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@Adnan Supercollider. I win.
@TerryChia tops, too.
think it needs a protect?
@TerryChia Damn! You win, sir. You win
@AviD I don't think so, it's still early to tell. Give it a couple of hours
@Adnan yeah, not yet anyway. I like to catch it preemptively, but its still too early. Keep an eye on it for me, will ya?
@AviD We'll do our best.
Man, it's no fun waking up rep-capped already.
@ThomasPornin How do you live? :P
@JeffFerland Yeah, great! That must be so difficult! Say that to us, the under-2kers
@JeffFerland boo hoo
@Adnan Hehe. We were all there once.
yaknow, I'm sure we can easily fix that for you.
@Adnan Thank god you are around. You are one of the few in here I can openly mock about their reputation. :P
My coworker has passed me on ServerFault. :(
@TerryChia do you mean his real-life reputation, or his Sec.se reputation points?
@Adnan You still have more rep than me for the month.
@AviD Well both. Going by this he appears to be pretty sleazy. :P
47 mins ago, by Adnan
@AviD Jesus! That.. ahhh.. I'm getting aroused.
I seem to be hitting around a 100 rep +/- 10 this couple of days.
@TerryChia I hate you!
@JeffFerland That's only because I've jumped on two rep trains.
@Adnan ahh, the sounds of a budding romance.
It's spring time!
@JeffFerland How did your meeting with the Borg go?
@AviD I'm re-watching Game of Thrones now.
Winter is coming.
Mar 15 at 12:35, by AviD
Screw the Starks, it's all Summer now.
@ScottPack I was very tired.
@JeffFerland I overflow into a secondary Bear
@JeffFerland So did that make it better or worse?
@ThomasPornin You need a third one.
@ThomasPornin I noticed there, top quarterly users #1 and #2.
@TerryChia Same here. I figure I have just enough time to get caught up.
@ScottPack Better because I zoned out after the 2nd hour of the 2 hour presentation that lasted over 5 hours.
Ned Stark is so effing stupid.
@JeffFerland That's.......terrible
@TerryChia But actually, I still have a better rep/answers ratio. Yaay! It's something
@JeffFerland Note that right now, Bear #2 is not yet at the rep cap. Still needs one upvote for that.
(the current rep train ought to provide for that, though)
@TerryChia no, he just has a strong belief in the basic decency of the other people.
Hmm, so yeah, that does make him stupid.
@TerryChia He doesn't translate as well to TV as he should. In the end, Ned's problem was that he had a strict code of ethics and followed it, even knowing that it was going to hurt him.
@ScottPack that's the strict part of "strict code of ethics". If you only follow it when its good for you, thats not really very strict.
Cerci's problem is that she's a greedy conniving bitch who has upmost faith in her own correctness and superiority.
and I think he was fantastic in the show, though I havent read the books.
I freaking hate Joeffry. Maybe it's the actors problem but his face just pisses me off.
@AviD Oh exactly.In the novel it's pretty clear that he knew what he was doing was stupid, but he could not allow himself to do it any other way.
well, at least till he went and got himself beheaded.
@TerryChia Oh, no, the actor does a fantastic job portraying Joffrey.
@TerryChia I think we're supposed to.
@ScottPack Maybe that's why I relate to him.
The books are really good. If you enjoy reading, and like the show, I would highly recommend them.
@ScottPack Yeah, it's in the queue.
@ScottPack I must ask for @Lucas: Are there boobies in the books?
@AviD Pictures? No. Descriptions? You betcha.
If anything there's more sex in the book than in the show.
Tyrion is the best character portrayed imo.
@TerryChia What's sad is that I think he is given the greatest disservice in the translation from book to show.
I do have to admit that I didnt believe Ned would actually be killed, until after it actually happened.
@AviD It's SEAN BEAN.....
Didnt quite get how far they took the stance of "Everybody dies".
@TerryChia EXACTLY.
@TerryChia LOL at least you could explain to @Adnan what it was written for :P
@ScottPack really? how is he portrayed in the book?
@TerryChia In the books he is, in my opinion, the best person.
@ScottPack in the show, too - everybody else is either trying to live up to his standards, or trying to destroy it.
@AviD Of all the characters in the book he's probably the one with the best moral compass. He grows from being the smartass younger sibling to someone who genuinely wants what is best for the realm.
He is the only character with real depth so far. The rest of them are really one-sided.
@TildalWave Then you explain
@ScottPack more so than Ned?
@AviD But no matter what choices he makes they end up turning to shit, or being overridden.
@ScottPack true.
@AviD Oh definitely. Ned has a very strict sense of right and wrong and makes all his decisions based on what is Right, even when he knows that decision is the wrong one for the realm.
His big problem is he keeps underestimating how vile everybody else is.
Comes back to his code of ethics - he really can't imagine how they think.
