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@kiamlaluno Honestly, a question like "What does the newspaper article mean, with that sentence" doesn't strike me as an attempt to solicit some proof-reading. It looks more like the person who's asking such question simply doesn't understand one sentence in that article and wants people to explain that to him.
@brilliant It doesn't sound different, to me, to a question asking "what did the poet mean in this poem?"
Anyway, I said "are close to be," not "are surely."
@brilliant If the OP doesn't ask about a specific phrase, and doesn't show he tried to find the meaning of that phrase, then the question sounds to be like "I cannot bother myself to look, can you analyze this text and tell me what it means?"
I could be wrong, but those questions seem to better suit journalism.stackexchange.com (if there is a proposal for such SE site).
The other problem I see is that you can read a newspaper and find many of those phrases, that for somebody who doesn't know the history or what recently happened in a country would be difficult to understand.
It would like asking why, in Washington D.C., you see mule and elephant statues.
(Maybe it's a donkey statue.)
@Kosmonaut When somebody says "he is an ass," is ass referring to the "hoofed mammal of the horse family with a braying call"?
@kiamlaluno I think I got your point, except now I will be afraid to ask such questions as I can be accused of asking for proof-reading help. Too bad, because every now and then I do stumble upon some points in articles that I don't quite understand and they are not history or culture points, but rather grammar or word-usage-related points.
@brilliant I am sorry; I didn't want to have that effect. You should consider that those questions are kept to being asked from a user; it is also true that questions about synonyms are kept to being asked too.
The problem is that when somebody see a question made from [X], they already know what the question is about. Like anything else, keeping to ask the same kind of questions can be boring for who answers them. This is my opinion, though (and not even an opinion as moderator, or high reputation user).
I see. Thank you.
@brilliant Questions about grammar, and word usage are fine; it's different to ask if you can use a similar phrase, and what a journalist means.
@brilliant Yori-etc keeps to ask what the journalist means. It's different from asking about the grammar behind a phrase. I have myself asked why in English you say "so do I," instead of "I do so too."
@brilliant YVW.
10 hours later…
@RegDwight: I thought that "a, an" question might be a dupe, but I had no idea how to search for it. So I just answered it.
@Robusto: Yeah, I came here to warn you about an imminent merge. You'd be losing 15 precioussssss.
In fact, that other "an user" question is a dupe itself, there's an older "an usual" question.
So I'm considering a merge of both
Q: What is the rule for using "a" or "an" in a sentence?

BG100 Possible Duplicates: “A user” or “an user”? Use of “a” versus “an” If I remember correctly back to my school days, the rule is to use "a" if the next word starts with a consonant, or "an" if the next word is a vowel. For example: Thi...

Q: "A user" or "an user"?

Tim Possible Duplicate: Use of “a” versus “an” Which is correct — “A Year” or “An Year”? I noticed an ad on Stack Overflow featuring another StackExchange site and the title of the question had this in it: Allow an user to... But shouldn't it be Allow a ...

Q: Is it 'a usual' or 'an usual'? Why?

JFWis it 'a usual' or 'an usual'? 'A usual' sounds more correct in my head ('Today was a usual day.') than 'an usual', but u is a vowel. Which one is correct and why?

We have way too many a-vs-an questions. 3 out of the top 5 questions in the FAQ tab are about a vs an.
And it never stops.
How do you search for "a" or "an"?
That's what I keep commenting on all those questions. Use the FAQ tab or Google.
Grrrr.... another dupish question:
Q: Meaning of Personnel and its plural form

GunnerFrom Wordweb: Group of people willing to obey orders The department responsible for hiring and training and placing employees and for setting policies for personnel management The two are kind of clashing. One says group ready to obey, while other says group that would make someone obey. Are ...

Q: Pluralizing "personnel"?

leonxkiI came accross the following sentence: There will be 110 personnel in the store on launch. Is it better to phrase it like so: There will be 110 persons in the store on launch. Which of the two is correct? Please advise. Thanks.

The next person will ask about pluralization, meaning, and spelling.
And then the next one will ask about pluralization, meaning, spelling and pronunciation.
Silly me: I always try to use the SE search.
Hey, check it out:
A: What is going to happen in 2012?

