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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@Xander I don't think it's spam: it does answer the question
it may be an undeclared affiliation, but it's hard to be sure, so I would give it the benefit of doubt lacking other clues
@Gilles Ok then. I'll agree with that.
Shoop-de-woop all
@D3C4FF How goes the scan?
Some chump stole my office this morning....
And subsequently ripped out my network cable
at 0800 though it was up to
Vuln Scanned about 1500 hosts thus far :)
@D3C4FF That's pretty good progress!
'Specially for having your network cable unplugged. :-)
haha yeah...
Well. New office, i'm back online
all is well
6 hours later…
Its dead in here..
How much would you think a pen-test against 600 external hosts and 25-35k internal hosts cost?
@D3C4FF $$$$$$$$$$... $$$
To what quality? Nmap or pwn your shit?
"35k hosts? Nah, I only needed one. Haha, got your LDAP!"
@Xander "Oh, look at that. 1,500 hosts scanned and they're all offline."
@JeffFerland Is that like "I've got your nose" for management?
@TerryChia Exactly what I was thinking when I wrote that. :)
And it's weird to find you online at this time.
@TerryChia I'm trying to force my sleep schedule after coming back from London.
So, this needs to happen: NFC crypto chip (probably a MiFare SmartMX) that does RSA processing and has a lock code, my phone with an appropriate app to talk to it, and everything I want to use authenticated through that.
Then I have offline verification. You can't sign anything unless my card is next to my phone.
Easy to make universal, beats the hell out of RSA tokens, no patent encumbrance to write verification software.
Of course, I can't figure out where to buy the damn card from to try this.
@JeffFerland Somewhere inbetween. Ignore client PC's but pwn 'important' servers at your discretion.
@Jefff - how was London? Pity about the weather- would have been cool to meet up
@RoryAlsop Yeah... the weather was a summary of how my "holiday" went
all good
@AviD heh - I remember the late 70's too :-)
didnt realize it went that far back :$
1 hour later…
@AviD morning ;)
@TildalWave Yeah it is!!
doh! i just checked the time :))
my package of components has arrived!! whoooot
i'm sleeping like a bear in the winter come early spring time lol
@AviD Wooo nice. Gonna be assembling it today?
gorramit, now I just want to drop everything and build the damn thing.
You have NO idea how much self control is being used up right now.
@TerryChia no :-( :-(
probably not for another week or so.
@AviD you really honestly think you'll be able to resist a new toy?
@AviD How are you planning to last that long?
huge pressure to finish the current project, its already late.
and then the kids are home for holidays, promised to do some stuff with them.
One of those stuff WILL be building a new computer!!
@TerryChia hehe, there are techniques you could practice.
@TildalWave I... dont... KNOW!!
@AviD Heh. I just noticed the star wall. It's really.....
heh, yeah - almost all of them are around a single theme, huh.
even perhaps, a single event?
@AviD Yeah, I'm trying to piece them together now.
@TerryChia no no, they are so much better out of context.
actually, some of them are even better|worse in context.
14 hours ago, by Jeff Ferland
Today in the DMZ, wife swapping.
14 hours ago, by Iszi
@AviD Did it to my mother-in-law, and I'd do it to my mom in a heartbeat.
19 hours ago, by Adnan
@AviD Jesus! That.. ahhh.. I'm getting aroused.
13 hours ago, by Scott Pack
@JeffFerland Just...try to relax
3 mins ago, by Terry Chia
@AviD How are you planning to last that long?
14 hours ago, by Jeff Ferland
I took two Tylenol. Call me in the morning.
13 hours ago, by AviD
@ScottPack Thats what SHE said! ... And they lived happily ever after.
@TildalWave looks like YOU need to do some starring, young man.
Well, if you ignore the mentions, it actually fits together nicely.
@TerryChia sorry man didn't see you weren't finished yet
@TerryChia yeah, why are they all towards me??
13 hours ago, by AviD
@TildalWave A STAR!
@AviD You know.... ;)
@AviD Yes. We know what you get up to at the weekends in your bunker. ;)
@AviD ya know i'm not here ALL the time :P
@AntonyVennard hehe, wow, time to add that to the memes?
@AviD Which graphics card did you spring for btw?
besides, how do you star something you can only see in a transcript?
@TildalWave so star on the wall!
@TildalWave and in the transcript there is a tiny arrow on each line, opens a mini-menu.
