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And a #2-safe notion of equivalence probably ends up doing most if not all of the work of determining isomorphism anyways
Ah right I see 4
i mean you can define equivalence classes in a way that trivializes the problem but that’s just renaming the problem
utc midnight go brr
@att Yeah lol
I'm not entirely sure how to approach this and someone's probably going to come along with a weird matrix multiplication solution that solves the problem in six bytes in Jelly
it seems like an interesting problem
I actually am starting to get a vague inkling of a solution
But there's definitely no matrix multiplication and it's going to be way, way more than 6 bytes :P
Inspired by my organic chemistry class (carbon chains) :p
Ahhh, hence 'backbone'
1 hour later…
@Ginger left aligned start menu + still have the search bar + edge + weather widget + L
@Bbrk24 I need all the space I can get
some weeks, I have to trim the joke because of the character limit
frickahh tailwind using gray instead of grey for colour names
actually, frickahh css using frickahh american spelling
If the internet is ever remade, I'm gonna be petitioning to have an additional standard call King's CSS
CSS allows both
lightgray and lightgrey, etc
but it also makes you use "color" instead of "colour"
which is not what English (the good version used by the British and over here) dictates
I use both spellings of gray and idk if there's a particular pattern to it. I think I mainly use the -ey spelling in "greyed" and mainly use the -ay spelling elsewise
@lyxal not css's fault you learned to do things the wrong way
css's fault for not accommodating the right way
Americans' fault for there being two different ways
based and real
I've heard that a lot of the dropped letters (like the -u- from -our) were to save room back when letters were expensive
I don't speak broke
you can blame webster
it’s arbitrary anyways
it's annoying when I'm wondering why my webpage isn't showing the correct coloured background :p
@Bbrk24 smpl js rmv ll vwls
Small people just really make all vehicles work less
that is what you meant, right?
Sounds about right
@emanresuA ...simple just remove all vowels?
"simply" I assume
simply has a y so it would become smply
y is not a vowel
but the y is functionally a vowel there
oh no the linguists are arguing
no no no
you can't say y is a vowel regardless of usage
written letters cannot be cleanly categorized into "vowel" and "not vowel", though sounds usually can
Could also mean "Smelly plates, jams, remedy movies, vanity owls"
written letters ARE cleanly categorized into vowel and not vowel
a very weird shopping list
woah apparently y can sometimes count as a vowel
@Redz I was taught from a very young age that Y is sometimes a vowel
wait this is crazy
how did you not realize
okay definition of y is that it is neither a vowel nor a consonant but a standin for both therefore y is not a vowel
Welcome to the inconsistent inconsistency of language
this is like how size is always spelt size but categorize can be spelt categorise
brb gonna change every time I've used "size" to "sise"
true british action
anyhow, I wanted to use tailwind class bg-grey-400 but turns out it needs to be bg-gray-400 and there's no accommodation of the alternate spelling like normal css
solution: become american
oh yeah i meant to say
solution: don't use tailwind
@Bbrk24 i feel like i’m the opposite
@Redz but then I won't be able to throw another shrimp on the barbie and say that things are fair dinkum mate
Have you seen Aussie++? (It hasn't really been worked on in a good while but)
become american only for writing code in css then
@Bbrk24 I have
frickahh copy paste
A: 1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz

lyxalaussie++, 223 190 187 bytes G'DAY MATE! I RECKON x IS A WALKABOUT FROM[1TO 100]<YA RECKON x %15<1?<GIMME "FizzBuzz";>WHATABOUT x %5<1?<GIMME "Buzz";>WHATABOUT x %3<1?<GIMME "Fizz";>WHATABOUT ?<GIMME x;>>CHEERS C***! Fair dinkum, this was hard yakka cause there's no way to golf the whitespace bec...

One of my highest voted answers is an Aussie++ Hello World
I think my most creative Aussie++ answer has to be this though:
A: Print numbers from 1 to 10

Bbrk24Aussie++, output to STDERR, 29 28 bytes It turns out that causing errors is shorter than any straightforward way of doing it. G'DAY MATE! 1 2 4 6 8 _ Tested in commit 9522366. The trailing newline is required. Produces the following errors: [line 1] OI MATE! EXPECTED ; BUT GOT '2' [line 3] ...