RobustoI can tell you right now what will happen: none of the predictions will be right, or, if any are, they will be right for the wrong reasons or in different ways from what the predicters expect. Even this prediction will probably be wrong in profound and unexpected ways. EDIT: Citation according ...

I was asked to provide a citation. I did.
@Robusto Awesome, but I can't upvote you twice.
What about Soviet army contingents you control? Make them march to upvote my victory!
Sorry, we can only make Air Forces march.
Anyhow, I am being trolled so hard on that site, I'm considering quitting, too.
Read the comment exchange under this answer:
A: Is Paul McCartney dead?

SklivvzAbsence of evidence is evidence of absence The claim is not supported and therefore the following image of Sir Paul McCartney shot in 2010 is enough to prove differently: . Image courtesy of Wikipedia You may not be convinced, in which case please take into account that you will need to prove...

Seriously, that's just trolling and flamebait.
Brb cooking breakfast.
BRB going to work.
1 hour later…
@RegDwight: See? I used your search:english.stackexchange.com technique.
Apr 17 at 18:57, by RegDwight
Is today the International Article Pronunciation Day?
Three questions at least in the past few hours.
I know, right?
I mean, they could post an Oxford Comma question for a change.
Yes, or a "what is the difference between X and Y" question.
One leg broke off, that's why guys are inferior, yada yada.
morning everyone
Hi JS.
i feel some pity for those who ask about a/an, since those words aren't searchable, not even in our search box
however, the "related questions" box does seem to pick up on likely duplicates
1 hour ago, by RegDwight
That's what I keep commenting on all those questions. Use the FAQ tab or Google.
@JSBangs Only if you tag stuff correctly.
see! tags are good for something after all
If everyone would tag their a/an with, oh say, , the top result would be the canonical question.
i had to retag two questions this morning
BTW, we're trying to close the the question as well.
i saw that, and concurred
i thought that it might be a dup before answering, but i couldn't find it
Yeah, it's another possible candidate for merging, but sometimes I leave stuff open for a while if I see good answers coming in.
Merging better answers with older ones is never a bad idea.
ah, well. at least i'm happy about my syllabic consonants answer, which i was rather proud of
Yeah, I read that one yesterday.
I think I had problems with the second (?) word.
The one ending in -er.
Tanner or what have you.
I had to train myself to pronounce it the way you described.
yeah, and it's very dialectal, that one
brits treat -er as a schwa (non-rhotic)
i think that -le is the ending that's pronounced as a syllabic consonant across the greatest number of different dialects
The funny thing about -er is that I shouldn't have that problem, seeing how e.g. Peter is Petr in Russian.
Nonetheless, it was hard to apply the Russian thinking to English.
Rats, something is really broken here, I have to reboot. Brb.
Q: What is the origin of the place name "Abbottabad?"

Joel SpolskyWe know that Abbottabad is named after Major James Abbott, an officer in the Indian Army who founded the town. But where does the "...abad" come from?

though i answered, i'm sort of wondering whether this is really on-topic
since the answer has nothing to do with english and everything to do with indo-iranian
of course i could edit the question to include the query that the Language Log article leads with, namely whether there is any etymological relationship between -abad and abode
that would definitely be on-topic, then
I just came here to say it is off-topic.
If the connection is just that there might be a related word in PIE, then I don't think that is a strong enough connection to English, personally.
I have no idea who named this particular town. Was it the Pakistani or the English?
This is one of those chicken-and-egg questions.
You can only decide it's off-topic after/by answering it.
@RegDwight Sneaky edit. I was wondering where the Iranians came into the picture :)
Yeah, that was after checking Wikipedia.
As I said, I'm not familiar with that town.
i don't think anyone was familiar w/ it until bin laden was killed there
I only just realized...
God, me's stoopid.
anyway, i'm inclined to agree with @Kos that it's off-topic as written, but if you included the question about its relationship to english abode then it's on-topic
i'm going to edit along those lines
Well, making stuff more on-topic rather than killing it is always a good idea.
And in this particular case, dare I say it, even more so.
PETA is in favor of making animals more on-topic.
Cause this is Joel. He might twitter the hell out of this question and get us a zillion views and a hundred new users.
@RegDwight Yes, but that might be all the more reason not to let it be an ill-fitting question
1 min ago, by RegDwight
And in this particular case, dare I say it, even more so.
That cuts both ways.
i edited both question and my answer. i think that we're safely on-topic at this point
I am happy with that.
Oui, c'est phantastique.
Okay, what shall we do with this one?
Q: easy way to remember when to use affect or effect

inquisitive_web_developerIs there an easy way to remember when to use the word affect or effect in a sentence? It is very confusing, and I still get them mixed up.