DOH! OK OK I'll drag myself to the corner
@AviD Sorry. I'm still hoping not, I'm slightly disgusted we started a memes question on meta. It's just that the joke about @Rory being old has got a bit old, whereas your bunker still amuses me.
Ambiguous @Rory mentions will never get old though.
@AntonyVennard We need a "Thomas Pornin facts" question.
@TerryChia Uuuurrrrgggghhhhhh
@TerryChia community wiki on bears and security?
Just for the bear.
@TerryChia Zotac GTX 650 2GB
sure go ahead oughtta be fun
My favourite MSO post is this, and it can't be replicated for its genius:
Q: Question title that doesn't describe the problem

Adam Davis Pre Edit 4: Pointing out that thread's popularity is a direct result of programming community interest in said subject, and that someone likely stands to become rich and/or famous by solving the problem none of the answers, save my own, came even close to resolving. Long salutation desc...

@AntonyVennard fair enough. I guess it is almost as entertaining as the ambiguous @Rory'ing
@AviD Ahh nice. I'm probably gonna be buying a Powercolor HD 7870 PCS+ in the next couple of days.
Any particular reason for Nvidia over AMD at that price point? Everywhere I'm looking says AMD is the better value for money.
@TerryChia just copy off the Bruce Schneier facts.
@AntonyVennard You know... that really reminds me of that "break my algorithm" question we had a few days back.
@TerryChia not familiar with Powercolor...
@TerryChia it's... a bit of a wash.
the real reason AMD is better value, is because of the bundled games.
yknow, IF you were intending to buy them anyway.
other than that, while they are not quite even, they are pretty equivalent.
One does a tiny bit better on one benchmark, the other does a tiny bit better on another.
I guess it comes down to preference, I had a radeon once long ago (back before it was AMD) and it just wasnt as smooth an experience for me as the GeForces I've had.
Also back when I really learned about this type of tech, Nvidia was much further ahead.
So I guess it really comes down to arbitrary aspects tipping the very balanced scale.
I'm doing everything I can to stop myself from blowing some serious cash on the 7950/7970/670 range of cards. :(
if you're going to multiple cards, AMD does have serious benefit, since a lot more motherboards support CrossFire than they do SLI. However as I've said, I highly doubt I will get to that point, since it doesnt really give as much benefit as you'd expect.
But yeah, I'm probably gonna end up selling the bundled games to a friend.
@AviD Yeah, plus I'd rather spring for a more powerful single card than go for SLI/crossfire.
@TerryChia arent those the newer generation? My stance is you buy a lower-end piece from the latest "substantial" generation.
@TerryChia Yep. A lot of similar questions appear from time to time when they morph and morph and the OP insists the problem can be solved.
@AviD They are the newest generation. Same generation as the 7870 I'm planning to get.
@TerryChia exactly. Other than high number of monitors, you definitely would get better performance that way.
@TerryChia ah, cool. thats a good play then, assuming you're not missing any features.
@AviD Not to mention the amount of hassle saved.
either onboard/onchip, or OC support, or output formats.
@AviD No features really, just tempting to just say what the hell and go for the best.
@TerryChia your cash would likely be better spent elsewhere.
@AviD Yeah.. I still need to get that mechanical keyboard.
@TerryChia if you find a good one, that is not too expensive - I'd appreciate hearing about it. Wasnt able to find any of the ones in Jeff's review, and am a bit budget-tight on that right now, so I settled for a regular Microsoft Comfort one.
It'll do the job, but doesnt get me as excited as @Adnan.
@AviD The Rosewill keyboards look pretty good. About USD110 after conversion over here.
Probably gonna go for that.
@TerryChia link?
@TerryChia ah yeah, seen that.
@AviD It's one of the cheaper ones I can find over here and it looks pretty decent.
Ideally, I'd also like to experience the keyboard, and compare to others, before spending that much premium cash.
Sadly I have not found a keyboard boutique here yet.
Also, I know I will probably be labeled a freak, but I don't like having my keyboard make so much damn noise. Ideally, I could find a tactile yet silent keyboard.
@AviD I think you want the keyboards with the Mx Brown switches.
okay, now how do I find those?
even on newegg you cant select products based on that.
hmm, interesting.
dang, nice premium for those brown switches.
This explains the difference pretty well, superuser.com/a/366797/139348
@TerryChia ooh thanks, thats what I needed.
gonna push this off for a while, anyway, hopefully I'll get to try them out before then.
