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Packs that give you boosts of something for a while would be cool too
why am i only one on green team?
is it possible to change teams?
You just reload to start on the other one
Reload and click the other button
Hmm, armor isn't all that useful
Yeah, it's currently not mathematically balanced like the other stats
what's this game called?
Redwolf's tanks
Idea: If you reach the other side's spawn area, you get a certain number of kills and are returned to your base
Tom Clancy vs Redwolf
So instead of spawn camping, which is annoying but effective, you just get a lot of kill points
I would just like the spawn area to be a safe zone
A small blue rectangle where nothing bad happens to you
Yeah, I'll make it so that you're safe when you first spawn in until you leave the safe zone
But returning to it won't make you invulnerable again
Although you could just stay in the spawn area forever unless there's a timeout of some sort
So you can't just hide out in your base while you regen
todo: make a bot for this game
I'll work on some features and the repo, y'all keep playing
todo: detect bots :P
oh yes
if I could be bothered then I would love to figure out how to use AI to do this
Okay, made some improvements to the armor formula so it's now more balanced
In a 1v1 encounter, if the sum of your armor, damage, and reload is the same, you now do damage to each other at roughly the same rate
Sad no one responded to my CMC
The one about scrolling text
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Currently, you can set your username to be to spaces
CMC write code with the same result as bpa.st/A33A but golfed
oh, that'd be a CLC lol
CMC = chat mega challenge as well
ah, I see
What us the L in CLC?
probably large
lima bean?
Why is it liminal?
@mathcat yeah, I thought about that, but it's too much work to make it restricted to reasonable strings of unicode
Isn't M mini?
It's quite a small challenge isn't it?
ok, i'll try to golf the code
Cool! In python or a different language?
I am intrigued to know if there is a language suited to golfing this
I'll just try to golf the liked code
Maybe M is medium :)
you could probably use p5 js
I should really ask a challenge but I fear the downvotes
@graffe ask in sandbox
p5 js sounds interesting
@graffe the normal is to answer than ask (to get experience in this site)
In the tank game, why is there a large box that says "testing" in front of my screen?
wait two redwolf?
Yes lol
It's me
I wanted it to say "Radvylf was shot by Radvylf"
it did
okay so it turns out that reinforcement learning with Python is very hard
@taRadvylfsriksushilani can I try to crash it can I do some bug testing?
@GingerIndustries why do you say that?
I have just started to learn how to do it
@mathcat What sort
@graffe there seems to be no way for me to do it in a way that I understand
I am not very smart
Please nothing of the DDoS type, like spawning in 50 tanks or shooting 40 bullets or sending 800 chat messages
@GingerIndustries which library are you using?
username/Armor, speed,etc. testing
@graffe I haven't found a good one yet
stable baselines3 has a very simple bit flipping example
Keep in mind most invalid settings will get you kicked out immediately
@graffe ???
I'm testing too, but nothing of that sort, just checking out what happens when you change the stats (okay, I'll admit it's partially because I want to see how fast you can go too)
@GingerIndustries the options seem to be stable baselines 3 or ray/rllib
@graffe can I have links to these?
Google is your friend
The documentation is not ideal though
i'm looking at rllib
@graffe not sure how to get it to play nice with Tanks
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I found my first security exploit!
Currently, I think nobody can kill me
I don't know if I should say Good job or what lol
oh wait no lol
I'm not sure
i have been staring at the examples for a while and i think i get it
ok no sorry
you'll all know soon
Ok, this time I really think I found one
replit's been trying to install everything for like 5min
If you don't enter anything for your username, remove the disable tag, and click the button, your username would be "".
Package operations: 12 installs, 5 updates, 0 removals ._.
im been trying to set speed to 999, but I'm stuck
Package operations: 27 installs, 5 updates, 0 removals .___.
@BgilMidol In ws.send, set speed to 0 or something, only keep it 999 on your side
Btw @taRadvylfsriksushilani maybe the physics should be handled server side? I can make myself go super fast
@user link?
@user It can't be fully server side or there'd be ridiculous input lag
And doing it partially server side is a lot of work for not much gain
Since I can just ask people nicely not to hack at this point lol
And kick them otherwise
oopsies, replit doesn't like tensorflow
@taRadvylfsriksushilani can i test superspeed?
oh, I'm out of space for this repl
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Ah, fair enough
@BgilMidol Sure. You have to download the front-end code and modify it, though.
Unless Ginger, Aaron, and mathcat are l33t enough to have made a workaround already
Okay, in the next release there's going to be a modding API
A very, very bare bones one
window.mod(f) runs f in the context of the closure where everything runs
I'll add more modding capabilities over time
What's ttr, ttrm, and ttrd, by the way?
m is for holding down the trigger, since that adds a slight time penalty over spam clicking/precise timing
ttrd is the initial value of ttr, for the little indicator in the bottom left
@taRadvylfsriksushilani (⌐■_■)
i'm busy making a Python API for the game
@taRadvylfsriksushilani how?
Ask one of the haxxors
Ginger, Aaron, mathcat, and user all have copies I'm pretty sure