I see no close votes.
And a comment objecting to its being a dupe.
Hello everybody!!!
Hello Taiwan.
(part of me kind of wanted to close a Joel question as off-topic. how many chances am i going to have to tweak the big cheese like that?)
In Soviet ELU, Joel closes you.
@RegDwight RegDwight, are you also Russian?
Why do you ask?
What makes you think I could be?
Because of these words you wrote earlier: "The funny thing about -er is that I shouldn't have that problem, seeing how e.g. Peter is Petr in Russian"
My Russian skills are best described thusly:
Apr 21 at 23:51, by RegDwight
And JSBangs thinks that I'm Bulgarian.
but i think that everybody is bulgarian
Apr 21 at 20:18, by RegDwight
I've been held for a French, a Lithuanian, you name it.
people frequently think that i'm russian when i'm speaking romanian with my wife on the phone
@Kosmonaut Now that's an insult.
Even Americans want to be Canadians.
alright, back to work
Have fun!
@RegDwight That is so 2006.
@Kosmonaut Oh. Then who do you want to be today?
(C) Microsoft.
What nationality is that?
@RegDwight But how come you were trying to apply Russian thinking to English: "Nonetheless, it was hard to apply the Russian thinking to English"
Freaking Microsoft. Windows 7 really was my idea.
They stole it.
@brilliant I explained that. Read it in context.
Ah. I see.
If you search the chat history, I'm more into talking French, Japanese, and German.
And something I like to call Dutch.
@RegDwight I think there is not enough Frisian represented here.
Mar 11 at 1:46, by RegDwight
So my money is on Frisian.
Mar 31 at 23:38, by Cerberus
I don't speak Frisian... but I can understand some of it naturally, if they speak slowly.
Everything is represented here to some extent.
See, that's way back in March!
Not enough.
That's why we're called the Incomprehensible Room.
I am going to have to create Frisian Language and Usage.
I'm in.
@JSBangs Hm, it turns out you're not the only one:
Feb 2 at 13:46, by mplungjan
Kiam is Bulgarian?
I think we had this one already.
Feb 22 at 15:27, by Kosmonaut
Nordisch by nature?
Yeah but now I'm listening to it!
Fettes Brot are awesome.
This song is like 1997 or something. And they have kept up the good work through all these years.
Yes, whenever I am in Germany I get whatever album of theirs is new.
@brilliant might be interested in Schwule Mädchen, where the intro is in Russian.
I always wondered what she says at the beginning.
Lemme see...
@RegDwight Who is Schwule Mädchen
Correction: Who are Schwule Mädchen :)
@brilliant It is the name of a song by Fettes Brot.
Внимание, дамы и господа! Через несколько секунд выйдут на сцену Schwule Mädchen. Слабонервных, беременных и детей просим удалиться из зала. Остальным лечь на пол и задержать дыхание!
@brilliant Gay Girls.
@RegDwight Ah, that clears it up.
Yeh, I just watched the clip. So yo already know what all these words means, right?
Attention, ladies and gentlemen! In a few seconds Schwule Mädchen will enter the stage. Nervous wrecks, pregnant women, and children leave the hall. The rest lay down and hold your breath.
At least that's what Google Translates says, before brilliant asks.
Translation is correct.
Except I would say "weak-nerved" because I don't know what "nervous wrecks" means.
* "the weak-nerved"
Беременных doesn't have an exact equivalent in English, either. As in, it doesn't say "women", but you can't just say "pregnants leave the hall" in English.
But wouldn't both husband and wife say "We are pregnant!" in English?
In Russian, by the way, that phrase would really sound funny.
because in Russian this adjective cannot be applied to masculine nouns