@TerryChia favorited, I'll come back to that sometime in the future.
> Buckling spring is the loudest option there is, short of typing by firing handguns at the keyboard.
Atwood is funny.
@AviD Who's getting excited? and why?!
Damn it! Did I miss the wife swapping?
@AviD Type it again, slowly.
@Adnan calm down there, big boy.
@Adnan Is there anything in the world that doesn't turn you on?
@TerryChia ah, that's the Joey Rule.
@TerryChia Yes
I hope this never happens to my kids liveleak.com/view?i=b11_1363845947 (SFW)
@Adnan is that you, @Adnan? It looks like you.
The pussiness, the piercings, the begging, and especially the hat, especially the freaking hat
@Adnan yes, all those.
He's just really bad at wearing hats.
@AviD Yeah, I'm secretly an African American/Latino teenager, infiltrating the world if IT security.
not so secret.
@AviD Damn it! I wasn't able to hide the signs! I can't hide the real person inside of me
@Adnan you're chatting with us, while you have man inside of you??? EEEWWWWW.
@AviD Ahh.. it's so easy to fish you.
I know you like it that way.
@AviD I bet you know everything I like
Oh nice! Finally my new avatar is updated.
I changed it yesterday night, why did it take this long?
@Adnan caching, all over the place.
@Adnan cool, is that your boyfriend?
@AviD He's hot isn't he? With his striped hair on the side.
ehh. You could probably do better.
A shaved monkey could do better.
@AviD :|
heh, I guess no asadz compliments for you :D
Now people will not mistake me for someone who is wise or knows what he's talking about
@Adnan ehh, just kidding. I only say these things to hurt.
@Adnan needs more backwards hat.
@AviD Oh come on, you know I don't care :D
We've already established that I know you
But not in the Bible way!
@Adnan of course. Otherwise I would have to bother not caring.
@Adnan we did? you do?
@AviD A while ago we were on some chat room and I said "Finally, someone I know", and you said ' "know" '
then someone mentioned "knowing" the bible way
ah okay
Damn it! I look so young in that picture, I should change it.
By the way, has anyone configured DNSSEC with Google DNS yet?
1 hour later…
@AviD Currently (and surprisingly), my favourite keyboard so far is the current crop of Apple's keyboards.
I like the metal casing. With most keyboards, when I strike a key, the keyboard structure yields by a fraction of a millimeter; but Apple's keyboard have a very satisfying "metal touch"
@ThomasPornin That would be surprising, if anyone thought you still used a keyboard. We all know you have a 1394 port in your brain wired direct to your computer.
which probably means that my ideal keyboard is, basically, a hammer-and-anvil combo.
@ThomasPornin funny, that's what @RoryAlsop always used. I mean, an actual hammer and anvil. Best for etching on stones.
@AviD I'm not sure why, but that made me burst in a ridiculous laughter
@AviD Waaait a second! The Bear is using a non-privileged port in his brain? Something isn't right here
@AviD: 48 hours after the start of the experiment, you got 6 upvotes, I got 6 upvotes, and @Jeff got 1 upvote and 1 downvote. I now initiate phase 2.
There. Enjoy the bounty.
@ThomasPornin Dammit, that bumped @AviD past me in the monthly rep charts. :(
@ThomasPornin Intersting. I'd have assumed that Jeff would get more upvotes, since his answers is already ordered above yours.
Mmh... apparently, awarding a bounty does not make the question "active".
@ThomasPornin Dammit, should have written a new answer... :P
@JeffFerland No, that would make it confusing when we hate on "Jeff's Answer".
@TerryChia I already get enough pings and confusion when I wake up and somebody's talking about that.
What's the English word I'm looking for?
Subsequent ports?
25 ports coming right after each others?
@TerryChia Thank you!
Or sequential. All are valid terms.
Sequential is the most valid.
Well, subsequent is a bit off.... but yeah.
Have you looked at that nmap.online service? It looks kinda iffy.
Thank you guys, you're all life savers
@TerryChia Yes I have
So my body hates me. 5.5 hours of sleep.
@Adnan Is it legit?
@TerryChia Seems so, I scanned my box a couple of times to make sure that my answer is correct.
Ahh cool. Guess I'm too suspicious.
@TerryChia Can you confirm the same behavior with your own installation of nmap?
