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i mean theres the fact that its "without eval" which you can use to 1. disqualify it from being the 'longest' on account of self-imposed restriction
or 2. mandate that the bountied solution or what-have-you be also "without eval"
Longest vyxal answer in my dataset is 6553 bytes
lol i was thinking about how "self imposed restrictions" could make code be longer than it needs to be and then i remembered exists
and now i wanna see the shortest answers :P
(besides pristine-polyglots lol)
smallest is at least 2992 bytes
smallest what
265 bytes
smallest code-bowling
did you mean at most* 2992
A: Biggest Irreducible Hello World

user85052Malbolge, 265 bytes Malbolge is too concise to win this competition. ('BA@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"!~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^A\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"!~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC<$#9]=<;:9y1U/432+ONo'&+$Hi!~}$#z@xw...

@thejonymyster I mean the upper-limit
ty i was genuinely confused as much as it probably seemed like i was memeing
also lmao malbolge is too concise.. good times
I remember it wouldn't render properly once upon a time
because unicode
believe it or, it used to only be 1k bytes
then I did a little trolling
can a little trolling be used to shorten code-golf answers
@lyxal Yea it looks very broken on my laptop
it also never loads on mobile browsers
although that could be because of all the mathjax in the question/answers
@thejonymyster Isn't code golf just basically trolling compilers and interpreters?
party rock anthem voice Every day im trollolling
step up fast, and be the fastest gun in all the land,
we shavin bytes off, dont be mad! and now stop:
breaking bad
shut up jesser
you brun the RV with the wrong ingreditent
oh hell no
there's more than one of them
I knew it, @cairdcoinheringaahing is just 3 decks of cards in a trench coat
Phew, I thought sock² was blocked, but it turns out the remote proxy just stopped working
@lyxal why is the name cairds? is it a complex number?
Don't ask me, just know that we need to get the decloning ray - and quickly
ok here I got it
Now use it on the duplicate cairds before it's too late
just a second
okay done, I just casted them to a set to remove the duplicates
@Ginger idk what the hell you did but it certainly didn't work
The cairds have duplicated further!
@lyxal side effects may include: anyone with the first name "caird" is now gone; the one remaining caird may not be the one you wanted
if i were a github user i would simply use a unique name for my project
@mousetail wut the
@mousetail where
Hmm my script refuses to work on windows since stdout default encoding is cp1252
hey I need some help
what number, exactly, does this python script output?
x=sum([c for i in range(c)])
for i in range(x):n+=n<<n
(c is equal to 1114111)
I'm pretty sure it's uncomputable, but I need an estimate of what number it is
Seems like it would be a incredibly huge number
It is
I need an estimate of approximately how large it is
using up-arrow notation or what have you
> estimate of exactly
Like even the number of digits would be impossible to write down
that's why we have up-arrow notation
wait wdym its "uncomputable"
you literally wrote an algorithm for it right there
I think the program requires more memory to run than computers currently have
ah, practicalities
but IDK for sure
well first off, whats x?
more likely it would just take forever
im pretty sure that much can be expressed in closed form
and finally whats n<<n mean again :-) is it like...
n*2^n ?
ok that makes sense ty lol
I don't know very much about really big numbers so I'm not sure how to represent it
so in n=n+n*2^n, as grows, i feel like the "n+" part becomes negligible
like consider 100+100*2^100
@DialFrost Actually it was miscounted, it's actually 2 million bytes: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/235755/91213
me and the boys going ?rLꜝ?rLꜝ?rLꜝ?rLꜝ?rLꜝ?rLꜝ?rLꜝ?rLꜝ?rLꜝ
but yea in fact id say probably the 100* part is negligible as n grows
or uh
the n* part
I have to use << due to restrictions on the challenge to which this code is going to be an answer
what I need yalls help for is computing my score