Not even Arnold Schwarzenegger?
«Джуниор» () — кинофильм. Просматривать рекомендуется детям от 13 лет и совместно с родителями. В 1995 году фильм был номинирован на премию «Оскар» в категории «Лучшая песня». Сюжет Два доктора борются с проблемой бесплодия, но их лабораторию собираются закрыть и свернуть эксперименты. Тогда они идут на отчаянный шаг — решают провести эксперимент «на себе»! Для этого одному из них (мужчине!) имплантируют зародыш в брюшную полость, и он начинает принимать экспериментальный лекарственный препарат. В процессе «вынашивания» в «суррогатном отце-матери» просыпаются сначала отцовские, а потом ...
Not even seahorses! :)
Yes, i've seen that movie. Very funny.
Hi @Shathur
So, in Russian, if both husband and wife said "We are finally pregnant" that would mean that the husband's case is similar to Schwarzenegger's case in that movie.
hi all
Hello F'x!!!
anyone with university credentials who can access the following?
@RegDwight I hope you know why I mentioned seahorses
@Fx Well not me. You'll have to ping @Vitaly or @Kosmonaut.
@brilliant Yes.
@Fx Haha, cool dude!
@Vitaly @Kosmonaut anyone with university credentials who can access the following? jstor.org/pss/453362
@Kosmonaut oh, there are you
my own access is restricted to scientific stuff :(
@brilliant In Arabic, the word for "pregnant" doesn't take the feminine marker (-a), even though other adjectives do when describing feminine nouns. It's just sort of assumed that only females can be pregnant :)
@psmears how sexist!
@Fx It's a short little article
@psmears That's interesting. By the way, do you know by any chance how many grammar cases are in Arabic?
@Kosmonaut three pages, yes
what I can't do it download it
It is also out of date — I guess the word "dude" has changed a lot in the past 60 years.
suggested etymologies are the point of interest to me there
while new etymologies may have been suggested, I guess the early uses recorded in the article haven't been erased from the past
@brilliant It depends what you mean by Arabic... in formal Arabic there are three (nominative, accusative, genitive), but they effectively don't exist any longer in colloquial Arabic dialects.
> By 1900 the eminent W. W. Skeat had become interested in it and suggested, in a long and erudite note in the British Athenaeum, No. 3806 for October 6, 1900, that dude was an abbreviated form of the German dialect duden-dop, a blockhead, which was a common term of depreciation.
@Kosmonaut Duden-was???
wasn't it Duden-Kopf?
Alfred Nutt disagreed, he said:
> He thought that dude more likely derived from a hypothetical Low German dutt or dutte.
@psmears Interesting. Thank you. Are there many Arabic dialects?
Searching for duden-dop only returns stuff such as query.nytimes.com/gst/…
@Kosmonaut are those quotes from the reference I gave?
> Wilson had a further suggestion: a Portuguese word, doudo, a simpleton, a fool, might be related to the English word.
@brilliant Yes, and the level of mutual comprehensibility varies
The Arabic language is a Semitic language characterized by a wide number of linguistic varieties within its five regional forms. The largest divisions occur between the spoken languages of different regions. The Arabic of North Africa, for example, is often incomprehensible to an Arabic speaker from the Levant or the Gulf Region. Within these broad regions further and considerable geographic distinctions exist, within countries, across country borders, even between cities and villages. Another major distinction is to be made between the widely diverging colloquial spoken varieties, used...
@Fx Yes
@Kosmonaut many thanks!