@Adnan Yes, your answer is correct. I was too sleepy to notice it, else I'd have dropped in an answer already. :)
@TerryChia Hmm, strange, I have just tested with my own nmap, it printed out the full result of a 10000-port scan
I've updated my answer to indicate that that nmap installation specifically configured to behave that way
@Adnan Huh? It list out the 10000 ports and stated that each one is filtered?
It should list out the ports that differ from the majority, then state the the rest were filtered or close or whatever.
@TerryChia Well...
@Adnan Huh.... Never noticed that behavior before....
I wonder if it's because you used the NSE option.
I have just found out about the StackExchange Leagues :O
@JeffFerland Still jetlagged?
@ScottPack I don't think I can blame that, going to bed at 1am and waking up at 6:30. Just my body hating me now.
@JeffFerland Headache?
@ScottPack Definitely yesterday. Maybe again today? It's bordering.
That happens to me if I get about 6.5 hours or less.
@ScottPack wow! I have just realized how unhealthy I am!
I enjoy a solid 10 hours.
Especially on holidays.
@TerryChia When I hit about 22 I couldn't sleep past 8 hours without getting all kinds of stiff and sore.
@Adnan How do you mean?
@ScottPack I usually sleep around 3 and everyday I wake up at 8:30
I should change that habit.
@Adnan That's youth. When I was 18, I slept 5 hours per night and was quite happy with it.
The Emperor (Napoleon 1st) was known for sleeping an average of 3 hours per night.
> So, I stayed at the HTTP hotel the other night, and finding the right room was a nightmare. I requested a room at the counter, and they sent me to room 301. But as soon as I got there, someone at the door told me to go try a different room. They sent me upstairs to room 404, but for the life of me I couldn't find it.
> Went back to the desk, and they said to try the top floor. I came back from room 500 a few minutes later because it was apparently under construction. They apologized for their error, and finally sent me to the right room, good old room 200. It was OK.
@ThomasPornin I'm in my mid-twenties slowly approaching my thirties, I don't want to carry bad habits with me. I'm really looking forward towards things slowing down, does that happen with age as well?
@Adnan Why don't you ask @RoryAlsop?
@TerryChia His avatar scares me
Mar 13 at 7:16, by Iszi
@AviD Yeah. Left to my own devices I tend towards nocturnalism. Not left to my own devices, I tend toward chronic sleep deprivation.
My habit is usually 3-5 hours of sleep per night during the work week, and 12-ish hours each day on the weekends.
That's not to say it always works well or that it's healthy at all. It's just how my nocturnal nature tries to balance with living in a diurnal society.
damn i hate my job, anyone looking for a junior pen-tester/reverse engineer? i can move anywhere in the uk :)
@lynks I know of a guy that advertised for a vulnerabiilty management job in northeastern Ohio. No remote work.
@ScottPack Ohio might be a little far :P but thanks!
@lynks You sure? The weather's much more terrible in the winter than you could possibly imagine.
@ScottPack hehe, tempting. you make it sound lovecraftian.
@lynks My inlaws are in the second or third snowbelt. They tend towards 100" of snow per season.
@Iszi and are you able to normally survive through the day? Do you have a stressful job?
@Adnan I only know of one time that he got reported to the (heavily armed) security force.
@Adnan Stress varies from day to day as with any job. "Normally survive" is subjective.
@ScottPack Oh, yeah. That was an interesting day, though unrelated to the current discussion.
@Iszi Oh I'll bet it was.
Did you get...interviewed before they checked your badge?
@lynks You can come to Finland and TAKE OUR JOBS!!
@ScottPack I'd... rather not... discuss it.
@Adnan i would be up for moving to finland, i hear helsinki is nice
@lynks, by the way, have you checked that getimagesize() function? I think I gave you a link in some comment a couple of days ago
@Adnan yep you did, I've not had a chance to look at it yet, it's on my (long, long) list of stuff to fill my free time with. free time being a rare beast, many believe to be mythical.
Also.. WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I now have a clean and rounded 2k rep!
I had 1337 rep for a few hours, but nobody was around to appreciate it :(
@lynks Precisely because it was 1337.
@Iszi :)
@lynks Well to be honest, I'm not a big fan. I like small and quite towns.
But yeah, if you're into all that international, busy, hipster, nightlife stuff, you'd like it a lot
@Adnan some cities i love, others i hate. it mostly depends on the people.
@lynks Funny you should mention that. I'm one upvote away from have 1337 rep.
