@AJHenderson Are you following that discussion in the comments? The guy is the embodiment of everything I hate about Microsoft - incompetence, irrelevancy, unjustifiable self-pride, and lack of vision.
@TildalWave With due respect, I think descending into ad hominem accusations is probably going a bit far.
The man has 230K rep on SO. Of course he's going to get votes anywhere he posts on the SE network.
The fact that he's an outsider on Sec.SE aside, he's well known and very well respected in the developer community at large, and has been for many years.
If you want to take issue with his answer, I don't have any problem with that, but claiming that he's voting for himself is a serious accusation.
@Xander Noted. Still, OP just explained to him in the comments how his answer is (for the most part) irrelevant to his question. I think that nails it down fair and square. My accusations aside, the guy is still way over his head and he didn't consider not for a split second I might be trying to help him get the answer on track, and make it more relevant.
It is and will be, after all, the most read answer in that thread. The way it reads now - that's rather unfortunate.
I've been getting a few of the first one on my blog. While it looks harmless, they're actually spamdexing (a little bit of "black hat seo") by trying to associate their user account (and website links by extension) with the keywords in the blog. When you click on the link it counts as...
@TildalWave And me. :-) I don't think it's that much better than Eric's answer though. It's still a single potential reason that's plausible, and probably true in at least some cases, but not backed up by any sort of research.
@Xander We likely won't see a complete answer, because it's all based on speculation until someone actually waterboards the script kiddie responsible for these exact spam messages OP posted as an example. But, so far, it gives the most plausible explanation IMO. I'm fairly confident the explanation I gave is widely used, but I always suspected there's more to it (besides also avoiding spam filters, which was described as a possible reason before)
Problem with me is, that I'm really not that versed in Wordpress and other ready-made blog interfaces, because I roll my own for such needs (blog is fairly simple matter actually, if you already have well developed framework and CMS). I've seen them, I've been following a few other discussions about them, but I've never had to deal with them inside a less than ideal tool to do the job.
@D3C4FF oh... well dunno obviously it's not immediately apparent to English speakers, but in my language "being in one's hair" would be a polite translation for bitch fight (you know, pulling each other's hair out and similar)... and MS = Microsoft ;)
@AJHenderson ♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫ ...it means nothing to me, this means nothing to me, oh Vienna. ♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫
I'm not being overly proud or anything like that (frankly, I think my answer is lacking on a lot of points - I just didn't have any more than what I posted and you didn't already), it's just he's probably God in stuff I honestly don't and will probably never find any use for, so I'm Eric's deity status agnostic (read: impartial)... still, it's a good song :) :P
@AJHenderson I've noticed what he said yes... and this exploting registrations is exactly where my answer comes from. Spamming on forums is not merely posting as unregistered, unprivileged user... and that obviously creates the need to prove exploitability by covert means, which is what these messages we were discussing could quite reasonably be (or some share of them at least). Why would we assume script kiddies have any spam worth posting and at the same time their user accounts deleted for it?
@TildalWave he's personally helped me with one or two things over on SO
since I'm a software architect working in .Net world, I tend to push the envelope a bit and go in to territory that literally just about nobody has gone
makes for some issues I run in to very hard to find, and since he basically wrote the expression system in .Net, I appreciate his insight on LINQ and Expressions
but that also doesn't mean I give him god like status in other areas :)
@AJHenderson Look sure, I have nothing against him personally, frack I don't know the guy at all, but I disliked his handling of what was discussed there and some comments are not even worth replying to IMO... I realize I've needlessly suggested a few things here in DMZ, but that's DMZ and we kinda understand each other that sometimes some just need to let some steam off... fine with me when it's others too, as long as it's not on the Q&A... and his last comment to chill, it's just SO...
@Simon I like python because it's damn easy to script up something simple to automate task. It also has a huge amount of third party libraries available so many task simply boils down to importing the right libraries and calling it in the right places.
ie, if you have a method in class Vehicle that returns Passenger you can't have a class Car that inherits from Vehicle have an overload of that same method return CarPassenger even if CarPassenger inherits from Passenger
I spent about two hours attempting to diagnose why my Tenable appliance upgrade wasn't going well, only to find out that, since Tuesday, they had released a hotfix that corrected the issues I was trying to diagnose. >_<
@AJHenderson I've done that before. This was more annoying to me because it was during a scheduled change and a sysadmin wasn't available to actually click the 'Start' button on the vm after I power cycled it.
It's the hardware management system for Dell. It's a webapp that lets you do things like monitor the raid controller, network interfaces, etc. It's worth looking into as well.
Score! As soon as the job runs I'll get Copy Editor on SF.
haven't read through the whole transcript yet, but I simply must make some comments here.
First of all - I too upvoted Eric's answer. Not (just) because he's a demigod, it happens to be a damn good answer - don't know why you're so dismayed by it.
(though perhaps it was about a previous version...)
btw, he was a demigod long before he joined Stack Overflow - when he did, his rep skyrocketed. I would bet his graph was even steeper than JonSkeet's.
and he's not "a microsoft fan" - the dude was damn near well Microsoft himself.
In case you don't know, and for you edification, he's the incredibly smart guy behind the C# compiler.
and @TildalWave I think your repeated comments and personal attacks on him, were a bit over much.
