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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@JeffFerland yeah - I think we just need to be faster on the suspensions, before disruptive behaviour takes over. He's had his warnings - I'm happy to escalate if things are the same once he is back in.
will see how tomorrow morning goes
@Iszi Yeah, yeah, yeah - just you wait till I get my first grey hair - I'll blame the DMZ :-)
@makerofthings7 @RoryAlsop - My brain is full of fuck after reading that transcript ._.
@D3C4FF yeah - too much. Patience is all gone now, and I'm assuming everyone else's is too. I know everyone can just click on ignore, but it isn't something mods can do.... Faster suspension/longer suspension
@RoryAlsop yes, even mine.
@RoryAlsop Yeah. I cant believe i just wasted 30 minutes reading that instead of getting breakfast D:
and even answering questions there appears to be no improvement:
A: How would you detect whether customer data has been leaked?

asadzOK. Sometimes feeling too safe is other side of the coin. A little paranoia is not actually a bad thing. Coming to your question, if I was in your place i would take the following steps to reduce the level of risk:- Do a 'need analysis' for a Data Loss Prevention.Considering its not the webapp...

@D3C4FF you read fast.
@D3C4FF - oh come on now, I had some gems in there
@AJHenderson you did
which helps
when slogging through it
my brain is now all of the numb - so I'm off to bed
night everyone!
I honestly got sucked in to it while I was watching out of the corner of my eye simply because I couldn't resist the opportunities presented
Night rory
@AJHenderson That's the art of trollin'
Don't feed the trolls!
@AJHenderson kinda glad I missed it. I'm not sure I would have had @Jefff's firm restraint.
@AviD Yep :)
@D3C4FF you do everything fast?
@AviD I like to think of it as 'optimization'
@D3C4FF does your significant other agree?
I blame her lack of IT understanding for her disagreement
@D3C4FF ah, so you want her to learn to use technical assitance?
assistance even
@AJHenderson Its okay, I built her some robots. They can take care of things. She didn't want me to optimize them to much though... Don't know why...
perhaps some devices.
Perhaps we should send some of your bots to London
Peripherals perhaps?
@AJHenderson to the red light district? xD
Can meet up with asadz
Brekkie time
hi ho hi ho, it's off to planetside 2 I go
... or more accurately, it's off to wait for a patch to download I go
Is there any alternative 'results viewer' for nmap (aside from zenmap?)
I quite like the new versions of nessus... All the results in pretty colours. I like that for some reason 'CRITICAL' vulnerabilities are marked a nice shade of purple
@D3C4FF I think you should be forbidden to discuss such colors until your Gravatar matches your SN.
I appreciate that there are more than 3 categories now.
Haha yeah
Having low and informational combined was....annoying
The html5 interface has its bugs, but is a vast improvement.
I wish there were more sort options...
I'd like to sort rather than filter
And i fokkin love the HTML5 interface. Nessus was pretty much the primary reason for having flash enabled on my browsers
Any bugs that i experience are minor at best
The filters maker me hot, though. I have about 15 scan profiles and being able to text search those is nice
Yeah that's awesome isn't it?
Oh! you know what else would be awesome. Being able to hit 're-scan' and then diff reports in the report viewer page
I nearly got a boner the first time I launched a scan after updating.
@RoryAlsop It's just frustrating when there's no one thing I can point to... watching lots of little non-ban-worthy things build up until it's something that I can clearly defend as a GTFO.
6 hours ago, by Thomas Pornin
Most of patience is just laziness.
@ScottPack Ive got a boner right now. Must be all these scans running simultaneously without issue!
Security Center is the official rescan answer
Security Centre?
It's the big boy management and reporting platform
It's awesome but licensed per scanned IP rather than scanner
Something like 60k initial but for 2500 addresses.
I've considered trying to resurrect Inprotect
Maybe once I finish my masters and feel justified in doing personal projects.
