yst 15:51
Link to your Github profile here, I'll run o3-mini, Gemini 2.0 and Claude over every single file in your projects, completely free of charge to you, and send you the full report detailing any possible security vulnerabilities. If the repos are forks I'll run them over just the diff vs the master branch to save time, otherwise over the full thing. There's no conceivable way to hide malware in plaintext code that wouldn't be detectable to this level of scrutiny. Binaries - yes, but vetting text is incredibly easy now.
Fri 23:32
@PeterCordes yes, I suspect it might already be able to handle a lot of trivial code changes well
Fri 22:52
@PeterCordes thanks. If ChatGPT o5 is able to one-shot this question by producing a 10/10 answer, what do you think would be the impacts on the job of performance engineers?
Fri 21:14
curious if at least this version makes sense?
Fri 21:14
@PeterCordes I know this is cheating and doesn’t count but here’s the updated answer taking your feedback into account: chatgpt.com/share/67b815e6-e4ac-8013-b849-f3696429b419
Fri 21:13
@PeterCordes thank you, set a reminder, will come back to this in 1 year
Fri 21:13
@PeterCordes here’s the NOP Speed-up answer. Grade it on a 10 scale?
Fri 21:13
@PeterCordes care to share an example of such an unanswered question which you think cannot be answered by AI? Happy to take up the challenge.
Fri 21:13
Added a less extreme example that could plausibly be generated by a non-native speaker (I've seen hundreds of texts like this during my undergrad in Europe) and a GPT's correction that didn't add or remove any content.
Fri 23:14
@PeterCordes thank you, set a reminder, will come back to this in 1 year
Fri 23:14
@PeterCordes here’s the NOP Speed-up answer. Grade it on a 10 scale?
Fri 23:14
@PeterCordes care to share an example of such an unanswered question which you think cannot be answered by AI? Happy to take up the challenge.
Fri 23:14
Added a less extreme example that could plausibly be generated by a non-native speaker (I've seen hundreds of texts like this during my undergrad in Europe) and a GPT's correction that didn't add or remove any content.
Dec 24, 2024 05:52
But lacking that the least we can do is maximize GDP/capita and stability in the West and China where such progress is happening
Dec 24, 2024 05:33
@Relaxed yes, I very much care about the progress of technology and in my ideal world we’d shut down all spending on everything except scientific development, akin to the levels of tech development during WWII - except on peaceful projects.
Dec 23, 2024 03:18
Elon at least has an idea. The vast majority of other people are stuck in their own little world and can barely plan for 5 years ahead, let alone 5,000. If all goes well there would have been a total of 100 trillion humans alive cumulatively by the end of humanity, meaning we’re in the first 1% of humans to have ever existed. Things like the 1953 Refugee Convention are such a tiny element in the grandiose plans of the universe that they won’t even deserve an asterisk
Dec 23, 2024 03:15
@Relaxed what’s the point of anything? What is the ultimate goal of humanity? Why do we wake up every day and keep on slouching towards Bethlehem?
Dec 23, 2024 02:33
George W. Bush maybe stole the election from Gore in 2000…. But that doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, it’s close enough.
Dec 23, 2024 02:32
@Relaxed “human rights” are a spectrum and are not an end goal in and of themselves. The question is how well the country’s citizens are living, how safe and secure they area, how likely is power to change hands as a result of elections, how well the rule of law and property law are preserved.
Dec 22, 2024 15:04
Turns out you can let it rip, let 85 year olds die and… nothing happens, things go on as if nothing happened. Shocking for human rights and decency but that’s how our messed up world works. You can be 10% evil, 90% good and still come out ahead with zero punishment.
Dec 22, 2024 15:03
Americans launched the man on the moon barely a few years after schools in the south were desegregated. Russia launched the first person into space despite *waves hands*. China is doing great despite all the minority persecution. Low qualified foreigners without at least $1M in liquid assets are irrelevant to any self respecting western nation. You can treat them any way you want and still prosper.

Kinda like those peoples who said locking down harder would be good for the economy - and boy oh boy did republican states prove them wrong (and the U.S. as a whole proved the rest of the world
Dec 22, 2024 14:59
I think that there’s this idealistic black and white idea of reality where true progress is only possible in a fair and just society. But in reality there’s always a threshold at which one can commit atrocities and still accomplish amazing discoveries
Dec 22, 2024 08:55
so IMO the only good solution is to go see it with your own eyes, talk to people, not read the stats
Dec 22, 2024 08:53
As I've complained in another Politics.SE question, "poverty" is arbitrarily defined by relative measures and thus nobody actually knows how many people are "in poverty". Not to say there are zero of course, but its hard to compare to Europe
Dec 22, 2024 08:52
@Relaxed how many of the bottom 5% poorest US counties have you visited in your life? I've been to the poorest counties/area of Sweden, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia and the US. There are some shocking poverty places in the US but mostly its about the same as Europe
Dec 22, 2024 08:50
The Soviet Union oppressed roughly 95% of citizens, that was waaay too much and the nation collapsed. The US never went beyond 10% and the nation is fine
Dec 22, 2024 08:49
And, yes, this is also why China mistreating the Uyghurs is not preventing them from making giant strides in progress. The argument is only circular on your side where you deny a nation the title "civilized" if some % if oppressed.
Dec 22, 2024 08:48
@Relaxed well, no, in the case of (say) Assad where his tribe of Alawites had the country in the chokehold for 40 years you can clearly see how a slip in human rights will lead to a collapse of civilization. America mistreating 1-2% of their citizens during WWII or up to 10% in the Jim Crow era was still ~irrelevant to how much progress American scientists have made, how much wealth Americans have built up, how much influence it had, etc
Dec 22, 2024 08:46
"Civilized" is not about the fate of one man or even a group of people, its about which countries propel humans as a species forward and which ones push us backwards
Dec 22, 2024 08:46
@Relaxed are you launching rockets to space successfully or otherwise work on very impressive technology? Is your electrical grid very stable? Does the government have a monopoly on violence? Are people happy to invest into your country?
Dec 21, 2024 07:27
The US committed a horrible policy of internment of the Japanese during WWII, rejected Jewish refugee boats, banned Chinese immigrants for quite some time, prioritized White immigrants, but at no point did the human rights for citizens take a major step back
Dec 21, 2024 07:26
is there a single example of a state becoming less civilized as a result of being too oppressive towards foreigners, where causality can be established?