@AviD Tyrion knows what's morally right and wrong, but always makes the choice based on what is best for the realm, even when it's morally wrong.
I still can't believe he told Cersei he knows about her incest......
He did the honorable thing.
He told her what he was going to do in order to give her the chance to flee. Doing so would save her own life and her children.
@ScottPack and the rational one, if Cersei had anything resembling his own code of ethics.
@ScottPack well, it might be said he believes that being a moral realm, is what is best for it.
He defines "best" differently than Tyrion, obviously.
By the end of book 5 I actually felt genuine pride and pity for Tyrion. Pride because he's making the best decisions, and pity because he keeps getting fucked as a result.
He basically treats the realm as he treats himself - judging it by it's morality.
He also grows the most throughout the story.
@ScottPack yeah, saw that even through season one.
So yesterday I finished the episode of season one where they have the big battle.
perhaps Denaris (sp?) also grows a similar amount.
Where he gets knocked out even before they left the tents.
@ScottPack haha, umm.. which one?
@ScottPack ah yeah. good one.
The last episode of Season 2 was really really sad.
In the book he was a proper soldier. He led those men into battle, fought beside them, took a war hammer in the elbow (breaking it good) and kept fighting.
Tyrion saved the King's Landing and got fucked as a result.
He took responsibility and learned from it. That battle is the reason Tyrion became the person he did.
But they didn't have the budget for it so they took a shortcut.
@ScottPack I dunno, I think it works that physically he doesnt cut it, even though he might have the bravery, and he's more of a thinker.
@ScottPack but the person he was took responsibility. Which says more about him than the other stuff.
@AviD He is, but through the rest of the series he is consciously making the decisions he made because of that battle.
hmm, guess I really do need to read the books.
dont get much book reading time though...
@Adnan it just runs through lines of text in input and copies them to output if their length is longer than 3 characters, that's all... you want me to adopt it for some other use?
Right, exactly. That was the moment where he went from being the spoiled younger brother to a man. It was a big turning point in his character.
Daenerys and Jon Snow both also show lots of personal growth. However, they more grow into the better version of what they were before. They show Tyrion almost changing into a whole new person and being better off for it.
@ScottPack I see that about Jon, but Daenerys went from being a little girl, ex-princess, bullied by her brother, spoiled and entitled, changing into... hmm, a spoiled and entitled ex-queen.
I guess I see that about her too.
more a question of showing who she was.
She definitely changes a lot too, but it still felt more like gaining confidence enough in herself to be who she was meant to be.
@TildalWave Not at all, I was just curious.
@ScottPack yeah, exactly.
Though Tyrion never struck me as a bad guy, just juvenile and irresponsible. At least in the show...
Kind of like how a 20 year old hangs out at the bar every night, 5 years later he is a mature and responsible parent.
even in the first couple episodes, he tried teaching that little snot a little bit about basic respect.
@AviD You mean like Lily and Marshal? :P
@AviD I'll totally go with that. He was never bad, he was just never particularly good.
heh, yeah!
@JeffFerland I'm going through a few of your answers on ServerFault to see if I can help you out with that... I voted your CDN/Anycast YouTube answer on its scale distribution up, however you owe me one answer now! :P Do they use muticasting at all for YouTube or would be that impractical to implement in a CDN? Some other form of packet distribution similar to muticast maybe?
@TildalWave Not a super great thing to say to a StackExchange moderator.
@Adnan Why? The answer he posted is great, so it clearly deserves an up-vote.
@Adnan I just thought I could "extortion" him for further clarification hehe
@TildalWave Sorry, I misunderstood what you said, which led me to assume that other users will further misunderstand what you said.
@TildalWave Streams are individually-run, so multicast wouldn't be helpful. Also, multicast on the Internet is broken.
I always wanted to know how do they handle such load. Distributed approach is obvious, but would muticasting work in CDN, that I haven't got a clue if it's even possible to implement
@Adnan It's OK I checked what 'other users' are here 1st ;)
Actually, it's a pretty neat answer.
@JeffFerland It's broken? I didn't know that... I have this distinct feeling I'm gonna feel rather stupid when you answer me, but taking the risk - why?
@makerofthings7 What the hell?!
I hereby celebrate my 200th "Nice Answer" badge.
@ThomasPornin Congratulations (which one was it?)
@ThomasPornin Congrats!
@makerofthings7 This one:
Q: Is a VM only as secure as its host?