no i know i know
im just saying in terms of estimating it, those little parts disappear in the "limit" so to speak
or so id imagine, based on my current intuitions :P
You probably need the big arrow notation
as I thought
id say for some large enough n, n+n*2^n is roughly equal to 2^n
so like, for i in range(x):n=2^n, so youre doing 2^(2^(2^(...n))... like, x times
so thats a power tower of 2s x digits high (lower bound, since were removing the extra youd get from the addition and multiplication)
unfortunately, I think a power tower of 1241243320321 2s won't render all that well with mathjax
thats fine
two up arrows is power tower
so its 2 up up 1241243320321
i dont have a unicode up arrow on me
okay, now for my final question:
2↑↑1241243320321 if i havent done something grossly illegal secretly :P
what's that divided by 85^3?
I note that it isn't changed
614125 is not very big
Yea 85^3 is totally irrelavent at this scale
any way you could figure out how much the addition and multiplication would add?
I'll brb, good luck and thanks very much
np its fun to get to think about this before someone else does the calculations first :P
Okay symbolic is looking like it's going to be far harder than even the approximation approach
Imagine having
2↑↑1241243320321 money in the bank, then your stocks go down by 99.999999% but the difference isn't even significant enough to change your listed wealth.
I think I'm just going for floats, if it works for JS it works for ya boi
it doesnt work for js
^^^ life goals
new life goal: being able to count to three
i feel a little out of my depth trying to determine whether the multiplication would actually change anything
new life goal: being able to count to 3↑↑3
@thejonymyster It would not
at those big numbers multiplication by anything that can be written down without arrow notation is insignificant.
i think you double negatived
but i get what youre saying
LDP: How important are arbitrary precision ints in a golfing language?
Are y'all sure?
Not very important, since you are allowed to assume numbers are perfect
even if they aren't
oh right lol
but also itd be nice to use them for like, encoding info for silly reasons
or getting the nth digit of some number :P
I think I'll include ints, then
It shouldn't be a ton of work
you could always axe em latah
@mousetail i guess my issue with intuiting it is the fact that the multiplication is applied at every step along the way, including way up at the start
Well that's the worst of both worlds since I do the work but don't get any benefit :p
@thejonymyster yeah
@RadvylfPrograms yeah
@RadvylfPrograms ah but you gain experience young patapon
a lot of challenges have really big numbers
also jelly has them, and you dont overrule dennis :P
also kc challenges where you actually have to print the number itself to be correct :P
which overrules assuming perfect numbers
(which isnt super often but yknow)
Yeah but you'd use string compression for that anyway
oh yea :P
that reminds me, im still sad nobody ever did 99 bottles in jelly
(Well, I guess unless it has interesting numerical properties which are conveneint for a golflang)
@thejonymyster be the change you wish to see in the world
Doesn't every golflang have a builtin for 99 bottles
well i dont know jelly
the goal was to get someone to do that simple question in jelly to see how theyd approach it
and learn from that :P
@mousetail That would be an incredibly dumb built-in
So no
@mousetail lol only vyxal
Several I looked up had it
No good golfing language would waste a 256th of its code page on a single challenge
myownlanguage would
I think they where created at a time when your score in that challenge was considered a overall benchmark
that reminds me i need to solve more challenges
Go do it
in what
@Seggan in general :-)
@mousetail so no, it wouldn't change anything?
I'll answer you if you give me 2↑↑1241243320321 money
its an approximation anyway
(Currency is irrelevant, even old inflated Zimbabwe dollars will do)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

taohThe cat's talkin'! Write a simple cat program that takes from STDIN and copies it to STDOUT, however: Your program's source code must be an English word in the Unix words file. The shortest program (in bytes) wins!