Because the other direction has at least one VERY prominent example: the attempted coup in Jordan by Palestinians, nearly causing the country to turn into yet another failed Middle Eastern state.
Dec 19, 2024 19:10
So to summarize: the #1 reason for being cautious is that the country of origin of any given person is a rough approximation of what your country would look like if you accepted too many of them
Dec 19, 2024 19:09
But, say, Sri-Lanka doesn't seem to be on the list of countries that don't cooperate with deportations, so for them vetting could be more relaxed
Dec 19, 2024 19:08
of course, you'd still want some hardcore vetting because India is on the list of a-hole nations who refuse deportees: crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF11025
Dec 19, 2024 19:01
I have a lot more respect for Indians (yes, including people from Kerala and other parts of South India, who are dark-skinned, since apparently you think I have latent racism) than I do for Russians, as they've managed to vote in much more reasonable people and sustain a democracy against all odds.

Why don't we invite 50 million educated Indians to the EU first, before inviting other people? We can even prioritize people from the lower castes if you want to be fair about it.
Dec 19, 2024 18:58
Putin didn't come out of a vacuum - Russians had the chance to pick better leaders in the 1990s but ended up picking a permanently drunk wannabe-authoritarian (see: events of 1993 and Yeltsin's Plan B in case he lost the election), who then put in a corrupt KGB officer in charge of the country. If you let these people the right to vote in France, who do you think they're going to pick?
Dec 19, 2024 18:54
The equilibrium of order vs disorder in society is more fragile than we think. Introducing too many people of the wrong culture too fast can break the fragile equilibrium and cause the nation to slide into being the same type of failed state as the countries these people came from.
Dec 19, 2024 18:53
@Relaxed see the answers to this question of mine, which actually changed my mind on the topic: politics.stackexchange.com/questions/31616/…
Dec 19, 2024 10:10
Are all Frenchmen perfect? No. But they’ve been selected over the centuries and the culture has been fine tuned to reach an equilibrium where the most evil tendencies of human nature have been suppressed and there’s enough of a social pressure to conform so that the average Frenchman ends up behaving much better than the average Russian
Dec 19, 2024 10:08
Same deal in Japan: it took centuries of strictly enforced social rules to read todays state where their society is extremely neat and organized.
Dec 19, 2024 10:07
@Relaxed you under appreciate the efforts it took by many generations of Frenchmen to get France to be as civilized as it is today, at least in the parts uncorrupted by foreign influence. It’s less obvious in France but very prominent in Germany which was was forced to bend the knee and get their affairs together by the Allied forces, a process which took a couple of decades past 1945 to complete.
Dec 19, 2024 10:04
@Relaxed taking in welfare money and/or committing crime, or otherwise disturbing the public peace. In the U.S. it’s rare to see Americans blast music from their cars: I know this because of the language of the songs being played.
Dec 19, 2024 10:02
@Relaxed the Kantian imperative allows for filtering criteria if you have a limited number of people to take in. France is not infinite in its capacity to support a civilized lifestyle. Once that is acknowledged we can start setting up rules for whom is allowed to immigrate.
Dec 19, 2024 06:06
How many Turks living in Germany support the Armenian genocide? How many Rwandans support the 1994 genocide? How many Afghanis support 9/11? How does the West allow such people to come and live among civilized society? I just don’t get it, man…
Dec 19, 2024 06:03
You wouldn’t believe how many Russians (and even some Ukrainians!) living in the west support Putin and his war. When Americans say this I don’t care but when an immigrant says this it makes me shake my head and regret how poorly the vetting system is given that such monsters were allowed into the West
Dec 19, 2024 06:01
@Relaxed you have a soft and kind heart, Relaxed. Unfortunately foreigners like to exploit this kindness and see it as a weakness.
Dec 19, 2024 01:44
It’s just human nature
Dec 19, 2024 01:44
Integration is a two way racism door: people treat you differently and you naturally want to hangout with people who look like you. You can see it in the U.S. where fourth generation Chinese Americans will still hangout together despite not speaking any Chinese and even if they live in the super progressive parts without racism