$U,V$ are finite dimensional vector spaces. $W$ is a given vector space. Let $T\in L(U,V), S\in L(V,W)$ be linear transformations then it is to be shown that $\rm dimrange \,ST\le\min (dimrange\, T, dimrange \,S).$
**Proof:** For any $\rm x\in range \,ST, \exists y\in U$ such that $\rm STy=x\implies x=S(Ty)\in range \,S$. It follows that $\rm range\, ST\subset range\, S$, whence $$\rm dimrange \, ST\leq dimrange\ S.\tag 1$$
The following shows that $\rm dimrange \, ST\leq dimrange\, T$
Let $\rm v\in range\, T $. There exists a $u\in U$ such that $Tu=v$. It follows that $\rm STu= Sv\in r…