@thejonymyster There's only really one approach, and it's not interesting. Generate the range to 99, insert each into the base template string, then append the ending bit. No room for creativity or golfing
@mousetail yes okay here is a imaginary check for 2↑↑1241243320321 Turkish lira
@cairdcoinheringaahing right but.. yknow.... someone do it! i put a bounty on it even! if its so easy thats free rep! gfsdg
Hmm not sure how imaginary money would work. If I square it I would have negative money
FizzBuzz is the challenge I've seen used as a metric of golfing kanguage golfiness more often
@mousetail so if i give you i, and you square it, you owe me 1 money?
Yea that's why I'd prefer not to square it
Explain how to square money
cut it in half
Seems like a thing shitty investment apps would promise
@cairdcoinheringaahing arrange money in a square
@mousetail I have a ton of imaginary money
I spend it on cool mansions and helicopters and stuff
@RadvylfPrograms raise it to the power of 4 :P
@RadvylfPrograms Who doesn't?
@RadvylfPrograms well yes but do you have 2↑↑1241243320321 units of it
@RadvylfPrograms ooh imaginary mansions and all right?
@Ginger i have 69↑⁴²â°1337 imaginary units of money :P
I think that's less than 2↑↑1241243320321
no its more
up (superscript n) is "n up arrows"
@PyGamer0 just invest it with imaginary interest or whatever the 3b1b video said
Does "How long is this number in base n" already exist?
how will you turn it into real money?
@mathcat ya
wait how long does it take for chat to sync with a name change
whoah SE has keyboard shortcuts?
@Seggan multiply it by its conjugate :P
you can make it go faster by going to your chat bio and setting you main site to CGCC again
it forces a refresh
oh wait nvm
@Sʨɠɠan is your name temporary?
ya for now
ill change it maybe in a year or when i get tired of it
Q: How long is the number in this base?

2x plus 1Given a positive integer \$n\$ and another positive integer \$b\$ (\$1 < b < 36\$), return the number of digits/length of \$n\$ in base \$b\$ 1597 16 -> 3 1709 9 -> 4 190 29 -> 2 873 24 -> 3 1061 27 -> 3 289 26 -> 2 1575 34 -> 3 1135 15 -> 3 1161 22 -> 3 585 23 -> 3 1412 23 -> 3 1268 14 -> 3 714 ...

Why the downvotes? It seems clear enough to me.
oh hey that was one of my jelly answers
before i learned vyxal
It's not a great challenge tbh. Personally, I dislike the base restriction
A: Largest Number Printable

GingerPython, 85 bytes (82 chars), score \$2 \uparrow\uparrow 1241243320321\$ That's a pretty big number. c=ord("ôŋŋ") x=sum([c for i in range(c)]) n=int() for i in range(x):n+=n<<n print(n)

ah right
It doesn't seem to have a scoring criterion.
@Sʨɠɠan so apparently your name is now just pronounced "San"
You mean in IPA?
I think so, yes
i dont care, call me steggan
ʨɠɠ are not silent in IPA.
Google Translate TTS pronounces it "Saaan" with a weird long a that kinda sounds autotuned
It's wrong.
It's really hard to pronounce.
ШаĐŊ is pronounced smth like Shahn
can someone do me a favor and update the leaderboard for this question? I'm not sure if I'm on it but I don't think it's accurate right now
@Sʨɠɠan ШаĐŊlЏ|ЭГI
i dont copy
sure you do, just use ctrl-c
yknow what i mean
do I? :p
@Ginger i dont understand what you mean by that message
It doesn't have to mean anything, Sʨɠɠan.
It doesn't have to mean anything at all.
the local IPA pronouncer says its Shchgan
not sure how I'd pronounce that
@GrainGhost It's tagged
ah ʨ occurs in russian
i mean the sound
sh-t-sh-g is a syllable onset I cannot really pronounce
I sort of can but I think there's a schwa hidden in there somewhere
A: Does the OP have to explicitly state the winning criteria?

Martin EnderYes, the winning criterion needs to be specified in the challenge First, tags like code-golf where the winning criterion is obvious in theory. You're right that it's probably not entirely necessary, but especially with newer users it's often not clear whether they just picked a suggested tag wit...