*greets other person*
*stands in silence while glitching all over the place*
*refuses to elaborate*
Glad you're here to translate it to English for us
ok that’s pretty good
@lyxal How dare you not have that video up anymore
huh, neat
Feb 10, 2023 at 11:41, by lyxal
Dec 7, 2022 at 2:56, by emanresu A
Sep 27 at 0:34, by caird coinheringaahing
@lyxal This is comparable to the burning of the Library of Alexandria
@emanresuA you already said that :P
I was about to quote that :p
Not about that specific one, my previous complaints were about Aaron washing and/or E
Now I've never gotten to hear you say an aussie++ fizzbuzz out loud and I never will
Finally got all the collision stuff figured out, so I'm getting some finishing touches done on the client side
Gonna do another round of stat tweaks soon (and maybe add a knockback resistance stat)
What's the control scheme like? Do you plan controller support?
You can see controller input in JS, but you need to manually monitor it in a loop, you don't get events like you do from the keyboard
Ooh, I haven't thought at all about controller support. I might do that. Currently, it's W/S for forward/backward and A/D for turning
Just a fair warning, the order of buttons and axes is probably going to vary from controller to controller. The first four buttons on mine are, Y B A X, for some reason in that order
I love that you're considering playing tanks on a controller :p
I never saw the original
@Bbrk24 My controller also claims to have ten axes but only axes 0, 1, 2, and 5 actually do anything. 3, 4, and 6-8 are all always 0, and axis 9 is always 23/7 for some reason
Mar 9, 2023 at 6:46, by emanresu A
I once crashed radvylf's tanks game by naming myself constructor
Hopefully this isn't a thing in v2
As prematurely optimized polished as this game is ending up, I might actually try to add some cool gamemodes (capture the flag, battle royale, maze, etc.) and get a decent playerbase
@emanresuA My discord bot once had an issue where sending the message x/__proto__ would crash the bot
And this is why you don't write anything important in JavaScript
I inherited this bot
I exclusively use Maps for dictionaries ever since like 2020
That was a latent bug
(or, more accurately, never set user-controlled properties on objects)
@emanresuA No this would try to check if the property existed and, if so, call it as a function
I might as well say why I was looking at the Gamepad API in the first place
I've been working on this conlang with two goals in mind
- modality is, rather than spoken or written, input via Switch Pro controller
- the grammar should be unambiguously machine-parseable
You terrify me
That is amazing
I'm like 90% done with the ""phono"" and grammar, I just need to decide how to distinguish transitive and intransitive verbs
I have an ASCII representation of inputs and a parser written in Hera
idk why I was like "yeah this all seems normal" until I read the transitive and intransitive verbs part lmao
Are there phonological processes based on ease of inputting with your fingers
And I was hoping to be able to plug in my controller, make some inputs, and see the translation in real time
Is there joystick position sandhi
Uhh not yet?
@Bbrk24 ooh that's cool
OOOH that does sound so cool
Here let me commit my changes and then make the repo public
> git commit -am changes
Y'know I just realized, maybe this would finally be a decent way of typing on a TV/console remote, after 50 something years
Just teach everyone a second language from their early years
It's not just a reskin of English
it's VSO
Eh I mean neither is sign language
You'd just need to speak to the game console in its native tongue
wait why are the images marked as executable :thonk:
oh wait I know why
Who says they can't be? Just use a really really old version of Safari
I copied them out of an NTFS partition, and NTFS doesn't have a distinct "executable" permission
I am going to make my own version of this and then we are going to make a creole out of them
As you can see, the only missing part of the grammar is this:
# The one-letter definitions are placeholders until I decide the actual shape of each type of word
# Pronouns are a closed class and I can't imagine there being multiple relativizers
# so those two might just be hardcoded