It would require writing as new integration to use the rest api since inprotect was last updated using the fat client api
Ah. Yeah. I'm just using a single scanner off of a laptop. I don't think that i'd need 'security center' :P
I have a meeting tomorrow about setting ours up
Fun Fact: Security Center licenses you for unlimited scanners.
Limited by scanned IP still.
mfw PHP is older than 5.2
That's my face when I see 17219 in a report
lol phpMyAdmin xD
Nothing like a handy console to upload shellz to!
Mr. Asadoorian referred to it as a remote shell detection plugin
Mr Asadoorian/
Paul of pauldotcom.com and product evangelist for Tenable
I wonder if he's the bro of Kim Dotcom? xD
wtf that was a long transcript....
and hey, no fair @JeffFerland's cisco message got starred. :P I posted it first.
@D3C4FF Unlikely. :-)
Realistically. I don't think its possible for a university with a /8 internal network to ACTUALLY secure everything
I've found more holes in here than in a red light district
@D3C4FF Isn't that what proper subnetting into DMZs and such for?..
You can't tell me the entire subnet is being used for servers.
@TerryChia There's 20k 'student' IP's the rest are Servers
@D3C4FF How many live servers are there actually?
I've Vuln Scanned about 10K so far...
And i've done maybe a 3rd of them
Agreed. We have a /16 and a /18. Last time I ran the numbers and found 175k unique MACs in the dhcp logs for a year.
@TerryChia It sure is, but don't forget web-app vulns like SQLi which 'students' and teachers both need to access between campuses etc.
shared infrastructure.
Like. How do you even go about securing 600 odd externally accessible webservers when you've done zero groundwork??
Pick one at random.
my report to the clients will be simple "Yeah, you're pretty much fucked". "And according to my transcript here i've been a student for ten years and have graduated with honors"
I can completely relate to your delima
The student part of the prety much fucked part? :P
@D3C4FF Go with that response.
Pretty much.
@TerryChia Its tempting :P
Hey guys, I need to record a phone call (informing the other party) and have that "beep" tone occur every x seconds... from my cellphone. Does anyone know of a bridge that offers this?
The best bit is this is a 'secret' (only a few people know) pentest. I've been SLAMMING the network for 3 days.... no-ones noticed >_>
A couple of us presented at a conference last year. Me on my IDS system and another guy on our vuln scanning.
We went with the approach of scanning everything continuously and emailing reports to the owners.
Dropping into the remediation VLAN of they don't fix their problem is step two.
Speaking of... I should go to bed.
No worries
Catchya later @ScottPack
@makerofthings7 I know Google Voice offers recording capability, and I think there is some notification, but I don't believe they do that tone thingy.
Hmmm I'll check it out. Thanks Iszi!
@TerryChia Yours was not a sufficiently evil laugh, I suppose.
@JeffFerland I defer to your expertise on evil laughs.
@makerofthings7 i used to read APC magazine, and there was always an ad in the last page that sold little phone hookups that did exactly that
1 hour later…
Yo. Anyone got a Sam file password hash dumping utility that's USB bootable?
All the DVD drives in the machines here have been ripped out
@D3C4FF Just burn a copy of Backtrack/Kali into your usb drive?
If only I had a bigger than 1GB usb stick >_>
@D3C4FF The mini version of Kali is like 400mb. I think it doesn't come with a desktop environment but hey, you are a pen tester. :P
I didn't know they had a mini one
pogostick.net/~pnh/ntpasswd <- This will work :)
@D3C4FF Possibly. But Kali is way cooler. :P
@AviD Have you seen the new Haswell benchmarks? The integrated graphics look incredibly promising and powerful enough to drive triple monitor setups especially since you are not a gamer. You might consider skipping a graphics card for your new setup.
@TerryChia Ugh, silly me. I forgot, the simplest way is just to change utiliman.exe to cmd.exe and press Win+U at login :D
1 hour later…
Hmm... Is it possible to boot something like hirens boot CD via network?