@Xander you're dangerously close to getting the obligatory DMZ flurry of downvotes :P
For fans of Game of Thrones. @ScottPack @AviD.
@lynks Yeah, one of the reasons I don't even mention rep in here. :-) That was too much of a coincidence to pass up though.
@Xander Fly, my son. Fly with your leetness!
@Adnan LOL! Thanks, I think.
@Xander Well, it was a good answer, you deserve it.
@TerryChia Just wait until Joffrey gets properly whiney.
@lynks why did you remove the comment? I was just about upvoting it
@Adnan i made it an answer because i was so proud of it :P
@lynks by the way, why was the other guy's answer upvoted? It's almost rubbish!
@Adnan maybe the OP did it, I often upvote the first answer to my own question just to say 'thanks for coming' :P
@lynks OP has 1 rep, he can't upvote
@JeffFerland, nice one
@JeffFerland But wait wait! His password obfuscation schema is strong against your cryptanalysis algorithm. You see, the password is split into two halves, there's noway for you to know which half comes first. Hwahahahahaaha!!
@lynks damn it! 9 seconds apart
@Adnan :P
@JeffFerland why the ? in your regex?
In computing, a regular expression is a specific pattern that provides concise and flexible means to "match" (specify and recognize) strings of text, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. Common abbreviations for "regular expression" include regex and regexp. The concept of regular expressions was first popularized by utilities provided with Unix distributions, in particular the editor ed and the filter grep. A regular expression provides a grammar for a formal language; this specification can be interpreted by a regular expression processor, which is a program t...
The link goes to the section that explains it, but that makes the * non-greedy.
@JeffFerland I have entered into a beard-off in the comments section.
@lynks And the results of the beard-off are that you will now be forcibly shaved for something that is both wrong and more confusing.
@JeffFerland ahh, i feel you may have already won the beard-off, your non-greedy solution is far superior to mine. the wikipedia article actually shows mine and says its worse.
$ cat t
$ sed 's/>\([^<]*\)</\1/g' t
$ grep -P -o '>.*?<' t
@JeffFerland thats a feature.
you have shamed me into deleting my comment :P
@ThomasPornin, true. That wasn't a very well-thought comment.
@ThomasPornin, also, since you're an expert in this, and if you have a couple of minutes, what do you think of this? coursera.org/course/crypto
@Iszi Y'know, there's some things you say with the intent of provoking a star. Then there's some things that get starred which you think "Why did I say that? I should have known it would get starred for out-of-context hilarity". This is one of the latter.
I'm interested in the subject, but I'm not sure if this course worth the time.
@Adnan I think anything short of the stone tablets etched by @ThomasPornin himself would be unworthy of your time and funds.
@Adnan I see "Dan Boneh". This is sufficient to assert that this is very good stuff.
@ThomasPornin Does that surname sound as much like "boner" as it looks?
@Iszi I dunno. To me, the "h" looks like an "h", not an "r".
@ThomasPornin Blah. When did you become so un-fun?
@Iszi i signed up for that course, then got ill and missed the first two weeks. from what i read it was good stuff.
@ThomasPornin Thank you, I'm looking forward to it. It will start on Monday.
Yaaay! We have another one of those guys, crack my amazing encryption/hacking/obfuscation system. security.stackexchange.com/questions/32986/…
I really want to find that guy's password, it looks easy.
@Adnan Well get on it :D
@JeffFerland I am! It's not as easy as I expected
I made 10mb of random data and then put a hole wherever "<" and ">" were, then printed it it for the answer.
In an ironic sort of twist, the fact that his sample file is much smaller makes it much harder.
I have a full frequency analysis if anyone is intereested
I'm working from a different angle
I'm waiting for the bear to wake up, blink twice, and then type the answer.
I'm certain there are no steps missing from that process.
the longest string possible with an English keyboard is 6
He has two of those
nothing leaps out at me
@Adnan ooh that looks good
@Adnan any delimiter?
@Adnan Nicely done
@lynks Not as far as I can see
Well I just used this regex [\x20-\x7F]{6} in Notepad++
@Adnan hmm
i really need to add sorting to my frequency analysis tool...
@lynks Damn it lynks! You posted an unordered frequency analysis! You might as well shove a cactus in our asses
@lynks I'm pretty sure that's @Adnan's way of saying don't change it.
@Adnan im at a work machine, so i had to write that code just now :P
and sort() is hard, dammit
@JeffFerland sort() is hard
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