I already have "adverbs must start with minus" and "determiners must consist solely of L, R, ZL, and ZR"
@UnrelatedString lmaao
What input should define transitive vs intransitive verbs? I was thinking the distinguishing factor could be the second input rather than the first for multi-input "words"
That sounds pretty nice
Maybe a D-pad or right stick input? I'm really not sure
@UnrelatedString I do have to handle a lot of edge cases in stick position though
Like I have one for each of eight directions, and one for "twirl" which I want to define as moving the joystick through more than 180 degrees
but what if you move it 90 degrees, then 135 back the other way?
Also right now it considers each axis independently which means the diagonal ones are a much smaller region than the orthogonal ones
is argument count not enough for transitivity
I'm doing the other way around
It uses transitivity to know how many arguments to consume
and there is otherwise nothing distinguishing whether a clause is independent or an argument to another clause
I think I'll do D-pad left for intransitive and D-pad right for transitive. This is completely arbitrary but it was going to be no matter what
actually I'll do left stick, not D-pad, since the left stick is in a more neutral resting position
Yes, the parser seems to be working! It's late here but I'll get a dictionary tomorrow and hopefully live translations with it
What is it named, mapping -3..10 into T7 T8 T 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1T 10?
a type of base 10 but without 9
Seems like a variant of balanced n-ary that isn't actually balanced
balanced n-ary only works for odd n
balanced base 5 has digits -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 for example
idk if what you're describing has a name
@Bbrk24 fixed-arity parsing moment
This language kinda sounds like Jelly ngl
If you think about it, everyone's KDR is an integer in real life
Real life would make a pretty shitty FPS game tho
Could you get a fraction of a kill if multiple people contribute?
idk if that would count. Maybe you could die twice if you use the definition where if your heart stops you're dead?
if someone were to live forever, it'd be undefined
@mousetail Games usually handle that with a separate assist stat :P
I assume we'd use floating point here, so either Infinity or NaN
@RydwolfPrograms Don't let yours be zero
I wonder what the average KDR of (past) humans is
I guess actually that's just murder rate divided by birth rate isn't it
the consequences of my actions here are finally catching up to me. I've come to avoid the phrase "I am" when writing things that it's hard to use it even when I need to (e.g. writing an email to a uni professor)
@UnrelatedString An assist system makes more sense in a game where all health is equal. In real life you can die from complex combinations of causes that make it really hard to determine which one should be awarded the kill
If you have an unambiguous time of death, you can award the kill to whoever did "meaningful damage" most recently, even if it wasn't even remotely the main cause of death. That still gives you a problem of what constitutes meaningful damage, but it seems like fractional kills would have the same issue
@UnrelatedString And even though this does bring up some issues, games often have the same issues (e.g., one person getting a boss down to 1% of its total health and someone else joining the lobby and getting the last hit)
One solution could be making it so that the person who did the most damage that wasn't healed at time of death gets kill credit, which is how I implemented it in a game once
Some games just show K+A and not kills separately for that reason, it also inflates ego since it means most people will have a positive KA/D ratio
Hey Rydwolf,
what do you use for your website hosting?
I think they have their own server on premises
Well that sucks.
Because I want to host stuff but that requires a server and I don't have a server.
They are like 6-8/month
I don't have the dollars/monies.
Ugh fine I'll look into something cheap.
Or free.
What are you looking to host?
Free hosting is usually shit
Web games and stuff. And maybe a comment system. Look things that require state.
Something like pythonanywhere might work for a comment system, it probably won't be fast enough for a web game
Hmm pythonanywhere.
RIP heroku
Always-on tasks
Tasks that are always running
You choose 1 1 1 No
This is disappointing.
There are some free discord bot hosting options that can be abused to host other things. Of course you risk being banned at any time if you do that
That seems pretty clunky.
Even if I was to host my own server,
I still need a DNS location
There are some tricks you can do by continuously changing the dns to your new IP, need a very low TTL though and some TLDs don't allow that
Or host a reverse proxy somewhere else
I ama try pythonanywhere.
Nice, that was fast
Of course the Master Developer™️ I am.
Next up: implement comments.
Hopefully this works.
Do any of you have pythonanywhere experience?
So can you do timed stuff?
Like what if I wanted to for example put a limit of only 1 comment per hour per user?
Is that possible?
That's just a timed thing right?
Check in the database when the last comment from that user was and only allow posting a new one if it was more than one hour ago
Yeah that works.
I ama gonna lock comment timezone into Pacific Time.
Why not UTC?
Then you can easily convert to each users local timezone for display
Nevermind UTC.
How do we get local users timezones though.
local_time might work.
Aaannnnnnd my website crashes.
Welcome to webdev!
Apparently it cannot find the database.
A classic
Okay I ama gonna open a Bash console to debug it.
Okay going to use absolute path.
Hmm no change.
I really need help.
I don't think the code is being saved correctly.
Wait nope.
Soooomeoooooneeeee heeeeeeeelllppppppppppp meeeeeeeeeeee.
It's impossible to tell what's wrong from here, I advice to double check your .env
2024-08-14 08:55:29,378: Error running WSGI application
2024-08-14 08:55:29,381: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/ThaAh/mysite/comments.json'
2024-08-14 08:55:29,381:   File "/var/www/thaah_pythonanywhere_com_wsgi.py", line 16, in <module>
2024-08-14 08:55:29,382:     from flask_app import app as application  # noqa
2024-08-14 08:55:29,382:
2024-08-14 08:55:29,382:   File "/home/ThaAH/mysite/flask_app.py", line 6, in <module>
1 hour later…
Had a code golf challenge idea then realised it required computing the Bernoulli polynomials :p
@The_AH Does the comments.json file exist?
@mousetail Uhhh yes
CMC: without checking, what do you think the following markdown renders as:
I can nearly promise, the answer is weirder than you think.
a 2-line code block followed by an inline one?
Nope. There is a code block and there is something in it other than empty lines.
i meant 2-line as abbreviating the two lines i was too lazy to type out
Ah well the single code block is 4 lines.

