of words like "glarph" ;)
May 16, 2023 15:05
@verbose just realised I never accepted your answer to my question about Fish and found poetry so there's some more rep :) I also never replied as to why I felt his approach was postmodern. Broadly, by insisting on the value of interpretive communities, he's echoing the postmodern concept of discourse analysis whereby meaning in communication is derived as much, or more, from social context than from the words themselves.
May 15, 2023 14:24
@verbose maybe so, but I've lost the long race and deservedly so, to someone who clearly has more knowledge and passion than me :)
May 8, 2023 10:57
@ClaraDiazSanchez Okay, I've replaced "normal" with "classical" and rewritten the reference to entanglement to be more vague, in line with my limited understanding of what it means.
May 6, 2023 10:21
@Randal'Thor perhaps we should keep it for books that are particularly fresh and innovative? ;)
May 6, 2023 10:19
@Randal'Thor misclick. I'm trying to do this on mobile and the chat UI is terrible on touchscreen
May 5, 2023 22:40
So I think to be classed as a polymath you actually have to be good in all the fields you study. I'm just a dabbler :)
May 5, 2023 22:30
I picked up the journalism almost by chance after blogging about my hobby for years just for fun. Q Now I'm back at the point where I want to can my day job and do the literature degree after all :)
May 5, 2023 22:29
@verbose at 18 I had a choice between English literature or biochemistry at university and chose the latter. Went on to do a doctorate in biology but ballsed it up, then taught myself to program as a way to get into an IT career. It was the middle.lf the dotcom boom & places were so desperate for programmers that lack of qualifications wasn't an issue.
May 5, 2023 21:08
@ClaraDiazSanchez I can imagine. I'd love to know how it could be improved. My background is biology & chemistry so my knowledge of quantum effects is limited to their results (i.e. the shape of orbitals) rather than any of the theory plus some pop science reading. It's a subject I'm very curious about so would appreciate hearing your suggestions.
May 3, 2023 15:25
@Randal'Thor I have essentially given up hope of getting back on the all time top row :)
Apr 20, 2023 18:25
@PrinceNorthLæraðr thank you :)
Apr 19, 2023 14:30
@Randal'Thor it might do better than some we've had
Mar 30, 2023 10:32
@Randal'Thor well in truth it's not something I particularly -wanted- ... but I wanted it more than to see a shortfall of quality candidates if that makes sense.
Mar 30, 2023 10:31
@Randal'Thor I believe I put it on there. I neglected to mention that I'm an author of fact, not fiction.
Mar 30, 2023 10:10
@verbose It's more common than everyone thinks. The literature, not the rugs. I can remember being told off by tutors for mixing arts & science courses before finding out from other students that there were quite a few of us who did.
Mar 30, 2023 09:07
@Mithical oh no :(
Mar 30, 2023 08:59
(and @verbose - but they already suggested they were unlikely to run - and @GarethRees and @spagirl who've been fairly silent on the matter AFAIK)
Mar 30, 2023 08:58
Well I've put my nomination post up as promised. Really hope to see @Tsundoku and @bobble nominate themselves, too.
Mar 17, 2023 15:54
Having a bad literary day today trying to learn more about Lost in the Funhouse. There are times I feel I need to unlearn all my years of scientific education to be able to think "loosely" enough to do well with books. How on earth do people find all these cunning little allusions and connections?!
Mar 16, 2023 12:12
@Tsundoku ah, I didn't realise Beckett wrote novels and short stories. I only know his work as a playwright.
Mar 16, 2023 10:15
Just read this short story by John Barth and I don't think any single piece of literature has ever made me feel so stupid. I need a paper copy, enough time for repeat readings, a pencil for annotating, a sunny day and a strong drink to get my head around this. Quite extraordinary. There may be questions incoming.…
Mar 14, 2023 15:44
@GarethRees fair enough, I wasn't intending to denigrate your (or anyone else's) efforts that have made HNQ - it's just been my personal experience and there's a hint of frustration there too. Thanks for the explanation.
Mar 14, 2023 14:23
It's a bit frustrating that only low-effort Q's and A's from here ever seem to make it to HNQ. I don't suppose anyone knows enough about the algorithm to see if we can do anything about that?
Mar 14, 2023 09:07
@Mithical I mostly read in bed, and mostly ebooks on my phone. I've increasingly realised that this is a terrible way to read more demanding texts. You're not predisposed to think about the text more widely because you're tired, and you can't make notes in the margins. But I'm going to carry on because it's convenient and it's often the only time I can carve out in the day to read.
Mar 2, 2023 19:38
@verbose It's a bit less time consuming to watch a movie than read a book.
Mar 1, 2023 16:07
@Randal'Thor that's kind of you to think of me, although I doubt I have that much comparative expertise - we've never really discussed it since the early days but I get the sense there are several users with considerably more than me, Tsundoku, you two other existing mods, Verbose and Gareth Rees among them. But as I said before, if it would be helpful to have more candidates, I will be happy to stand.
Mar 1, 2023 13:46
@Mithical OK, thanks for clarifying. Broadly my position is that I'd prefer not to take on moderation responsibilities (and I'm not sure I'd be very good at it), but this is an important community to me and I'd be willing to shoulder the burden and try my best if it was beneficial to the evolution of the site.
Mar 1, 2023 12:41
Ah, sorry, ignore me - I didn't see the followup post
Mar 1, 2023 11:09
Given the responses to this meta question, is there any scope for changing the policy on "movement" tags?…
Jan 25, 2024 13:15
@Randal'Thor it's funny what you can learn about each other through SE :)
Jan 25, 2024 11:25
As a vegetarian, personally, I would be happy to eat lab-grown meat. But I certainly know vegetarians who have said they will not do so, because animals must have been harmed early on in the research required to grow the meat. So the idea that it's fine for vegetarians because any particular given piece of lab-grown meat hasn't directly come from an animal is false.
Apr 13, 2023 08:42
@Mithical I need the scream emoji for this
Apr 12, 2023 20:07
Oh god, I'm terrified to touch anything!
Mar 31, 2023 12:47
@Randal'Thor edited
Feb 22, 2023 16:31
@Starckman well I would, yes, but then again I personally think Bukowski was a talentless hack :)
Feb 22, 2023 12:58
Beat writers are certainly treated as a legitimate artistic movement in America but perhaps less so in Europe (I'm British FWIW)
Feb 22, 2023 12:58
I don't mean to diminish the values of the individual works of beat writers by saying this - only that in sense of an artistic movement it seems to have gained an intellectual regard beyond that which you might expect from the size and quality of its body of work. As I said before I think it's because that small corpus had a very large impact on American culture in the 50s and 60s.
Feb 22, 2023 12:54
@Starckman Interesting. It seems almost the opposite to me - that they're overly legitimised. That's what I meant by the disconnect. Beat literature consisted of a handful of writers who produced perhaps three great works, and they had no coherent motives or goals until Ginsberg wrote some down in the 80s well after the movement was spent intellectually. Constrast it with modernism which had self-concious goals from the outset and encompassed dozens of writers.