Malbolge, 265 bytes
Malbolge is too concise to win this competition.
Imagine having 2ââ1241243320321 money in the bank, then your stocks go down by 99.999999% but the difference isn't even significant enough to change your listed wealth.
@mousetail i guess my issue with intuiting it is the fact that the multiplication is applied at every step along the way, including way up at the start
The cat's talkin'!
Write a simple cat program that takes from STDIN and copies it to STDOUT, however:
Your program's source code must be an English word in the Unix words file.
The shortest program (in bytes) wins!
@thejonymyster There's only really one approach, and it's not interesting. Generate the range to 99, insert each into the base template string, then append the ending bit. No room for creativity or golfing
Python, 85 bytes (82 chars), score \$2 \uparrow\uparrow 1241243320321\$
That's a pretty big number.
x=sum([c for i in range(c)])
for i in range(x):n+=n<<n
Yes, the winning criterion needs to be specified in the challenge
First, tags like code-golf where the winning criterion is obvious in theory. You're right that it's probably not entirely necessary, but especially with newer users it's often not clear whether they just picked a suggested tag wit...
@GrainGhost Yeah, but I've seen posts be brought up in chat, someone mention "Oh, they didn't say 'Shortest code wins'" and people just pile on the VTCs. Wanted to make sure people didn't even bother doing that
@GrainGhost I doubt it laziness, we just have a ton of specific rules that a new user probably wouldn't know about, and including a redundant explanation of the rules in the challenge isn't something you'd assume you need to do
The massive list of test cases in kinda indicative tbh. None of them provide any clarification for potential edge cases, or are interesting outputs. it's literally just a long list of random numbers, and the majority of outputs being 3
I don't really care much about what was going on inside of the person who posted it's head. I'm not trying to psychoanalyse them. The challenge is very bare bones and the task is pretty boring. That's all I really need to care about when voting.
i just think about the tut tut tut challenge and like, theres not much needed as far as examples to explain the challenge, but the test cases are helpful to verify that youre not getting false positives
especially when it seems like your regex or whatever is correct for 99% of cases but theres a weird edge case you didnt think of lol
@thejonymyster Yes, test cases should be there to demonstrate edge cases. But, if there are no edge cases, then you don't need more than 3/4 test cases to get the point across
I'm not advocating for "no one can include more than 3 test cases", I'm saying that people should only include test cases that improve the question and make it easier to understand (in tandem with the challenge description), rather than just throwing in 20 I/O examples and calling it a day