Via PXE boot
I'll just have a conversation to myself
Hmm. Hows this for an idea. Pre-package a virus inside a PXE bootdisk, leave your DHCP, TFTP and BINL server running and bam. Everytime systems boot (with PXE as priority) BAM. Pwnage?
@JeffFerland yeah - agreed.
@TerryChia some of them, but not specifically the GPU.
Overall it looks like Sandy-E's 6 cores and extra onchip memory still kicks Haswells dainty ass.
@AviD Yeah, but the processor and mobo is still hella expensive.
and as for GPU - I think it's definitely enough for normals, but I never claimed to be one of those. From what I could see it still not strong enough to run it at high-enough res, e.g. QHD.
I'm actually interested in the power efficiency of Haswell. Saving on the electrical bill is always a good thing.
and I may not be a gamer, but I do do some gaming...
@TerryChia sure, thats always the case.
@TerryChia yeah, Ivy bridge made some really nice improvements on that. I dont think Asswell is that much better?
I'm gonna be adding a mid-ranged graphics card to my setup soon. The monitor upgrades will come in a few months.
@AviD Probably not, the manufacturing node is still the same. Not sure if the architecture itself will see some improvements on that side of things though.
Anyway, I've already bought all the pieces. Already got the cpu (i7-3770K), gpu (Zotac GTX650 2GB), and a few other pieces - the rest should be delivered in a day or two.
@AviD Ahh that's nice.
Sadly wont get a chance to build it up for another week or so...
but the kids are on holiday now, so it might be nice if they want to join me.
Haswell itself doesn't have much processor improvements over IVB from what I can see.
Probably only 10-15%.
The graphics improvements will really help the ultrabook segment though.
I think they were saying average of 12% - which is pretty standard between generations.
@TerryChia sure, but at that point what you have now is also probably pretty good enough.
I really think Intel can only improve on the graphics and power efficiency side of things for their desktop segment. Even the older Sandy bridge processors are powerful enough for all but the most extreme users.
@TerryChia ... for now.
resource usage and expectations only go up.
Meh, they have no incentive to really push their desktop processors. AMD is way behind the curve, no real competition.
@TerryChia their real competition is last year's model.
upgrade cycle FTW!
@AviD Heh, that only works for hardware nuts. I'm hoping my Ivy processor can last me for another 3 years.
@TerryChia sure, me too. That's why I chose a relatively low-end motherboard, but with enough expansion options.
probably keep the pair for closer to 4 or 5 years, even.
I figure when its time to upgrade, #1 is more memory, #2 is GPU, #3 is better/more disk. CPU/Mobo can wait.
one of my system requirements was flexibility and upgradability.
Yeah, I skipped the GPU last year when I did my build. Gonna be adding one in during the next couple of weeks.
16GB ram is probably gonna stay with me for a while. 8GB sticks are very expensive right now...
@TerryChia actually, wasnt too bad. Price was nearly comparable to 4x4GB sticks (only a few $ more), and better perf stats. That also leaves more a couple extra slots to easily add more later.
I was a little bit annoyed, couldn't find some of the parts I wanted.
for some reason, all the stores here are out of specific drive I wanted. To stick to my choice of model (WD Caviar Green), I had to either take a smaller drive, or shell out more bucks for extra space I likely won't use for a long time.
I went with the smaller drive. :S
@AviD I actually heard bad things about the WD Green drives...
@TerryChia oh? like what?
besides that they are a bit slower than the Blues...
@AviD IIRC, the slower speed actually negates the "green" expect of the drives.
@TerryChia how so? Slower is better. For green, anyway.
quieter, cooler, less energy pull... you want fast, spring for an SSD.
which I did, of course.
@AviD Something about it requiring more energy to transfer a file compared to a normal drive due to it needing to spin longer.
I'll try to find the article.