LordScreeQuestion If one installs a VM with "high security" on a host machine with "low security", will the VM be only as secure as the machine it's installed on, or will the high-security aspects from the VM (e.g. latest service-packs and updates, anti-virus software, firewall, etc.) compensate for the ...

@ThomasPornin This has just reminded me of one of Jon Skeet's fun facts
I still need four more, though
"John Skeet has more bronze badges than your reputation"
He does.
Q: Jon Skeet Facts

Bill the LizardI'm looking for Chuck Norris Facts style answers. In case anyone is curious, this question was inspired by Jon's own comment to this question. EDIT: If you're into cryptography, you may enjoy these facts. Now with official sanction from the powers that be!

@makerofthings7 Ahaa, thanks. Turns out it's "Jon Skeet has more "Nice Answer" badges than you have badges."
Well, but the one I said still applies in my case :D
What happens with users like Thomas and Skeet who receive so many banners and notifications about accepted question, etc? When the web page loads, is there any room for anything else?
@makerofthings7 Luckily, we (I) don't have to worry about that.
Q: UDP Multicast over the internet?

BargI'm not sure how best to approach my problem. I have a service with runs on a remote machine with receives and process UDP packets. I want the service to be able to re-send these packets to anyone that happens to want them (could be no-one, will typically be one machine, but may be more) I figur...

