Jan 26, 2015 21:13
@DavidCarlisle All of that, right before it gets closed for being "too localized". But you're a good sport anyhow :)
Jan 26, 2015 21:10
@DavidCarlisle I was restarting page numbers each \part - so I stepped the page on each \part - but used \refstepcounter instead for some reason. Anyway, fixed problem now. Thanks!
Jan 26, 2015 21:07
@DavidCarlisle Indeed :)
Jan 26, 2015 21:06
I've incremented my page numbers artificially, but I think I used \refstepcounter instead of just \stepcounter
Jan 26, 2015 21:06
@DavidCarlisle Oh ... I think that explains it hten
Jan 26, 2015 21:03
@yo' I'm using varioref ... that's the only thing I can think added something along those lines.
Jan 26, 2015 21:01
@yo' I am sort of using parts without chapters and trying to label the part ... \ref then fails with that error.
Jan 26, 2015 21:01
@yo' yeah... that's why I'm asking here first .. example is far from minimal at this point.
Jan 26, 2015 20:59
I just came across the error "undefined control seq \p@page" ... never seen that one before and can't find it in the source code anywhere. What is \p@page supposed to be?
Jul 15, 2014 11:32
It seems like everything else in the TeX world is case sensitive, so I was surprised to discover a citation that worked, but seemed like it shouldn't (because of change in case)
Jul 15, 2014 11:31
Thoughts on why bibtex entry keys are not case sensitive?
Jul 15, 2014 11:31
You learn something new everyday... or so they say.
Jun 24, 2014 15:29
@DavidCarlisle I did, thought you might not notice :) My solution ended up being closer to his formulation... But I suppose yours might truly have been "most helpful", which is technically the definition to go by... #EthicalDilemma
Jun 24, 2014 14:56
@DavidCarlisle The \nointerlineskip was the key that I was missing. Without it, just a regular \rule{}{} does exactly what I thought it would...
Jun 24, 2014 14:29
@DavidCarlisle I understand \vbox is tex, not latex; it seemed more appropriate in this instance... I will have to look at what \headheight is set to in this case.
Jun 24, 2014 14:29
@DavidCarlisle Your point is valid (of course); I'll make it a new question.
Jun 24, 2014 14:10
@DavidCarlisle Do you have any thoughts about the \vbox question I pose in my edit to tex.stackexchange.com/questions/186350 ?
Jun 2, 2014 15:52
@DavidCarlisle I will also check out shapepar, I don't think I've seen that one.
Jun 2, 2014 15:51
@NicolaTalbot This might have been the one I was thinking of: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/148883/…
Jun 2, 2014 15:49
I think it was a parshape question...
Jun 2, 2014 15:43
I am hunting for a post that describes typesetting text with its margin following along a curve/path, but I'm having trouble getting keywords that will bring it up. I know I've seen something along those lines...
May 3, 2014 21:36
Q: page break in the middle of a \cite

themik81With pdflatex all my citation are pdf hyperlinks to the respective entry in the bibliography. This causes a problem when occasionally Latex decides to do a page break in the middle of a citation so that the citation starts on page n and and ends on page n+1. The problem then is that the footer of...

May 3, 2014 21:36
What to do with items that are "can't fix"? Such as:
Jun 27, 2014 21:38
so i suppose that is the work that debmirror is doing, to make sure that if you are syncing just a specific release, earlier support packages are also pulled in?
Jun 27, 2014 21:37
i see.
Jun 27, 2014 21:31
i think i see
Jun 27, 2014 21:31
Jun 27, 2014 21:30
but if it just downloads the same "unified" packages multiple times to put it once in /dist/precise and once in /dist/trusty ....
Jun 27, 2014 21:29
if that is the case, then I don't even really save much time by restricting the release.
Jun 27, 2014 21:28
(these are the types of things I'm not really sure of)
Jun 27, 2014 21:28
does the rsync use links to avoid downloading multiple times?
Jun 27, 2014 21:24
right -- but for time and space sake, I'm trying to avoid mirroring the whole thing.
Jun 27, 2014 21:21
looks like lucid-updates was about 5GB
Jun 27, 2014 21:21
I just want to find a way to limit the rsync to the portions that I need and make sure that it won't interfere with the way ubuntu will refer to the mirror
Jun 27, 2014 21:20
The mirroring process is not the issue, really.
Jun 27, 2014 21:19
Also true; I plan on having to bring in some additional things, but would like to have as many of the core packages already there.
Jun 27, 2014 21:19
That's a valid point; I have found references that "the Ubuntu Archive takes up about 680 GB of space." (help.ubuntu.com/community/Rsyncmirror) Not sure if that includes all of the available releases.
Jun 27, 2014 21:19
The box I am doing the download from is a Synology NAS. I don't have specific packages to install, but rather want to have the whole universe available for many machines on the isolated network