@TerryChia that's... not the way it works.
@AviD Hmm ok, my memory playing tricks on me. I think it was this article that made me question the power saving benefits of the green drives: lifehacker.com/5749345/…
anyway, between amazon and newegg, there are definite advantages to living in U.S. I had to make my selections based on what is available (or go out of my way and pay a premium), instead of assuming infinite availability.
It doesn't use more power, but the power savings are negligible.
@AviD Hell ya... I pay an average of 30-40% markup on stuff over here...
I wish I lived in the US for that very purpose...
@TerryChia not so much about "savings", more about waste.
@TerryChia I actually did buy a few of the smaller / lighter pieces there, plenty of my friends and neighbors travel back and forth all the time.
but the bigger pieces (or heavier, like the sink) are not so shippable.
@AviD I'm probably gonna ship some SSDs over from the US in a few months. I don't wanna risk it with graphic cards though.
@TerryChia I did some heavy comparison shopping - I only bothered importing it if there was substantial savings, taking into account the possibility of having to pay customs.
@AviD Yeah. I'm probably gonna wait till the end of the year for Black Friday. Amazon has some real nice discounts during that time.
actually, not too many pieces. RAM, CPU, router, GPU... I wanted to import a heatsink, because I couldnt find here what I wanted, but it's just too damn heavy to shove into somebody's carry-on.
strangely, the green drives are not always cheaper than the blue drives here.
@AviD Yeah, I noticed that.
Morning all! It's a beautiful day here I'm gonna try to make the best of it, but first my COFFEEEEE :)
@D3C4FF Ouch teh sux0r! Did you compile remaining ranges and run it from where it crashed? That's a bit over /10 range so only about 3/4 to go...
@D3C4FF nmap only accepts CIDR ranges or also from-to IPs? Compiling a list of remaining ranges would be a major pain in the butt from where it got stuck.
something like,10.72.71-255.0-255,10.73-255.0-255.0-255?
@TildalWave Both. It also accepts a list of IPs in a text file.
@TerryChia yo I've seen -iL just reading the rest of it now ;)
nmap can be really flexible when needed. :)
funny thing is when I'm reading what inputs it supports, it's almost exactly the same as how I did it for my log analyzers, flags and all
I was just lame enough to stick a GUI on top of it but these things are actually easier to use from a command line... I'm gonna stick in a regex controller and compile a new version, but first... Sun Sun Sun Here It Comes :)
@TildalWave Yeah i did exactly that.
(the last example there)
In reference to replacing utilman.exe on windows 8 boxes to get SYSTEM privs at login screen, is it actually possible to disable the button and keycombo at login screen?
@Xander Where did you get that information about the guy in the picture?
@Adnan Are you talking about Dorian Gray?
@AviD Oh no. Yesterday I Googled asadz and found someone with the same username on Twitter, so I assumed the picture was for him. Later Xander told me specific information about the guy in the picture (who, according to Xander, isn't asadz). So I'm just interested in how he got the information.
Maybe he made a deal with the devil.
@AviD Then I want to be introduced to the devil. I'd like to make a deal as well
@AviD and yes, I got jealous
@Adnan @Jefff! Hey @JeffFerland, tell your boss somebody here wants to speak with him.
@Adnan haha
@AviD Why is Larry Ellison the devil?
@TerryChia Not Larry Ellison specifically.
All Oracle.
so yeah, Larry as representative.
Besides, have you seen any interviews with him? That is one scary dude.
@AviD The devil?
Hmm, is this answer of mine wrong?
A: Why do APIs use API Keys instead of Usernames?

Terry ChiaIn most systems I seen, API keys do not merely act as a means of identification. They usually double as a means of authentication. The developer isn't going to be typing the API key for each and every request he makes. The key will probably be stored in the code or a configuration file somewhere...

@TerryChia A terminology issue, I believe. The OP seems to use the expression "API Secret" for what you would call "API Key"; and "API Key" for what you would call "API Username".