I might just as well connect dude to dodo, a popular French insult for sleeping children.
now I don't want to steal them away from you; do you want to post them as an answer?
@psmears WOW!!! Thank you!
> Professor Charles Bundy Wilson, professor of German at the State University of Iowa, had found the word dude in Grimm's Deutsches Worterbuch, Vol. II, col. 1497, defined as 'ein alberner mensch, stupidus'.
@Kosmonaut Professor Reginald Kenneth Dwight has found the word dude in the Slovak Wiktionary, defined as "bagpipes".
Haha, there you have it!
@Fx I don't mind if you steal them away. You found the article.
The article doesn't really say anything conclusive about which one is right, btw.
Just that some random guy thinks it is probably the Portuguese word because there were a lot of Portuguese immigrants in New England.
And they were "fond of flashy clothes" since they are southern Europeans
Well, I maintain that dude in Slovak is waaay older than that.
Which is the meaning dude used to have
It has cognates in all Slavic languages.
@Kosmonaut but he's not just a random guy, he's a random guy with a friend who writes in American Speech :)
Probably going all the way back to PIE.
@Fx No actually, I think this is just a reader who wrote in.
His credentials are as follows:
Hugh Morrison of Mays Landing, New Jersey
You have дудеть in Russian, basically "to dude", which means "to blow".
The rest is self-explanatory.
The author doubts the claims about the Portuguese in the end.
@RegDwight I didn't know that "dude" could be a verb
in English
This -abad Q is eating my brains.
@MrDisappointment How so?
I can solve it, like, right away
I'm at work though so going to have to stop looking into it for now, the answer by @JSBangs, while providing interesting information, just isn't doing it for me. I'm not convinced we have anything particularly useful there.
One big Romance word dude thinks that doudo came to Portuguese from English.
@Kosmonaut Excellent.
Anyway, realised I wasn't lurking around so thought I'd pop by, got to run for a phone meeting now - BBS.
I'm only half joking about Slovak or Russian. Because to me, all these theories are typical cases of "if all you've got is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail".
@RegDwight How come you know so many things about Russian. Did you study it?
> Mr. Morrison has generously supplied me with an interesting passage from an article in the Illustrated London News, July 14, 1883, by G. A. Sala, the Victorian litterateur and traveler and man about town. Sala writes:
>"From another American paper I learn that the just now popular word, dude- meaning 'an empty-headed, languid-mannered young swell, who bangs his hair'-is no foreign importation, but is of good New England parentage. The word, pronounced in two syllables, is a word that has been used in the little town of Salem, New Hampshire, for twenty yea
@brilliant As a matter of fact, I did.
I like the American origin one.
I think the author does too.
That's because your hammer happens to be American.
Okay, enough with the joking already.
You're just ignoring that there is a toolbox.
@Kosmonaut: Did you see your anagram?
American toolboxes are inherently broken. For starters, they measure lengths in Fahrenheit, or so I'm told.
@Robusto No
@RegDwight Is startest even more than a starter?
Look at the starred messages to the right.
Dear Buddha in Heavens, I have to reboot again.
It also anagrams to "A Monk to Us"... but you had to ignore that one, didn't you!
I think you'll agree "Man tookus" totally pwns that one.
Q: Pluralization rule is different when we say, 10 pound note and 10 pounds?