I also find his need for sockpuppets incredibly doubtful. Besides, he has enough fans (many of them well earned) to upvote for him. For all you know, he tweeted his answer, or blogged it, and in come pouring his followers.
oops, I see @Xander already jumped in to the defense of the innocent...
anyway, all this baseless hatred bouncing around the room makes for very bad feng shui. Even if it is against MS.
It can be said simply that you must be aware of SEO(Search Engine Optimization)
IT has 2 types of techniques in major 1) Black Hat and 2) White Hat
White hat do the genuine way or authentic work.
but where black hat comes your problem starts, what they do is they have created number of user nam...
I received an email this morning from a friend, he runs a small company that has some nice web tech. For the first time they have hired an in-house developer. The email stated that this new developer wanted to move their entire system (currently Python) over to PHP, I told them to fire him.
@AviD God damn it! I was reading the first sentence with a smile on my face "what the hell is wrong with Avi today?" and then I got to the but. "Yup, that's him"
@phyzome I believe your second solution is the best. Asking for the user's confirmation sounds like a good idea. The only down side I can see is it adds a bit of inconvenience.
@phyzome Another solution (which we currently have in our single Sign-On solution) is give the user the option to configure the services which are allowed to access his info. So only for the first time you need to ask the user before the redirection, later you don't have to do that for the same user && the same service.
After a ton of discussion, work and input from the community, we're rolling out the remainder of major closing changes that you've helped us design, as discussed in these prior posts.
They're live on Meta today, and will likely roll out to the rest of the network sometime next week.
The clos...
You know, the best thing about the obscene number of flags generated by The Bridge is that we can blindly click "Invalid" without worrying about whether or not they're actually legitimate.
@AviD I actually haven't. I've only seen that in desktop grade Dells
> Update: NSA running around with their hair on fire running damage control and digging up this old thread 8 months later to cast dispersions on the idea because they realise if everyone starts using OTPs and not their weak AES algorithm then their PRISM programme is worthless. zuallauz on crypto.SE
@TerryChia Because CSPRNGs are essentially stream ciphers. So the security of the OTP degenerates from provably secure to the strength of the stream cipher. That way you get all the annoyances of an OTP without its one advantage.
@AviD maybe, but I don't think so. It does sound very me tooish, but I think it's probably someone from SO brought over by the train that decided to try to say what they could without knowing that much about it.
@TerryChia better yet, start talking about your gay fantasies about the people at the NSA. Pretty soon, they won't want to open your stuff
I'm using E71 device, yesterday i heard about new firmware available for my phone. I had backed up my phone with Memory card encrypted with stored key file. After update new firmware successfully i go check memonry card enter password correctly open encyption function to store but my phone keep s...
*Our elected representatives at the federal level have argued that, "... applying the Constitution on U.S. soil amounted to a free pass to people bent on trying to destroy the country."
Probably because it lets people search for #cute #puppy #photos. Banal as they are sometimes, it does move us more towards stepping on Twitter and allowing people to promote themselves publicly.
@Adnan It's like half of Congress just went, "That bit where we all swear to uphold the Constitution when we're sworn into office? I had my fingers crossed."
it's not like we should actually have to support why we put someone in jail or anything
though for once I'm actually proud to see that multiple representatives from NY were backing the amendment to make it so we couldn't do it on both sides. It isn't often I actually approve of what my states representatives are backing.
but that is tremendously depressing news
@Adnan I'm actually on the conservative end of the spectrum in a lot of ways (though probably moderate overall) and I also agree with that. I think it's pretty much bipartisan to only apply the constitution where it suits their needs.
@AviD So I think content spinning is one of the major reasons, but I think there are several others, including forms of fuzzing and regurgitating web scrapings. All designed to either get around spam filters, or attempt to dumb down bayesian filters by trying to confuse them with ham-like spam.
I'm sure it's a can of worms, but take for example gay marriage. Personally, I hate the way conservatives have approached it. Personally, I feel like marriage is a religious institution and the government has no business being involved at all, but as far as the legal sides of it (taxes, health care, etc) there is absolutely no reason there should be any difference if the couple is same gender, different gender, or even possibly more than 2 people.
and it actually annoys me to see conservatives fighting against equal protection under the law
(I will point out too that even before gay marriage was an issue, I was actually rather bothered by the fact I had to go to the government to get married.)
@JeffFerland I listened to it once when they were streaming it. I think I liked it almost as much as Clarity/Bleed American. Not a huge fan of Invented unfortunately. :(
@AviD What attacks? You mean me being upset here where he wasn't? First, that's not personal then, and second, I did admit I was fairly cranky for what was going on with that question in general (not just his answer), I'm hardly the first one to care a bit too much. But there was no attack on anyone in the Q&A on my part, I was keeping my comments to contents, in fact - I didn't even have a clue who he is, and I still don't think that should actually matter.
It's people here that were constantly reminding me of who he was, and I find THAT the most disturbing part of it
@Ladadadada I don't know much about the free Acunetix scanner, but I would not generally expect any company to retain enough license control over their free software to be able to disable individual copies.
Even then, what's to stop the user from downloading and re-registering with another license?
I feel that someone (an employee maybe) from FB has been monitoring and manipulating my posts. Some are my personal opinions about our gov't and certain gov't agencies. I am no threat to anyone whatsoever. After hearing news reports about key words that appear that have caused certain people to b...