I have no explanation for why this is the output.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Merge sort result with NaN Merge sort is a sorting method using the follow steps: Divide input into lists, each containing exactly 1 element. Merge each pair of lists, leaving the last one alone if there are odd amount of lists Repeat 2 until only one list remain. The merge subroutine is as fol...

that is pretty weird
@WheatWizard TIL other html tags render in <pre> tags
@lyxal Yeah that's sort of the kind of thing I want to use them for.
@lyxal :(
@Bbrk24 WHAT
1 hour later…
Q: Erase the loops

aeh5040A nice simple one! You are given a finite sequence. Find the earliest pair of equal elements, if any (where "earliest" refers to the position of the second element of the pair), and collapse them and the interval of elements between them into a single copy of the repeated element. E.g. abcda ->...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

aeh5040Miracle Miracle Octad Generator Generator The Miracle Octad Generator (MOG) introduced by R. T. Curtis in 1976 is a central tool in the study of sporadic groups, error-correcting codes, Steiner systems, and sphere-packings. See e.g. http://finitegeometry.org/sc/24/MOG_files/ConwaySloaneMOG.jpg ht...

dictionary.yml is coming along flawlessly so far /s
pronouns: ~
determiners: ~
verbs: ~
ugh so my laptop touchpad is broken so my mouse cursor jitters slightly when I'm not touching the touchpad
and I have a bluetooth mouse
so I keep turning my touchpad off so the cursor isn't constantly jittery
and it keeps turning itself back on a few minutes later
The only way someone can hack into my GitHub account is if
1. Someone steals my phone
2. Someone breaks into my house
3. Someone guesses the correct 2fa code somehow
4. They guess a recovery key somehow
5. They find a vulnerability in the passkey system
Brownie points to whoever can do #5
xkcd.com/2968 is kinda funny
Does JS have a builtin similar to sprintf? I'm not seeing anything quickly online
I know console.log does that kind of formatting so it at least exists, but I need to put the result in the HTML, not the dev console
@Bbrk24 No, but an NPM search for "sprintf" reveals a few packages that do the job: npmjs.com/search?q=sprintf
Thanks, I was already thinking of using one of them since two of those were on the first page of google results
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Or if they scam you with one of those fake-2fa pages phishing schemes
@The_AH if you ask @RydwolfPrograms nicely they might let u use it
That's what I do (ok technically I run on gingers VM but that's on rydwolfs server)
@The_AH render web server? it spins down after 15 mins but you can use a cron job to keep it awake
thats a backup option if pythonanywhere doesn't work
Doesn't Rydwolf's server have an ungodly amount of RAM
where did rydwolf get the space to place the servers in?
surely that's more expensive than the server itself if the house is in the centre of a large city?
or flat?
@Bbrk24 JSR @std/fmt has sprintf too: jsr.io/@std/fmt/doc/printf/~
What is JSR?
It's a new JS package registry, made by Deno, which is like a superset of NPM that makes publishing packages really easy and tells you which packages are available for which targets Node, Deno, or Browser etc
and @std is the Deno team's attempt at making a standard library for JS, which is platform agnostic.
It replaces Deno's previous standard library.
and it's TypeScript first
I'm using npm right now but interesting
I've never really touched Deno or Bun
@Bbrk24 No you can use it with Node and bundlers and stuff
npx jsr add @std/fmt
I can say g = f.call and not have to worry about it being stupid right? I don't have to say g = f.call.bind(f)?
You probably do
yeah of course
CMC Given a polynomial f, output gcd(f(0), f(1), f(2), f(3), ...)
TypeScript blows up if I do bind it
I'm just gonna do g = a => f.call(a)
What's a GPG key in terms of render cloud hosting and is it dangerous to share
for some reason it's in my environment variables
bah, Ctrl+Ins and Shift+Ins work on stackedit.io but Shift+Del doesn't (deletes instead of cutting)
I still run into the error.
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer hmm.
@Seggan 1. They won't. 2. I don't want to leak my IP.
@RydwolfPrograms where'd you put the backups for the gaming vm?
and also why can't I ssh into rtowolf :p
Okay the first draft of the translator is working, but it struggles a little with the fact that "not" doesn't work like every other adverb in English and the fact that you can't apply adjectives to pronouns