@TildalWave That kind of explains it, but basically the major carriers routers just don't pay any attention to multicast and don't forward it.
@JeffFerland Cheers for this! :)
@TildalWave ... and definitely not a stupid question.
@jeffferland that always made me sad when doing streams from press events like e3
Cause 100mbits only goes so far without multicast
@JeffFerland I just wasn't sure, I thought there might be simpler reasons not to enable multicast, such as to prevent flooding or something, but it's been a while since I was studying this to really appreciate all its complexity.
I can just imagine ddosing the internet
heh yes just replace recipient IP with * LOL... happy days :)
... and I just volunteered to take over the IPy python module.
Masochistic couple of weeks this has been.
@JeffFerland is this how it happened? youtube.com/…
@AviD HA!
Kind of... I went to fix two bugs, found a 3rd bug and fixed that, pushed the patch, and a few hours later the current maintainer was like, "Eh, I'm done with this. Somebody can take it if you want."
Multicast was one of those great ideas that just never went anywhere.
@ScottPack Whereas its purpose was, indeed, to go everywhere.
@ScottPack unlike your mom.
like IPv6.
@AviD Precisely.
@ThomasPornin much like @Scott's mom.
2 hours later…
Why the hell do all the Bay Area tech conferences end with some drama about somebody being offended and it going all over the Internet?
Must have been @Iszi.
@ScottPack Eh? What's that? Just had to make sure I was mentioned once today, did you?
@Iszi Rudely making jokes about dongles.
WTF Who's that Adria? Because I've been flying one Adria many times:
@ScottPack Hey, when a device is called a "dongle" the jokes write themselves - how can that be rude?
@TildalWave ... Let's see, how can I get myself in trouble? "So what's it like being in Adria?"
@JeffFerland blow up that picture :))) you'll get the idea
@JeffFerland it's our local carrier :)))
@TildalWave Are you usually in Adria alone, or do you have other guys with you often?
@Iszi takes up to 48 people of any gender, and two pilots and a few crew members
want a photo of Adria loading up?
@TildalWave Oh, so she's like that eh?
@TildalWave @ScottPack - your turn.
there, I took this one of Adria in action
and this is Adria camping
@TildalWave You know what they say about the trailer rockin'.
as far as that Saab in front is concerned, that's a big dongle this Adria :))
@TildalWave Looks to me like he'd say she's a pain in the ass.
@Iszi yeah what a drag :)
how is everyone?
@Saladin meh
anybody home
its me asadz
i motivated myself for a new username
anyhow does anyone over here loves DILBERT?
loves or knows about it..
@JeffFerland @AviD @RoryAlsop ^^
Ah, nevermind (maybe - I hope). Just realized the chat ban was only 12 hours. Thought for a second there @Saladin was a new account created to bypass ban.
@Saladin I don't think anyone (in the U.S. at least) can work in an office and not at least know about Dilbert.
I took two Tylenol. Call me in the morning.
@JeffFerland Tylenol? Not nearly strong enough. Grab some ibuprofen at least.
@Iszi I was always under the impression that was more for muscular pains than headaches.
@JeffFerland Works well for both, as many such products do.
yup it's more anti-inflammatory ... para works better on headaches
@TildalWave Para?
hi Jeff
Tylenol () is an American brand of drugs advertised for reducing pain, reducing fever, and relieving the symptoms of allergies, cold, cough, and flu. The active ingredient of its original, flagship product, acetaminophen (commonly known by its INN paracetamol elsewhere in the world), is marketed as an analgesic and antipyretic. Like the words "acetaminophen" and "paracetamol", the brand name is derived from the chemical name for the compound, N-acetyl-para-aminophenol (APAP). The brand is owned by McNeil Consumer Healthcare, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. History James Roth, a U...
you know why you can't get any aspirin in the jungle?
@TildalWave I'll bite - why?
that like "why is it easy to find lunch on the beach"
... 'cause of all the sand which is there...
LOL didn't hear this one before :)))
@RoryMcCune I love it. I have to tell that one to my kids.
@Xander if you want to go for something punny with a bit more setup, top joke on this page has to be my favourite homepage.ntlworld.com/graham.a.newman/frog8.htm
"Where did you lose the coin?" "Over there..." "Then why are you looking over here?" "This is where the light is."
@RoryMcCune LOL! That's fantastic. Thanks for the link.
@Xander cmon. That was in a Mel Gibson movie over 15 years ago.
@AviD Which one? I don'r remember it. It sounds like something from Lethal Weapon though.
Ransom is a 1996 American crime thriller directed by Ron Howard, and starring Mel Gibson, Rene Russo, and Gary Sinise. Delroy Lindo, Liev Schreiber, Donnie Wahlberg, and Lili Taylor appear in supporting roles. Gibson was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor. The original story came from a 1954 episode of The United States Steel Hour titled "Fearful Decision". In 1956, it was adapted by Richard Maibaum and Cyril Hume into the feature film Ransom!, starring Glenn Ford, Donna Reed, and Leslie Nielsen. The film was also influenced by Ed McBain's police procedural novel King's Ran...
@AviD Ah! I don't remember any jokes from that movie at all. That wasn't a funny movie, to my recollection.
@Xander If I recall correctly, one of the abductor was telling the hostage kid some jokes. Trying to be "nice".
Granted, I don't think I've seen it since it was in the theaters either.
It wasn't meant to be funny, even back then.
@AviD Ah, gotcha. That makes sense.
@RoryMcCune Seriously, am I the only one with an email address? How do you all not receive these dozens of times over the past 10 years?
@AviD Constructive feedback. Lye works really well.
@AviD our spam filters work?
@Xander I think the other bad guy made fun of him, for telling these old bad jokes...
@AviD I've known that one for years.. s'been a loong time since I've had jokes in e-mail tho'
heh, I dont mean spam, I mean crap emails from people who think I need to see the same stupid jokes AGAIN.
@AviD You blacklist the people who send them until they learn their lesson.
ok, then our crap filters work better than yours, i stand corrected
@Iszi ya can't blacklist people for sending awesome stuff like that...
crappy chain letters a different matter
@RoryMcCune ya can't blacklist your mom...
Let it begin.
@RoryMcCune When the subject line includes "FWD: FW: RE: Fw:" you absolutely can.
@Iszi: I finally wrote the complete treatment for your puzzle with balls and scales.
A: Optimal algorithm for finding the odd spheres

Thomas PorninFor a complete treatment, we have to consider all the combinations with some variant parameters. The base problem: given $n$ balls, one being "deviant" (not the same weight than the $n-1$ others), how to find the deviant ball in at most $w$ weighs ? Or, similarly, what is the maximum number $n$ o...