@AviD I tend to use another way: I never upgrade machine parts; I buy a new one every four years, and I don't open it. To ensure it will be up to what "usual software" requires for four years, I initially put four times the common RAM size at the time of buying.
@ThomasPornin I believe the API key is the common term for the thing you stick in the config file/code for access to the API right?
I'm not very familiar with the Amazon service.
E.g. in 1997, my PC has 128 MB of RAM. In 2001, it was 512 MB. My 2005 PC had 2 GB. My 2009 PC had 8 GB. Theoretically, I should buy a PC with 32 GB of RAM some time this year.
@TerryChia Uses API Access (username) and API Secret (the "password")
@TerryChia Well, I am not saying that you or the OP is right and the other is wrong; I am merely stating what is the issue with the communication between you two.
@TerryChia Also, it doesn't seem that the OP downvoted it. He had 106 rep before any vote on your answer, now he still has 106.
Is there anything wrong with my answer though? Can't say I'm really that familiar with using API keys to access a service. I just wrote what I thought made sense.
@TerryChia If I really had to judge it, I wouldn't say it's wrong, I'd say it's not really helpful.
@Adnan I just looked a little bit further, and made some educated guesses. The guy from Twitter is this guy: linkedin.com/in/asadzia
@ThomasPornin ah, but half the fun is in building it yourself (not counting soldering the actual electronics on the boards and stuff...)
I'm into continual upgrading, or rather I would like to be (laptops are not as simple...)
@ThomasPornin so I'm starting off with the 16, figuring it will be simple for me to add another 16 when I start outgrowing that.
... in a couple months...
@AviD PC builds?
@TerryChia arguably, if the language is ambiguous, I would say that is wrong with it.
@Adnan yeah
@AviD 100% agree! The fun part is choosing the components, connecting them to the board, then press power and wait to see if it'll work. Then install your OS and try the game that used to be very slow on your old one. Ahhhh!
@Adnan you skipped the overclocking... :D
actually, I am very interested in seeing different ways of working, enabled by a new machine, rather than doing the same thing a little bit faster.
@AviD Oh I don't do that. The risks out weigh the benefits. After rent, gym, food, and beer I don't have much money left. I have to be extra careful with how I use the stuff I buy
This time i think will be the biggest difference for me, in relation to that, compared to any previous build I've done (or computer I bought before I started doing that...)
@Adnan #1 benefit: it's fun!
@AviD #1 risk: ruining the part
@Adnan There's actually almost no risk nowadays. As long as you stick to sane limits.
#2 risk: voiding the warranty
and @TerryChia talked me into it, with the *K chips, there is very little risk, and you can get 30-40% extra "free" performance.
Also, have I found anything interesting api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1 ?
@Adnan hah! what now?
Probably nothing, I don't know.
there are so many parts designed to be overclocked and pushed to any possible limit.
even most of the regular parts, support "sane" OCing.
The voiding the warranty part isn't true anymore.
Hell, many graphics cards come with nice software utilities that allows you to overclock it.
@Adnan Interesting...
anything that supports the K chips have builtin OC support.
The Z77 chipset for IVB specifically.
@TerryChia do you one better - there are some boards that have an auto-OC button right there on the board.
The other chipsets don't support OC. @AviD.
@TerryChia thats what I said.
the other chipsets dont explicitly support K.
@TerryChia It generates new one with each refresh. So it's probably intentional
Well they support the chip. It's just stupid to get a K chip with a non Z77 mobo.
Support as in -can run-.
@Adnan His twitter profile linked to his personal website with his full name and a partial CV, so in all honesty, it was one of the least impressive bits of Internet sleuthing I've ever done.
ah, I meant "support" as in "built to be used with"
@AviD Miscommunication. :)
@Xander Jii haa!! I haven't noticed the website.