I assume pronouns with adjectives are legal in the conlang? You might be able to just add some designated transformation to paraphrase it
the fact that "not" works weirdly is annoying because it means I can't just have a format string like %s is for adverbs on the verb "is" for example
Is it handled as a regular adverb in the conlang grammar?
You can probably handle it as a separate category even if the distinction is meaningless internally
@Ginger For security and separation-of-concerns reasons I'm not giving anyone SSH access to the base server anymore
The backups are on an external HDD
I need a file from them
Oh also, I'm going off to college in three days, at which point the server will be running, but with limited maintenance capabilities (only things I can do with gen x parents over FaceTime or through SSH). I'm going to free up one of my droplets for you, that'll be the long term plan for your VM while I'm at CMU, at least for the first year
@Ginger what file?
I forgot what it's called, it's a python script in the mc directory
something with bridge in the name probably
Got it, gimme a hectosecond
Is it cbdiscord.py
@Bbrk24 Nah only 160GB
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer It isn't too big, it's a 12U rack, so the footprint's maybe 2.5 feet by 3 feet, plus some power delivery stuff that takes up another few square feet. It's all in my closet though
@RydwolfPrograms yep
oh I also need a JAR
from the mods directory
called chat-bridge.jar or smth
Okay it also struggles a little with adjective order but
@Bbrk24 Hmm... actually, I think you usually can apply adjectives to pronouns, you just have to change the pronoun to the objective form. "Silly me."
@DLosc I think that's a special case, think of something like "red you" that just doesn't work
@Ginger what's your SSH port again?
2210 I think
I went out.
And touched GRASSSS.
Okay, it's in your home dir, you'll just need to chown it
I am never going to finish this comments section.
And I will never be able to host a website AHAHAHAHAH.
@Bbrk24 I thought of another example from Great Expectations, but it is dialectical, so maybe it's not considered standard grammar:
> They writes fifty hands; they’re not like sneaking you, as writes but one.
Maybe you don't even want to, that's what grass sometimes teaches you
I am going to try different paths.
Oh okay I found the jar file
You can try creating an endpoint that literaly does listdir() so you know what various folders look like
@The_AH I touched some grass on my way back from lunch today. The seed heads were soft and fuzzy.
@Ginger Got both files moved over
So I have a new idea.
While the comment system is not working I'll implement other endpoints and stuff for testing.
The fact you need to save and reload is annoying.
They should make a save + reload button.
@DLosc Took me a while to parse this out but i think you're right
it is legal dialectally but not standardly
Update on the controller input: I can detect inputs but I haven't converted them to words yet
okay wait wtf is the D-pad encoding
It gets compressed to a single number for some reason
No input: 3.2857142857142856
Up: -1
Right: -0.4285714285714286
Down: 0.1428571428571428
Left: 0.7142857142857142
Up+Right: -0.7142857142857143
Down+Right: -0.1428571428571429
Up+Left: 0.4285714285714286
Down+Left: 1
@Bbrk24 what is this for
Calling a class's toString on objects that don't belong to that class because they're freshly deserialized from JSON. I want to save that ability as a function rather than writing out Class.prototype.toString.call every time
@Bbrk24 Sorting them from lowest to highest gives this order: [up, up-right, right, down-right, down, up-left, left, down-left]. I just, what?
oh wait no I got up-left and down-left backwards
okay it just goes in clockwise order
so then why is "no input" 3.28... when the range is only supposed to go from -1 to 1?
Comment of the day:
Will upvote in 2 billion years if you are correct :-) — TripeHound yesterday
Never confuse JavaScript with BaliScript, which are both subsets of IndonesiaScript
@RydwolfPrograms thankyou
@The_AH Have you tried Wordpress?
I have controller input working!
Wait are you making a blog
If it’s totally different to that then completely ignore my suggestion
@Bbrk24 typically you would have a way to create an instance of a class from the JSON e.g. Class.from(JSON.parse(...)) or Class.fromJSON(...), but you could probably write foo = Class.prototype.toString.call.bind(Class.prototype.toString);
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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