@AviD Did it to my mother-in-law, and I'd do it to my mom in a heartbeat.
@Iszi but surely that's just an indication of the quality, that people keep sending it around :op
@Iszi dont need to blacklist, I just ignore most emails from either.
@AviD But then how will they learn?
@Iszi They don't. They never do. Hence my method of constructive criticism. :D
@RoryMcCune my mother has sent me emails, that she was forwarding from her friends, who recieved it from ....... from herself, somewhere down the forwarding chain, and she didnt realize she was resendign the same damn jokes again.
@JeffFerland Dunno who you're dealing with. My mother-in-law learned real quick.
@JeffFerland I assumed Lye was the name of a spam filter I wasnt familiar with.
@Iszi can we switch??
@AviD Not yet...
Yknow the punishment for taking multiple wives...?
Hey @Iszi, @AviD just asked to take your wife.
@Iszi I have another approach... I give a single email address for business purposes and two different addresses to others... then I made a filter for those emails where two of my addresses would be in the recipient list, blocking out all such messages as peeps sending them usually just select all their friends in the address book
Multiple mothers-in-law.
@JeffFerland hehe, no, just mother in law.
Today in the DMZ, wife swapping.
@AviD You can't have one without the other.
@AviD I was going to say multiple "red weeks" per month.
@Iszi They sync up over time.
@Iszi problem is, I don't get many wedding invitations either, but it works for chain letter jokes
Also, that follows the inverse square law. Twice as much, four times the pain.
@RoryMcCune I dont get this: "Away Gaul's count double in Europe"?
@AviD it's a football reference to the european competitions where away goals count for more over a two-leg tie
so if the score is 3-3 on aggregate it would go to the team with more away goals
@RoryMcCune ah. that's why I couldnt suss it.
maan, there's 3 minutes of my life I'm not getting back.
@JeffFerland that needs to be starred more.
@JeffFerland I cannot tell you how much I want to comment. I just can't bring myself to.
I propose The @AviD's Star Day where the author of the most starred DMZ post of that day wins... hmmm.... something.
@TildalWave A genuine @ScottPack gender verification. Dark closet of your choosing. Somebody start somebody else quickly, please.
@TildalWave A STAR!
but why AviD's day? its not me...
@AviD oh damn. I walked into that, didnt I
@AviD read the proposed name out loud
... nope, I got nuthin. Must be slow today.
david's star doh!
nope, still not getting it.
oh forget it
btw, it should be pronounced "Ah-vee Dee". Are you doing that right?
of course not
@JeffFerland Just...try to relax
...this won't hurt a bit
heh, what happens if @ScottPack wins?? He'll have to gender-verify himself in a dark closet!
So, just a regular Thursday then.
@AviD Not if I'm in a dark closet, no.
So what competition are we having?
@ScottPack Sow hat competition? Wearing pigs on our heads?
@ScottPack sure, change it up a bit. Keep it interesting.
@JeffFerland You're speaking nonsense, son. You've gone through new employee training haven't you?
@ScottPack Wait don't be impatient. So far we've got no name for it, haven't decided on its purpose, what the outcome of it should be, or indeed what the rules are. It's a work in progress, but we're obviously on the right track :P
oh gosh. Can't believe I actually clicked on an Urban Dictionary link that @ScottPack posted.
@AviD It's SFYW
@ScottPack hell, hardcore porn would be safe for my work, most of the time.
@TildalWave Whatever. Just add an entry to my calendar and specify that I need to bring my sterile gloves.
@AviD Exactly my point.
@ScottPack Thats what SHE said! ... And they lived happily ever after.
stargaze day?
@TildalWave To me, not getting chain-letters would be the lesser of the benefits. Weddings are a drag.
I have binary rep!
@Xander they are aren't they? free drinks is the best part of them, but the rest of it makes you wish you got paid for drinking too
@AntonyVennard But your rep kinda sucks in binary. It's worse than my rep, even. And that's something you should probably be ashamed of. It is kind of cool though.
@TildalWave Free drinking is bad, but you have to get through enough to forget that what you're drinking is crap. Because the free stuff almost always is.
"isn't bad" that should be.
@Xander Haha. Yes, but it's in binary!
@AntonyVennard Yes, I can't deny that's quite fun.
my rep is hexadecimal :P
@TildalWave And very nearly octal. :-)
@Xander Well yours is, but that only makes it smaller. I'd prefer mine in hex, it goes over 1.5k in decimal then... and yours to almost 5k
@TildalWave LOL, yeah I'm not arguing that. But I don't know that I want to see Jon Skeet's rep converted from hex to decimal. Or the Bear's for that matter.
@Xander depends on how Skeet handles integer overflow exceptions there, but more than one way of handling those results in their rep being lower than ours, possibly even a negative value :)
2 hours later…
A: Besides OpenVas and Nessus, what are my other options for vulnerability detection?

NickSorry for the delay, I've found this page today. I'm using a VA solution called IKare that includes OpenVas and Nmap. Even if you don't like Openvas, the UI is cool and the solution run well and fast for discovering and VA (scanners are ready-to-go). The solution is more oriented to monitoring t...

That seem like spam to anyone else? The user who posted it is named Nick, and the owner of this company is a Jean-Nicolas.
Maybe I'm just too suspicious.
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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