@Xander no, this one is in Washington, the other guy is local in his remote location. As all the leet haxors here that attacked him with the IP gifs know.
@AviD I couldn't understand anything. So it's probably accurate in this case.
@AviD You mean 133t hax0rs.
You aren't leet without l33t-sp3ak.
too lazy to move my hands all the way over to the digits.
They probably only use Google Haxor
besides I never claimed to be a pompous ass.
@AviD Facts do not need to be constantly repeated. ;)
hmm, unless he's using a proxy or tor to bounce off a remote server there....
I would be amazed if they actually succeed.
@TerryChia I would be amazed if they didn't. I would, however, be amazed if they finished on schedule and within budget.
@AviD Heh.
I think they are being too optimistic on the usage of 5Ghz in a few years though.
And there is no freaking way they will be able to accomplish that on the 2.4Ghz band.
@TerryChia so, they will iterate, add more bandwith, more provider, more access points, more pipe, etc. Hence my comment.
@AviD I don't think it's an issue with bandwidth tbh.
then what? putting in enough access points, without creating enough radiation to create a stadium full of Incredible Hulks?
@AviD Sticking in that many APs into a limited space will cause interference. They can potentially overcome that with the 5Ghz band. It's gonna be difficult to do that on the 2.4Ghz band.
@AviD I don't think 802.11 works in the Gamma spectrum.
whoa, isnt that what the g stands for??
@AviD It's electromagnetic waves. That kind of "radiation" can cause health issues, but only in massive amounts of very energetic photons, at which point we call them "UV light" and the source is called "the Sun".
@AviD No, "g" is for "grande" - like your mom.
@ThomasPornin ah, so thats what their solution is.
Now you can cook biological entities remotely with electromagnetic radiations in the 2 to 3 GHz range; it is called a "microwave oven".
@Iszi haha, very nice, subtle.
Anybody uses JSFiddle here?
@Adnan @TildalWave.
He wrote a disgusting text parser in Javsscript yesterday for @D3C4FF.
@TerryChia Going up...
yesterday, by TildalWave
@D3C4FF http://jsfiddle.net/97mpR/4/
@TerryChia Thank you
@TerryChia I don't get it! So it collapses multiple new lines?
Anybody wishes there was a close as duplicate of a blog post option?
@TerryChia I do.
Q: How is an ATM secure?

JeffI'm curious why an ATM computer is considered secure. The general adage of "If an attacker has physical access to my machine, all bets are off," seems to not apply in this circumstance (since everyone has physical access to the machine). Why is this? I thought of the fact that many have securi...

I sense a rep train....
@TerryChia Photoshopped
umm, I mean its a dupe.
there are several, not sure which is best... will look later.
Actually I have a good answer for that, seeing as I have done a set of pentests and threat models for one brand. Let's see if I have patience to write up a detailed answer...
Is there any way to get a notification when new questions are posted
@AJHenderson You can subscribe to the RSS feeds but there is a delay.
@TerryChia I don't think so. You know, I'm the reptrain expert here
@Adnan how's that working out for you?
@AviD So far I've had a couple of successful attempts, I'm slowly approaching an equation
@Adnan ... and then SEI will change it on you ;-)
@Adnan here's an attempt for you - ask a question about this: xkcd.com/932
it's amusing, it's relevant, it's applicable, and most importantly it is simple enough for the unwashed SO masses to easily comprehend.
@AviD Jesus! That.. ahhh.. I'm getting aroused.
heh, did I nail your algorithm?
@AviD Oh you nailed my algorithm, you nailed it gooood.
@Adnan speaking of which, this is cool: 3d.xkcd.com/879
@AviD Wow, this is cool
btw this one might also work:
really, choose any security-related xkcd (except the crypto one, and the password one - thats been done, and still the highest scoring q by a wide margin). The above still applies.
No no no.. that one, the one about CIA. I'll ask it
But I'll give the ATM one a chance to see where it's gonna go first.
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