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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

@l4m2 I think the current list of half-byte languages is Risky, HBL, and Nibbles.
Risky is n't exactly designed for golf, and it can be golfy sometimes, but also very ungolfy sometimes (thus the name). HBL is somewhat designed for golf, but uses a suboptimal paradigm and needs a lot more development. Nibbles is designed for golf and seems pretty good from what I've seen, but I haven't tried it yet.
Risky was designed specifically for code golf
But it's not that good at it
Any language use order of input for symmetry operation to have extra meaning? e.g. a$b is a+b, but b$a is b*a
but if I write 2$3, how does the language know if I meant 2+3 or 3*2?
"2"<"3" so it's a$b
a$a is a*a, use a*2 to mean a+a
How do, e.g. opcode, rule on "same calling method" for where op(f) do another task? Same distance between head?
@DLosc I've got a half-byte Vyxal in the making - it's called Halfwit and will hopefully be golfy.
i need some operator ideas for Dynalist
Your list golflang?
imagine Jelly but with more list stuff
How's that going to work?
that's what I'm working on right now
And please tell me it's not gonna be tacit
(spoiler: Jelly is an array language)
but I'm making it more array'y
with my current design, I was able to make a 6-byter for this challenge
Good luck
i think it'll turn out good
The 6-byter: Bw↔‽↩;
Yuck, is that an emoji?
is an emoji on my computer
there are no emojis in there
that's an arrow
On my machine that's an emoji
idk man
that's the "reverse direction" operator
Why not stick with Jelly's code page?
because then it'd be indistinguishable from Jelly
this is a Jelly-like lang, not a Jelly clone
Jelly's code page is easy to type though
Ispshor is using basically the same code page
i'll consider it
at least try not to include things that are emoji on some computers lol
No idea what the chrome os font designer people were thinking
any other symbols for "reverse direction"?
@RadvylfPrograms like, that's not even a good looking arrow
it looks like it came from Windows 95
CMQ: What would be the term for an expression that takes a non-zero, non-variable number of parameters?
like a blanket term for monad, dyad, triad, etc. (but not nilad or manyad)
@GingerIndustries fixed arity/valence function?
@Adám i'm going to go with "somead"
@Adám ah yes, the \+ad\
One of the most interesting things about code-golf is that after some time golfing, the task becomes more like a task of ensuring the outputs are correct rather than actually solving the challenge
@Fmbalbuena I don't know frankly. I'm rather curious why a lot of your other sandbox posts are downvoted. I don't find them that bad or unclear to the point that they deserve a downvote...
speaking of which, why aren't downvotes used much in the sandbox?
@ophact Ok, I think can you upvote?
I only upvote posts that I find particularly interesting. While you do make some particularly interesting challenges, the particular linked one is not, so I'm rather indifferent to that one. No offense intended of course, because I am indifferent to the vast majority of proposals
Why everyone only upvote interesting sandbox posts?
that's what upvotes are for...
at least in the sandbox
> It is recommended to leave your posts in the sandbox for at least several days, and until it receives upvotes and any feedback has been addressed.
@Fmbalbuena While I don't think it merits a downvote: it's not especially clear what the two programs are supposed to be (first one can do anything, second one takes a program as input and outputs a score?), and you don't say how a cops' answer is cracked
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh i will clarify later
It amuses me when I get +10 and then about 10 minutes later a new answer
@pxeger I always do them the other way around: you get a new answer and then an immediate +10 :P
most often for me (when I'm answering) it's upvote -> write an answer -> either post answer or retract upvote
why do you retract the upvote?
yesterday, by caird coinheringaahing
@GingerIndustries Yes please, I've been searching for a new sleep ASMR
@ophact if I decide the solution has turned out boring, which means the challenge is not as interesting as I first thought
that's never happened to me
TIL there's actually a bitcoin unicode character
@pxeger ಠ_ಠ
@GingerIndustries that's 3 characters!
 ඞඞඞඞඞඞ      ඞ
 ඞඞඞඞඞඞ      ඞ
      ඞඞ      ඞඞ
      ඞඞ      ඞඞ
let's not get too carried away here
ඞ   ඞ     ඞ   ඞ
ඞඞඞඞඞඞ    ඞ
 ඞ                ඞ
 ඞ                ඞ
 ඞ    ඞඞ       ඞ
 ඞඞඞ  ඞඞඞඞ
lol no
what is that
Remember that game we used to play where we'd list the number of search results for a term on a bunch of SE sites and try to guess what the word was?
Well I've got a hard one:
Stack Overflow  139
Latin           42
Code Golf       22
Worldbuilding   21
Gardening       17
Biology         9
DIY             5
Photography     3
Literature      2
Skeptics        2
Tor             1
also we could have the room unfrozen if we want to do more
@GingerIndustries Joke's on you--the table in my database is called PERSON, not PEOPLE ;p
@RadvylfPrograms "dphys-swapfile"
No lol
No results on CGCC :p
I will say that the meaning used in DIY is different from the one on SO is different from the one on Latin
128 on CGCC
There's no way that has 139 results on SO lol
Nope, 226 thousand
Are you even checking these lol
i am now
fun fact: "bevel" has exactly 1000 results on SO
@RadvylfPrograms hint?
One of its meanings is an organism of some sort
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AnttiPGolf the prime numbers in replacement calculus I'd like to introduce a new? programming language I call replacement calculus. It has very simple syntax. Here is a program that checks if an input is divisible by three: yes no 3=0 4=1 5=2 6=0 7=1 8=2 9=0 00=0 01=1 02=2 10=1 11=2 12=0 20=2 21=0 22=1...

This one's probably gonna be really hard:
Stack Overflow          26,612
Photography             15.750
Game Development        2,447
Electrical Engineering  1,158
Gardening               932
History                 512
Law                     485
Meta                    326
Code Golf               204
Cooking                 185
Biology                 172
Mi Yodeya               120
Chemistry               75
Web Applications        36
Cryptography            32
Freelancing             30
Linguistics             27
Genealogy               12
Just threw in some random ones at the end
This is a word that's used a lot in everyday speech, so there's a bit of noise
@RadvylfPrograms this is hard
Hint: The gardening meaning is different from the photography one
The first is a noun, the second is a verb
And there's other meanings used on some of the other sites
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

UnderslashGrid Aligned (Quad?) Linked List Fluff I was recently thinking about 2-dimensional linked lists, and realized that they could potentially become unaligned to a grid, unlike a singly linked list. To combat that, I need a program that checks if a quad-list is grid aligned or not, and it needs to be...

Its been a while since I posted, thoughts on the new challenge?
Q: Capture the longest leading whitespace substring from lines

dx_over_dtThe Challenge Given a multiline string, return the longest substring of leading whitespace in present every line, ignoring empty lines or lines composed only of whitespace. I wrote a quick script on for my iPhone that comments or uncomments JavaScript code (since I can't use ctrl+/). I want the ...

@GingerIndustries what does it do? How does it work?
Bw     Walk over input as a boolean list
  ↔    Invert the current item
  ‽↩  If the current item is True, reverse walk direction
;      End walk block
@lyxal ^
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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