CodevalleyWe usually say "10 pounds", but for a single bill we say "10 Pound note" and not "10 pound(s) note". And when we have a lot of notes we say again "10 Pound notes". Why this disparity?

This is a dupe, but I don't know where the original might be.
10-foot long vs. 10 feet long, etc.
So many of these dupes are the same question in a different form.
yeah, many of them are understandably duped.
Q: Pluralization rule for "five-year-old children", "20 pound note", "10 mile run"

Bruno RothgiesserWhy are year, pound and mile in the singular form in the phrases below? five-year-old children 20 pound note 10 mile run Is that because they're acting as adjectives, which are always invariable in English? Is it incorrect to say... five-years-old children? 20 pounds note? 10 miles run?

Just google for pound note.
Argh, not a very good answer.
It's incomplete.
I have left a dupe comment nonetheless.
If this one gets better answers, they can be merged.
BTW, @Kosmonaut, now that you're here.
I have no idea what to do about this answer:
A: Why is there a distinction between "its" and "it's"?

Stan RogersIt's not about a contraction "winning" over a possessive. "Its" is the possessive form of "it", like "his" is of "he", "hers" is of "she" or "their" is of "they". There is no missing apostrophe; the forms go back to a time when English was a highly inflected language. It predates modern, or even ...

@RegDwight Please don't do something like that unless you actually happen to think that there are universities in Russia that subscribe to that wide a range of on-line academic press (and that have campuses).
Okay, okay, I won't ping you again, just don't kill me.
@RegDwight He is partially right.
@RegDwight — Asking a fellow Russian not to kill you. That's pathetic. He has to kill you now.
@Robusto Is he Russian? That would be good news to @brilliant!
@Kosmonaut But don't you contradict yourself there?
If the original form was it's then that is the one that survives thanks to markedness.
No, that is an unmarked form
@Vitaly — He's Russian when it suits him. German when it doesn't.
Frequent words develop irregular forms, so in this case: its
Infrequent words lose irregular forms, generally.
it's would just be a regular form.
Hm. I still don't quite understand how that's not the opposite of what he's saying.
"The possessive formed by the apostrophe+s construct is a more modern, uninflected, less-marked form."
The exact opposite is true.
You might be misunderstanding the word "marked", maybe?
Wait, he should have said "inflected" though
But I understand what you're saying in general.
's would be less marked just because it is the regular form. You don't need to remember anything special about car to make car's.
But for oxen, you do need extra machinery to get from ox.
I dislike the use of "marked" to mean "remarkable", precisely because it can be ambiguous.
So oxen is more marked.
Then I got you right.
You say that it's is the regular form.
apostrophe-s is the regular form.
And it's a frequent word.
What is?
Possessive of it.
Is a frequent word.
And the regular form would be it's. With an apostrophe.
Would be, yes.
And that's what it was from the very beginning.
The original spelling is it's, not its.
Right. And that's fine.
Precisely my point.
But Stan says the opposite thing.
So that is the part where he was wrong. The other part is what is right.
How its came about — Stan has wrong.
(it's contains a mark, namely an apostrophe. Its does not. Therefore it's ought to be called the "marked" form.)
Why such a word would have an irregular form — Stan has right.
Anyhow, to wrap it up, his answer reads, it's is the more modern form, its predates modern, or even Middle, English.
Wrong, and wrong.
So anyhow, that wasn't my question.
My question is what shall we do.
Edit to improve?
I think so, if he doesn't do so.
I mean, I left a comment, I waited for several weeks IIRC, and downvoted only after that.
Ah yeah, it's pretty old by now.
I say go for it.
The thing is, I'm not sure how exactly to edit it into shape without turning it into the exact opposite thing.
I must stay true to OP's spirit.
In fact, we have a follow-up dangling around.
Which would normally get closed as a dupe.
Gosh, I don't know.
Q: Why doesn't "its" have an apostrophe?

endolithI know that its is the possessive and it's is the contraction, and know when to use them. But why doesn't the possessive have an apostrophe? "The bear's eating a fish." [contraction] "The bear's coat is brown." [possessive] "It's eating a fish." [contraction] "Its coat is brown." [possessive] ...

I commented on that one to prevent it from getting closed, hoping that it would get an authoritative answer that could then be merged into the original.
Ich bin mit der Gesamtsituation unzufrieden.
The more I think about it, if I just edited the wrong parts out of Stan's answer, it would stop answering the question.
I mean, the actual question is, where does its, without an apostrophe, come from?
I think you are right
I gotta go in a few minutes anyhow.
But thanks for bearing with me, @Kosmonaut.
I also hope that Stan will show up again some day.
Haven't seen him in a while.
Last seen Apr 10.
Question for y'all: what's the difference between and ?
JSBangs had an idea about that one.
I got to go. Thanks to all and bye.
Apr 14 at 14:38, by JSBangs
asks "What is the difference between A and B?"
Apr 14 at 14:39, by JSBangs
asks "Should I use A or B in this situation?"
Apr 14 at 14:39, by RegDwight
So you're saying the difference is pretty much the same as with vs .
@brilliant CUlaterz.
Thanks, @RegDwight.
Gotta go now, TTYL.
Yeah, me too. Bye.
3 hours later…
Q: Why use the word "copy" in "do you copy that"?

LiuYan 刘研I notice do you copy that is used in movies to ask for confirmation in telephone/interphone conversation. I only know copy means make things duplicated, so why use it in do you copy that, is there a history about it?

Q: Why is it that "do you read me"…

Tomalak…actually means "do you hear me"? This phrase is used (in movies) during radio communication, for example.

Q/top answer: 18/21 to 4/10.
Only four months apart.
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