@KitFox Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm doing in my thesis. For a moment, I was thinking about saying mentioned or discussed as it could be more convenient as it is a thesis. Dunno... Anyway, thanks!
hey guys, how does "while the key features and differences are pointed out" sound to you? Semantically, when I describe something, it is not really stressing/pointing out, is it?
What is wrong with "Walter P. Stanley, III found all the old records of the Bangor Lions Club after years of (them) being lost under a pile of dust" then?
@RedDwigнt What would grammaticians you speak about say instead? "Walter P. Stanley, III, left, found all the old records of the Bangor Lions Club after years of being lost under a pile of dust"? I think it is better to put the after part at the very beginning to stress the meaning. Dunno though...
@RedDwigнt Thanks! I had to look up "dangling modifier" firstly :-). There is a pretty similar Wikipedia's example "After years of being lost under a pile of dust, Walter P. Stanley, III, left, found all the old records of the Bangor Lions Club."
Hello! How does "After defining ABC from practical point of view, an emphasis is put on..." sound to you? Is it both gramatically (should be) and especially semantically correct?
howdy! Do you guys know if there is any way to put citebordercolor = false within hyperref package? I want border around citations invisible. Using rgb for white colour is really the solution.
hey guys, I found a solution to my question, which is imho better than the recommended ones. Should I respond on my question and accept it as the right answer? :-) Seems weird.
anyway, using \section*{} in appendix doesn't work, better said it hides section from ToC (that's good), but it deforms its name, i.e. instead of wanted A.1 Name of section it just shows Name of section.