@BgilMidol i got it by the very high-tech system of going to the Sources tab in DevTools and copying main.js
and how can i run it?
that's up to you
Just open your local index.html (go to file://C:\Users\Bgil\index.html)
Who put U+202e in their name?
I did lol
wow I was super speed
Why did you keep going back and forth?
why was i kicked?
To test the update
testing new features
It looked like mathcat kept going back and forth very fast and then teleporting. Very weird
also, my downloaded game's css isn't working
Did you download css/main.css (and put it inside a css folder)?
Well, you can do without it anyway, it's a canvas
um, my no-sum-limit isn't working
It's kinda creepy how redwolf can send arbitrary stuff in chat
I was actually slightly scared because of chat before because I thought it'd be HTML and someone could insert stuff into it, but luckily it's just canvas stuff
@emanresuA Not all that creepy, it's his server and everything
@BgilMidol That's partially handled server side
@user Still.
Now, if he could manipulate all our tanks, that'd be somewhat creepy
He probably even knows our IPs now lol
I one-shotted mathcat then the server went down
Is this game actually turning into a serious game?
um how do i mod super-speed?
why do i keep gettigng ws 1006?
Um are the ws disconnects because of me?
... maybe
ws 1006 is server down
1005 is server kicked you
I've been messing around with ws.send
I have SE Nitro, remember?
hello is modded me (not currently working)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani What's 1008?
@BgilMidol It is, you're immortal
Means server's been stopped manually
@emanresuA how?
And that I wasn't lazy and did stop to properly stop it rather than Ctrl+C
I can't damage you
Idea: Powerups
@emanresuA You're not actually online
There's been a lot of breaking changes
And I haven't pushed them to the public front-end yet
i cant damage emanresuA
I can't damage you back
and I am super speed
anyno, o/
What do you guys think about invulnerability / invisibility being until you damage someone?
I thought about that
But then you could go all the way to the opponent's base without taking damage
Also it'd be cool if you could have different classes of tank
Like maybe one that slows down your reload but increases your damage, or one where you have two barrels opposite each other that only do 2/3 damage, or one that lays landmines, etc.
Intangibility could go awry if it ends just as you're in a wall. Of course, there could be extra code to let you get out, but it might be a bit complicated
Just kills you
@emanresuA idk about that, but I could get behind some kind of powerup that only becomes available if you go X seconds without hurting people
@emanresuA Okay that's simple and smart lol
Hmm okay
How is Redwolf invulnerable lol
It's a bug with the new armor formula, I'm actually debugging that right now lol
Alright, finished with the first wave of updates!
Added auto-team-placement and spectator mode
You'll have to hard reload, lots of new HTML and JS
How regain health?
Oh, no need; I can keep playing after dying!
@taRadvylfsriksushilani This is addictive, nerve wrecking, and fun!
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I guess imma have to remake my hax :p
@emanresuA I was actually thinking about making some hax for different tank classes
...where is the game
I really like the simplicity of it all. There's strategy in choosing your stats — none of the silly power-upping. And then there's actual strategy on the battlefield.
i checked your website but didn't see a link to it
However, I do think there should be a wall around the arena.
And maybe not moving for a few seconds should trickle-heal.
I'm going to be adding that soon, yeah
A link from your website, or my two suggestions?
The trickle-healing, but also a link from my website
turns out my hax still work, even though they're using the old html and js
If there's no arena wall, we need a way to pan.
I'm not sure which of those I'm going to go with, both have been suggested and I'm planning on adding at least one.
Any votes on which?
Surely an infinite world is more interesting, but then it'd be nice if you could algorithmically generate further obstacles in the wide world.
We'd probably also want an indicator of how far a shot goes, like a little red dot or something.
I think for now I'll add a barrier, but procedurally generated obstacles could be a future feature.
I should probably also get around to making it so that the unit isn't pixels, since currently people with higher screen resolutions have an advantage
Uh, I didn't realise that.
Feature request: procedurally generated sound effects: Driving noise pitch depending on speed. Shot volume depending on damage. Hit boom depending on armor.
How does the chat work?
Press T
@Adám That'd be cool. I've never added sound to a game before, but I guess I could try.
Would it be possible to replace the fading reload indicator with a diminishing bar? It be much easier to quickly grasp when exactly to take the next shot.
Yeah, the only reason it's the fading one is that it used to look way different and a shrinking one wouldn't have made sense. I'll fix that.
How about drawing a ∧ behind the turret to make it easier to understand which direction is forward? It is a very military looking symbol too.
Maybe we should have a separate chat room for this game?
Good point. I'll make one.


Chat for Radvylf's Tank Game (redwolfprograms.com/tanks)
Fixed reload bar
@GingerIndustries Yes please, I've been searching for a new sleep ASMR
A: Find my Māori pronouns

Kirill L.Ruby -apl, 71 bytes k=$F[2]?:koutou: :kōrua;$_=!/a/?k:(/k/??t:/u/??m:?r)+?ā+k[3,3]if$F[1] Try it online!

@emanresuA ?
Ruby -apl lol
Oh. Hm.
my petition is gaining steam
2 seconds of screaming done, 4:58 minutes to go
The things I do for you lot.

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