not for me :P its totally possible
I don't read tags personally.
what if they insult you?
good point
"What? I dont read tags"
earless guy from tails gets trolled pic
@GrainGhost Yeah, it's probably worth editing in the traditional "Shortest code wins" rather than closing tho
ok so ive managed to look it up and in russian it would be ĐĄŅ‡ĐŗĐ°ĐŊ, which is roughly pronounced S ch gh an
The winning criterion should be explicitly stated, but if can be inferred, it should be edited in not VTC'd.
It has 0 votes to close.
Noone is voting to close it.
And they don't need to, cause it now has en explicit win con :P
(I'm just agreeing with caird, no clue if people are or not)
I just thingk is pretty lazy to not even bother including the criterion.
@RadvylfPrograms But I have seen it done before
The challenge is boring and low effort.
@GrainGhost Yeah, but I've seen posts be brought up in chat, someone mention "Oh, they didn't say 'Shortest code wins'" and people just pile on the VTCs. Wanted to make sure people didn't even bother doing that
@GrainGhost agreed
@GrainGhost I doubt it laziness, we just have a ton of specific rules that a new user probably wouldn't know about, and including a redundant explanation of the rules in the challenge isn't something you'd assume you need to do
Looking at the challenge it looks very lazy.
i mean its not like... hard
i dont think that makes it lazy
probably someone who thought it was interesting due to lack of experience
the solution as always is to lurk more before posting :P
The massive list of test cases in kinda indicative tbh. None of them provide any clarification for potential edge cases, or are interesting outputs. it's literally just a long list of random numbers, and the majority of outputs being 3
man this one guy just speedrunnning challenges with go
well it's called go not stop
argh i hate how long it takes for mathjax to load
More test cases doesn't make the challenge clearer. Test cases are one area where "less is more" can really be seen imo
@Sʨɠɠan I feel your pain
it half loads, then while im browsing like 5 secs later it fully loads and the page is reset
I don't really care much about what was going on inside of the person who posted it's head. I'm not trying to psychoanalyse them. The challenge is very bare bones and the task is pretty boring. That's all I really need to care about when voting.
@cairdcoinheringaahing No more test cases are good, but good quality test cases are more important than quantity
well hold on
@cairdcoinheringaahing I feel that sometimes people just gloss over the challenge and try to guess what the challenge is from the test cases.
id say examples are less is more
but having a lot of test cases can be helpful
I definitely agree that fewer test cases are better.
@GrainGhost that could be a fun game (given the test cases, guess the challenge), but shouldn't be how people start a challenge :P
^ we should do that lol
with lots of test cases describing the challenge
I'm sure they read (most of) the actual challenge, but it's just they seem to use the test cases to determine most of the details.
@Sʨɠɠan This is weird, but I can pronounce it :P
i just think about the tut tut tut challenge and like, theres not much needed as far as examples to explain the challenge, but the test cases are helpful to verify that youre not getting false positives
especially when it seems like your regex or whatever is correct for 99% of cases but theres a weird edge case you didnt think of lol
The "gh" is more of a glottal rasping sound than a "guh"
like.. test cases are for testing purposes
like the ukranian Đŗ
its not the challenge writer's fault if users are trying to gleam the challenge from it :P
@thejonymyster Yes, test cases should be there to demonstrate edge cases. But, if there are no edge cases, then you don't need more than 3/4 test cases to get the point across
oh of course
@mathcat Definitely not ready to post.
How high can n be?
arbitrarily large
Still needs a quick definition for how each number gets its name, but other than that +1 — thejonymyster Oct 7 at 20:27
You need to define how to convert numbers to English.
English names don't go up arbitrarily high.
oh right, okay
I'm not advocating for "no one can include more than 3 test cases", I'm saying that people should only include test cases that improve the question and make it easier to understand (in tandem with the challenge description), rather than just throwing in 20 I/O examples and calling it a day
oh yea totally lol :-)
It honestly seems like very near duplicate.
It doesn't seem to bring anything interesting to the table.
I disagree - the last one was more of a kolmogorov complexity challenge
This is still kc.
@mathcat Given the pattern in English number names, so is this
imo i just think its better than the existing one :P
The likelihood is that once it reaches 100, it'll be 100 os (one hundred and X), then 200 ts, and so on
It's just the same challenge, but scaled up by 10/100/1000 depending on n
I agree that this is the more interesting version, but not by much, and the other has already been done.
okay then

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